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The gardens at Arkham Asylum were meant as a therapeutic outing for the low-security inmates, sitting on the only patch of the land’s beachfront that wasn’t mined by rocky shoals. 

There was a waving stand of sea oats at the high tide mark, solitary palms curving gracefully against the sea and sky. There were dense clumps of big-leaved seagrapes, palmettos, sturdy hibiscus shrubs, and feathery Australian pines. Mr. Freeze had come this way as he’d escaped, only the land showed no sign of his usual lack of subtlety. If anything, the once pristinely manicured lawn was now verdant and overrun, looking more like the Serengeti than the quaint Victorian pastoral Batman would’ve expected from long experience and many visits. That should’ve told him something.


She hung from a number of vines that called to mind a sex swing, or even bondage, as they roped around her joints and erogenous zones and allowed her to lazily sway in the wind like a collection of ripe fruit, any of which might be plucked at leisure. Ivy tossed her mane of luxurious red hair over her shoulder, sending out traces of her perfumed pheromones with it. Like extensions of her crimson tresses, they threaded their way to Batman’s nostrils. He had meant only to investigate Mr. Freeze’s escape from Arkham Asylum, but apparently this woman had set up a trap for him, her control over the Arkham orderlies keeping the news hidden and leaving him unprepared for an encounter with her.

"Do you know what I’ve always liked about you, Batman? I mean aside from your rock-hard abs and what I’m sure is a tireless tongue… even if you are the strong, silent type.” She grinned, turning her head and burying her smile in one coil of her abundant hair. “Which I also quite like.”

Bruce doubled down on his stoicism, his control, trying to ignore her utterly, all but the threat she represented. In truth, he actually enjoyed it when she tried to seduce him. Her passionate words seemed to match the color of her red hair. Her green eyes flashed like emeralds, her generous breasts heaved under the tight bodice she was wearing and looked as though they would almost burst through the confines. She had a genius intellect, it was true, but with a voluptuous body like hers, she was hard to take seriously. It was all he could do to keep himself from stripping her clothes off, much less pay any attention to her familiar tirade.

He gazed appreciatively at her seductive form, his eyes taking in her lushly ripened breasts with their taut little nipples straining against the shiny latex that seemed to try and suffocate her voluptuous body as it refused to be as tightly bound as the corset attempted. Below it, her panties were as insubstantial as creeping vines growing over a status, and her sensuality was more disconcerting than ever with thigh-high boots leading up to the pale handspan of flesh bared between the leafy tops of her boots and the thin sheen of rubber that covered her pubis. The rubber clung like a tight-fitting glove to her flesh, displaying her flat abdomen, then tapering down to her slender waist. Her neatly flaring hips and smoothly rounded buttocks were equally well-encased in her tight, daringly brief thong. My God, he thought, she can’t possibly even realize how sexy she is! She's driving me crazy. Her legs were long and slender, the thighs suntanned already, even though it was only early spring, and his gaze had drifted down to concentrate on them.

"You never call me by my slave name. Not to my face, at least.”

"Why did you free Mr. Freeze? Who are you working with? Arkham has precautions against your pheromones alone.”

Ivy sighed in exasperation at his all-business tone, knowing exactly what it meant. She opened her legs wider, pulling on a vine curled around her big toe, and its corresponding end decapitated one of the sprinklers. Water spewed out, coming down in a drizzling glaze that gave Ivy’s latex costume an even more luscious sheen, and made her pale skin gleam darkly.

“Mmmmm… do you know what a gynoecium is, Batman? Well, my gynoecium’s on fire for you right now. How about it? Come commune with nature…”

Batman’s head swam. The constant low-level pheromone output that Ivy put out as if addicted to men fawning over her now dramatically increased, trying to slip Bruce a mickey. But her aphrodisiac hadn’t worked on him since he’d synthesized an antidote from her blood, years ago. He could ignore it. What he couldn’t ignore was how beautiful she was.

Ivy hung there, luxuriating in the stinging spray, slowly relaxing even more than she had been. The steady surge of water made her skin glow with excitement.

Ivy was proud of her body. She thrust her tits upwards, cupping a heavy mound in each palm. Her corset was so low-cut, so thin, so tight that it was like it wasn’t even there, and her wet flesh slipped against what confines there were, threatening to emerge like a flower in bloom. There weren't many women with bodies as good as hers, and Ivy knew it. The tips of her fingers slipped under her neckline and toyed with her nipples as a slight smile curled up the corners of her full, warm lips.

