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Even the sleep was paradisal on Themyscira. It was an easy thing to overlook, but the peacefulness of the island did not diminish at night. Instead—even on Transformation Island—it settled into the mind. Lapping waves, cool breezes, and the rustle of leaves in the tranquil jungle. 

Inside, long, flowing curtains further melted that sound into a kaleidoscope of noise less heard than felt, a massage on the ears they barely touched. Super Sally Sonic was sleeping deeply in the same cell she returned to each night, where the bars caged her so her minders could get some rest.

In the quiet and the dark, her powers neutralized, there was nothing for the young, old Sally to do but to sleep. And to dream.


Alix answered the phone on the second ring. “Hello?”

“Hi,” Sally greeted. She was relieved just to hear her friend’s voice. “I just thought I’d call to say hello.”

“You’ve said hello in better spirits,” Alix replied, gripping the phone tighter. “What’s wrong?”

“Where to begin?” Sally laughed humorlessly. “I don’t have anyone to talk to, for starters.”

“Come on over, honey. I’ll make us tea.”

“Thanks, I’ll be right there,” Sally said, all she could manage before hanging up the phone.

Now she finally had the energy to get up and get dressed; it felt like she’d spent all night just lying awake in bed. She dressed comfortably in a pair of jeans and a navy blue sweater, but she made sure both were nice and tight so she’d look good for Alix. For the same reason, she put on pumps instead of the worn loafers she’d been wearing the few times she left her house the past week.

She looked at her reflection carefully before setting out. I look mature, Sally decided, but not old. She was proud of the hefty thrust of her breasts against her soft sweater, the nipples clearly outlined. Sally, you are quite a woman.


When Alix opened her front door, she knew that Sally would need something stronger than tea. They chatted politely while settling in, and if Sally had any objections to breaking out the booze while they waited for the tea to boil, it was soon lost in the tinkle of ice cubes.

As Sally told her friend what had happened, she found herself relaxing. Alix didn’t seem to think it was terribly shocking, more enjoying Sally’s telling of the story.

“So then he sodomized you?” Alix laughed, delighted by how vividly Sally painted the picture.

“Yes,” Sally nodded, leaning forward to rest a hand on Alix’s knee. “He really is most improper where he puts his cock, my Dennis. Half the times I’ve had it in my mouth, I’ve still had something to say!”

The two women laughed uproariously as they raced to see who could swallow the most gin, the most Scotch, the most bourbon. The sash around Alix’s robe was loosening. She caught Sally looking down the front of her robe more than once, and could only conclude that more and more, her robe was giving Sally something to look at it. Her body, too.

Alix had toyed with the idea of being adulterous with Sally, but the timing had never seemed to be right. But the feel of Sally’s hand massaging her knee told her that this morning, the stars might finally be in alignment.

“Listen,” Alix said, getting up to fix another two drinks at the bar. “It seems obvious to me that this Dennis is a lout, the two of you are in an abusive relationship, and I would categorize most of your sex life as dubiously consensual at best.”

“Well, I did kill him. That hardly seems like a healthy way to end an affair. And I probably should’ve gotten rid of the body a long time ago. But what about you? Your husband has been losing interest in you since your age eclipsed your IQ.”

“Yes, you’re right,” Alix agreed, leaning forward just enough for her robe to hang open. “It probably doesn’t help that you’ve been sending him videos of you deep-throating horse dildos, but in an odd way, I’m mostly happy that’s allowed us to find each other.”

“Yes, we’re such good friends now,” Sally replied, taking her fresh drink in hand. “And who would you rather have seducing your husband, your friend or a complete stranger?”

“Exactly. I just wish my Lance could satisfy you sexually. It seems he’s let us both down.”

“Indeed, a poor choice on your part,” Sally said, shaking her head back and forth. “And here I thought you would help me straighten things out. A fat lot of good you are!”

“Be honest—do you really want things to ‘straighten’ out?” Alix asked her. 

Sally could see what she meant. She was having a hard time keeping her eyes off her friend’s body. While Lance might’ve been a poor scientist, he had good taste in women—good enough to want to leave Alix for her, certainly. But Alix’s body was spectacular too; Sally’s mouth was beginning to water.

“I really can’t blame Lance,” Alix said, snuggling up beside her best friend and putting an arm around Sally’s neck. “After all, you are a beautiful woman. If you started coming onto me, I wouldn’t take my eyes off your thrilling body either, even without any ephebophiliac tendencies.” 

