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Kory was bent over the bar, broad shoulders hunched, waiting for her pitcher of beer to be refilled. “I miss Dick,” she said seriously. On her left side, Dinah instantly turned to shush Helena, who refrained from laughing, but gave Dinah a broad grin. Yeah, Dinah admitted to herself, it was kind of funny. Then she patted Kory on the back, because she was a good sister-wife and not kinda an asshole like Helena. “He’ll be back,” Dinah told her. “But hey, at least we have each other.” A pretty cool thing about being a superhero and friends with superheroes was that you could walk into any bar in Gotham and not worry about trouble. Dinah doubted Bizarro was drinking there, after all. The McBain wasn’t annoying enough to be a yuppie bar, but it was still pretty clean, with a hint of danger. Some of the braver frat boys were dredging there, and their leers were the most dangerous thing about the place—the regulars were crooks, yes, but knew enough to stick to their drinks. It helped having Kory with them. Seven feet tall, built like a Greek statue, and glowing green eyes. Even someone dumb enough to live in Gotham was smart enough not to mess with her. Helena was still kinda disappointed no one had started a barfight, gotten them all started on a wild adventure. They really were just having a night on the town. She sidled against the bar backwards, spine against it, legs open on her stool. “Stuck in a relationship with Barbara Gordon, though. That’s not much better.” “Hel!” “What? I like her. But you gotta admit, Dick’s exhausting, Babs is controlling—maybe a little sympathy for us, having to put up with them both just because the sex is great.” Helena eyed the bartender refilling Kory’s drink. “Move it along.” “I like Barbara,” Kory insisted. “She’s a queen. She rules to make us happy.” “Yeah, well—I didn’t sign up to be a peasant.” Helena reached behind her for a shotglass, brought it unerringly to her lips. “You’re a knight,” Dinah told her. “Just like me. Just with less of a classical, timeless aesthetic.” “What, fishnets? We’re talking about fishnets here?” “I know what you’re doing,” Kory said, lifting her pitcher for an enormous gulp. “You don’t have to banter with each other to distract me. I’m fine with Dick being on a secret mission—somewhere. Our reunions are always sweet. I just grow tired of waiting for them. I know absence makes the heart grow fonder, but how much fonder can my heart be?” “Awwwww,” Dinah cooed, leaning over to hug Kory. Kory returned the embrace, patting her on the small of the back. “So you’re not pissed at him for booking?” Helena asked. “No, of course not. I believe all must follow their feelings, and if his feelings lead him away from me for a time—“ Kory faltered. Dinah rubbed her back. “They will, in time, lead him back. He should not be with me, with any of us, out of obligation. But I believe he truly loves us. All of us.” Helena leaned back along the bar, putting her feet up on Kory’s lap. Kory rubbed her calves with the easy intimacy of a Tamaranian. Where banter had failed to distract her from her troubles, the closeness of her friends—her wives—was properly warming her. “Well, I’m gonna be pissed off at him for you. You’re, like, the perfect woman. You just wanna give him blowjobs and punch people with him. He should appreciate that. I don’t care if Batman has him in Nanda Parbat, he should at least be sending you a Dick pic.” “I do miss the sight of my Dick.” Kory’s head going downcast gave Helena another opportunity to flash Dinah a grin. Dinah mouthed something rude to her. “I know what’ll cheer you up,” Helena said, gently butting her toes up into Kory’s rock-hard stomach. “Another round?” “Nah,” Helena waved dismissively. “Dinah, your Canary Cry—how strong is it, exactly? I’ve seen you take out robots, so—it’s robot strong?” “Depends on how loud I scream.” “Mmmm,” Helena agreed. “But you have the low-level for disabling people-people, and the high-level for maybe getting in a shot at Amazo?” Dinah shrugged good-naturedly. “I just pour it on when everyone’s shooting laser beams or throwing Batarangs and hope it’s a help.” “But what would the low-level do to, say, Wonder Woman?” “Nothing, I don’t think—“ Helena danced her heels on Kory’s thigh. “And Kory, I’ve seen you get into a punch-up with Wondy. You’re pretty strong.” “Not that strong,” Kory corrected her. Her smile left no doubt about this being false