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Selina couldn’t do anymore after that. In fact, she could barely walk. Bruce had to help her inside, show her a room, turn the shower on for her. The warm water revived her a little. And, as all cats hated to be dirty, she appreciated having the sweat and dirt of fucking on top of even the most well-manicured lawn taken off her body. Revitalized, but done with sex for a while, Selina put on the dressing gown Bruce provided.

The man himself had pulled a vanishing act. Selina guessed he’d done to the Batcave to check on something, make sure the Batsignal wasn’t on and the Justice League didn’t need him. She allowed him his space. Let him recuperate in his man-cave—she was sure she had taken as much out of him as he had out of her.

When she walked out into the guest room Bruce had given her—not that she planned on leaving—Selina found Talia al Ghul waiting for her.

She was sitting by the window, a package on her lap, wrapped in brown paper. Selina wondered if, from that vantage point, she had seen her and Bruce… “Hello, Selina. It’s been a long time.”

“Not long enough,” Selina retorted. “I suppose you have a claim on Bruce as well.”

“I would say he has a claim on me. But not that he has a claim on you. You always were the independent sort.”

“Maybe yes, maybe no,” Selina said. “Cats can be very affectionate, so long as they’re given their freedom.”

“What about when you put a leash on them?” Talia asked.

Selina's eyes were drawn to Talia's nervous fingers that kept toying with the package wrapped in brown paper. The Demon’s Daughter seemed obsessed with opening it.

"What's in the package?" Selina asked softly.

"A toy that will beat the hell out of whip of yours."

The sensual warmth that flooded through Selina' body made her even more keenly aware that she was absolutely naked under the dressing gown. Where there had been a faint dread and a wish that Talia would leave, there was now a hot, almost lewd anticipation taking its place. And Talia's eyes were fastened to the loosening vee of the gown that revealed the deep valley between her feverish, pointing titties.

“As I recall, you liked the whip,” Selina said.

“You certainly liked using it.”

“Just because I’m sharing Bruce doesn’t mean I’m sharing myself. I am infinitely more valuable.”

“In some ways,” Talia conceded. “I’ve thought a lot about that day. What we did. What happened.”

“I’m not surprised. You don’t seem like the type who gets out much.”

“And you seem like the type who gets out plenty—yet here you are.”

“Here I am.”

Talia's faint, smirking smile told Selina that her companion was aware of the passion that was clutching her loins. The craving for sex was almost painful. Selina was tempted to demand to see what was in the package. She was already convinced, after Talia's flat hint, that it was some kind of sex tool. Well, the way her pussy was crawling with need, she hoped it was a big one. Her deep well was like a starving mouth, eager to be crammed full. She needed it! She just hoped that Talia was adept enough to fuck her until she was satisfied.

Trying to control the tremulous tone of her voice Selina asked slowly, "What's in the package, Talia?"

Selina wasn't sure whether the hot film of moisture on her inner thighs, near her crotch, was from perspiration or was the sweet passion from her vulva. God!

"Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Selina frowned. Why doesn't she unwrap it? She watched Talia stand, slowly remove her halter with the built-in bra cups. Selina stared at the perfect cones of firm flesh. The nipples, surrounded by tight aureoles, were taut brown spikes tilting slightly toward the ceiling.

Her fingers itched to touch the smooth darkness untouched by the sun. Her mouth watered to savor Talia's luscious breasts and to chew those dainty nipples. Smooth little berries on top of all that sweet whipped cream.

"Are you going to conquer me again?" Talia asked, excitement building in her voice. "Or just try?"

Selina watched Talia float to her feet, breasts hardly quivering from the motion. The puffy eagerness of Talia's pussy lips was a pronounced prominence in her hot pants. A proper name, Selina thought… and her own box wasn't exactly an igloo! Selina whirled, letting the hem of her gown swirl to give Talia a quick look at flashing, creamy thighs, and led the way to her massive room’s bed. Selina shrugged out of her gown and tossed it atop a bureau of drawers. When she turned, Talia was skinning out of her hot pants. Eyes missed eyes -- they were too busy exploring each other's bodies. Desire fanned through Selina as she marveled at Talia's delectable nakedness. And Talia's sex-glazed stare told Selina hers was just as inviting.