Sally was surprised by the obvious pass Alix had made. Was this the first time Alix had taken an interest in her, or had she always looked over Sally’s body, appreciating her full breasts and trim hips? She shifted a little to give Alix a better view.

Alix’s hand began to slowly massage Sally, enjoying the warmth of her flesh beneath the sweater. A lewd grin curled her mouth as Alix’s fingers traveled down from Sally’s shoulder to her swollen breasts.

“Mmmm… that feels nice,” Sally said, as Alix’s deft fingers took command. 

Sally had gone too many lonely nights to say no to the pleasures of Alix’s touch. But she also couldn’t help but feel inexperienced, virginal—innocent, in a way. It was an arousing sensation.

Alix could feel Sally’s nipples hardening through the material of her sweater. Pressing her own breasts into Sally’s arms she tightened her fingers on Sally’s breasts and felt her friend’s body engage with her touch.

Caught up in the excitement of the movement, Sally turned and kissed Alix. She pushed her tongue into Alix’s mouth, thrilling to the passion she found there. Alix slipped her hand under Sally’s sweater. As she’d hoped and expected, there was no bra to deter her from Sally’s huge breasts, and a puckered hardness at the tips that she just knew thrilled to her touch.

Sally pulled away from her, standing up, Alix’s nails scratching over her skin as they separated. But Alix saw no regret in Sally’s eyes, only lust. She stood up with her, and their lips pressed together, tongues meeting once more. All they heard was the moist roar of their kiss deepening. Their nipples seemed to buzz together, electric, as their breasts crushed against each other, an endless struggle between two unstoppable forces. Between the hunger of Alix and Sally trying to get closer and just how firm, full, and heavy their breasts were, refusing to flatten no matter how hard the women clung to each other.

Seeking to further intensify the battle, Alix lowered her hands down Sally’s back until she was cupping the flagrant thickness of her buttocks. Her fingers slid over the tight-set jeans, Sally’s warm flesh just underneath, and she traced the denim’s fall into the valley between Sally’s buttocks. The action pulled Sally closer to her.

Sally obligingly pressed her hips forward, grinding her cunt against Alix’s hungry sex. Her hands massaged the tingling muscles of Alix’s back—she could feel them working to force her own body against Alix’s—and she kissed Alix, feeling the same tingle in the muscle of Alix’s tongue as it warred against hers. 

Alix’s hands moved to the fly of Sally’s jeans, and her knuckles brushed the brass button fronting Sally’s waistband as she reached down into the crotch. She felt the dampness infusing Sally’s panties and covering her throbbing sex. Muffled moans slipping from Sally’s throat to the uninterrupted kiss between the two women, celebrating the contact Alix’s fingers made with her clit. 

For a moment, Sally thought of what a bastard Dennis was, turning her into the kind of perverse deviant who got off on sex with another woman, who enjoyed a pair of tits pressing against her own instead of a broad chest, and long feminine fingers in her cunt instead of a nice big cock. She would get back at him. Oh yes. She would fuck Alix Harrower better than he, or any man, ever could.

As she thought this, Alix stepped away from her. And for a moment, Sally worried that her love had sensed something of what Sally thought of her and their affair, not knowing that Sally loved deviance. But no. Alix didn’t have an inkling. She was just undoing the sash on her robe once and for all and letting the garment fall from her.

There she stood, tall, voluptuous, her abundant curves just barely overcome by her statuesque height to become perfect rather than ridiculous. In the silvery sheen of her metal skin, the reflecting pools of her buoyantly exposed breasts, even in her chrome eyes, Sally saw the most beautiful thing: herself.

“Join me in the bedroom,” Alix said, turning around with a swish of her copper-red hair, displaying Sally’s reflection in her strong back muscles and the ripe curves of her buttocks, showcasing Sally’s face in poised profile from her dimpled lower back to her powerful hips to her long thighs, dappled with light as they caught the sunlight through the windows—brushstrokes of God’s masterpiece.

Sally followed her into the bedroom and there, strong hands grabbed her and forced her to the bed. Rope sung through the air to lash around her wrists, tying them to the headboard. She was completely helpless, even more so when a knife—silvery, so silvery—flashed out and pointed in sparkling light at her throat.