Only Batman ignored the fullness of her lush thighs and the tight curl of her waist. Only Batman failed to appreciate the rounded perfection of her firm ass, the smoothness of her long legs. Even her moist cunt failed to excite him, and it was driving Ivy mad.

“I’ll let you… mmmmmm… explore forbidden parts of the jungle… places I’m sure Catwoman doesn’t allow trespassing…”

“I’ll pass.”

Bending forward, her nipples like ripe grapes, Ivy increased the hot water until steam rose over her entire body, shadowing it in its skintight latex until her silhouetted form might as well have been naked. There were few things that she enjoyed as much as the feel of torrents of hot water splashing against her body.

“Then how about I just enjoy myself… while you wait…”

Forcing the thought of Batman's indifference from her mind, Ivy leaned back and rested herself against the vine that curled lovingly, suffocatingly, around her neck. With it thrillingly discouraging her breathing, she closed her eyes, slowly opened her legs, letting the hot spray bathe her cunt. Spasms of need traveled up her weakening legs.

“She’s mine!” Bane roared suddenly.

The muscleman slammed into Batman, taking full advantage of his distraction to subject him to a crippling blow. Batman recovered admirably fast, but Bane was still upon him, a never-ending onslaught of blows and grabs that Batman could only barely stay abreast of. Their battle tore through the grounds like a raging forest fire, Bane’s dodged blows felling trees and tearing up the earth, Batman’s viciously deployed toys starting small fires and spewing tangy chemicals into the air, offending Ivy’s senses like the first whiff of a strong perfume. 

But still, the thought of them fighting over her—and that’s what Batman was doing, trying to cage her once more, control her, exert his mastery over her every bit as much as he would in less adversarial, but no less aggressive contexts. 

Ivy brought her fingers to her flat stomach, mouthing words of instruction to an imaginary lover. She massaged the tightly drawn skin between the bottom of her corset and the top of her panties as the tip of her index finger explored the indentation of her navel.

Ivy made believe her hands belonged to Batman as she lowered them to the churning heat between her legs. Her fingers trembled as they brushed against the soft curls of her wet pubic hair.

Ivy heard the sounds of her own moaning as they ventured into the night surrounding her. The muscles in her neck lightened as she touched the sensitive lips of her pussy. Ivy's manicured fingernails thrilled her entire body as she troubled the soft, pink flesh.

Shuddering and twitching uncontrollably, Ivy's hips shot forward, plunging two fingers deep into her sex. The velvet-lined chamber steamed as she locked her thighs around her hand and began humping and fingering herself.

In the back of her mind, Ivy was aware that she was sliding downward, but she was equally aware that there was nothing that she could do about it. She could no longer maintain the control she’d exerted to make the vines lift her into position, a metaphorical puppet Batman could work at his leisure. Her hand was working furiously as she came to rest on the muddy loam that made up the floor of the gardens. Ivy lifted her legs into the air and spread them apart, letting the water beat down on her like a rainstorm.

Ivy lifted her ass up as she responded to each thrust of her hand. A wildly thrashing foot kicked into the ground, pushing up a row of daisies.

But Ivy couldn't have care less about the mess she was making. Grinding her palm down against her throbbing clit, her free hand went back to her tits. While one hand pumped in and out of her cunt, the fingers of the other twisted and tortured her erect nipples.

The wet strands of Ivy's long, rose-colored hair stuck to her skin as her head slowly rocked from side to side. Her shoulder blades were crushed against the packed mud she’d backed into, but she was hardly aware of the uncomfortable position she was in.

Ivy tried hard to picture the face of her imaginary lover, but she couldn't. In all these years, she’d never seduced him far enough to unmask him. Her breath came in short gasps as the flames of lust grew in the pit of her stomach. Another wild kick of her foot splashed in a growing puddle of water.


Hanging out with Batman was even less fun than it sounded. Because it sounded like it should be a little cool. Ride around in the Batmobile. Punch the Joker. Let Catwoman try to seduce you. Heck, even Drake was able to get a few girls hallucinating he was cool, and why? Because he wasn’t just any superhero one or two generations removed, costume-wise, from wearing short-shorts. He was Batman’s partner.

