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Alix didn’t even really consider herself a superhero. Sure, she’d had a few team-ups, been in a few crises, even had something of an arch-nemesis, but it seemed like all the superheroes, all the real superheroes—not Bwana Beast or Flamebird or anyone—were raised from birth in the JSA and had dated a Robin and had been in one form of the Justice League or another. They were the A-list, and she was some piker who only really counted as a superhero on a census form.

So when Wonder Woman, Diana Prince herself, asked to meet up, Alix didn’t hesitate. She didn’t know if she even wanted the whole ‘brunch with Batwoman, training with Black Lightning, Deathstroke tries to kill you’ lifestyle, but ever since her quarter-life crisis had left several dead and required her to hit someone bodily with a car, when Alix saw a door, she put her foot in it.

Diana met with her at the kind of charming little gelato place that it seemed like Wonder Woman would know about. It was right on the beach, with wooden patio furniture arranged under a broad canopy, and Alix sat comfortably next to unbelievable gorgeousness as they ate from their small dishes.

She noticed that the male customers were cloistered near the cash registers, too long to be ordering more—talking with hushed voices to the staff. Now and then, one of them would glance over at either Alix’s exotic looks or Diana’s equally unbelievable beauty, their eyes running up and down the women’s luscious bodies.

“Looks like we’re not going incognito,” Alix murmured, feeling a little uncomfortable—not so much because of the stares at her, she was used to it, but for drawing such attention in Diana’s presence. She felt like she was doing a striptease next to the Queen Mother or something.

Diana smiled lightly. “They probably just want to have sex with us.”

“Diana!” Alix exclaimed, shocked by Diana’s words, which seemed obscene coming from her. 

“It’s in their nature,” Diana said. “Mating. Making love. Appreciating beauty. We can’t ask that people blind themselves to it, we can just ask that they try to be connoisseurs.”

Alix smiled ruefully, not wanting to disagree with Diana, but remembering her husband. Yeah—if only he had been a ‘connoisseur’. 

Then she looked at Diana, admiring how beautiful the woman was. It wasn’t really a fresh take that Diana was gorgeous, but Alix had never before been around her long enough to notice things like how creamy and smooth her skin was, or how large and impressively perky her breasts were. Alix felt her face flushing when she couldn’t look away.

“Is something wrong, Alix?” Diana asked, glancing at the younger woman with a frown. It only increased Alix’s embarrassment; she’d been thinking that Diana was probably one hell of a connoisseur. 

She fidgeted nervously, not knowing what to tell Diana. What would she think if she knew the kind of thoughts Alix had been having? It’d been a long time since she’d had a husband, let alone a connoisseur.

Diana smiled knowingly and offered the mercy of a new subject. “Have any plans for today, Alix?”

“No, not really. I just thought I’d work in my garden.” She shrugged. “That’s it.”

“Do you mind if I join you? I have something of a green thumb.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Alix said, looking down at the floor and blushing again. She didn’t know what was wrong with her. Why would Diana’s words make her feel so scared, yet so excited? “If you want to.”

“Good. There were some matters I wanted to discuss in private.”

“Private?” Alix asked, feeling a little faint.

“I was wondering if you’d like to come to Paradise Island with me.”

“Yes! Of course!”

Diana smiled at her exuberance. “You haven’t heard why yet.”

You mean you don’t just pick up impressionable young superheroes and take them off to your sexy private vacation spot? Alix shed the thought. “I’m sure you have your reasons.”

“It’s about rehabilitation. You know that on Themyscira, we don’t just sit on the beach all day—we also operate a rehabilitation clinic for low-risk offenders. Supervillains, but ones who aren’t too far gone. The types who need help.”

“Yes,” Alix said, privately thinking that it was a little nuts to take criminals on an all-expenses-paid trip to the Caribbean to punish them for robbing banks. 

“You strike me as a woman who could be very useful at rehabilitating those prisoners—helping them work through their emotions. With some of the more massive emotional build-ups, therapy can look more like a sparring session than anything else. But that seems to be the way our kind communicate.” Diana held up a hand. “Don’t answer yet. Think it over. In the meantime, we have gardening to do.”


Hours later, Diana had helped Alix do the gardening, tidy up around the house, and fix dinner. Once the meal was in the oven, Alix left Diana to take a shower, wrapping a loose, flimsy dressing gown around herself after as she went to join Diana at the dinner table. It was horribly intimate of her, but Diana put her at ease so much that she couldn’t help herself. It just felt right.