“You don’t need the sweater,” Dennis said. Her Vitaman.

He cut it off her. She knew he was disappointed she wasn’t wearing a bra, disappointed he couldn’t rip it off. Naked to the waist, her hands tied, she was completely at his mercy.

She loved that. Didn’t she?

She had to.


Sally awoke to a soft caress—a woman’s touch—warming her face. It felt good, so different from how brutally Dennis had handled her, so nice… she didn’t deserve it.

She opened her eyes and met the sparkling blue gaze of the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen. She gasped with surprise at the woman’s perfection: her cheeks, her chin, her eyebrows, her lips, all were elegant in repose, sable-black hair framing her beauty as she smiled down at Sally.

“You were having a nightmare,” the woman said, continuing to run her fingers lightly over Sally’s skin.

“Who are you?” Sally asked her, the gentle touch of her fingers soothing some of what she was feeling, while aggravating Sally in other ways. It seemed wrong. Where was Dennis? Why had he stopped? Would he come back?

“I am Diana,” the woman answered, continuing with her skillful massage. “Do you know where you are?”

“No… I had a bad dream.”

“You’re on Themyscira, an offshoot of the main island we call Transformation Island. It’s for people who have lost their way.” Her deft fingers traveled down Sally’s neck and across her shoulders, all fingertips, no nails. “We consider it a place of healing.”

“I’m Sally,” she stammered in response, now truly coming awake. Her body was stirring under Diana’s touch. They were soothing her hurt, but… wrong, all wrong.

“You seemed to be having a good dream before. A dream about being touched. Would you like to go back to it?” Diana asked, her fingers undoing the first button on Sally’s blouse.

“Alix…” Sally murmured, blushing. She was getting excited by the woman’s hands. They were so soft and soothing, nothing like Dennis’s rough grip, or the hard hands of Alix as they’d come down on her. “Please don’t…” she finally muttered. She felt the need to be loved, but the fact that tenderness came from a woman gnawed at her.

Diana’s hands parted from her, sliding down the bedspread as they came away. “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

“Will you lay with me?” Sally moaned helplessly. She didn’t want that biting feeling of wrongness to come back, but she did. 

Diana nodded at Sally’s request, lying next to Sally where the shadows of the pavilion’s roof halved the mattress. The warmth of her body passed through Sally’s clothes and teased her where she was already tingling. Somehow, that made Sally cry.

Diana ran her soft hands over the sobbing girl, trying to soothe her. She pulled Sally to her body and squeezed her tightly. Almost immediately, Sally broke free, but only to turn around. When she looked into Diana’s eyes, her own were excited and confused and ashamed.

Diana bent her head to Sally’s, gingerly lowering her lips to hers, and kissed her. At first with a short, soft flutter. Then she sunk her tongue between Sally’s lips, kissing her long and passionately.

“Oh, Diana,” Sally mewled softly, feeling their bodies warming together. She didn’t know what the feeling was that was building in her, why she returned Diana’s kiss—she didn’t like that her body was tingling.

“Oh, you’re lovely…” Diana purred as she started to undress. “You’re not bad at all, are you?”

Sally felt a thrumming inside herself as she responded to Diana’s loving touch. Diana’s hands moved gently over her body, lingering in places, leaving warmth blooming all through her. Their breasts pressed together; Sally could feel Diana’s nipples hardening against her own. She felt Diana’s hands caress her back until they were molded to her ass and hips, massaging her once more, stronger and with more of a response from her trembling flesh.

“Ohhhhh, Diana,” Sally moaned, with more passion than she had known since Dennis had arranged a team-up with the Flag Four. The four men had shoved their long, greasy cocks into her every orifice for their own pleasure. It was no wonder that her body was now responding to tender caresses. She needed to feel love. She didn’t need to orgasm like she had when they’d fucked her mouth, pussy, asshole, and slapped her face with the leftover cock. She was hungry for affection; she couldn’t just come like a wanton slut again…

Sally closed her eyes and tried not to think, just moving her hands over her heaving breasts, teasing the hardness that tipped them, tracing her curves as she spread her legs. If Diana’s hands went there, they could do whatever they wanted to her aching pussy. And they did, just not what Sally wanted—they roved down Sally’s lower belly, along her inner thighs, even over her pussy, but the touch was light, fleeting. It was unsatisfying, and Sally filled with a hateful anger as she thought how unfair it was for Diana to make her crave this wicked love and then not give it to her.