Nightwing. Nightwing had used to be Batman’s partner and now he was juggling girls. But clearly, Batman had forgotten how to spread the cool around, because training with Batman now meant ‘collecting forensic evidence’ and ‘interviewing witnesses.’ No wonder Drake was so lame. The way Kon figured it, this was why he wasn’t much of a solo act anymore. Let some nerd like Tim—or even one of those cute, Alyson Hannigan types he knew Batman was keeping as a Batgirl—handle the detail work. Kon could take care of the tactile telekinesis and a little of the Catwoman stuff. That was how the Big S did it. You didn’t see him doing nerd stuff when he had Steel or Professor Hamilton to do it for him. Heck, Kon had seen him team up with Lex Luthor. Clearly, Supes had his priorities straight when it came to avoiding nerd shit.

Still, Kon was exercising his eyesight around Freeze’s cell—maybe he’d get lucky and his X-ray vision would develop in time for him to see the Joker’s big tiddy goth gf—when he heard the sounds of battle from outside. 

He backed away from the hole that’d been made in the wall, allowing Freeze to escape. Then, with a running start, he dove through it. Kon landed two stories down in a catlike crouch. Now outside the asylum, he could easily discern that the noise was coming from the gardens. Finally, some action.

He rushed over there, his eyes keying on the geysering water from a broken sprinkler system as the first sign of damage, and a natural starting point for finding Batman. If he saved the big bat, that would be bragging rights forever.

His boots traipsed through wet mud as he reached the outskirts of the spilling water, and the sudden burst of heat from the steam that fogged the area brought beads of perspiration to his skin. Then, through the steam, Kon came upon her. For an instant, he stood frozen, staring at Poison Ivy as she thrashed wildly among the curling vines and rippling water of her own personal Garden of Eden. Then he quickly stepped back into the shadows.

Kon was eighteen, and didn't have to be told what was happening. The steam blocked everything but Ivy's face, and that was enough. The sight of her soaring ecstasy made his cock stand on end.

Ivy had been much too busy to notice Kon’s arrival as she came herself, the full force of her orgasm striking like the sun coming up. The cascading water instantly wiped the team of joy from her cheeks as she climaxed.

Twisting her neck painfully, Ivy lifted the tip of her left breast to her lips. As wave after wave of pleasure swept through her body, she ran the tip of her tongue over the slope of her throbbing cleavage.

Kon knew that he shouldn't remain standing there, knew that he was running the risk of being discovered. But he also knew that nothing could make him tear his eyes away from her. He could hear her deep-pitched groans, and they made his cock swell with lust.

Unaware of her secret admirer, Ivy allowed herself to enjoy each fading echo of her orgasm. Every ounce of strength seemed to drain from her body as a warm, contented feeling took its place. The still-surging water was becoming annoying. Shielding her face from the stinging spray, Ivy sent out vines to choke off the water, then leaned back to enjoy another moment of contentment.

She had enjoyed her masturbatory session, but her own hand was no replacement for the real thing, and she knew it. She was also almost sure that Batman was fooling around with other women; a far more offensive possibility than him simply being chaste. She could detect the scent of other women's perfume on his body even though he used a strong cologne to hide it. There were other villains these days, more all the time, who demanded all of his time, and Ivy resented their domination of his attention. Now to mention all the new sidekicks he was mentoring. The boy, the girl… it was like the warrior monk now welcomed all attachments but her.

Then she noticed Superboy staring at her. Well… perhaps she didn’t have to close out the evening completely empty-handed. 

She called on her vines again, allowing another spray of misting water, and in the sudden fog, she vanished. As the steam billowed around them, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his chest.

“You’re gonna be a lot more fun once you relaaaaax,” she said, now administering a dose of cannabis to his olfactory system, the THC level pitched, the scent sweet. "Normally I’d nuance the seduction a little more," she whispered teasingly in his ear. "But I like to get my adrenaline going before I head into a big fight." She began nibbling on his earlobe and stroking the back of his neck at the same time. 

Even with his anger at a pretty high pitch, Kon felt himself responding automatically as Poison Ivy snaked her tongue teasingly in his ear, sending ripples of excitement through his body.

"Knock it off, damn it—I know what you’re doing!”

Fully aware of how he was responding, Ivy dropped her hand to his lap and let it rest on the hard bulge that was already swelling inside his trousers. In truth, she felt a little squeamish about taking the initiative and touching him there—who knew if he had as much to… offer as his mentor? But the taboo nature of it quickly began to appeal to her. She might be his first…

“I’ll be quick, I promise…” she whispered.

She continued to fondle his rapidly swelling manhood beneath his pants as she leaned against him, splayed on his narrow chest like moss growing on a tree trunk. She could tell how much pleasure he was taking from her unexpected boldness, just from the expression on his face. In response to her manipulations his organ was rising to fill her entire palm.