modesty. “Just well-trained.” “But you could take a pretty big hit.” Kory smiled at her. “I might even like it.” Helena smiled right back. “So Kory—Dinah—if BC here were to use her Cry on Starfire, she would feel it, but it probably wouldn’t hurt her?” “I don’t think so.” “I suppose not.” “And it’s sonic, right? Vibrations? Just a really powerful, intense vibration…” Kory’s big green eyes got bigger. “I like vibrations.” Dinah tossed a wad of cash on the bar. “I like people liking vibrations.” *** Kory flew them out of Gotham, one on either side of her, arms wrapped around her and feet atop her big boots. The humans had to stand on tiptoes, but they made it work. Outside the Gotham County Line, they landed in the miles of swampland that surrounded the city, safely alone on a cozy little island. Helena liked flying Kory Air. She was loyal to Zinda Air, of course, but it was a bit harder to grope the pilot with all the controls in the way. On their nice little island, Kory stripped. Her normally skimpy clothes—her short skirt and tight T-shirt and crop jacket—didn’t even hint at the amazement of her truly naked. She was all curves: big teardrop-shaped breasts held strong against gravity’s pull by her superhuman flesh, but not with artificial stillness—with fleshy abundance that jiggled at the slight provocation. Her ass was large and voluptuously curved as well, but toned with her warrior’s training. It begged to be touched. The rest of her was equally tempting, hard and soft in a perfect beguiling mix. Her wide, open face and soft waterfall of fiery red hair were matched by the hearty bulge of the muscles in her abs and biceps, her strong thighs curved with muscle as well as decadence. And more than that, she was just so unabashed at being naked, joyful at having her nudity observed and appreciated by those she loved. She grabbed Dinah and Helena both, giggling, and pulled them into another group hug, spiced with hungry kisses to both their lips. “God, Princess—“ Helena muttered, her own nipples standing out strong and proud through her tee. “I really wanna see you get off.” “I want you to see that too,” Kory informed her, seriousness leavened with good humor. She laid down on her back and crooked her finger at Dinah. “Just fuck her up,” Helena said to Dinah, watching as the blonde got down on all fours. She wasn’t dressed quite as skimpily as Kory—Kory’s skirt seemed to sizzle up her golden upper thighs with the slightest breeze. But though Dinah’s V-neck blouse and fully zipped jacket were modest enough, her hot pants and fishnet stockings were pure sin. It was pornographic to see that ass laid down atop Dinah’s folded legs, the lovely creature herself kneeling in the V of Kory’s spread legs. Helena popped the button on her jeans—crazy that she was the most modestly dressed of the three, even with her belly-baring top—and saw Kory’s face fill with anticipation as Dinah lowered her face to Kory’s shorn sex. Kory’s face went funny as Helena grabbed herself through her pants, a low whistle filling the air—but not as effectively as it filled Kory’s cunt. “X’hal!” Starfire exclaimed. Naturally. “Did I hurt you?” Dinah asked, raising her head. All concern. “That was as quiet as I could go…” Kory put her hand to Dinah’s bleached-blonde head before Helena could. “Then you have to go louder.” Kory smiled fiercely. “Very much louder.” Dinah smiled too, just before she opened her mouth again. “X’HAL!” There was no mistaking the delight in Kory’s voice now, even mixed as it was with shock at just how good it had felt. Dinah trilled between her legs, a wild, savage pleasure that shot through her body like a live wire had been touched to her sex. Kory dug her heels into the earth, pushing up mounds of it as she struggled to absorb the pleasure Dinah was feeding her. Helena sidestepped Kory’s kicks, kneeling down behind Dinah. With her head down between those scrumptious thighs of Kory’s, her ass was corresponding high in the air. Helena enjoyed taking the opportunity to give it a few slaps, Dinah quailing, struggling to keep the high note she’d hit as her ass swayed from side to side, wincing from Helena’s hits. Then, smiling even more wickedly, Helena pulled Dinah’s pants down off that lovely peach of an ass. “Perfection,” Helena purred, staring hard at Dinah’s tight, pert ass, its well-toned petiteness hidden away not at all but just enough by the fishnets that climbed to her waist. Like a cat at a scratching post, Helena