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The waters were rough around Seabreeze Cove, with numerous jagged rocks in the water ready to pierce the hull of an unsuspecting ship in the slightest inclement weather. That probably explained why Harley and Ivy so confidently splayed themselves on the deck of the Queen Pacifica, the 115-foot yacht anchored precariously between two giant slate-gray spurs jutting out of the water, waves splashing off them to send white foam spiraling up the Pacifica’s hull, almost but not quite reaching the sunbathing villains. 

Stephanie could spy both of them through her binoculars, though she didn’t see the captain of the Queen Pacifica, millionaire Anton Yank. She guessed that if he was still alive, Harley and Ivy probably had him safely below deck. If he was still alive.

She turned to look at Cass, who hadn’t taken out her own binoculars. Steph wondered if she didn’t need them, or if she trusted Steph to see everything worth seeing about the situation, or hell, if she’d taken a look through them while Steph had been looking away. “What do you think?”

“Hard to get to,” Cass replied.

“Yeah. No doubt. Do you think we should try swimming there? Or take a boat? Maybe wait until nightfall and then take a boat? Maybe Batman has a submarine—he probably has a submarine.”

“Get over there,” Cass said. “Punch them.”

“Yes, that’s a good plan, but it’s lacking in some particulars, y’know?” Steph looked through the binoculars again and saw that Ivy was—Ivy had rolled on top of Harley, kissing her with a force that sent shivers throughout Harley’s barely clad body. Harley held her legs up, reaching down with her arms to pull on them until her feet were around her ears, her juicy ass and thong-covered pussy presented to Ivy as the redhead unwound the knot that tied her bottoms together.

“What are they doing?” Cass asked.

“Uhh, nothing,” Steph said, starting to lower the binoculars, then lifting them again. She could see Harley’s entire body quivering, her mouth dropping open and pitching shut as she let out cries that at this distance were strangely silent. Ivy’s own delicious ass hoisted up into the air as she knelt at the juncture of Harley’s thighs, her hips twitching and swaying as she enjoyed herself. Steph could see how tightly Harley was holding onto her legs, trying to keep them from snapping shut on Ivy’s head. When one slipped loose of her hand, Ivy grabbed it and held it across Harley’s body herself, still licking and sucking inside her thighs. When Harley’s jaw dropped open again, it didn’t seem to close for a long time.

“Let me see,” Cass said, making a grab for the binoculars. Steph hauled them away and returned them to her utility belt. “You think… she’s prettier than me?”

“What?” Steph asked, wondering how to react to that when she was halfway in her happy place. Maybe Cass had seen enough to know they were in bathing suits and then assumed Steph was perving on them. Which was ridiculous. It was just that, that they’d been…

Shit, she was a perv. At least an honorary perv. “I don’t think Harley Quinn is prettier than you.”

“Ivy?” Cass reiterated.

Steph’s eyes narrowed. “You know what? You two have totally different energies. I don’t think anyone would compare you. Anyway, what do you care? Are you planning on making a play for Harley Quinn? Because that’s the only reason anyone’s gonna care if you’re prettier than Poison Ivy. Which you are. You’re really cute. You don’t kill people either.”

“If Ivy didn’t kill people… I prettier than her?”

“Oh God, stop asking so many questions. You talk way too much. Stop trying to dominate the conversation.” 

Steph scanned the beach. They’d only gotten there by a small cave that of course Batman knew about; otherwise, cliffs ran steeply up for a good two hundred feet. Steph looked up to see an outcropping of rock overlooking the breakers of Seabreeze Cove. “Okay. We get up there, I think we can glide down to the yacht without them noticing. We…” She noticed Cass looking at her expectantly. “Yeah, we punch them.”

“Punch them unconscious,” Cass said, slamming one fist into an open palm.


Steph pitched through the air, the wind filling her cape, her body weightless as she skillfully caught the thermals that kept her aloft as she floated toward the yacht. She still couldn’t believe that she could do this. Her, Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler, the Batgirl—now a full-fledged, cape-and-Batarangs Gotham City crimefighta. She practically had a parking spot in the Batcave. Hell, she had more seniority than Damian Wayne. Technically, she outranked Robin.