Suddenly, unable to stand her tantalizing caresses any longer, Kon pulled her down on top of him and crushed her body against his. She could see from the gleam in his eyes that he had already forgotten about her threat level, in fact, forgotten about everything except the enticing closeness of her body.

"Come here," he groaned playfully, his free hand reaching around in back of her legs and sliding slowly up the curve of her thigh, where her boots and panties left a gap for him to exploit.

"Ummmmh," Ivy moaned in his ear, jerking slightly from the intimate tickling sensation. She was extremely sensitive along the back of her upper thighs and somehow Kon knew it. He was purposely teasing her, but still she could feel tiny goose bumps welling under his fingers.

Kon, for his part, grinned wickedly and continued to play his fingers over Poison Ivy’s naked thighs, pushing his hand all the way up under her panties to brush his fingers over her vaginal mound, so tightly sheathed in the latex that grew over it like a fruit’s skin. Above him, the excited young redhead was squirming with pleasure, and her full, sensuous lips were parted in anticipation. Screw Batman, he thought to himself. If he’s in trouble, he can handle it. He’s wanted to go it alone often enough. 

It was Poison Ivy’s delectable body that counted now. As his outstretched middle finger nudged under the elastic legband of her panties, she squirmed as if to protest, in enticing coquettishness, but didn't move away.

"I'm gonna fuck you really nice," he breathed, his finger beginning to rub teasingly around the lips of her wildly throbbing sex beneath her panties.

"Yes, yes," she moaned excitedly. "I want you too." Her eyes were closed tightly shut, her hips grinding down hungrily against his. Ivy leaned forward and kissed her prey hard on the lips. He responded by thrusting his tongue in between her lips and swirling it around the moist welcome of her mouth. 

Still, a nagging worry gripped her. For some reason his responses seemed almost automatic, as though this were just a habit and was not truly exciting him. Like she wasn’t even there and he was just acting out a fantasy of being with some other woman, some more desirable woman. Perhaps if she could act even bolder, try something new, she would make him truly hers. Ivy darted her tongue deep between his lips, flicking the tip over his teeth and the roof of his mouth.

A second later Kon turned his head away and smiled at Poison Ivy. "Why don't you take off some of those clothes? It's hot in here." 

“If you insist,” Ivy smiled, as his hands glided around her thighs and cupped her panty-clad ass. Slipping his fingers higher, he grasped the waistband where it slightly bit into even her flat stomach and pulled down, gliding his fingers over her bare, smoothly curving belly.

Squirming against him, Ivy nibbled his ear, her hands gripping tightly at his tunic. Then with a teasing smile playing on her lips, she stepped back, crossed her arms and opened her corset like she was parting the petals of a blooming flower, her rose-nippled breasts bursting forth into freedom. 

The redhead could feel his impatience as she coyly hooked her fingers into the waistband of her half-rolled-down panties and completed the job, peeling them slowly down over her ripely rounded hips and thighs, letting them fall to her ankles and stepping out of them at last. Awash in the power of her nubile young body, she slowly slid her palms down over the curves of her hips, smiling invitingly at her new toy. Then, wordlessly, she lay down on the mud, allowing its soft loam to paint her once again, making her one with nature, almost tribal in her markings and untamed nobility. She was tacitly inviting him with her devilish eyes to join her.

He wasted no time, hurriedly ripping off his pants and shirt, his zipper whooshing down, the elastic band of his shorts snapping in his eagerness to strip them off.

Ivy could feel her almost uncontrollable excitement growing and wiggled her naked buttocks down against the ground, reveling in the powerful effect her licentious actions were having on the Boy of Steel.

He had dark hair, a good build, a tanned, outdoorsy way about him that was clean and good in contrast to the nocturnal, secretive aura that his mentor projected. When he smiled at her she felt as if she would melt all over, and if she were wearing panties, she’d have to change them because of the slippery wetness that leaked from her thrilled pussy at the sight of his cock.

Suddenly Kon was on top of her, his weight pushing her buttocks and thighs even deeper into the welcoming mud. Ivy felt its cool touch on the sensitive undersides of her thighs and bringing ripple after ripple of lewd delight through her loins.

"Ummmh, you certainly work fast, don't you?" she whispered heatedly in his ear.