raked her fingernails across that fine mesh of holes as she kissed the sweet curve diving to Dinah’s anus. The Canary Cry rose in pitch. Kory’s hands flew to the side, stiff fingers cracking rocks and earth on the ground she laid upon, digging into soil that burst as soon as she squeezed. Finally, Kory flung her hands upward, grabbing hold of a tree trunk a foot from her head. The wood managed to resist her grip long enough for her to center herself. She looked down her own magnificent body to see not only Dinah’s beautiful face upon her sex, but Helena’s behind Dinah’s upturned ass. It didn’t take Kory much imagination to figure out what the Huntress was hunting for at the moment. “Fucking X’Hal!” she swore, “X—“ She broke off. She could no longer form words. Not in the midst of her orgasm. Helena watched Kory’s hips pitch upward like an oil derrick, seemingly hard enough to take Dinah’s head off, but Dinah would no longer be denied. She stayed at Kory’s sex, no longer Crying but suckling and licking at the delicious taste of Koriand’r. Even that was a comedown from the deliciously agonizing sensation Kory had just endured. Helena puckered her lips again—wouldn’t Babs be jealous that someone else was getting their ass kissed for a change?—and then left Dinah with her fishnets hanging in tatters down her hips like a broken spider’s web. That was sufficient to rip Dinah away from Kory’s flavor, as she looked up to see Helena stepping over her, lying down beside Kory instead. “Make her come again,” Helena challenged, “and I’ll go back to you.” Helena’s last kiss had been just above Dinah’s cunt. Dinah parted her lips, the dangerous look in her eyes showing she was considering simply unleashing her power on Helena, but instead she bent between Kory’s legs once more and the high-pitched scream of her Canary Cry was blunted by Kory’s body. Indeed, it seemed to travel through Kory, to open up her mouth and find release in Kory’s own insatiable scream, her whole body shaking with the effort of containing Dinah’s pleasuring, breasts shaking wildly, hair in a violent flurry as her head ripped from side to side, eyes starkly wide as she struggled to understand what she was feeling. How could it be an orgasm when it felt like so much more? Helena splayed herself atop Kory like she was holding down a seizure victim, catching Kory’s oscillations with her own wide-spread thighs around Kory’s midsection, kissing Kory in-between the high, gasping cries Kory needed to release, rubbing her own breasts against Kory’s larger, warmer ones. When Dinah looked up, she could see Helena’s ass in jeans so tight they could’ve been painted on. And she probably thought she wasn’t dressed like a hooker. Dinah pulled her hand back and delivered a stinging bitch slap to Helena’s posterior. She was rewarded with a swearing moan of pleasure from Helena. Christ, where did Babs do her recruiting, Subs R Us? “X!” Kory began again, only to interrupt herself with a passionate kiss of Helena, hips pumping into Dinah’s Canary Cry as if it were an actual penetration—instead, like a wet finger gliding along the rim of a glass, altering their position changed the vibration inside Kory, making it feel like one massive tongue licking her everywhere at once, shifting its focus to press hard there, or there, or there, a steady touch that restlessly drove her to a clenching, squirming orgasm. Her ass returned to the dirt, grinding down as Kory processed her obscene amounts of pleasure. Dinah watched with some pride as Kory’s backside actually drilled into the earth with her getting off. “…Hal,” Kory finished. Then, she swore in her adopted language. “Oh my. Oh…” She giggled. “My! That certainly was—oh, Dinah! You are truly gifted! I am so very fortunate to be your friend… so very… oh my sweet X’Hal…” She pulled Helena tighter as she shook, the throes of her release driving down, now briefly flaring up again as her body was relieved of some of its orgasmic juices. Dinah watched in astonishment as Kory ejaculated, flowing like wine from just below her clit down to the lowest point of her jewel-like sex, then dripping down to the ground. Then Dinah rushed in to kiss at Kory’s wet, literally overflowing pussy, the taste of her cum far sweeter and more decadent than even her womanhood had been. “I think Dick’s been punished enough—not being able to see that…” “I don’t know,” Helena said, for once enjoying Kory’s puppyish crushing of her. “I kinda like the