She came in for a landing, preparing to tuck and roll to burn off her added velocity as Batman had trained her. She hit the deck, coming up perfectly in a crouch, then a biting shock of pain ran up her leg. Her foot was yanked to the side, pitching her over onto her face. 

“Fuuck!” she cried, the pain growing worse as she was jerked into the air, where she thrashed like a wounded animal, clawing frantically at her trapped leg. A vine has closed around her ankle, thorns piercing into her flesh, 

Where the shit was Cass?

“Well, what have we here?” Ivy’s warmly purring voice came, accompanied by the slightest whisper of movement, like the sound of a flower blooming, as the redhead came up from out of the hold. “The latest model of Batgirl. A blonde, I see. I like blondes…”

“Give yourself up!” Steph said resolutely.

“Oh, don’t try to be Batman. They all try to be Batman. It’s boring. I like you much better when you’re fun.” Steph could smell her perfume as Ivy came closer. A drumming ripple went through Ivy’s bounteous breasts as she walked, her top low-slung on them, the abundantly jiggling flesh of the upper slopes looking like it was going to slip loose of its covering with every step Ivy took. Her hips swayed just as extravagantly, showing off the ample curvature of her hourglass figure. Even from the front, it was obvious how voluptuous her ass must’ve been to match her thickly ripe thighs and tapering waist. “Can’t you smell how much fun we could be having?”

“I, uh… wha… you’re really pretty…”

“I figured it was a little pointless to wait to try and seduce Batman—or whoever—until he was in the middle of ruining my fun, so I engineered some moss colonies that output my pheromones. It’s really not important right now. But I don’t suppose you’re so turned on now that you can barely speak?”

“No, you’re pretty…” Steph said.

Ivy smiled. The vine lowered Steph down onto the deck. “Poor baby. Such a ripe, nubile body… just beginning to flower… and all you can think to do is throw it in front of bullets and blades. I think I could take much better care of it, don’t you?”

She bent to examine Steph’s leg, her dipping chest showing off the warm expanse of flesh left uncovered by her bikini top. Steph could lose herself in how the heft of her breasts pushed down hard against her straining cups, revealing almost all of them to the eye. Her practiced hands ran over the leg that had been trapped, and Steph enjoyed her warm, reassuring touch.

“My knee hurts,” Steph said, childishly pouting. “I think I twisted it.”

“Oh?” Ivy slid her hands up Steph’s leg, grinning to show she was fully aware of the tingling shocks of pleasure she sent racing through the young woman’s body. Steph smiled; almost purring. She loved the touch of Ivy’s hands. She couldn’t think of any boy she knew who she’d want so close to her crotch, feeling the taut flesh of her thighs. They were all so grabby and rough. Ivy’s hands were strong, but there was a confidence in her strength, a knowledge that Steph was hers which the blonde found perversely reassuring. She just had to relax, as her pussy squirmed and warmed with desire, and wait for Ivy to touch her some more.

Cass came out of nowhere—literally nowhere—and delivered a punch to the back of Ivy’s head that knocked her right out. Steph could see the light disappear from her eyes like a switch had been thrown. 

Then she was looking at Cass, the formfitting black leather outlining her body, the yellow silhouette of a bat on her chest that drew attention to her burgeoning breasts, the cowl attached to the neck of her suit that came up to the bridge of her nose. It had to have air filtration in it; she’d always known Bruce liked her better. And Cass’s eyes above, bare, unimpeded in any way. Dark, mysterious, with a cool, warm, sultry energy sparking from them. A breeze ran through Cass’s shortly cut hair, tousling it in glimmering waves of light and dark, and Steph felt her womanhood clench.

God, I want to fuck Cassandra Cain.

Then she saw Cass’s almond eyes widen as she read it off of Steph’s body language, a superlative ripple of excitement that ran through her own body—“I need… find Harley,” Cass said, turning away in a swirl of her cape, leaving Steph to limp to her feet.

“Batgirl, wa—“ Steph lowered her voice. Not the best idea to be calling after someone in the middle of a warzone. She took a pair of handcuffs and a pheromone blocker shot out of her belt, trapping Ivy’s wrists and injecting her with the serum that would disable her powers, at least for now. 

