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It was an unfamiliar, but welcome sight in Gotham. If Batman and his clan were no longer urban legends, several of their nocturnal activities were. Chiefly, few could believe his cohorts really surfed on top of trains for fun. Tim and Dick let the wind test itself against them, fail to rip them from the surety of their grip and the height of their confidence, then they were gone. Only enough time for a few more camera-phone pics to circle the web. They tucked and rolled onto the rooftops, legs and arms sharpening into knives that cut through the air as they rushed over billboards, over skylights, along air ducts and construction scaffolding and gargoyles. But there was a difference now that would be noticeable if there were a man alive who could see the two Robins operating on a regular basis. Before, Nightwing and Robin had moved with a certain economy, a discipline, a quiet. Now they were unrestrained in their movements, boots rattling the rooftops, bodies careening off walls and windows, no longer silently underneath the city’s sounds but part of it, a riotous addition to the playing orchestra. Sometimes, they seemed to howl at the moon. In the distance, an explosion rocked the cityscape, but it was just more noise, more light to go with the stars and the moon. Tim turned his head, but Dick was quick to call him back. “Tim, relax. It’s someone else’s problem. It’s always been someone else’s problem: Bruce’s. He just made it ours. Gotham has plenty of cops. If it doesn’t, they should hire more.” “I don’t care—but I can’t stop thinking it matters.” “That’s Bruce’s bullshit. All that matters is us. What we want.” “What do we want?” Tim asked, following Dick off a rooftop, onto another. It didn’t come as easy for him as it did for his big brother. While Dick was a natural, Tim still had to calculate the angles, think through what Dick did instinctively. He still winced at every crash, every tumble, every tip and scuff on his costume. “We want what Selina wants for us. She wants us to be happy. She wants us to be rich.” “I’ve been rich. Define ‘happy’.” “Ever gone around the house in less than a three-piece suit? Worn speedos, briefs, towels, felt her eyes on you, known you were wanted, desired? That’s happy. Try it sometime.” “That how we make Selina happy?” Dick stopped atop a billboard, letting its lights shine in front of him, breaking up his silhouette into another patch of the night sky. Down on the street, he could see Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Starfire, Supergirl… from up here, the hookers almost looked like the real thing, lined up by their pimp like troops for instruction. Only even the worst drill sergeant wouldn’t give the back of his hand such a work-out. “Not quite,” Dick said. “We do for her what she wants to do for us. Make her rich and well-fucked. Let’s fight a little crime. For old time’s sake.” *** “I know how this is supposed to work,” Dick said over the bleeding body. “We beat him up, you thank us, maybe one of you goes home and acts the good girl, but for most of you, you’ll be out here tomorrow night for someone just as bad. Well, not anymore. Now you work for me.” The girls looked amongst themselves. Back at their pimp’s body. Dick gave the nod to Tim, who had a moment of surprise, then off the cuff had a plan reeled out for running the business. Damn near had a Power Point for it. Dick didn’t care. He was looking from girl to girl, finding the one he wanted. He’d heard she’d be wearing fishnets, but that didn’t narrow it down. He decided to go with Zatanna over Black Canary, as the Dinah wannabe was only wearing pantyhose. “And you,” he said, pointing at her. “Come with us.” *** She got onto her knees when they went into the alleyway, but he pulled her back to her feet. “I go more for dominatrices,” he told her. “Last night, you had a party with Fat Vinnie. I want to know everything about his security set-up. And the stolen diamond he’s holding for the Ukrainian Mob.” Tim came up with a plan for that too. *** “Maybe we should bring some of the girls in next time we’re making a night of it with Selina,” Tim said. “Give the other one something to do while we’re with her.” Dick was tossing the diamond up and down. “Trust me, Timbo, that’s not how it works.” They came up to the glass-enclosed pool that grew out from Selina’s building like a claw. The glass of the door was frosted, letting them see a silhouette of Selina as her heels clicked across the tiles, out of the nearby sauna, long bare legs carrying her to a lounge chair. She laid back, supine in the nearly horizontal chair, not bothering to adjust her robe for modesty as they entered. Her dressing gown was barely belted, hanging open down a curving ribbon of flesh, a pathway begging to be walked, the stem to the flower of her face that grew between her large breasts, seemingly just the length and width of a cock for anyone who had one big enough to lay it there. Then continuing down her belly, barely interrupted by the loose belt, even less obstructed by the thong panties that on her olive skin seemed more like a passing shadow than any modesty. Seeing