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Katie Bishop drove up the access lane leading to the Bishop cabin, in this universe at least, and as she did so, she noticed a figure several hundred yards ahead, walking rapidly down the lane toward the car. Bishop peered through the windshield, and recognized the figure as this world’s Kate: her age, her body, but lacking the pink highlight in her hair that Bishop like so much.

Her foot came down on the brake again, a smile of relief and pagan desire lighting up the lovely features of her face. The Mercedes slowed, and Bishop brought it to a stop at the side of the road, a few feet ahead of where Kate had stopped walking to peer at the approaching car.

The beautiful, plotting woman rolled down her window and put her head out, making her smile casual and friendly. She had to play this just right, for she knew instinctively that her double didn’t trust her. Yes, she had to be very, very careful what she did and said for the moment...

Kate recognized her other self through the windshield of the car as it came to a stop before her. She stood very still for a moment, trying to gauge her feelings about the doppelganger. Ever since their universes had been sort of smushed together, it’d been weird having a second Kate Bishop in the world. She tried very hard to be fair and not to confuse her millennial feelings of self-loathing with her opinion of Katie. And so she started forward, a tentative smile touching the corners of her soft, pink mouth.

"Hi, Kate!" Bishop said cheerfully, as the dark-haired woman approached. "Out for a little walk?"

"Well... yes," Kate admitted. "I just felt like walking for a while. It's kind of nice out."

"Yes, it is," Bishop agreed. " Say, are you going anywhere in particular?"

"No, not really," Kate said.

Bishop was feeling much more confident now. "How would you like to go for a little ride, Kate?" Bishop asked casually. Inside, she was seething with excitement now.

"Where to?" Kate asked.

"Oh, up to my house, maybe. You haven't seen it, have you?"



"Please come, Kate. We can talk, and I can show you around." Then she changed her tone for effect, becoming pensive and serious. "You know, I haven't really very many girlfriends to confide in..."

Kate suddenly felt warmth and pity for the woman. It was true, she had not liked her at first because it was like she was being replaced, having another her going around, befriending her friends, God help her, maybe even getting some dick with her face. But now, for the first time, she thought she had an insight into the woman and truly wanted to reach out and help her. She wasn't a bad woman, she just needed someone to talk to, another woman who knew and understood her feelings. 

Kate answered her warmly: "Okay, Katie, I'd really like to spend some time with you."

"Good!" Bishop enthused, scarcely able to conceal her exhilaration. "Get in honey, and we'll be on our way."

Kate came around to the passenger side of the Mercedes and slipped into the front seat. Bishop looked briefly, surreptitiously at the tanned, slender legs of the woman, at her taut breasts beneath the thin blouse she wore, then she backed her car to where there was a turn-out. She turned around there and drove back to the main road and back in the direction from which she had come.

They passed through the village of Mill Valley talking, establishing an easy rapport. Kate was really beginning to warm to the woman, whom she found quite charming, and by the time they reached the highway, Kate was in high spirits. Bishop found the role of a woman needing a confidante easy to play, even fun, and she could see the relaxing effect it was having on the other woman as she planned her seduction.

The house Katie had rented was reached by a wide, paved access road leading up onto higher ground. It was a large, two-story building made of natural redwood with a wide veranda in front and a spacious two-car garage off to one side. Behind it was a dense profusion of eucalyptus and madrone trees which separated the grounds from the lake.

Bishop swung the Mercedes into the wide clearing in front of the house, then into the garage. They left the car and walked to the house. The verandah was well-furnished with potted succulents and redwood tables, and there was even a small, built-in bar at one end. Bishop waved a hand at the surroundings and smiled at Kate. "Isn't this wonderful? Do you like it?"

"It's lovely, Katie," the other woman enthused.

"I'd love to show you the interior."

"I'd be delighted to see it."

Bishop took the woman's arm in a friendly way, but secretly she was thrilled by the touch of Kate's bare flesh, her pussy beginning to flare between her thighs with growing excitement. But she couldn't put the next part of her plan into operation until the time was exactly right. But if things worked out as she was attempting to maneuver them, that time was not far off...