Below decks, she heard the sounds of a struggle, and knew Cass had found Harley Quinn. The noise ended in a few seconds, and Steph had no doubt Cass had been victorious. She took another set of handcuffs off of her belt. When she went down the stairs, Harley was sprawled out unconscious, but Cass had disappeared.


Steph lay in bed, listening to the rain outside. It had been coming down steadily from the time she’d woken up to now, in the middle of the night. 

Normally, the pouring rain and gentle rumble of thunder would put Steph in a mellow, laidback mood. But now, she could only think of Cass. The Asian girl had never been shy, and it was easy, too easy, for Steph to summon up thoughts of her naked. The swells of her breasts, the sleekness of her thighs, the look on her face going from dully seductive—challenging Steph to please her—into mischievous delight, the kind of delight Steph had provoked in her many times. But the thought of one of Cass’s joyous laughs coming from Steph touching her, kissing her… 

Steph grunted, throwing one of her pillows across the room, and curled up into a ball. Sleep didn’t come any easier than when she’d tried to fall back asleep that morning. Her hand crept between her legs, touching her cunt from beneath as she cuddled with her knees drawn up. Just as she’d done a probably unhealthy number of times before. 

She wasn’t trying to think of Cass, but she knew the warm receptiveness her body was feeling had everything to do with what the very idea of Cass had done to her. At least she had the decency to blush as her sex opened for the caress of her fingers, her clit swelling and firming with the stimulation. There was a burgeoning warmth deep inside her sex, and she knew she was going to let it have its way with her, based almost entirely on the look that had gone through Cass’s eyes when Steph wanted to fuck her.

She’d liked the idea.

Suddenly, Steph heard something. A rattling, clicking noise. She jerked her hand away from herself as if she’d accidentally caused the noise herself, then hurried to her bedroom’s attached bathroom to wash her hands off in a blur of boxer shorts and tanktop. She heard another noise, something crashing outside the house, and her heart crawled into her throat. She ran to pull jeans up over her underwear, hearing a moan from outside over the steady downpour of the rain. It sounded wounded. Steph ran to the laundry room, picking up a large flashlight suitable to be used either as a bludgeon or as a searchlight, and went to the backdoor.

Her mom might’ve been able to afford a house now, thanks to Bruce hooking her up with a pretty cushy job, but there was just so much you could help people. Crystal Brown was determined to save money, even if her income now made her comfortably middle-class, and so the house they’d gotten was pretty much a mobile home without wheels. The backyard was mostly mud, made worse by all the rain (of course it rained in Gotham). Stephanie put on a jacket and grimaced as she squished into the mud on her bare feet. She turned the corner of the house, her flashlight held in front of her, and saw Cass lying on the ground, below a second story window. She looked at Steph as the light caught her.

“Hi,” Cass said, almost deadpan if it weren’t for her evident embarrassment.

“Cass, what’re you doing here?” Cass wasn’t even wearing her Batgirl costume, but jean shorts, a thin T-shirt, and an army jacket. Big army boots too. Hardly something for a rainy day like this, and Steph assumed Cass had taken more time putting together what to wear than she had. “Were you trying to get in through the window?”

“Wanted to… surprise you,” Cass said.

“Oh my God… I’m surprised!” Steph cried. Cass didn’t even seem to have an umbrella. “Get inside, get inside, you’re taking on water!”

She was muddy from her eyebrows to her ankles and she walked gingerly, rubbing a spot on her thigh like it was paining her. She looked very, very embarrassed, which was almost endearing for the usually stoic badass girl.

“Take off your shoes before you track mud all over the place,” Steph said on her back porch. “And knock next time. I’d have let you in.”

“Would you?” Cass asked plaintively. Her thin top was soaked through by the rain, almost glued to her lithe body, its clinginess accentuating her apple-sized breasts. Geez, Sailor Moon almost has bigger breasts than me, Steph thought. I’m an embarrassment to blondes.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Steph replied. 

She led Cass through the house to the master bathroom, finding herself acting absurdly protective. She turned the water in the shower on to the near-boiling temperature she knew Cass liked. Then it was time for Cass to undress. Long years of friendship made it obvious that Steph would take her dirty clothes and run them in the wash while Cass showered, but there was a note of awkwardness to it now, not the casual girls’ locker room intimacy they should’ve had. Cass turned around to undress, while Steph found herself in a quandary. Should she look? Was it weird not to look? It was nothing she hadn’t seen—well, not seen, because she didn’t look, but glanced at. She certainly hadn’t stared. Would she stare now? Was that why she was looking away?