Years ago…

“I know you’re awake. Cats can sense that sort of thing.”

Talia opened her eyes.

Selina stood in front of her and simply stared. With her hands tied behind her back she couldn't reach out and strangle the cat burglar. With her feet tied to the legs of the chair, she couldn't kick her. 

She had grown tired long ago of being used as a pawn in her father’s games—or his child-rearing. But here she was again, kidnapped by the detective to get the attention of Ra’s al Ghul. And while she played hostage, she wasn’t even allowed the dignity of being asked to go along with it by her beloved. Such was his rage. Such that it only made her love him more.

So she was tied up. Babysat by his new love. The cat.

“I can smell him on you,” Talia replied. “Lovers can sense that sort of thing. You can never have him, you know.”

Selina stalked around her, the black leather of her costume catching the meager light like vinyl, stretching and straining over a body almost too voluptuous for its tightness. It was no wonder Selina pulled her zipper down so far. Talia did the same. It was good to let their bodies breathe, even if, as CEO of LexCorp, Talia’s clothes had become far more conservative.

As her Selina’s, if that purple latex of hers had really been as sheer as it looked.

“I’ve made it this far in life without having to ‘have’ someone,” Selina retorted, smugly inscrutable. Like a cat batting around a mouse.

They were right to tie her up. Talia would never submit to the indignity of being held captive, even in jest, even for a worthy cause. Not for any man and not anymore. So, if she could not escape, then she would share the torment of being held prisoner.

“So, whatever information you think you’re trading on—“ Selina continued.

“Then, you haven’t made love with him yet.”

Selina’s lips curled, either in confirmation of the jibe or in shame at how it had actually happened. Talia wondered: if she had managed to tempt Bruce, then had he mastered her. A woman of Selina’s quality, low though it was, would know little of the value in submission. She would insist, childishly, on a level of dominance on her part. It must’ve rankled that Bruce could take that away; seduce her as she seduced others.

“I offered to babysit you,” Selina said, leaning over Talia. “Hide you where Daddy can’t find you.”

“Then you both have foolishly underestimated my father.”

“There weren’t any specific instructions that said I couldn’t gag you.”

Selina walked to her and laid her hand gently on Talia’s cheek. She tried to snap at her. Selina moved faster than a striking snake. Her hand landed soundly on her cheek. Talia felt the jolt of the open-handed slap all the way down to her toes.

"Rot in hell!" Talia snapped.

Selina smiled wickedly and moved with fluid grace to a rack of whips on one wall. She selected one with a short lash and came to stand directly in front of Talia.

"I picked this one because it has a lead bead in the tip. See?" Selina held the tip of the whip up so that Talia could see that she told the truth. The tiny lead weight gleamed dully, a reddish stain on it. Talia didn't have to be told what that stain was.

It was blood. Human blood.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Talia said. “Bruce would—“

“Bruce isn’t here. And he can be very forgiving. Especially when I teach you a lesson about getting into bed with Lex Luthor. We Gotham girls still remember what he did to this city after the earthquake…”

Selina stepped back, uncurled the slender whip and sent it whistling around. Talia closed her eyes a split second before the lash landed on her shoulders. She felt the lead weight cut into her tender skin and slice through the thin dress she wore like a hot knife through butter. Selina continued to use the whip to strip away the dress.

"Notice how careful I am," said the woman conversationally. "I know exactly how far to go. Like this and this and this."

Every time the lash landed another bit of the dress leaped free. Talia felt the hot lead against her left nipple, then her right. She had to admire the woman's skill with the whip. If Selina had moved the lash just a fraction of an inch, she would have sliced off two nipples.

As it was Talia felt the hot lead and the way her dress came off her body. There was something magical about it, something sexual. She hated the idea that she could possibly respond to a woman whipping her like this. But she did. The tears rolled down her cheeks and she couldn't brush them away. 

It took less than five minutes for Selina to completely strip away the dress, Talia sat, hands chained behind her back, completely naked and totally at the mercy of this vicious woman.

"Very good, Selina," a voice complimented. Lady Shiva moved into Talia's line of sight and critically examined the girl's flesh. 

