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Alright, so I've been hearing a criticism of my work cropping up lately and since you are the paying costumers, I thought I'd take it to you for a decision. Namely, I don't usually describe the physiques of the characters, even in smutty works. And this is since I'm writing fanfic, I generally don't see the need for descriptions of characters that people are already familiar with. My point of view is that you can imagine Hayley Atwell naked yourself; I know what she looks like in the nude about as much as you do. I wish that weren't the case. If I knew what her vagina looked like, I would tell you. But since I don't, I focus more on the action of the sex scenes, what the characters are feeling and doing, and don't try to find 99 different ways of saying that a woman has big breasts and a great ass. But I have, on occasion, described a character when it fits with the story or was requested. I'm thinking Gwen Stacy Syndrome and I'll Do You Before I Say 'I Do'. And if you've stuck around here for a while, you'll know I do put some thought into the look and body types of the various characters I write, even if it's as simple as 'Natasha Romanof looks like Scarlett Johansson with red hair'. So if you'd like more me describing Starfire's bod which by transitive property is really Kate Upton's bod, I'd be fine with that. You can't always pad out the word count by talking about Lord of the Rings...



I'm fine with you continuing with your current style. Works for me and your combination of detail, characterization, and erotic themes is what drew me to your writing though I'd still be a patron even if you didn't include erotica in any of your works.


I don't see it as a particular weakness in your writing, but it does require that the reader is already familiar with the characters to get the most out of the story. That's not a problem when you upload on a fanfic site where people are probably browsing a particular fandom to begin with, but in a setting like this Patreon I've noticed that my interest can wane if I read the first paragraph of a story and I've no idea who the characters are or what they look like. Like the story below the box I'm typing this in at the moment, it jumps straight into things and names two girls, Peggy and Angie, who I don't know/recognize and that makes it much more difficult for the story to hook me. I'm probably an unusual case, though, as my smutfic tastes are very narrow and I'm mostly interested in one fandom/character.


True, but readers have their own image of how some characters should look and it can clash with what writer is presenting. I like it when Seriousfic describes what they are wearing, my mind usually does the rest.