Finally, Cass piled her muddy clothes in Steph’s outstretched arms and got into the shower to wash herself off. With her naked body locked behind the pebbled glass of the shower door, Steph considered the matter closed. She took Cass’s clothing to the laundry room and fed them into the washing machine along with a Tide pod. Then she went back outside and cleaned off Cass’s muddy boots for her. The sound of the downpour reminded her of the shower spray, of how it had spattered on the tiles and drummed on Cass’s naked flesh as she got under it. Steph set Cass’s clean boots under the covered porch, where they could dry pristinely.

She went to the bathroom. Cass’s shower routine was the least girly one Steph could imagine. It was already finishing up when Steph arrived. She heard the shower turn off, then the ruffle of a towel being taken off a rack, briskly ran over Cass’s body. Then, silence. Steph stood listening at the door, hearing nothing but the drip-drip-drip of the leaky showerhead. She wondered if Cass was still in there. Of course, she had to be in there—there were no windows. Minutes stretched by. Steph popped her knuckles on the door.

“Cassie? You okay in there?”

“Fine,” Cass replied, her voice small but bouncing off the weird acoustics of the tiles, the shower, the entire cramped space.

“Are you decent?”

Cass didn’t answer.

“I’m going to come in, okay?”

Again, Cass said nothing.

Steph turned the doorknob—how typical that Cass hadn’t locked it—and came in to find Cass with a towel wrapped around her trim body, sitting on the toilet, pretty in that plain, unvarnished way that Steph admired even when she wouldn’t trade her Revlon and Cover Girl for anything.

“You were worrying me,” Steph said, hopping up the counter to face Cass. Then: screw it, I am the brassy insensitive one. “Is this about the boat?”

“Yacht,” Cass said, but without any of her usual snide satisfaction in being able to correct Steph.

“You know I would never, like… you know… do something to make you uncomfortable or take advantage of—“

“Of course know!” Cass interrupted, strained to the point of mangling her English once more. She calmed and stressed her syllables into precise enunciations again. “I look at you. I know. You’d never hurt me. Never mean to me. Never do anything to me.”

Steph threw up her hands, nearly hitting the low ceiling. “So what is it? You know it was just Ivy’s Love Potion Number Nine, so why are you being so weird about it? For Christ’s sake, you ate shit trying to get through my mom’s Brinks security system! Since when do you eat shit, ever?”

“I eat… plenty shit,” Cass said defensively. “And it’s none… of your business.”

“Well, I can’t read your dumb body language, but I know that’s bullshit!”

“You… want know?”


“Been waiting… for you to look at me… long time…” Perversely, Cass looked away.

“Look at you? I look at you all the… look at you like that?”

Cass nodded.

“Geez,” Steph said. “Geez, Cass…”

“Sorry to be… so much trouble…”

Steph got down off the counter. Her fingers were itching and her tongue was bone dry. “Cass, you’re great, you’re really, really great. But I don’t… God, since when do you even have a sex drive?”

“Since started masturbating?”

A dollop of water ran out of the showerhead and smacked the bottom of the stall, emptying out the shower arm. “Okay,” Steph said. “Okay, geez, alright… wow… I mean, you always seem so… sexless?”

“In skintight black leather?”

“Well, I mean… I’m sure there are some weirdos who are into… not that only weirdos would be into that, you’ve got a rockin’ bod, it’s just all the leather…”

“You pause… too much… when you talk…” Cass said, voice rich with irony.

Steph guffawed. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“You think… because I don’t talk about boys… I’m not thinking about sex?”


“I see sex… every day. People wanting it… looking for it… Starfire, Wonder Woman, Oracle… you look at them and…”

“Wow! Wow!” Steph said. “I mean, yeah, okay, who looks at Starfire and doesn’t think about sex? And Wonder Woman, she’s Wonder Woman. It’s like Superman, it’d be unpatriotic not to… but Ms. Gordon? Come on! You haven’t told her that I, like, think she’s…”

“Don’t talk about boys,” Cass reiterated. “Don’t talk about girls.”