“Does that feel good, Sally?”

Sally swallowed her bile. “Yes!” she said bitterly.

“As good as a man?”

“Better than any man, Diana… you’re so sweet and warm. I want you.”

Even as she said them, Sally’s words melted the last of her restraint. She let Diana’s lips come to hers, moving the last leg of the journey herself, and as their lips met, their bodies burned together.

Sally closed her eyes again. The room was spinning, the world outside tumbling past her as she dared to break the kiss and suckle at Diana’s neck. Her passion overwhelmed her; she was on fire as Diana returned her efforts. Sally moaned over and over again. Diana’s hands were so gentle after all she had felt. Even the way Diana’s fingers crested over her tits was new and different. She squirmed as Diana’s lips lingered on her nipples, firm and forceful, but so light in comparison to what she had known. 

Something brushed against her clit and left it feeling like a hot coal. Her eyes flew open. Her mouth opened as if to scream, but only sucked air to her pleading lungs. She felt lust, fire, sensation all throughout her, painful in its gentleness—Diana was teasing her, taunting her. Sally looked down and saw Diana mouthing her burning sex. She felt the tongue dip into her warm labia and explore the depths of her. Sally reached down and rubbed her hand over her clit, the responding clenches making her hips buck up against Diana. Diana held her down and her whole body trembled in the Amazon’s sure grip.

“Oh, Diana!” Sally gasped. “I want you!”

“You have me,” Diana groaned. “As much as you like—“ She heaved up and down, bucking her hips and feeling the cool mattress against her body. She went back to Sally’s groin, claiming the girl’s clit as her own, sucking at it, squeezing it with her lips, Sally moaning again and again as Diana easily outdid her own efforts to pleasure her clitoris. 

The mattress shifted, its tiny noises screaming in the night, as Sally moved to return the tenderness Diana had showed her. Diana felt Sally’s breasts, nipples stiff and hard, boring into the softness of her belly.

Sally’s eyes widened as she gazed upon the naked beauty of Diana’s womanhood. All the old jokes and taunts and dirty limericks came rushing back to her at the thought of what she was about to do: dyke, queer, lezbo. Her own body, evil and slimy, so how could another woman’s place be any different? But all she could see of Diana was sweet and pink and cute, and it needed her. She was amazed by how Diana’s clit throbbed, and the oily wetness of Diana’s sex, gleaming as the woman lifted enough for Sally to be comfortable.

The woman was showing her so much love—as much as Dennis had at first, before… before… she could’ve cried out, thinking about that while she was feeling this, and Sally flung her arms around Diana’s hips. She buried her mouth in Diana’s body just like Diana was doing for her.

Diana felt Sally’s kisses, moist and warm, trail over her thighs. She felt girlish fingers spreading her pussy open. Diana smiled to herself. As she’d hoped, the pleasure Sally had received was driving her away from her trauma; now she needed to return the love she had felt.

Sally kissed wildly at the soft flesh that Diana offered in abundance. She enjoyed the tenderly perfumed moisture against her face. She gave her tongue to that sweet valley and found it delicious. She didn’t know if this made her a lesbian; she didn’t care. So long as she could taste, could feel…

Emotion swelled in Sally, making it impossible for her to think. Love was sex, sex was love. She hurt and a woman was in her arms, soothing the hurt. She couldn’t find anything else to matter. The world could judge her after she’d reached her climax. She needed it—if she was lucky, it would hurt.

Diana’s tender thighs wrapped around Sally’s head. Her juices trickled down Sally’s cheeks. The soft down of Diana’s neatly shaven hair brushed across her mouth, tempting her tongue into licking and licking and licking.

And still Diana’s mouth worked at Sally’s tight little cunt, even fucking her in the ass after her tongue wandered down into the furrow between Sally’s firm buttocks. Sally shuddered under the soft licking tongue as it found its way into her tender anus, pleasuring her without hurting her. It was the first time she’d been sodomized without it hurting her eternally tight asshole. It didn’t feel right.

Diana again tightened her mouth to Sally’s wet pussy, finding the same delicious flavor as before. With her usual selflessness, she wanted to please Sally even more than she herself was being satisfied. She licked and sucked at Sally’s cunt without anything held back. She couldn’t even control her body as her ass wiggled about, hips rocking against Sally’s fingers and tongue. 

