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Belle made a slow return to her father's farm from town, her elegant figure moving at a stately pace. The book she had just gotten stayed in front of her face almost the whole way, hiding her hazel eyes, her full lips, her rosy cheeks, and the strands of brown hair that continuously slipped from her loose ponytail and fell over her face. When she reached Maurice's, she brushed them back into place, finally lowering her reading material. It was only to find that the farm was in full uproar, a head of steam shooting from the smithy's station and a rather queer noise making itself noticed. Marking her place, Belle hurried inside. "I think we've got it!" her father was saying, a handkerchief doing its best to annihilate a helping of grease from his hands. "Now why didn't I think of any of that? Two regulators! You've got a bright future in this business, young man, a bright future!" "Yeah," his companion said. A tall, well-built man in strange, foreign garments, he wiped handfuls of grease off on his already dirty pants. "Just imagine what I'll be able to do once someone invents electricity." Maurice laughed, as he often did when someone confused him, assuming it was a joke he hadn't gotten. Then he noticed Belle. "Belle! Belle!" He hurried to her. "I have met the most extraordinary man! This is Tony Stark, he's an inventor like me, he was just passing through, he saw my work and—oh, we've been busy all morning! Look! Look what we built!" Belle looked. It certainly was an odd contraption. It looked to have been built out of a barrel tipped sideways, with the inside hollowed out and replaced with the kind of gear-and-belt mechanisms her father was convinced could improve everything from milking cows to collecting mail. "What's it do?" Belle asked, amused more by Maurice's dedication than his efforts. "Well… I don't know yet! But it certainly does a good job of it! I'm going to go tell the neighbors! I bet Gaston will love this!" Belle sighed as Maurice hurried off. She regarded the stranger—Tony. He certainly didn't look French. Except maybe for his hair. "So," she asked suspiciously, "what does it do?" "He actually didn't ask. But me, personally, I think it combats female hysteria. Just one man's opinion, we can agree to disagree." "Female hysteria?" "Yeah. Stops wandering uteruses, the whole bit. Wanna give it a shot?" "My uterus is not wandering." "Better safe than sorry though, right?" He gave her a smile. Belle compulsively tucked a strand of hair from her forehead to back behind her ear. "How does it work?" "You just climb up on it…" She tried, examining it carefully for any footholds, but had to accept his help to get her leg over it. "That's it. Just like riding a horse. And now—" He flipped a switch. "Oh!" It was vibrating. Moving in a regular rhythm, the shakes traveling into her feet and her ankles and her calves and her legs and… most especially… into her thighs. "Relaxing, isn't it?" Tony asked. It wasn't relaxing. It was thrilling. A thrilling tingle right in her most sensitive places. Tony watched as her slender legs tightened on the barrel, just visible through her semi-translucent skirt. He could see her bite her bottom lip, the corners turning upward as her head wandered downward, like she was falling asleep. She leaned forward too far. Hair spilled over her face, obscuring half of it, and Belle forced herself upright, straightening her hair back behind her shoulders. Her combing hand accidentally tugged the ribbon out of her hair and it fell loose, straight down her back. Belle shifted again, unused to the feeling of her hair stirring in the breeze, and her hips jerked suddenly as her sex brushed directly against one of the vibrations the barrel was putting out. Belle couldn't stop herself from gasping. She looked to see if Tony had heard, caught his smile, and gave him a guilty look. "You're doing just fine," Tony assured her. "Just thrust your pelvis up. Ride the feeling. Grind yourself against it." It felt too pleasant to be suspicious of it. Belle ground her hips into the barrel, enjoying it, running a hand through her messy hair. Tony could see her nipples hardening beneath her blouse. Belle felt at them unthinkingly, unused to the tense sensation. She felt her breasts heaving, their heat, the sweat gathering just below the fabric of her dress, and looked to Tony. He'd pushed his rampant cock down his trouser leg to keep it from view, but she still saw enough to imagine the barrel's vibrations were those of a stiff cock ramming into her. "Fuck!" she gasped, just as the machine broke down, an awful grinding noise replacing its naturalistic hum, black smoke billowing out from the gearbox. "Shit," Tony said, picking up a bucket of water and throwing it into the barrel. "Still have a few kinks to work out. Don't suppose you could just massage your breasts for a couple hours while I fiddle with this?" Belle jumped down nimbly from the barrel, rushing out of the smithy and over to the barn. Tony followed like a dog on the leash, finding her on her hands and knees, pulling up a loose plank from the floor. Her dress rose up, quite unnoticed by her, skirt caught in the wind. Tony could see her ass, taut and trim, and her cunt flowing between her thighs. She seemed to be wiggling about more than absolutely necessary to get the plank removed. Finally, she had her little crawlspace open. She reached in and took out a scrap of pig iron. It was six inches long, and totally unsuitable for any purposes that weren't phallic. Belle turned back to him, noticing him as if for the first time. "Don't tell Daddy?" she asked