The huge house had eight rooms—a living room, a book-shelved den, a dining room, a kitchen, a playroom with a 4K television, and three magnificently decorated bedrooms. And the entire house was expensively and tastefully decorated with good modern design furniture and fine antique Oriental rugs.

Bishop proudly showed Kate each room, pointing out certain appointments with great pride, lingering at the den and living room—as well as in the bedrooms, pointing out the mirrored ceilings and waterbed in one, the satin-covered king-size bed in another, and the wall-to-wall mattresses in the third. She had to restrain herself from making direct advances to Kate with these beds so near...

Finally, they returned to the veranda outside, Kate feeling elated at the change from her own modest surroundings. Then Bishop steered her to the outdoor bar, saying: "How about a little drink, Kate? I've got just about anything in the world here."

"Well... maybe some white wine," Kate replied.

"Nothing a little stronger?"

"No, I don't think so," her mirror image told her. "I've never been much of a drinker."

"Well, I have something you might really like."

"Okay," Kate answered. "Why not? Sure, I'd love to try it... What is it?"

Bishop went behind the bar and pulled out a smoky brown bottle with no label on it. She poured a substantial shot of it into a crystal brandy snifter and handed the glass to Kate, who held it to her nose and inhaled its heavy sweet aroma. Then she put the glass to her lips and tasted it with her tongue. It had a sweet pleasant taste and so she began to sip it.

Internally now, Bishop was a froth of excitement and impending triumph. The golden liquid in the unmarked bottle was very possibly the world's most potent and subtle aphrodisiac, tried and true. It cost a small fortune, but it was worth every penny Hydra had put into it. 

"This is really quite a nice drink," said Kate after she had half emptied her glass.

Bishop grinned, her eyes shining brightly. Then she said, "I think I'll join you, Kate," and began to pour herself the same yellow liquor, giving herself a considerable shot. It wouldn't take much to work its sexual magic on Kate, but Bishop had built up a natural tolerance over the years and so she needed to almost triple the amount she gave to herself.

She raised the glass in a small salute to Kate and drank deeply of the golden liquor. She could feel the warmth of it trailing down into her stomach, adding fuel to her churning excitement. But her voice was gentle, almost casual, when she said, "What about that swim I mentioned earlier, Kate. Would you like to go for a dip?"

"Well... I don't know," Kate hesitated...

"Oh, come on," Bishop urged her. "There's a spare suit in the upstairs bedroom, and the beach is just through those trees there. We'll be alone to swim for a while and talk and relax before it gets too cool and dark. There'll be nobody around to bother us…"

Kate bit her lip... She'd been really working hard the past few weeks, and she badly needed to relax. What harm could it do? 

"Okay," she said finally, "I guess that would be nice. I'd like to."

"Good!” Bishop replied, smiling broadly. "Come on, I'll show you where the guest bedroom is—and where the spare swimsuit is, too."

Bishop took Kate's hand, led her inside the house again and down a short hallway to where the extra bedroom was located. She produced a tiny mauve string bikini from a small closet there, presenting it to the dark-haired woman. "Here you are, honey."

"There isn't much to it, huh?" Kate said.

"Well, that doesn't matter," Katie replied smoothly. "We’ll be completely alone on the beach. Now you hurry and change, and I'll go upstairs and do the same. I'll meet you outside on the porch."

Kate shed her clothing when her double had departed and put on the two narrow wisps of material that compromised the bikini. She felt almost naked, standing there, but then shrugged and hurried out to the veranda. Bishop had not yet arrived, and Kate sat down to wait for her. She was beginning to feel kind of warm now, and her stomach was fluttery, her sweet little cunt faintly aching in a pleasant sort of way; Kate began to eagerly look forward to the swim, and took another shot of liquor from the unlabeled brown bottle which was sitting on top of the bar.

Moments later, Bishop reappeared, wearing a white bikini no larger than the one Kate wore, stretched tautly over her full, bronzed breasts and the wide, lithe circumference of her sensual hips. She smiled at the dark-haired woman, executing a small pirouette. "How do I look?" she asked lightly.