her, eyes following the race track of her open robe, Tim inhaled sharply, letting it out in a lovelorn sigh. Dick knew the feeling. And Tim hadn’t even had her yet. Selina heard the sound, lifting her short-tressed head. Her green eyes traced over Dick and Tim, their costumes which had always been tight, but under her gaze seemed designed to display their tight abs, the ready pleasure waiting for anyone who removed them. “Hello, boys. Been out shopping?” “Just saw a vendor on the side of the road. Picked up a few things cuz we were thinking of you.” Dick tossed her the diamond and Selina caught it like a cat snatching a bird from the air. A robin, for instance. “Oooh, nice cut.” Selina shifted in her seat to bring it into the light, her belt slackening more, her robe falling open along the curve of one breast. Tim could see her nipple in shadow. “This wouldn’t happen to be the McBain Diamond? I heard the Ukrainian Mob was really excited about that.” They were grinning. “You bad boys. Come here, Tim.” He went to her. His cock was already straining at his trunks. She ignored it for now. But it was becoming very hard to ignore. “I know how much you love me. I know, I know. But you understand I don’t want to spoil you.” He stood over her, staring down, his gaze consumed by her body. Seized by her breasts, her long legs, her smile. “But now that you’ve proven your usefulness, I can reward you. You and your brother.” She pulled him down. Their kiss was long and wet and hot. Behind his back, she beckoned to Dick. As Tim sucked on her tongue, Dick wedged himself beside her on the lounge chair, pressing close to her, hands opening her robe, hard cock prodding into her hip. “C’mon, Tim,” Dick said, holding himself back from kissing Selina’s throat. “You’ve gotta feel her tits.” Selina looked into Tim’s eyes as he pulled away from their kiss, looking questioningly from Selina to Dick, then putting his hands on Selina’s bare breasts, firm and powerful, rising into his hands as sweet to the touch as a cold glass of water. His palms seemed to sting as he squeezed them, overwhelmed with the heat of her, the reality of her. As they kissed her, as they felt her, Selina pulled at their zippers. Well-hidden in their costumes, but she’d had oodles of experience. Soon, she had them both in her hands. Dick, as befitted his title, was the larger, but Tim was by no means small. A respectable eight inches, and not nearly as thick. She could imagine him slipping into her ass and it only hurting enough to be fun. She raised her legs, slinging them over the armrests of the chair to make room for them on top of her. Her body was lifted up between them, pushed to the back of the lounge chair. Her robe now no more than a shadow under her, their lips were all over her breasts, exploring them with lips and teeth, tongues swirling over her nipples like they were one two-headed fiend. “Have you ever sucked Wonder Girl’s tits like this?” Selina asked, though Tim was far too busy in her cleavage to answer. “I bet not. If you’re sucked even those pathetic little things, you wouldn’t be so hungry for mine. The little Wonder Bitch is a loser, Tim, you have to know. I’m a real woman. The perfect thing for a young fucker like you. Someone with nice big tits for you to lick and a nice juicy ass for you to fuck. Or the other way around. If you want.” She stroked them, they sucked her. She felt Dick’s fingers in her cunt, the middle two lancing into her just far enough to begin her wetness, like a rainmaker licking at a cloud. She could feel the blue stripes on his glove with their cold heat, like lightning. Just her imagination, but she couldn’t feel it when he was bare-handed. Selina couldn’t decide which she wanted more, now that she had two cocks to choose from. Well, both, of course, but one in her mouth and the other fucking her, or both fucking her—one in her ass? Maybe she should’ve picked up Jason Todd too, completed the set. Three hot bodies fucking her seemed about right. But he always struck her as something of an ass, no better than Bruce, really. Tim sucked on her left tit so hard he slurped, a bit of pain leaping through Selina as he pulled hard on her nipple with just his lips. Naughty boy. He had a point, though. Sucking could be just as fun as fucking. And the day she let Dick’s specimen go without sucking for any length of time was the day she didn’t deserve to have it. “Alright, enough foreplay,” she groaned, clapping her hands to signal their stop. When they pulled away, her breasts gleamed with saliva as if oiled—her nipples stinging in the air, painfully erect. “Anymore is a waste of some superb erections. Dick, I fucked you last, so Tim is first in my pussy now.” She laid down. Tim stared at her breasts, so heavy in his hands and mouth, now sliding to either side of her ribs, but only barely. They jutted practically upright, drawing him down to her, into the opening valley between that seemed made for his face, for him to run his lips over as he made his way back to her kiss. But down below, something drew his eyes even harder, like a compulsion, a magic spell. She’d slipped entirely out of her robe; it was no more than a stain underneath