sweetly. "It's just that sometimes the books I read, they're about people doing naughty things, and I like to pretend that I'm naughty too… I act them out, as best I can, all by myself, and this… I mean, it sounds like what a man's would be, from what I've read… don't tell Daddy and I'll let you watch." Tony leaned against the wall. "Your secret's safe with me." "And I don't suppose…" Tony waited patiently. "That you could make a buzzing sound? Like the machine? It's just… I was really enjoying that…" Tony had indulged weirder fetishes. He'd also pretended to be a lightsaber many times growing up. "Bzzzz... bzzzzz…" "Oh yes!" Belle cried. "Just like that!" Pulling her dress up and her undergarments aside, she flopped down on a haystack with her knees uplifted, her legs parted. She moved the cold metal of the makeshift dildo against her fat nipples, face contorting with pleasure at the relief from the heat gripping her. Her quim began to melt like warm butter. Tony watched, buzzing steadily. Belle slipped the dildo down her belly, dipped it into her sex. At first she rubbed the tip against her clit, trying to recapture her previous arousal, then she had to push it in and out of her wetness. As the dildo disappeared inside her, Tony buzzed more subduedly, as he knew from experience a vibrator would be muffled from being inside a woman. As she pulled it out, he hummed like an angry bee. When she pushed it in, he flapped his lips wetly. Belle too was being noisy. "Oooooo—aahhh!" Belle was as lost in masturbation as she'd ever been in a good book. She thrashed onto her belly, rose up on her knees, head down and ass thrust upward. She was fucking the metal dildo into herself from below, her juices pouring down her thighs. Her swaying ass danced in front of Tony like a target, shapely and solid. Tony undid his zipper. His cock came charging out like a bull seeing red. "Zzzzzzzzz," he intoned as he moved to kneel behind Belle's shapely ass. His cock seemed to be humming too, shaft so hard it vibrated. He pushed his cockhead against her wetness, Belle looking back to see his raised eyebrow. She smiled at him, but didn't take the dildo out of her cunt. Tony guessed she didn't trust him to be as hard as a well-loved piece of scrap metal. Her mistake. He planted his hands on her ass cheeks, spread them open, saw her taut hole. He placed the tip of his prick against it. Belle gasped, but otherwise seemed unsurprised. Tony guessed she really was well-read. He lathered himself up with the grease still darkening his hands, then pushed into her… "C'mon, hum!" Belle wailed, still lustily cramming herself with her dildo. In all the excitement, Tony had kinda forgotten. "Hiiimmmmmmm!" he intoned, and Belle seemed inspired by the motivational soundtrack. She wiggled her juicy ass back against him. He barely had to move to get into her ass, feeding her half his cock before stopping. He buzzed steadily as she heaved and seethed, still trying to impale herself on his manhood. He grasped her with big handfuls of her dress, handholds on her hipbones, and forged his passage into her ass as he held it steady. It was a tight fit at first. She relaxed quickly enough though, her asshole accommodating itself to the bulk of his manhood. Tony wondered if this wasn't the first time it had been visited. That pig iron could fit more than a pussy, he reckoned. On that thought, he plunged himself in to his balls. Belle squealed with pleasure, but thankfully didn't burst into song. He held the penetration for a moment, feeling her fucking herself with the dildo, its hard metal skimming at his prick through the delicate membrane that divided her. He took it as a challenge. His hips pistoned as he worked his thick cock into her tight crevice, his balls slapping into her dildo-filled groin with juicy smacks. She was slamming her ass back hard against him as he ground himself right back into her. Belle was getting it three ways—his cock in her ass, her dildo in her cunt, and the steady humming noise in her ears. She finally stopped listening to it, screaming far louder as she came. Tony fucked violently into her hole for a moment more, then came himself, hips recoiling, a hot jet from deep within him hosing Belle's bowels. As if in answer, her cunt overflowed, honey running down her sleek thighs. Tony topped it, pouring a second bloom of cum into her ass, then a third, a fourth, finally a weaker fifth, then a mere trickle. He drew back, popping out of her ass, watching as his cum followed after him, running down to her pussy where Belle was still fucking herself until she had milked the final ripple of her orgasm. Then she slid forward, thighs shuddering, to rest on her belly. Tony reminded himself to stop buzzing. "You… you came in my ass," Belle said wide-eyed. Shocked at how good it had felt. The books had never mentioned that. "Tale as old as time," Tony shrugged. He had timed it just right to finish his quip as he faded out. Onward and upward… *** Tony pulled out of Cruella de Vil, his spent cock slipping from her wetly full sex with a lewdly sucking noise. It turned out all her hair was black and white. He collapsed beside her, letting her see his cocky grin. But he wasn't done with her yet. His fingers wound between their naked bodies, slipping over the glistening juices of Cruella's orgasms, finding the sensitive clit topping her raw, well-used labia. Cruella's cigarette holder fell from her lips as Tony punished her with yet another climax. First, though, she looked at him with a mystified expression. "Tony, darling," she said, "why are you buzzing?"


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