"Wow!" Kate exclaimed. "That's pretty sexy, Katie. You really have a good figure."

"Thanks—you would know!"

Bishop examined the more sedate woman with a critical eye, her eyes moving over the full, round swell of her breasts, the flat smoothness of her stomach, the perfect taper of her long legs. In her mind, she imagined what Kate's slit would look like, and felt magic wetness begin to flow between her own velvety thighs. She picked up her brandy snifter, and drained the glass, letting the aphrodisiac flow through her bloodstream, heating her passion, kindling it higher. It won't be long now, she thought, not long now...

"You've got a very nice figure yourself, Kate," she announced softly, taking the woman's arm.

"You don’t say?" Kate asked wryly.

"Oh yes! You're a very beautiful woman... you just have a less flashy style than I do."

Kate beamed at the fervent compliment and allowed Bishop to lead her down off the verandah and over to where a sand-and-pine needle path let through the heavy conifers toward the private lakefront beach. The pretty brunette felt warmer now than she had before, waiting, and her pussy seemed to be aching even more, little tingles of excitement racing through it. She couldn't understand why she would be aroused now, here with Bishop, but it was such a pleasant sensation that she decided not to worry about it, unaware that her mind was rapidly failing under the control of the potent aphrodisiac...

The pines thinned out finally and the path blended into a beautiful, narrowly circumscribed beach, perhaps a hundred yards long and thirty yards deep. It was completely cut off on the upper and lower landward sides by trees which grew down to the waterline, and the sparkling blue water of a small, private lake stretched out peacefully before them. The sand was pure virgin white, unsullied by careless, senseless tourists, and it was warm and pleasant under Kate's bare toes as she and Bishop moved across it to the warm, drifting mind of the brunette, insidiously possessed now by the sexual stimulator she had drunk, this beach was the last citadel of nature, one of the few truly unspoiled spots left in the world. She ventured to say so to her beautiful, ardent companion.

"Why that's a lovely observation, Kate," Bishop said. "And very true!"

The falling, late-afternoon sun had turned the lake water a brilliant gold and orange, and Kate shaded her eyes peering out there. "God, that's exquisite!" she breathed.

"Come on," said Bishop, "Let's jump in!"

She led the pretty woman across the sand to where a huge, blue and yellow beach umbrella had been imbedded into the grainy surface. Beneath it, a large white beach towel neatly folded at its upper edge. Bishop could hardly control her surging passions now that she had Kate here on the beach, alone—now that she was only minutes away from a potential conquest of this fine woman. Her pussy was alive with lust and the effects of the golden liquor, and her breasts quivered with anticipation beneath her bikini top. But she kept her voice level, playful, as she pretended to have a sudden inspiration, and said: "Why don't we merge with the beauty of the lake—naked," she breathed.


"Sure, the way God made us... There's no one around to see us."

"Well, I don't know, Bishop..." Kate began, but the idea was appealing to her, giving her a little thrill of excitement at the prospect of swimming in the nude. Her cunt tingled and tingled, and finally she acquiesced. "I guess it would be okay. I mean, if no one's here to see us."

"We don't have to worry about that," Bishop assured her.

The aphrodisiac had full and irrevocable control of the brunette now; she had lost all her power to resist stimulation and excitement, such as what Katie Bishop had suggested.

She giggled like a young girl, then reached up behind her to the straps of her bikini top. Bishop, watching her intently and holding her heaving breath, did the same, and the two stripped off their tops at the same instant. Bishop stared at the large, perfectly formed breasts of the lovely brunette, and tried to stifle another giggle; they were really beautiful breasts, all right. And as she feasted on the rounded firmness of Kate's magnificent breasts, the fire leaped wildly in the pit of her stomach. Her cunt, Bishop thought lustfully, what will her cunt look like all naked and throbbing up between her widespread thighs?