her. All she wore were her high heels, ankle straps running up her powerful calves. Her legs continued, up muscles and scars and creamy skin, all the way to the apex, the climax, the crescendo. Her panties had been removed also, slipped away as only a thief could do. Now all she wore on her sex was the dark fur that demanded to be felt, glistening with the slickness of her moistening pink cunt. “I don’t need my cock to make you come,” Tim said confidently. “Dick barely had to put his cock in you before you were wailing like a banshee.” “That’s true,” Selina teased. “I guess I’m just a little whore.” “I could get you off with one finger. The only reason I’m going to use my tongue is because I want you to squirt.” “I want to squirt,” Selina replied. “I really, really want to squirt.” As Selina scooted to the top of the lounge chair, propped up so she could look down at him, Tim stooped between her dark thighs, opened her flesh with infinitely more care than he had used to retrieve the diamond from its setting earlier that night, and tasted her for the first time. Selina gasped, running her hips up against his sweet face. She liked the feeling. He liked the taste. Tim put his hands on his splayed thighs as he ate her, running his gloves down her long, long legs until he was holding the heels of her pumps like handles, keeping her feet far apart. Dick was standing next to her, almost smug, waiting for her to need him as he knew she would. His big, cunt-stretching cock lanced out from his groin, not needing a single touch to be rock-hard. Its audacious masculinity seemed to burst from his sleek suit like it was his lust for her given flesh. His hands were on his hips. “Those tits of yours have gotten me this hard,” he said, knowing his cock drew Selina’s eye as he walked around the lounge chair, his erection barely jostling with all the weighty blood in it. Selina almost whimpered, seeing him walk away from her, his cock still visible beyond his hips when his ass rolled from side to side. “And seeing that bare cunt isn’t hurting. How about we find out what your mouth can do? I know I’m a bit too big, even for you, but maybe if we find some room in your throat…” He’d come back around. Her head hanging off the chair, Selina reached for him, felt his tight ass blister her hands, pulled his huge cock to her lips and let the taste of dripping precum bloom on her tongue. She let him fuck his mouth as he liked, sweet tongue only inciting him to give more of his cock over to her heated lips, making him inch his hips forward, snake his monster cock into her mouth. She was all about her hands, thief’s hands, crawling over his whisper-thin costume, not one encumbrance at all to his natural athleticism. His tight abs and the taut power of his runner’s legs burned into her hands as she groped and pulled at him, almost accidentally unwinding his costume from his perfect flesh. She moaned as she finally felt the sweat of his skin under the leather, but it wasn’t just his feel, his taste, it was Tim eating her out with all the eagerness of youth, his tongue jammed into her cunt as he longed to do with his cock. She wished she could jack him off as he licked her. Instead, she put one hand in his spiky hair, having to tear it from Dick’s body. She felt his head tremble with the excitement of devouring her. Dick had his hands in her hair too, gloves cool and firm, holding her head still as he fucked into her mouth. “Yeah,” Dick said, almost moaning. “That mouth was just built for a cock like this. You never could have enough. Might as well have more than you could ever fit in there. Shit, I can feel you trying to moan through the throat I’m fucking. Tim’s getting you off hard, isn’t he? Not that I’d know, but he always struck me as a natural. He just has that look, doesn’t he? It’s no wonder all the supervillain bitches are trying to rob the cradle. But the only one good enough for my little brother is one with tits and ass like yours. Only there’s no one with T&A like you, so it has to be you.” Long, hard strokes almost into her throat. She gagged, he relented, tried again, using her as she’d taught him to use her. And while it was more fun to see him employ that technique with Harley—maybe even with Ivy, someday soon—it was satisfying to be on the receiving end. Just have his lust pour into her in all its potency. Then Tim found her clit. She came. Immediately. She couldn’t help it. Tim’s tongue was a blow-torch and it made her melt, all of her, all but the hard mouth clamped down on Dick’s manhood as she writhed and went liquid. There was no way she could take it all. No way she couldn’t try. Tim knew she’d come. Couldn’t fool someone trained by the World’s Greatest Detective. He licked her through the first spasms of it, turning her pleasure almost painful, until it was too much for her, a cup filled too full—it had to overflow. She squirted, moaning for mercy, and Tim ignored her, creeping forward, hands setting into the chair alongside her body, so close that the hairs on his arms brushed her quivering body. She kept coming, her gushes running into his chest and belly as he climbed her. “Now,” he said, his voice deep, a man’s. “Now I’m going to fuck you.” Selina moaned through the cock in her mouth. She was trying to relax herself before she bit through it, it was so good and hard in her mouth; she collared it with her lips and ran the tip of her tongue around the cockhead just inside her mouth, lapping up each drop of his precum like it was honey. She felt Tim bumping at her slippery gash, a buzz that made her want to finger herself, stuff her whole fist inside her if he didn’t fuck her soon. Selina was a bit stunned at herself. She was going to take two cocks in her body at the same time. It was sluttish. Whorish. Obscene. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t done it before. The head of Tim’s cock nudged in, was pulled the rest of the way inside by the sheer heat of her pussy. Selina gasped with joy as her tightness turned into a prison for him and the pleasure he gave her. His beautiful cock, big and hot and hard, began pumping gradually into her. Somehow, Tim and Dick found the same rhythm, linked by her arms around both men as they filled her holes inch by wonderful inch. They blurred together for Selina; she only remembered them by where her ecstasy was. Tim was in her. Dick was fucking her. Tim was growling. “Fuck, nice and tight. I can’t believe how tight you are when Dick’s been using you as his personal fuckhole. Of course, I guess any hole would feel tight when you have a cock as big as mine. Dick’s right, I have bad girls trying to fuck me wherever I go, but it’s not cuz I can make Spoiler weak in the knees by licking my lips, it’s because I can’t get an erection in this suit without looking like I’ve grown a second knee. And you like big cocks, don’t you Selina? You could have any man you wanted, but you want someone who can really fuck you. And you don’t care where you get it, do you? I can see you love a big cock in your mouth—“ He grunted, giving a massive thrust into Selina’s cunt that turned into a helpless moan rising from deep in her chest. “And a big cock in your pussy is even better. I can’t imagine you won’t love my big cock in your ass.” Pinned to the couch by the two men, stretched out on it like a torture victim on a rack, she lost all sense of time and space, remembering only the hot hardness of a prick sliding into her: her pussy, her throat, her ass, anywhere. She gurgled around Dick’s cock as best she could; it was too big for her to suck it the way she really wanted to, take deep inside the way Tim’s cock was in her cunt. She wanted them both buried in her, fucking towards each other like they wanted to merge into one and she was the only thing holding them apart. She wanted them to fuck right through her. Selina pulled her mouth away from Dick’s monstrous cock, licking across his balls in parting. She was ready now. “Switch.” Immediately, Tim climbed off her, Dick taking his place so fast he had a strand of saliva still connecting his johnson to Selina’s throat. He slid atop her and crammed his cock to the hot hunger of her belly, filling her to the brim. And Tim grabbed her by the hair, rougher than before, learning from his brother as he mounted her open mouth. “No,” Selina said firmly. “No?” “Go get the jelly. I’m in the mood for a sandwich. And Dick? Take me to bed.” His cock still inside her, Dick picked her right up, carrying her to the bedroom, Selina nearly hyperventilating from the feel of his cock jogging as they walked. Halfway there he pushed her against the wall and thrust into her hard, not stopping until she’d come for him. Then he took her to the bedroom, holding her shuddering body like a baby’s. “Tim was right. It takes a big cock like mine to make you come. Now that you’ve got two, you’re going to come a lot. We’ll make sure of it. The only time we’re going to get any work done is when we’ve just finished fucking you, because whenever we can be hard, we’ll get hard, and whenever we’re hard, we’ll be using it to fuck you. Because we’re so nice and we feel so bad for you, needing a big hard dick to come and not having one. Life must’ve been horrible for you before we came along.” “It was dreadful,” Selina said blearily. “An absolute nightmare.” They reached the bedroom. He threw her down on the bed, not taking any care with her, knowing nothing he could do could diminish her hunger for his cock. He would be as rough with her as he liked and they would both love it. “Strip,” she told him. He obeyed instantly. A big cock was useless without a tight pussy to put it in. His costume was already partially unzipped, she’d seen to that, a beacon of firm muscle exposed below the nape of his neck outside the camouflaging costume that turned him halfway to shadow. Impossibly smug, knowing her eyes were locked on him, he pulled on the zipper, letting her eyes map all the uncharted territory of his body. Pale scars trying to mar the beauty of his perfect musculature, but only making the terrain more interesting, points of interest for her to memorize with her hands, with her tongue. At the end of the zipper, his tanned body began a wisp of curling pubic hair. Once, his briefs would hide them, but under her instructions he’d stopped wearing them beneath the suit. Now he shrugged