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“Hot off the presses,” Clark said, tossing his tablet at Linda the moment she came in the door. Being Superman in his spare time, of course he’d heard her coming from a mile away. And being Supergirl in her spare time, of course Linda caught the callously launched appliance. 

On it, the height of Earthly technology had the article he’d been writing on his desktop computer transmogrified across the cloud to this screen. It was a simple story. Superman reveals no blood relation between he and Supergirl. Subhead: Cover story meant to safeguard young superheroine.

“The old ‘interview-with-yourself’ gag?” Linda asked, scanning through the article.

“I gave you a few quotes too. I think I got your voice down pretty well. I am something of a writer you—“

“No one says ‘dope’ anymore,” Linda commented, going through the article at hyperspeed. With dismay, Clark saw red corrections popping up on his desktop as fast as the wi-fi could carry them. “And ‘lame,’ that’s a microaggression… you overuse ‘just,’ which is a filler word…”

She tossed the tablet back to Clark. He barely managed to pull himself away from the computer to catch it. 

“Other than that, it’s great. I’m gonna take a shower.”

She went to the bathroom and turned on the hot as hot as she could get it. The warmth seemed to provide a balance to some of the dirty feelings she’d had since hearing Clark and Karen fucking. After scrubbing and rinsing, she got out to see her flushed body in the mirror. She looked the same as she had before she’d become Clark’s lover. There was no special look she lost after finding someone or got when she wasn’t alone. She was the same person still.

Linda wrapped a robe around herself and came back out into the living room to find that Clark had turned the lights off. He sat in the dark, staring out the sliding glass doors that led to the apartment’s small balcony, his glasses off and his shirt partially unbuttoned, showing the blue of the costume underneath. His handsome face was set in a thousand-yard stare, blue eyes scanning the horizon without seeing anything. Linda guessed she took pretty long showers. With nothing to do, Clark’s mind had wandered away from the good and onto the bad.

Linda walked up to him. For all his power, Clark could look so… helpless. She put her hand on his cheek as she knelt beside his chair.

“Oh, Clark,” she said. “You miss her. Don’t you?”

“Not really fair to you or Karen, is it?” Clark wiped his dry eyes. “No, you’re amazing, really, I don’t know why I’m so—“

Linda found herself smiling ruefully. “Well, if it were me, you’d probably say something like…” Linda stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. “’Even if it didn’t work out, it was still your first love, Linda, and you’re going to feel sad about it being gone no matter how many other good things are in your life.’” She knelt back down at Clark’s side. “Then you’d probably say something about Lana Lang…”

“Lana and I were never serious. Puppy love. She never even knew the truth about me. But Lois—I told her who I was. I thought it was real.”

“Who says it wasn’t?” Linda asked soothingly. “You really loved her. She’s the one who…”

Linda trailed off, for a moment letting herself feel red-eyed angry at Lois for abandoning this kind, sweet man. Then Clark put his hand on her shoulder. 

“Hey,” he said softly, seeming to find it easier to put his own emotions aside when it came to comforting her. But then, that was Clark all over. Always ready to put others first. “Don’t you get bent out of shape too. If I’m worked up over nothing and you’re worked up over me being worked up… then when Karen gets home, she’s going to kick our asses.”

Linda giggled. “She doesn’t deserve you.”

Clark shook his head. “Yeah, she did. But people don’t always get what they deserve.”

“They do if someone gives it to them,” Linda said.

She leaned over to give Clark a familial kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head and she found her lips against his. They wouldn’t part—merging instead, melding, until his tongue was in her mouth, burning against hers. 

And Linda drew her head back as if she’d been burned. “That’s still going to take some getting used to.”

Clark nodded stoically. “If you’re having second thoughts…”

“No!” Linda said quickly. “No, not at all. I’ve actually—wanted this for a really long time. But I’ve been so used to suppressing it, so I don’t make you uncomfortable… it’s weird, realizing I can talk to you about it… how horny you make me…” She grinned, hoping her world-renowned cuteness was making the gesture presentable instead of making her look like the ghoulish serial killer she kinda felt like. “Hey… that gadget you built so no one would hear you and Karen super-fucking… show me how it works?”