Bishop's hands dropped to the waistband of her suit bottom, and she saw that Kate had done the same. Then she peeled the garment down and off in one swift motion, raising up again naked and Amazonian and proud. Then she sucked in her breath sharply, but the brunette was now naked as well, her softly-downed pussy mound glinting in the late-afternoon sunlight, the hint of her tiny, pinkly glistening clitoris peeking out from the soft fur-fringed folds of her naked vagina. Oh God, Bishop thought, oh God, what a beautiful cunt she has! I can't wait much longer to lick and tongue it now that I've seen it, I just can't...

She turned away, lest the brunette see the look of intense desire contorting her face and interpret it correctly, even though a rising passion must be consuming her own mind by now. Bishop cried,: "Come on, honey, I'll race you into the water!"

Giggling, Kate fled after her mirror image as she raced across the sand, her large breasts bouncing and juggling provocatively, and splashed into the warm water of the lake. The brunette joined her, swimming with long expert strokes after Bishop as she swam out about thirty-five yards, then halted and began to tread water. Kate came up beside her, and they laughed and splashed each other like two children at play. But in both women's minds now—stronger in Bishop's but gaining magnitude in Kate's—there was a gathering passion, an undercurrent of desire that was almost palpable in the warm, balmy afternoon and in the girlish antics of the two naked females.

They swam and floated, laughing and giggling but not touching one another in any way. Then Bishop could not stand it any longer; her whole being was crying out for release, for action, and she had to move forward now... this very instant...

She called to Kate, "Come on, honey, let's go and catch the last of the sun!"

"Okay," said Kate, and they swam in, then walked out on the beach, the sun glistening off the beaded droplets of water on their skin. Their breasts were taut and proud, the nipples erect, and their pussies were seething cauldrons. They reached the spread beach towel and sank down onto their knees facing one another; Kate was still laughing, but Bishop's expression was now one of unmasked lust. The other woman didn't quite understand what was happening to her, but she would and very soon, Bishop thought... oh yes, she would soon understand!

The voluptuous, naked Katie caught up the small, fluffy towel and shook it open. Her smile was one of pagan carnality as she said: "Lie down, honey," in a soft, hypnotic voice. "I'll rub you dry. You'd like that, wouldn't you? For me to rub you nice and dry with the soft, warm towel."

"Mmmmm!" Kate said, and obediently lay back on the beach towel, her eyes half-lidded, her brain filled with desire and torpor.

Bishop scooted up to where she was looking down into the brunette's face, could see the softly parted lips, the tip of the pink tongue flicking in and out, and it was all the more experienced woman could do to keep from flinging herself onto Kate then and there. But she forced herself to stay calm, lowering the fluffy towel to rub it gently, gently, over Kate's face, removing the droplets of water from it. Then she brought the towel down past the slender column of the brunette's pulsating throat, across her smooth white shoulders, down her arms, along the sides... Bishop's breathing was ragged, spewing hotly from between her teeth, but Kate seemed to take no notice.

"It feels good, Bishop, it really does," she murmured softly. She stretched, wiggling her body, waiting for the gentle touch of the towel again. It was so nice to be rubbed dry that way, she thought, it made her pussy and tits feel so nice, too... ooohhh, it was lovely to be treated this tenderly by another woman.

Katie’s eyes were hotly feverish as she stroked the other woman's torso, moving the towel slowly around Kate's firmly rounded breasts. Bishop drank in the beauty of the brunette's naked stomach and legs, the glistening wetness that was so apparent between her velvet-smooth thighs... Her own cunt was secreting the liquid of her desire heavily along her thighs now, and she was almost trembling from pent-up arousal as she continued stroking, slowly, gently, slowly, gently...

The towel circled Kate's breasts, and her legs began to open and close, open and close, with the burning fire in her loins. Bishop saw the pink nipples rise under her ministrations, growing firm and hard, and she brushed the towel across first one nipple, then the other, then moved it up to the girl's shoulders again as Kate suddenly moaned softly, her eyes going shut all the way.