She came down to find Diana mixing them two martinis. The princess did not at all look like she’d been out in the hot sun, doing manual labor for most of the afternoon. What little sweat she had glimmered on her like morning dew as she held out a drink to Alix.

“I am beat,” Alix said, accepting the drink from her.

“Your tiredness is good. It speaks of your accomplishment.”

Alix beamed with pride as she gulped her drink down, feeling the alcohol burning its way down through her—lower and lower.

After dinner, and a few more drinks, she was completely relaxed. Diana and her chatted easily about the polite topics, and she slowly forgot her nervousness. But she was tingling from the heat of the alcohol and she found herself thinking about Diana far more than it felt like she should. As the energy from her hot shower wore off, and the tiredness of a full belly crept in, thoughts of Diana seemed to be all that was keeping her going.

After helping with the dishes—Diana insisted on doing those too—she stretched out on the couch with a yawn. “And now I’m exhausted.”

Diana moved next to her, placing a soft hand on Alix’s arm. “I hope I’m not boring you,” she joked.

“That hand isn’t. It feels so good. Mmmm,” she murmured as Diana moved her hand around to Alix’s back to massage the tired, aching muscles.

“Can I confess something to you?” Diana asked.

“Anything… just don’t stop…”

Alix could feel Diana’s hands slipping to her shoulders, brushing softly through her long, red hair. The blood-red locks sometimes felt like the only things that were still real about her, and they felt wonderful with Diana’s fingers running through them.

“I wanted to get to know you—make some smalltalk before we moved on to more important matters—but now I feel as if I’m verging on having ulterior motives, concealing my intentions the way I have.”

“And what are your intentions?” Alix asked huskily, letting out a soft sigh as Diana’s fingers trickled down the tensed muscles of her back, rubbing over her shoulder blades.

“I was being honest when I told you about Transformation Island, and the good I think you can do there working to help the damaged resume a healthy path—but the most good you could do would be for Sally Sonic.”

“What?” Alix asked, turning over, her breast brushing against Diana’s outstretched hand. The touch sent a sliver of blue flame into the red-hot inferno of anger Alix was feeling, just at that name. Having it come out in the middle of this idyllic interlude with Diana felt like a violation.

“She survived your last encounter, but since then, she’s been held safely on Themyscira, where we’ve been trying to purge her of her demons.”

“Demons? She’s a demon. She’s psychotic.”

“She’s sick,” Diana said, in such a gentle tone of voice that Alix couldn’t be sure if she was agreeing with her or correcting her. “And she’s developed a fixation on you that is—not kosher, let us say. But it could give us a useful way into correcting her misbehavior.”

“Misbehavior? She tried to kill me! She got my husband killed, with her stupid seductress act—“

“Calm down,” Diana said warningly. She touched Alix just enough to turn her back over onto her stomach, and if it were anyone else but Diana, touching her any other way, Alix would’ve never submitted to it. But she did, and Diana started massaging her again, touching the small of her back above her smoothly curved buttocks. “Now I’ve upset you; I am sorry for that. I had thought you had moved past your misgivings toward her to see her as a victim in addition to a criminal.”

I thought she was dead!” Alix insisted. “Of course I wasn’t fuming with anger; what would be the point? But now that I know she’s alive, I realize I should’ve been worried about her coming to kill me all this time!”

Diana continued to massage Alix’s tense shoulders and back, tenderly moving her hands around in circles that went under Alix’s arms until her fingers were almost touching the sides of Alix’s cleavage. “She doesn’t want to kill you, Alix. She wants your approval. She wants your sympathy. She wants you to love her.”

Alix snorted. “Good luck with that.”

“I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t believe you were capable of rising above your differences with her and trying to do what is best for another human being.”

“I don’t know if I’d go so far as to call her that,” Alix growled.

Diana pouted. “You’re upset. Please, try to calm down. I realize this has come as a shock; we can talk about it more later. For now, just relax. Remember that you’re here with me—safe and warm and loved.”

Alix felt shuddering pleasure pass through her—the tips of Diana’s nipples were being drawn across her back. She moved forward an inch, but felt Diana go with her, continuing the intimate touch.