out of the upper half of the costume, shucking the sleeves off his long arms, vividly rippling with muscle that didn’t bulge—nothing so crass as that—but flowed like whitewater rapids in swells of power and precision. Then, the top of his costume hanging from his waist, he skimmed it down his legs. Runner’s legs on a swimmer’s body, powerful thighs, powerful calves, never straying too far from the bones that united his slender flesh. He sauntered toward her, enjoying the trace of her eyes over her body, the hurry to take in all of his flesh before he was crawling onto the bed, before he was on top of her, before he was throwing his cock inside her body. It almost wiped the memory of Tim from Selina’s mind. Dick was still ramming himself in and out of her when Robin returned, the jar of petroleum jelly in hand—one of the essentials whose location Dick had drilled into him, along with weapons, go-bags, loot, and escape routes. With nothing but a look in a gesture, Selina had him undressing. She clung to Dick’s muscular back, gaze over his shoulder, as Tim stripped for her. His body lanker than Tim’s, less powerful, rail-thin and almost androgynous, except for the stirring of abs in his flat belly, the long cock that was born almost obscenely from his slender body. Then Selina closed her eyes, transported far away as Dick’s overwhelming grip on her, powering into her, made her come once more. Dick had noticed Tim’s arrival. Holding Selina, he rolled her to the side so her back was exposed to the world. Selina barely realized, the demanding thrusts of his cock still everything to her. She had no idea of how tightly Dick was gripping her, not until she felt him spread her asscheeks, and Tim’s jellied finger wetting her puckered anus. “What are you doing?” she asked instinctively, even as Tim climbed into bed with them, trapping her against Dick. “Fucking this beautiful ass,” Tim replied matter-of-factly. Selina felt herself grinning. She’d just known Dick would teach him well. “Of course. What else would you do with it?” Dick gave it a sharp slap in answer and Selina’s grin widened. Later. Plenty of time for that later. For now, Dick was plugged into her cunt and Tim was slickening his way into her ass. Selina forced her body to go limp. She’d made her bed. Now she had to be fucked in it. Her whole body went alive with sensation as Tim slid into her from behind, filling her to the brim, fuller than she’d ever been, more than she’d ever been meant to hold. Her body was a receptacle, a sex object that had fulfilled its purpose, attracted all the lust it could ever need. She was filled up. She squirmed and wiggled and twitched and every little motion made her feel them in her more. There was no escaping the dominating reality of their penetration of her. She didn’t want to escape, though. She wanted to give in. Later, she would suppose it wasn’t really surrendering, not when she controlled them both—a rather extreme case of topping from the bottom. But she surrendered herself to the sensation, at least, moaned her approval of being invaded on all fronts. She worshipped the doubly skewered feeling, whimpering and writhing as they moved inside her. Dick slithered out of her, cutting her with the sharp relief of having room in her body for Tim’s now-absurdly-long cock. But as soon as his glans had reached her labia, Dick eased back in, seeming to fill her fuller than ever. Selina moaned and moaned, but it did no good. Dick heard her begging as the need it was. Then, as Dick pushed in, Tim retreated from his hard-won position in her bowels. Though the pressure to return to the throbbing massage of her anus was intense, he didn’t thrust into her until Dick was pulling out again. In counterpoint, they fucked her, forcing Selina to their rhythm. Like a well-made machine, she thrust herself forward to slam against Dick’s cock, then wrenched her hips back to skewer herself on Tim’s long, slender manhood. Wherever she went, there was pleasure. She’d made a nest for herself out of it. “I know you like this, Selina,” Dick said. When she could get her eyes open, all she could see was his smile. Cocky and completely in control. “That’s good, because it’s going to happen a lot. Now that my brother’s had you, we’re both going to want you. And that’s what we’re going to get.” They were using her to sate the need she’d given them, fucking her body because it was the drug she’d addicted them to. It was perfection. They fucked all night. Dick finally came, set off by the feel of Tim fucking her ass through the walls of Selina’s pussy. Then Tim came, but not before Selina had sucked Dick back to readiness. While Tim recovered, Dick had his turn on Selina’s well-used ass, finally finding it opened enough to accept his mammoth cock. Before he could come again, Tim was hard. This time he fucked Selina’s mouth, able to get all of his prick down her throat before coming directly in her stomach. Dick pulled out before he came, seeing no reason to add to the cum spilling from Selina’s ass already. Instead, he came all over Selina’s tits, smirking as he realized it was the one thing her breasts needed to improve on perfection. They slept then, such