"It feels good, my rubbing you this way, doesn't it, honey?" Bishop's mesmeric voice droned. "It feels so good to have your sweet young body rubbed by my towel, your breasts, your stomach, the soft towel rubbing and rubbing, making you feel so nice... I'm going to rub your legs now, honey, your legs and... between them... I'm going to dry your wet pussy, honey, won't that be nice? You'd like me to dry your pussy with this soft warm towel, wouldn't you?"

"Yes... oooohhhh..." her passion-drugged reflection whispered, her body gyrating with excitement.

Bishop brought the towel down, down, brushing it tenderly over the wet, curly dark pubic hair, drying it, fluffing it, then moved down first one slender leg and then the other, over the knee and calf and into the softness of Kate's inner thighs, causing the other woman to limply let her legs spread wide. Now more of her pinkly moistening cunt was revealed to Bishop's eyes, and she raised the towel up to the wet, soft slit and stroked it up and down, up and down, up and down...

"Doesn't that feel good, Kate, doesn't it?" she intoned hypnotically. "Doesn't this towel feel good on your naked pussy, you like to have your pussy stroked this way, don't you...?"

"Oooooooh!" Kate moaned, her body twisting and arching, legs scissoring at the delicious sensations which were flooding through her flesh at the manipulations of the towel on her hot, damp slit. Dimly, a part of her mind cried out that what Bishop was doing was wrong, that she, Kate Bishop, was allowing another woman to play with her pussy and this was crazy, perverted... and yet, the towel felt so very good and the sun was warm and her mind was lazy and excited at the same time... and her pussy was tingling, tingling, tingling...

It's almost time, Bishop thought, and she's primed and ready. Everything is working out perfectly! Oooohhh, I can't wait to get at that sweet cunt of hers...

She kept on telling Kate how wonderful her body was, how nice the towel felt, and as she talked she brought the towel up and over the woman's body again, back down, up, down, and then she said, "I'm going to use my hands now, honey, instead of the towel, my warm, soft hands..."

"Mmmmm, yes... warm, soft hands..." Feverishly, Bishop discarded the towel and began to stroke the hot, damp flesh of the woman below her, her own body gyrating now at the electric contact of the naked female flesh beneath her fingers. Oh God, oh God, this was going to be the best she ever had, the best cunt she'd ever had...

She eased her fingers off Kate's shoulders and arms and sides and breasts, over the rigid nipples, and then she allowed her hands to slide down across the smooth, flat, glistening belly to touch the soft, silken pussy hairs, moving her hands around and down the other woman's flanks, bringing them back up again inexorably. Then one of her long fingers parted the soft, moist crevice of the woman's slit, parted it gently to touch the button of Kate's clitoris, bringing it immediately erect, stroking it carefully. 

The brunette's hips began to undulate more freely on the towel, and her dazed mind cried: So nice, this is so nice like this... but I shouldn't allow this to happen, not like this... Ooooohhhh, hut I don't care because I'm so hot and excited and I want to cum... yes, I want to cum and Katie's fingers feel so good on my pussy and clitoris...

"Give me your hand, honey," Bishop's softly gentle voice said. She was breathing more rapidly now, her fingertip moving with increasing speed against the other woman's softly throbbing cunt mound. "Give me your hand."

Kate lifted one hand. Bishop held it for a moment, then let it rest on her knee to give the other woman the feel of her own fevered flesh. Then she leaned forward, moving Kate's hand over her quivering breast, guiding the limp finger over her diamond hard nipple, feeling her treacherously reacting pussy secrete hotly flaming juices. She bent further forward, touching her lips to Kate's parted mouth, letting her tongue flick across the warm softness. The dark-haired woman moaned softly, knowing she shouldn't accept the other woman's mouth, not caring, lost in the wonderful sensual feelings surging hotly up between her thighs. Her arm came up, encircled Bishop's neck, and a low moan of ecstasy escaped the doppelganger’s throat as her tongue began to work hungrily around up inside Kate's mouth and her finger began to slide with an ever-increasing rhythm up and down the dark-haired woman's vaginal slit, rapidly moistening with her lascivious manipulations.

