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Apologies again for the lack of fics lately, Last month, I really procrastinated on this story I'm writing by constantly stopping to work on commissions and little ficlet ideas, which isn't *horrible,* obviously, but was really bad form professionally. I'm close to finished with my little Kindle story now, and I'm going to offer it to you Patrons for free, I think you'll like it. Also, once I'm done with that, I'll be finishing some half-completed stuff and then taking on you nice people. So here's the coming slate. Ultimacy update. Marry The Knight. Iron Man fic. The 100 fic. Agent Carter fic with Peggy/Cap/Angie. Disney Sex Magic Agents of SHIELD fic. Sound good?



Sounds awesome! Hope I'm one of those nice people for one of the fics on my three remaining list.