“Yes,” Diana crooned, “I know you need some real tenderness after all you’ve been through. Let me show you how meaningful a little affection can be.”

Alix knew that something more than sisterly affection was passing between her and the other woman—but she didn’t want it to stop.

She sat up and turned to look at Diana. The Amazon was smiling, a dazzling, girlish smile that made her erotic overture seem more like cute mischief than anything that could possibly be thought of as obscene. The top button of her top had come undone, and Alix could see some of the luscious flesh that filled out her temptingly stretched shirt.

“Have you ever been attracted to another woman?” Alix asked, before thinking what an incredibly stupid question that was.

“Of course,” Diana said casually, giving no indication that she was answering if water was wet or what color the sky was. “It’s normal to think other women are sexy—and a compliment to be thought of that way. Come on, darling. Time for bed.”

Her eyes sprinkled with excitement as she stood up. Alix walked with her up to the bedroom, Diana’s arm wrapped around her, all her tiredness forgotten. When they got to Alix’s bedroom, Diana took Alix’s hand and gave it a squeeze. 

“I’ll try to do a better job of massaging you this time.”

As though in a daze, Alix followed her. She knew what was going to happen between them, and tried to think of a downside, but the alcohol and her arousal made it impossible for her to think of anything bad enough that she would regret this.

Diana’s dark eyes were hazed with lust, while her full, moist lips glistened in the indirect light. She pushed Alix with a gentle firmness to the bed, and pulled her out of her dressing gown, leaving Alix naked. Then she lowered Alix down onto her belly, and Alix let out a gasp as her overheated pussy touched the bedspread. The pressure felt like a little preview of Diana’s touch.

Diana took her own clothes off, Alix watching fixedly as more and more of her proved to be perfect. Diana smiled at her, seeming amused by Alix’s wide-eyed stare as she pushed Alix back down onto her belly, then straddled her smooth, silvery ass. Alix’s cheeks were spread open and she could feel the luxurious fur of Diana’s sex brush against the back of her leg.

“I’ve always hoped I have some real skill in this arena—that it’s not just people liking being touched by me, you know?” Diana joked as she massaged Alix’s back. “You have to put just the right amount of pressure on the nerves, the muscles, then someone relaxes… or they get to like the tension. Do you like it?”

“Ohhh, yes, Diana. It feels good. The way you’re touching me…” Alix tried to push her obscene thoughts about Diana from her mind. It was just a massage. That was all it could be. Right?

Diana’s hands worked their way down Alix’s naked flesh, her palms widespread as she slid them around in broad circles, the pressure easing and then redoubling as it traveled over Alix’s smooth, young flesh. 

“After all I’ve told you, I’d imagine you’re really tense here,” she said, lifting her weight and sliding her hands along the nakedly trembling buttocks of Alix’s ass.

“No… not hardly…” Alix sighed, tensing and relaxing her cheeks as Diana continued to knead their swelling softness. A low groan bubbled from Alix’s throat as Diana molded her hands to Alix’s buttocks particularly roughly, the pressure of her squeeze seeming to drag at the tender folds of her sex.

Then Diana was pushing Alix over onto her side, shifting position to lie down facing Alix. She stroked Alix’s breasts, huge and quivering, tweaking the nipples into hardness with a deftness of her fingertips. Then she trailed her fingers down Alix’s ribs, her touch ramming a shaky breath through Alix, her tits heaving and shaking as she tried to control herself. Alix stared wild-eyed at Diana’s beautiful body, unable to believe that her touch could be so exciting, that another woman could be behind the tremors of unbridled desire that were running rampant through her body.

Diana pressed herself against Alix’s leg, moaning passionately as Alix felt the warmth of another woman’s sex against her skin. The moan turned into an amused smile as Alix’s eyes uncontrollably switched from Diana’s full breasts to her softly haired pussy, unable to hold on one for any amount of time before the other drew her gaze.

Diana’s hands came up to Alix’s cheeks. Alix couldn’t bring herself to move, to dare stop Diana’s touch as those gentle fingers ran down to her mouth and moved gently along her lips, then down her chin to her long, smooth neck. “Alix, just relax. I can make you happy—very, very happy—in a way that only a woman can.”

Alix shivered with excitement.