Diana groaned from far down in her throat as she found even her firm breasts pressed flat by Sally’s muscular belly and their relentless grinding together. She pushed her mouth flush to Sally’s gushing cunt and drove her tongue deep. She felt Sally’s inner muscles tighten on it; then came the fluttering release of Sally’s sweet-tasting juices.

“I’m coming!” Sally yelled, hips jerking with violent explosions of pleasure. “I’m coming!”

“Ohhh… so am I!” Diana purred as her own satiation rushed over her in glowing warmth.

A cry rushed from Sally, muffled in the embrace of Diana’s irresistible sex. Even her screaming orgasm hadn’t been enough to pull her away for long. She gripped Diana’s ass tightly as the explosions—blinding in their intensity but not painful, not savory—grew more intense, more thrillingly and frustratingly close to what she really wanted. She trembled violently and moaned into Diana’s pussy, the only way she was able to please Diana as the room whirled around her and her body twisted the opposite direction in its ecstasy.

Diana felt Sally’s lips brushing against her trembling labia, Sally’s moans and cries being listened to only by Diana’s tightening thighs and vibrating sex. She grinded down on Sally’s well-pleasured exclamations, clenching her legs to keep them trapped in her pussy, no matter how sweet they sounded in the open air. She herself sounded off for both of them, sobbing happily as she fed Sally her liquid climax.

Sally glutted herself, then lay still. She didn’t know if she was enjoying the afterglow that came with her long, powerful release, but it was peaceful. She had the impression that many gloomy things had been forgotten, and they could only crowd so close while she was in Diana’s arms.

Still, she was the first to stir, rolling off of Diana and sitting on the bed facing away from her, her nakedness and her tenderness and the gratitude she so obviously felt after her release. Sally felt guilt and shame come rushing in. What she had done was perverted, and she had liked it, but not because it was perverted, as would be usual… something was amiss in the truth of the world. 

“You’re so beautiful,” Diana said, that gratefulness and intimacy even in her voice, and Sally could only ask herself how such a beautiful woman could be in love with someone so full of men’s seed and bad thoughts.

And so she flung herself at Diana, hands outstretched for her throat. “Liar!”


“I subdued her easily enough,” Diana said, rubbing her bruised throat more to hide it from a concerned Hippolyta’s view than to soothe it. It was healing already, barely an ache now despite the crushing force Sally had used. “It’s just a shame she ended up responding so negatively. I thought she was ready to accept physical love. I know, after all her hardship, that that’s the only way she’ll believe she can be good—to undo the source of her every past trauma.”

“Perhaps she won’t accept it from you,” Hippolyta consoled her, still craning her neck for a look at Diana’s lightening bruises. “Mortals are very particular of such things. When a neurotic one like your Sally latches onto a specific personality, she’ll refuse to be dissuaded, no matter what the alternative.”

“Vitaman?” Diana asked. “There’s no way he could be of help in rehabilitating her.”

“And is that who she dreams about?” Hippolyta asked, indicating the dream viewer. 

Diana had been reviewing it regularly as part of Sally’s therapy, and Sally had been dreaming of her Dennis—frequent traumatic recollections, as could be expected—but when she wasn’t dreaming of him…

“Alix?” Diana asked, her shock pushing her voice to the point of a painful croak. She rubbed at her clavicle again. “She’s Sally’s nemesis—the fixed point of all her hatred.”

“You’ve brought enough ‘arch enemies’ here to know how quickly hate can segue into love,” Hippolyta reminded her. “Go to the Harrower woman. See if she can be moved to pity this poor creature you’re trying to help.”

“Sally Sonic seduced her husband, caused his death, and tried to kill her.” Diana shook her head. “There are precious few in Man’s World enlightened enough to want to help someone after all that.”

“Then enlighten her,” Hippolyta suggested. “It seems to come to you easily enough with your enemies. How much easier will it be with a comrade-in-arms?”

Diana smiled ruefully. “Heroes can often be far more stubborn than their opposition. Why do you think we keep winning?”

“I know why you do. Because you’re more stubborn still.”



I love this. I am particularly impressed how you managed to cram the dream sequence with exposition and enough incongruity to keep us from forgetting it's a dream without interrupting the flow of the smut.