“Yeah, well, you’re making up for it now.” Steph held her head between her hands. “Geez louise… you’re a dark horse, Cass.”

“Waiting for you… to look at me…”

Steph dropped her hands. “I can’t just… look at you! You’re… your dad abused you and then you have the worst mom ever and you don’t even know about… corndogs! And things! It’d be like… you’re like… a virgin!”

“Virgin. Not twelve years old.”

“I can see that!” Steph cried. “But you don’t even know what it means to be in a relationship!”

“We’d be together. Trust in each other. Take care of each other. Sex.” Cass grinned puckishly. “No more touching yourself.”

Steph blanched. “Okay, I know it’s not your fault that you’re the Sherlock Holmes of knowin’ ‘bout lady-boners, but ladies don’t bring that up! And you’re leaving out a lot of relationship stuff, even if you do have the basics… and the sex part…”

Cass puffed air out of the corner of her lips. “How important… can relationship stuff… be? Not like… you have… boyfriend.”

Steph’s cheeks burned. She did not have as firm a handle on this conversation as she would’ve liked. How come guys get cute aliens who want to know how to kiss and I get friggin’ Stephen Douglas debating my ass? “Low blow, Cass.”

“But… you could teach me… relationship stuff.” Cass stood up off the toilet and let the towel fall away. Steph barely saw the scars. She mostly saw the girl. “You could teach me… lots of things…”


“You’re looking at me again.” Cass took a step toward her. “Maybe just took… little push?”

Steph looked at Cass: her arms open, her breasts lifted high and proud and perky, her smile so gleeful as to almost overwhelm her nudity and make it innocent. “That is not a little push!”

“Then you should do… more than look!” Cass giggled.

She fed one of her breasts to Stephanie’s slack mouth, sighing as Steph closed her lips around it and began to suck. Steph’s hands dropped down between Cass’s legs, touching the wetness there, so different from her own, and yet the same. She touched it the same way she had herself, not even an hour ago, but it was even more thrillingly satisfying to bring pleasure to Cassandra instead of herself. From between the tight lips, she could feel Cass’s juices, warmer and more slippery than the shower water lingering on her soft skin.

Cass moved her own hands up and down Stephanie’s body, discovering the tactile delights of skin without scars, flesh without hard muscle. So unlike her own. She hoped Steph found her body as enjoyable as she found Steph’s. Stephanie’s breasts were fuller than hers, with huge brown nipples that seemed to beg for the pinch of two fingers, or a set of lips around them. Cass felt a shudder going through her body just from rolling them between her fingers, and as she felt them stiffen, she knew that Steph was feeling the same thing.

Steph found Cass’s breasts soft and creamy, miraculously untouched by the hard scars and harder muscles that seemed to fill Cass’s slight body to capacity. Her fingers sank into Cass’s cleavage as if she were resting them on a feather pillow, and she briefly bounced her hands up and down, loving the shuddery ripples that ran through Cass’s breasts as she jiggled them. Her hands moved downward, accepting the rent landscape of Cass’s scarred body just as she’d accepted the suppleness of her breasts, and finally she moved them down to Cass’s groin. The lips of Cass’s pussy was full and prominent as Steph’s finger traced them, watching Cass quiver as if Steph’s touch was a livewire, then go stock-still as Steph pushed her finger into the steamy heat of Cass’s aroused sex.

Cass spread her legs so that Steph could get her finger deeper inside of her.

Cass bent her head to Stephanie’s shoulder, into the hair that fell so long and feminine from her head, burying her face in its softness as Steph’s finger plunged into the depths of her. She giggled and moaned and held onto Steph like she was hugging her, not having sex with her. Steph took her free hand and wrapped it around Cass’s back, holding her as well.

She heard Cass sigh hopefully and promised herself she would never betray Cass, not for anything. 

“I know… you won’t…” Cass whispered, and Steph realized she could feel Cass’s eyes on her in the bathroom mirror.


P. C.

This work is great. It's highly detailed with a lot of character development. I loved both the setting and the relationship. Thanks for this.


Once again, I 1000% agree with the above.