Diana’s hands dropped to Alix’s breasts, which sensually throbbed in her grip, pulsing harder as their faces drew closer together. Her lips closed over Alix’s, gently at first, then with a passion that Alix was proud to have brought out of her. She felt her own lips, at first tense, then slowly relaxing under the warm pressure of Diana’s need for her. When the Amazon’s tongue slipped sweetly into her mouth, she gave in completely and let her body fulfill the lusts that Diana had created, rubbing her hotly aroused sex against Diana’s.

Diana continued to knead and massage Alix’s cleavage as Alix, dazed and excited, moaned in pleasure. She closed her eyes, trembling from head to toe, alive with need that centered in her hungrily throbbing cunt and spread all throughout her body.

“By Aphrodite, you have lovely teats,” Diana sighed, wrapping her arms around Alix to press their naked bodies together, Diana’s hotly quivering breasts pressing against Alix’s in a firm kiss that had their pulsing lust find a single rhythm between them.

Diana’s tights lifted, parted, her long, athletic legs twining with Alix’s to bring their cunts even closer together. Then Diana’s hand was slapping down on Alix’s squirming ass, gripping her tight and pulling their sexes against each other in delicious friction. Alix gasped and jerked forward without thinking, her breasts squeezing against Diana’s, as Diana parted her sweetly rounded buttocks and slipped her finger between them. Alix felt Diana caressing her tightly puckered anus with a wet finger. A moment later, Diana slid down Alix’s burning body, rolling her onto her back, taking up position between her trembling legs.

“Oh, God, Di… Di… Di…” Alix moaned, unable to finish saying Diana’s names as her hands dropped to her roiling sex. She held her breath, trying to stem the tide of the excitement that threatened to completely overtake her.

“Did I do something to offend?” Diana asked teasingly, her soft hands caressing Alix’s naked thighs, moving over them in a soft, sensuous dance that moved quickly on the outer curves and lingered on the inner thighs. Just as her touch was becoming utterly scrumptious, transforming Alix’s taut muscles into overstimulated erogenous zones, Diana moved her hands up to sweep her fingertips over the hands Alix was covering her sex with.

“Don’t do that, Alix. There’s nothing to be afraid of. And there’s no place here for shame.” Diana gave a little tug at Alix’s wrists, beginning to move them, but Alix let out a soft gasp as her pussy started to be exposed. “I would never do anything to hurt you, Alix. But I’m so aroused right now and I know that you are too. Please, Alix, let me pleasure this sweet pussy of yours the way it deserves to be. I’ve seen enough to know it’s been far too long since you’ve even started to feel the way that a wonderful girl like you ought to.”

Alix wanted desperately to do as Diana said, but her body wasn’t quite obeying her at the moment. She had to fist her hands up and drum them on her thighs to get them out of the way, and Diana smiled softly in amusement before she moved her mouth between Alix’s legs and made her lover’s entire body jerked.

Unngh!” Alix gasped as she felt Diana’s heated tongue running up the corded muscle on the inside of her left thigh. Her clit was swelling in stiff excitement, and Alix pounded her fists on the bed to resist the urge to touch its stinging firmness—she knew Diana would feel even better there.

Diana kept licking her and licking her, lapping at her swollen cuntlips, little electric thrills following the tip of her tongue along and inside Alix’s hotly throbbing sex.

“Oh, ohhhh, God, Diana—what are you doing?” Alix groaned. “It feels good, it feels soooo good!”

Grinning fiercely, Diana darted lower, her tongue searching between Alix’s tightly clenched buttocks. Alix’s body seethed with excitement as Diana’s tongue licked over the tender flesh, rarely ever touched, her fingers gently working apart her defenseless asscheeks. 

Pitched breaths were the only interruption in Alix’s continuous gasping, her red hair being thrown from side to side by tosses of her head, as Diana cupped Alix’s nakedly squirming buttocks in her hands and held them apart, tilting Alix’s hips upward for good measure. Alix shuddered in comingled bliss and embarrassment as she felt Diana’s tongue flicking over her sensitively puckered anus. Then, amazingly, the tip of her tongue was pushing inside of Alix—slithering up her ass.

“Oh! No! I can’t… I’ve never… Diana!” Alix babbled, helplessly thinking that this was wrong, even as it felt so wonderfully pleasurable. She’d never felt such a potent mixture of debauchery and excitement. It was dirty, perverse, taboo; she loved it.