Clark reached into his pocket and came out with his keys. On the fob, there was a button Linda couldn’t recognize as any of the traditional functions. It had a simple icon of a percentage sign on it, which made her want to chuckle. Just convincing enough to be passed off as for so damn thing—probably to do with Bluetooth. 

He pressed it and Linda heard a slight tone at the edge of her hearing. Considering her hearing, she knew that meant it would have to be impossible for any existing microphone to pick up, much less the ears of anything native to Earth.

“That should cancel out any… unorthodox frequencies,” Clark said. 

“So you can really let loose. I’d like that.” Linda felt herself blushing. “Karen told me some guys kinda… make noise when they come. You’re probably used to holding back, but if I make you… make noise… could I hear it?”

“It wouldn’t actually work at short range,” Clark said. “The sound waves would need to travel a short distance before the device cancels them out.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Linda said.

She bent to kiss Clark. His arms went around her. The key fob dropped to the floor. His tongue stabbed into her mouth and she rubbed her own against it. She knew Karen got off on his power, his roughness, bringing out that dark, masculine side of him, and she could understand the appeal, but Linda could only hunger for his gentle touch. She got enough abuse fighting crime and wearing a miniskirt. She wanted the softness that somehow came with Clark’s great strength, and he knew just how to offer it to her, letting Linda take it, letting her indulge her lust on him as much as she wanted, while he only provided the satisfaction she partook in.

But he took enough initiative to keep things interesting. She felt his hand on the knot of her robe, and that same gentle touch she craved now pulled her robe open, baring her nakedness. He cupped her exposed breast in his hand. Linda let herself moan, knowing it was only for Clark and the device that would make her as quiet as a cricket otherwise. She didn’t just do it because his touch felt good. She did it to turn him on, to get more of his soft touch, his skilled hand fondling her. Linda had spent so long telling herself that this was wrong that it was a testament to how badly she wanted it that she couldn’t stop now. 

Clark stood up, towering over her comparatively petite frame, his body packed with muscles where she was long and lean. It turned Linda on even more, knowing that when he had her, it would be as overwhelming as a bear attacking its prey. She was only growing more welcoming of the intense assault on her senses that she knew was coming. Soon, Linda would not be able to go without it.

Both his hands cupped her tits, his fingers achingly stimulating her hardened nipples. Linda couldn’t believe her body could flare up to such tender arousal from such a little touch after how strenuously he’d already had her, but Clark was turning her on like she was a virgin. Though she knew she had no pain to look forward to. Only the pleasure of being his again and again. 

Her quivering excitement made her grip his wrists, shove her breasts into his clasping fingers. She loved being in his hands. Clark lavished her breasts with attention, making them feel stupendous. She wasn’t ashamed of them, pert and well-sized as they were, but the way Clark touched them, grasped them, invested every inch of them with as much pleasure as he could give them—oh, this had to be what Karen felt like, having breasts so nice. 

“Rao, Clark—you make me feel so good!” she gasped. “I wanna make you feel good too!”

“You do, Linda,” he said, his hands tightening on her breasts so forcefully that it would’ve hurt if it didn’t feel just wonderful. “You always, always do.”

He kissed her lips softly, his tongue finding hers again, and she enjoyed it so much that she almost didn’t notice his hands releasing her cleavage to delve down her body, cupping her supple ass in his broad hands. In his slacks, Clark’s manhood swelled, waiting impatiently for him to pull Linda against his body and let her feel its growing heft against her mound. And Clark let it wait, keeping the kiss going instead, knowing Linda was enjoying it so much that her swooning was nearly orgasmic.


P. C.

This was awesome! I love the mix of the mundane with the supranatural, the very human feelings combined with superhuman skills and tech. It's great to see how, in private, their relationship is making them take advantage of their special abilities in ways that couldn't be achieved with a human partner. On that note, it's great to see them use their powers in a less heroic setting and for more common, day-to-day tasks. I always wanted to see more of that in the comics, but felt that they behaved too much like normal people even when nobody was watching. I also loved the way Linda and Karen's relationship with Clark is markedly different but equally special for him, and how you state that it has been something that they have both wanted and fantasized for years, even if, at least in Linda's case, they had felt guilty about it. Finally, I really enjoyed how the personal, intimate moments can have both sexiness and tenderness mixed with touches of introspection and candidness. Thanks a lot for this addition.