as it was, all three of them piled together, heedless of the cum that anchored them to Selina’s skin. Selina woke first. She’d gone to sleep with their limp cocks in her hands, woken up with them hard and ready. She stroked them until their owners were awake. Then, with both of them hard at once, they were more than willing to once again make her a sandwich. Harley found them on Selina’s third orgasm, coming in with the mail, which immediately fluttered out of her hands at the sight of Selina lost between two svelte, lustful bodies. The clown almost would’ve felt left out, but the scene was just too arousing. She tried to imagine how Selina felt. She knew how she would feel. Her master, Dick, relentlessly rammed himself into Selina with bucking hips. Tim’s cock slammed in and out, Selina’s ass now merely a tunnel for him to slide through. Selina trembled and shook, barely able to react to one sensation before another interrupted it. She knew what each of them was like inside her, but both of them at once was preternatural. She felt their orgasms heating their bodies, burning into her like their cum soon would, and her body stiffened, tightening in one last grip at their straining cocks. She screamed louder than ever, throwing a hand to Dick’s back, another to Tim’s as she was burned alive. Dick came first, slamming himself deeper than ever into Selina, nearly knocking Tim off the couch before he came inside Selina, finding her tighter than ever, her cunt eagerly drinking at his emptying lust. A second later, Tim came. Harley could see his release filling Selina’s ass and coming back out between her cheeks, running over the light bruise where one of them had been smacking Selina’s well-toned ass. Selina came one more time, shaking as the other two already turned liquid, the only hardness in them the labored breaths that worked their lungs. They retreated weakly from Selina’s body, and, totally empty, Selina’s eyes fluttered open. She looked to Harley like a woman who had never had a drop of liquor before—and just shotgunned a vodka double. Tim rolled onto the floor, just running his hands up his body and into his ruffled hair, a bit in disbelief at what he was feeling. Dick, more experienced, was still dazed. He ground the heel of his hand into one eye, blinking slowly and regularly. While Selina was somewhat cross-eyed. Harley hurried to her, kneeling beside the couch—and on top of Tim—to put her arms around Selina in a gesture of comfort. She felt Selina shaking and flushing. “Were you watching?” Selina quavered. Harley nodded. “I almost came just from that!” “Me too. God, if I had a video of that—I’d never need sex again!” Then Selina grinned at the absurdity of the statement. Of course she’d need it. Like Dick had said—she’d need it every day, just like they did. Still, Harley knew what they meant. The two men were stallions, well-trained in pleasing women. That was on their own. Together, the two of them—well, Harley could more than understand the cocky grins the two boys were. “Can I go next?” Harley asked. “Oh please, oh please, oh please!?” Selina smiled wearily. “Of course, Harl. Absolutely. But they’re not going to come inside you.” “They’re not?” Harley asked, frozen between dismay and confusion. “No. They’re going to fuck you through a couple orgasms, just like they did me. Then, after they’ve had their fill of you, they’re going to aim those dicks at me and I’m going to find out just how much cum those big cocks have. But don’t worry, Harl—they’ll come on my face. Once they’re done, you can have all you want. Straight from the kitty’s mouth.” It was the only thing Selina could think of that she hadn’t done with them yet. She just didn’t have the heart to have them pull out when she was about to feel all that juicy cum inside her. But while they were using Harley… that was another story. “Oh, Selina!” Harley clapped her hands excitedly. “Are they hard yet? Are they hard yet? Selina, make ‘em get hard!” “First,” Selina said calmly, “you’re going to get us some drinks. And come back wearing something cute, would you? I can’t do all the work around here.” “Something cute?” Harley looked down at her bodysuit. “I thought I was the cutest already.” “You know what I mean. Christ, these last few months, you’ve been dressing up like a Juggalo whore in booty shorts and crop tops and shit. Find something like that. Just with a little bit of class. Something Ivy would like to see you in.” “Gotcha, boss!” Harley snapped a salute and clocked one last glance at the reclining Dick as Selina rolled next to him, nuzzling under his arm. She thought she saw his dripping cock give a spur. With a hop, Harley took off. Dick pulled Selina tight. “Unless she needs to shave to wear whatever she ends up wearing—“ “That is a possibility.” “It’s going to take longer than that for me to be ready. You take a lot out of a guy.” “We have time. And a teenage boy. Let him take the brunt of it; save your strength. After we’re done, take her down to our happy new hookers. Someone needs to keep them in line, and Harley needs to keep busy. Besides. She might learn a thing or two.”


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