She hadn’t noticed the assassin come in—although that term seemed woefully inadequate when it came to Shiva. She was more like her namesake. A death-goddess.

With Talia and Selina still paralyzed by her appearance—like sighting a shark’s white fin when you were swimming out past the breakers—she looped around Talia. "Only one or two red marks. The very first lash left a mark six inches long. That was careless."

"I did it on purpose—to get her attention," explained Selina. "I know what I'm doing. I get enough practice."

“I don’t,” Shiva said. “There are so few worthy opponents…”


The fight was brief, brutal. Selina’s claws flashed and her moves were flawless, but she was no match for Shiva. Soon, the death-goddess had Selina down on her back, her heel pressing into Selina’s throat.

“Very good,” Shiva said. “There’s real passion in you. That’s rare.”

She took her foot off Selina’s throat and walked away.

“Where are you going?” Talia demanded. “Untie me!”

Shiva didn’t pause, or raise her voice, but her words carried back nonetheless. “I am not your father’s lapdog. It entertained me to test myself against the cat. Now it entertains me to continue letting this play out. If that disappoints the Demon’s Head, he is welcome to try and discipline me.”

And so they were left alone once more. 

Talia laughed aloud.

Selina got to her feet, spitting blood. “What’s so funny, bitch? You’re still whipped—literally.”

“I think my father is endeavoring to teach me a lesson… either that, or he really has gone mad, ordering around the Destroyer… still, it was worth it just to see you get your clock cleaned.”

Face blank, the woman called Selina looked down at Talia. Then without warning she lashed out and slapped Talia in the face.

The force of the blow knocked the chair over. She fell back against the floor with a cry. It felt as if she had been kicked by a mule.

"Why did you do that?" she sputtered in outrage. "What the hell..."

Her voice trailed off. Selina loomed over her. The tall brunette reached down and grabbed a handful of Talia's hair. "Shut up," she said, twisting the girl's head back till her neck creaked painfully. Her eyes glowed with a pale cold light. “I’m through doing favors for Bruce. From here on out, I’m getting a reward for my service. You’re the reward… and this is the service.”

Pulling her by the hair, Selina dragged Talia to her feet, out of the chair with a splintering kick at the wood that her feet had been tied to. The Daughter of the Demon bit her lip to keep from crying out. She got her feet under her, supporting herself against the wall at her back. Her eyes were wide with fear. Pulling off a glove with her teeth, Selina took hold of one of Talia’s bare breasts. The nipple was instantly erect. Selina teased it with a thumbnail, sending a pang of pleasure into Talia's chest. Then she bent over and wrapped her lips around it.

With a flick of her wrist, Selina notched the claws from her gloved hand. Talia stiffened in fear, amusing Selina—she smiled around Talia’s nipple. Then she used her clawed forefinger to open Talia’s handcuffs.

“We can both enjoy this,” Selina said. “Or, you can run—and I’ll be the only one to enjoy that.”

Talia began to respond, then she put her head back and closed her eyes as Selina sucked her breast. It felt good. The lanky brunette used the tip of her tongue on the end of the blood-gorged nipple. She was skillful, almost making Talia forget it was another woman lavishing attention on her teat.

A soft moan of pleasure escaped Talia's throat. She put a hand on the back of Selina's neck, cradling her head against her tit. She could feel the oils start to stir in her cunt.

Selina bit down hard on Talia's nipple.

Talia howled like a scalded cat. Incredible pain shot through her ribcage like fire. She tried to escape, flailing at Selina's shoulders with her arms. Selina slipped an arm around the other girl's shoulders and held her in a grip of iron. She began to suck great masses of pliant breast into her mouth, abusing it painfully with her sharp teeth.

It felt as if the skin of Talia's tit was being scraped off. Her screams subsided to moans of pain and pleading. Selina was oblivious, chewing savagely on the trapped breast. 

Finally Selina released Talia. Talia sagged in the tall woman's arms. Her heart pounded. Fearfully, she dropped her eyes to her tortured tit, expecting to see a mass of blood.