"I’ve been ready, I’ve been so ready!" he said, grinning down at her, his hands running feverishly over her ripely straining breasts, then down her sides and over her thighs. They moved up again until his fingers were pinching at her already erect nipples, causing them to swell up into hard little darts of sensitivity until she almost wanted to groan from the exquisite pain.

Lifting his head for a moment, Kon ran his eyes over her lushly curvaceous body, feasting on what he saw. She excited him like no other woman in the world. Everything about her was designed for sex, even that unconsciously sultry face of hers with its full, slightly pouting lips and those wide, deep green eyes. He could still recall their first meeting and the electrical charges running through his body when he laid eyes on her. Like now, the way her mouth was slightly open! God, there was nothing more he would have liked to do than put his rock-hard cock between her wetly parted lips and have her suck him off. His gaze drifted down to her softly curling pussy-hair, all coppery-colored and glinting in the light, that covered the smooth triangle of her loins. He could see the pink succulent flesh of her pussy moistly gleaming from the excited secretions of passion which had already formed on her cunt lips. 

She turned over onto her belly, and Kon nearly went wild as he saw her naked except for the layer of mud that marked her as primal and sensual in a way that no modern, civilized woman could be. He ran his hands over her back, as if to massage her, relishing the feel of her body and the creamy rubbing of the mud between his palms and her warm flesh.

"Watch it, horny. Don't go any lower than that." She could feel his excitement rising, driving him wild with passion, and she was delighted that she could arouse him so very much and not fulfill him. But his excitement was vibrating onto her, as she felt her juices flowing, too. Now he was lowering his erect cock down to her ass. And now he was grinding his crotch against her, trying to massage his aching rod. She knew he wanted to power into her like he would never have to take his tool out of her sex, but he just didn't have the courage. Or the desperation. And she was determined to reduce him to sheer need before she let him have her.

Ivy felt him grinding against her, his erection rubbing against her pert buttocks, massaging her ass. But she wanted to tease him some more.

"Cut that out!" she cried, and she raised her head, looking back at him. "What's wrong with you, anyways? Can't you ever be around a girl without getting a hard-on?"

The words pierced him. He stopped rubbing her back and froze on top of her. She was making him angry.

“I… I thought…”

“I want a real man,” Ivy told him. “A Batman.”

Just then, as she’d sensed approaching, Batman emerged from the fog. He’d evidently managed to beat off Bane, or at least fight him to a draw, because the brute had withdrawn while the Bat was still standing, if tattered and torn from head to toe. 

“But maybe,” Ivy said, craning her neck back over her shoulder, “you could satisfy me…” Her wet lips parted.

“I can, I can,” Kon vowed, lowering himself to kiss her, but before he could, Batman intervened. He grabbed Kon by the shoulder and tossed him away from Ivy.

“Oh! Batman!” Ivy said, her voice femininely high with distress. “Don’t scare me like that! You’re so strong… I’m just helpless against you…”

Sprawled out in the mud until he was as tattooed by it was Ivy, Kon forced himself up no matter how slippery the terrain. All he could think about was Ivy. How close he’d been to kissing her. How perfect she’d be in the tight latex, how much more perfect she’d been as she’d shed all but the thigh-high boots that she still wore. He could not sort out his experience of her, it was all so overwhelming and vast, but he knew fleeting snippets of the wonderful feel of her ass being almost obscenely censored by those rubber panties, or her breasts cradled within the corset which fought a never-ending battle to tamp them down with its tight, yet low-cut rubber shininess. For all their tightness, their confining imprisonment, her latex had still showed off the crescent moons of her asscheeks where they topped her thighs, outside the plunging crevice of the panties’ coverage. And the brimming tops of her tits, threatening to flood over the cutting bite of her corset like water in an overflowing bathtub. Those glimpses of her body, far more than the muddy tease she’d actually allowed him to touch, struck Kon as being a promise specifically for him.

And now Batman was trying to take her away from him, claim her for himself. He needed to prove to her that he was as strong as Batman, that he was a real man, young and virile. Roaring with rage, he threw himself at his trainer, loosing wild swings as if he were intoxicated.

Even wearied from the fight with Bane, Batman was easily able to block the first blow, but it still sent him flying. Ivy watched him go with a sharp laugh.

“That was wonderful,” she bubbled, fawning over Kon with an ironically chaste kiss. “Why don’t you fly me out of here? This place is so dreary. We should go someplace romantic…”



This is pure sensual delight. If it's the first chapter in a longer work, I can't wait to read the next installment, and if it is a stand-alone, it is eminently satisfying.