hate sex thing. You gals can be all lovey-dovey with him. I like kicking his ass.” “Speaking of ass,” Dinah said. “I can go louder. If Kory thinks she can take it. And if Helena’s ready to stop playing and join in.” “Oh, I am.” Helena grinned wickedly at her, then whispered in Kory’s ear. With her own fierce, joyous smile, Kory flipped herself so that she was on all fours atop Dinah. Helena had already broken away from the aliens. She shimmied her ass as she walked over Dinah once more, straddling her, eying Kory’s now upturned ass. “It’s dirty,” Dinah needled her, realizing Helena had no intention of making this a daisy chain. “I like it dirty,” Helena replied, pulling open Kory’s cheeks to reveal her hole was as clean and tasty as she could hope for it to be. Then she eyed Dinah. “You don’t like it, Blondie, give me some of that old-time religion. Fuck me up right through Kory.” Then, thoroughly ignoring Dinah, Helena moved to eat Kory’s ass. It wasn’t for the first time, but it was just as fulfilling as ever, Kory biting her lip and squirming as she felt a talented tongue in a place where Earthlings were rarely willing or able to offer pleasure. She loved everything about how Helena tongued her asshole, from the single solitary kiss Helena began with to the just-right tightness of her fingers holding her cheeks open. Then she felt another set of fingers on her ass, almost interlaced with Helena’s. Dinah was pulling herself up to Kory’s cunt. Her mouth opened. Kory forgot all about Dick. Despite Dinah using her Canary Cry as loudly as she could, this was the quietest of their couplings. Her scream was completely absorbed by Kory’s more than receptive body, and Kory’s voice utterly failed to yell out the orgasm she was instantly gifted with. Her mouth opened in a soundless scream as she fell forward, supported by the Birds’ unconscious teamwork in holding her up and pulling her up. Her large breasts and oversensitive nipples rolled through the mud her own copious sweat had created as she fought for a handhold, callused fingers raking the ground, digging for support. She didn’t think to fly. It was almost possible that she was held up by the sheer force of Dinah’s Cry between her legs. Then, pinned in place by her two lovers, Kory slapped her muddy hands to her own face, painting her cheeks and caught strands of hair with loam as she realized her orgasm had not ceased. It was going on and on, a high note sustained by Dinah, underscored by Helena as that horrible, beautiful tongue irresistibly owned her ass every bit as possessively as a cock would. Kory’s hands coiled into fists against her jaw, her mouth opening wider than ever to release every octave of her still voiceless scream, and she came for both the mouths pleasuring her. Or came again. Or kept coming. Her juices flowed down Dinah’s swan-like neck, down the collar of her jacket as Dinah frantically unzipped it, began massaging Kory’s copious honey into her breasts. The wet T-shirt between just seemed to make it warmer. Finally, the plateau Kory had ascended dipped again. She came one last time—if it had ever been anything but one long, continuous climax—her latest spurt of ejaculate directly hitting Dinah’s Canary Cry, broken by it so drops of her honey flew everywhere, splattering Kory’s own body as well as Dinah’s face, even Helena. Then, Kory’s mouth finally, firmly shut. She collapsed forward, boneless with weight too much for even Dinah and Helena. Kory fell directly into the mud, unconscious, hips stirring like a toy just after the batteries were pulled out. Then they, too, settled. Kory turned over in her sleep, naked body caked with mud in asymmetrical artfulness, a savage, proud, satiated goddess. “X’Haaaaaaaaaal,” she muttered—a word of thanks—then her head lulled to the side. She began to snore. “Now how do we get back to Gotham?” Helena wondered.


Show Chapter | Archive of Our Own

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


That black guy

The "I miss dick" part makes me wonder many times writers slipped in some talking about Grayson that out of context sounds like a person is undoubtedly talking about penis. There was one comic panel that may have been from batman, I had for a long time but loss like a year of two ago. It was of a couple kissing and the girl thinking how much she loves him, how he makes her fee. Just his name was Dick but from context it sounded like she may have been talking penis instead of person.