The normally white skin of the girl's ample jug glowed a hot pink. But it was easy to see at a glance that no damage had been done to it. Only to Talia's pride.

Anger flaring, she glared at Selina. Selina gave her a lazy, lewd smile. "You have nice-tasting tits," Selina husked. "How well do you eat cunt?"

Surprised, Talia choked out, "I never..."

A pink tongue flickered along Selina's upper lip. "Every little girl ought to be taught to eat pussy," she said. "On your knees and give me pleasure, slut!"

Talia struggled, tried to twist away. Selina hit her hard on the face with her free hand. The blow brought tears to Talia's eyes but didn't stop her resistance. Her whole legacy rebelled against the idea of putting her mouth to the sadistic Selina's pussy! It wasn’t even that she was a woman—though that was perverse—but that she should submit to a lowly street thief…

When the slap on the face didn't stop Talia's efforts to free herself, Selina changed target. Her next open-handed slap landed right on the reddened boob. Talia shrieked. Selina began to pummel her breasts mercilessly. The slaps sounded like gunshots in the small room.

Curving her slim fingers, Selina began to drag her claws and fingernails over the sensitive surface of Talia's tits, gouging them agonizingly.

"God, oh God!" Talia cried. "Stop—pleeeeeaaaase stop! I'll-I'll do it. I'll do anything! Stop!"

Selina quit. "You'll do what, cunt?"

"I'll do... what you want me to."

"You'll do what?" Selina slapped her across the tits again. "Say it! Say what you'll do."

Talia gulped. The words were almost as foul on her tongue as she was sure the woman's quim would be. "... eat... your... ulp, pussy," she said, dragging the words out.

"Very good." Selina nodded. "Get on your knees and get at it."

A hand twisted in Talia's hair helped her to the floor. Another yanked Selina’s zipper down. Her free hand swept it open. The luxurious bush of her cunt was revealed in all its glory.

With her nose mere inches from the aromatic growth of pubic hair, Talia studied the cunt. It was the first time she had ever seen another woman's pussy from close up. The curly, crisp black hairs were incredibly thick on Selina's swelling mound. The hairs started well up on her flat belly, spreading out to the folds where her thighs joined with her crotch and then tapering to a wispy point. A black diamond of cunt hair.

No trace of pink cuntlips showed through the dense underbrush. Then Selina thrust her hips forward, shuffling her booted feet apart on the carpet. Her cunt opened like a scarlet flower greeting the dawn. A perfumed aroma caught Talia full in the face, making her head swim.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Selina demanded. "Eat my pussy!"

Afraid of more pain, Talia fought back her rising nausea and leaned forward. The fragile curtains of Selina's inner cunt lips poked out past the thick furry rolls of her outer labia. Talia could see the humid valley between. A fat, pearly drop of arousal welled up from the depths of Selina and rolled out of her slit.

The woman's clit was enormous. It poked a full quarter inch out of its protective hood of skin. It seemed to quiver like a rigid cock.

"Kiss my cunt! Kiss it good!"

Talia obeyed. Her lips pressed together, she gave the cunt a maidenly peck. The pussy felt almost scalding hot. Lustful juices leaked over Talia's closed lips, and the aroma threatened to overpower her.

"Use your tongue, slut! Tongue my cunt or I'll give you pain!"

Scared, Talia opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She closed her eyes and, by sheer willpower, darted her head forward. Her tongue speared right between the gaping lips of the cunt.

Instantly, the taste and the juices of Selina’s cunt flooded her mouth. Talia gagged. Her tongue was buried like a cock in Selina's pussy! She tried to pull back. She could not. Selina's hand was wrapped around the back of her neck, holding her in place. The other hand was on the ripe curve of Selina's own ass, pushing her cunt down onto the delightful spear of tongue. Selina moaned and rolled her hips.

"Good, so good!" she sighed. "Now, lick my pussy!"

She gave Talia a little slack. Talia pulled her tongue from Selina's hot passage.

As she began to lap with long dog-like strokes of her tongue at the gaping gash, Talia found she was getting accustomed to the heady scent of Selina's sex. It wasn't really bad at all, once you got used to it. After all, it was the same smell as that her own pussy had when it was excited, and she'd always been turned on by the smell of her own cunt. It was just magnified a million times. And there was also the factor that it was another woman's cunt. This was lesbianism, and Talia had always been taught lesbians were sick and evil.