Just as she was becoming used to taking pleasure from being licked there, of all places, Diana moved her tongue back to Alix’s sex. Alix twisted and writhed in excitement, as her pussy proved even more sensitive for having been left in the lurch, and she was even more aroused from having Diana’s tongue in her ass. Alix found herself greedily thrusting herself up hard against Diana’s sucking mouth, trying desperately to get more of that long, snaking tongue inside her pussy. Her cunt was tingling with every hot lick that Diana gave her, every single one feeling so warm, so soft, and let making her quiver so hard it was like a bomb going off inside her. Alix’s juices flowed out of her, washing lewdly over Diana’s tongue.

And just as Alix felt sure that she would come, Diana came up off of Alix’s pussy and lay down on top of her, their naked breasts crushing together once more, Diana grounding her womanhood down against Alix’s trembling cunt. It electrified Alix to a mindless peak of ecstasy.

Hnnn, yes, fuck me with your pussy!” Alix screamed, hardly even aware of what she was saying. She groaned with savage need as Diana rubbed her cunt against Alix’s, both of them hotly aroused, both grinding their bodies against each other, meeting from their pussies to their lips, tongues and clits sparking against each other.

Alix felt her orgasm again, swollen and pregnant inside her, responding only to Diana’s wishes no matter how badly Alix wanted it. And Diana denied her again, laughing her way down Alix’s twisting body, enjoying the state she’d reduced Alix to. Alix found herself wanting Diana so badly that she pushed Diana’s head down, urging her tongue back to her hungry pussy, hands tangling in Diana’s long, glossy hair as she got closer and closer to Alix’s hot, juicy sex.

“Alix Harrower, you have a beautiful, hot, wet little pussy,” Diana breathed into Alix’s parted thighs before pressing her mouth down against Alix’s shamelessly throbbing sex. She opened her lips, their every movement brushing against Alix’s pudenta, before her tongue came out to flick along the sweeping mons, teasing them aside and open, Alix unable to keep from writhing her naked ass down into the bed.

“Oh, yes, that’s it! Eat my pussy! It’s yours, it’s yours!”

Diana licked harder, meeting Alix’s pleading gaze as she rolled her tongue crushingly through Alix’s wetly glistening sex. Alix seized Diana’s dark hair, spiking her wildly undulating hips upward, trapping Diana in an embrace with them that buried her tongue deep inside her needing cunt.

Diana let herself sink into the wild offering of Alix’s sex, licking and sucking at the shuddering folds inside Alix in a hungry kiss. Alix jerked her cunt up and down, working in crazy circles against Diana’s mouth. It felt like she couldn’t hold Diana’s darting tongue inside her, like she had to either flee from it or dash herself upon the shoals of the pleasure it brought, and she vacilliated wildly between the two options in a frenzy of lust.

The well-aroused fragrance of Alix’s sex filled Diana’s flaring nostrils, telling her Alix was even more turned on than she seemed as her drenched womanhood tightened against Diana’s greedily seeking tongue with a hot, lewd enthusiasm evident in both of them. Diana fucked her tongue demandingly into the tight clasp of Alix’s lust, thrilling to the way the other woman’s cunt sucked at it.

“Eat me! Diana, oh God, ohhhh—your tongue! You’re fucking me with your tongue! Alix shouted, knowing now that she was going to explode into a wild, wonderful climax. She greeted the prospect with unrepentant approval, and like that had given her body permission, she found an incredible ecstasy flooding in through her cunt, filling her belly and thighs. She fucked herself against Diana’s tongue, drenching Diana’s mouth and lower jaw with the hot kiss of her spilling juices.

Diana’s tongue continued to pleasure Alix’s spasming cunt all throughout the other woman’s climax. Then, as she felt the orgasm beginning to subside, Diana eased up with her tongue, giving light, flighty licks that prolonged the bliss in little bursts of pleasure, until Alix’s cunt was too sensitive to even be looked at, and Alix rolled onto her side, clutching her hands to her groin in almost agonized satiation. 

Diana gave one last chuckle as she rose up to settle behind Alix, wrapping her up in her big arms. Aside from the pressure Alix was exerting in protecting her sore pussy from the torture of more pleasure, she was boneless—molten metal. 

“I think that takes care of the tension,” she said. “In the morning—“

“In the morning,” Alix panted breathlessly, smiling up at Diana. “Can I try doing that to you?” 



Yessss, I love this story so much, you have NO idea.