Bishop stretched her body out on the towel beside Kate, moving hard against her, reveling at the contact of the flesh, her own passion seething hot and eager. She moved her head away from the woman's mouth, began kissing the turgid, swollen areolas and nipples of her high, firm breasts, then dipped down over the smooth, sweat-slickness of the brunette's belly, then lower still until she was breathing hotly, excitedly into the silkiness of Kate's mound. This was the moment Bishop had been waiting for!

Her stroking hands massaged Kate's breasts unceasingly, coming down now along the brunette's flanks and then moving to the slim smoothness of her thighs. With tender movements she parted the unresisting flesh, drawing Kate's legs even wider apart to reveal the complete moist pinkness of the semi-drugged woman's slit. Bishop began to impart hot, wet kisses through the velvety growth of dark pubic hair, tongue extended like a hot poker as she squirmed her body lower and lower on the towel, mouth and fiery probe seeking the hotly throbbing clitoris.

Then the bolder woman's tongue came in contact with the moist bud and began to circle it teasingly. In a reflex movement, her breath shuddering between her teeth and her brain whirling with sudden raging desire at the electric, forbidden touch, Kate's hands came up to wind themselves in the tresses of her wanton double. Bishop let her hands slide upward again over the soft belly to Kate's firm full tits, cupping and squeezing them hungrily while her mouth and tongue continued the wet assault of the other woman's clitoris.

Bishop's sharp white teeth took the throbbing button between them finally, nipping it gently, running her tongue round and round it in continuous circles, reveling in the warm feminine taste. Kate cried out sharply, her hands tightening on her twin’s hair, her buttocks beginning to swirl madly on the towel from the waves of delicious desire being transmitted through her flesh.

Ohhhh, I'm on fire... this is wrong but I'm on fire, I love it, love it and I can't stop, I don't want to stop...

Kate's head began to flail from side to side on the beach towel in total abandonment, and Bishop opened her mouth still wider, moving her tongue downward along the smooth, heat-moistened slit to the throbbing opening of the other woman's cunt. She began to fuck her then, harder and faster, faster and harder, sliding her hot, wet tongue far up into Kate's tightly clasping channel, reveling in the unintelligible whimpering sounds the brunette made as she swirled and flicked her hungrily working tongue around the velvet-like interior of the pulsatingly soft cunt lips. 

Bishop brought her hands down again, slipped beneath Kate's thighs, pushing them further up until the woman's hips were high off the towel, thighs draped over Bishop's shoulders and pressing tight against her wetly sliding cheeks. The whole of Kate's flowing sex was open in naked abandonment to the twin’s churning face, and then Bishop cupped the soft white little buttocks with gentle hands, fingers kneading the quivering hot flesh as she thrust her tongue deep, deep into the searing liquid depths of the brunette's cunt.

Kate writhed and moaned from the delicious lickings of her moist hot furrow, the gentle probings of Bishop's tongue into her womanhood. The feverish passion was swirling in great billows of heat through her, and she knew she was very close to cumming, very, very close. Her body strained and twisted on the towel, her mouth open to emit wailing cries of mindless delight as she urged Bishop on to even greater manipulations of her nakedly aching pussy furrow. And the more experienced woman obliged her, her tongue becoming a pistoning thing gone out of control as it flashed deep and hard up into Kate's wet, hotly clasping sex. She lowered her right hand as she slaved in wondrous delight, sliding her middle finger down into her own fiery, moist cunt, stroking her clit very rapidly, the heat of impending orgasm roaring like a forest out of control through her flesh as she sought her own release simultaneously with the climax she knew exultantly was building in Kate from the burning tonguing the voluptuous blonde was imparting on her pussy.

It wouldn't be long now, for either of them.

Hail fucking Hydra, Bishop thought.





Magnificent. I pretty much always love selfcest, but that's actually the least of this story's charms, including Bishop's rising and barely-concealed lust and anticipation, Kate oblivious bu inevitable surrender to the seduction she doesn't even realize is happening, and as always, your positively delicious descriptions of how hot the women are.