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You know, with Hollywood movies, they'll spend half again the budget on marketing, paying an elite advertising firm to come up with an ad campaign to sell every aspect of a movie to sweeping girths of men, women, and children. On a book, they ask you if you have any ideas for a tagline. This is where all that hard work coming up with fic summaries that actually make people want to read femslash pays off. (BTW, for Queens of Darkness, I was so tempted to make the summary "They call it fantastic racism, but isn't all racism fantastic?") Anyway, we went through a few potential taglines for Ex-Wives of Dracula. What’s worse than being in love with a straight girl? Being in love with a vampire—who’s straight. (Maybe.) "Don't you just hate when it's the second date and she already wants to move her coffin in?" "Mindy's new crush is a vampire. She feeds on the blood of the living. She hunts the monster who created her. But hey--at least she's bicurious." Even The Lifeless Can Love. Even The Dead Can Desire. (too serious for my story, but I wanted to use it because it comes from a lesbian vampire movie with Christoper Lee.) Ended up going with the coffin one; publisher's choice.


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