Selina shuddered with delight. Talia didn't think this was sick at all! Her big tits, hanging out like ripe fruit from her ruined clothing, seemed to swell with excitement. The nipples were hard. And the juices of lust were starting to chum in the recesses of her own cunt!

The pearly tip of Selina's huge clit touched Talia's nose. Selina quaked like a skyscraper hit by an tremor. Animal sounds of pleasure escaped her throat. Her grip tightened on Talia's neck, and the long nails dug deeply into the half-moon of her ass.

Experimentally, Talia touched the tip of her tongue to the slit. "Oh, Jesus!" gasped Selina. The juices flowed faster from her gash as her lust grew. "Do it, bitch. Do my clitty good with your tongue!"

With Selina’s pussy flowing over her chin, Talia did as she was told. Her own passion was rapidly approaching fever pitch as she felt the lovely brunette responding to the torturous touch of her tongue.

I've got the power now, Talia told herself with awe. This nothing beat me and abused me and made me submit, but now I'm the center of her universe!

It was the same as the time she'd had to suck Bruce's prick hard, after he had come in her mouth. Once the revulsion had eased, she began to enjoy the physical act, just as she was starting to get off on tonguing Selina's swollen, greedy clit. But what made Talia's own pussy twist with lust was her feeling of absolute domination over people who thought she was in their power! First Bruce, and now raven-haired, ice-eyed, beautiful, sadistic Selina.

She had the power!

"I'm coming!" Selina groaned. "Oh shit, I'm coming! Make me come with your sweet, sweet tongue!"

Talia closed her lips over the rigid finger of Selina's clit. She sucked with all her might, till her belly was a hollow and her ribs stuck out. "Oh Christ!" cried Selina. Her hips began to chum of their own accord, twisting and turning her clit in its fleshy prison. "Oh, shit! Suck me! Ohhhh, you slut, you're making me coooooooooommmme!"

Maliciously, Talia closed her even white teeth around the clit. She bit down, gently at first, then harder. It was Selina's turn to shriek now, a long wailing cry of agony mingled with the raging ecstasy of climax. "Yah!"

Her slim hips began to pump furiously. Her hand kept Talia's head in place as she fucked herself, face-fucked the Demon’s Daughter with her stiff clit as though it were a cock! The hard pubic bone beneath the cushiony mound smashed painfully into Talia's front teeth, but she kept her torturous hold on Selina's clit.

Cunt juice dripped like liquid fire onto Talia's bare tits. It burned there, cooling slowly. Talia's breasts quivered as her own slim body shook with orgasm.

For an eternity the two girls were joined, cunt to mouth, in a searing, soul-shattering climax.

At last the fury of coming abated. The iron grasp on the back of Talia's neck eased. Talia brought her face back from the morass of Selina's pussy. Her upper lip was swollen from Selina's pubic bone banging into it, and her mouth and chin were smeared with a foam of cunt juice. Selina's pussy closed slowly as she straightened her long body. Her cunt hairs were damp and matted with the oils of her body.

"You learn quick," the brunette said throatily.

“Very quickly,” Talia said, as she swung one of the legs from the destroyed chair into Selina’s face.


Afterward, Talia had been so good as to bandage Selina up and treat her wounds. They’d made up some story for Bruce about Talia actually following through on Ra’s’s wishes; it was easy enough to explain. But Talia had never forgotten the strange pleasure of being Selina’s—victim? Lover? Conquest? Partner?

And Selina had never forgotten the oh-so-willing, oh-so-disdainful, oh-so-complicit arousal she had shared with Talia. It was as if she were getting away with something, and nothing at all. Forcing herself on Talia at the same time she did exactly what Talia wanted. The haughty woman was far too superior to ever truly submit to Selina, but she wanted it far too much to not give a little. No wonder they had come to blows. 

And now here they were. Even if they could share Bruce, they couldn’t share being on top. One of them would be his right hand, one of them would dominate the other, and the only thing they couldn’t resist was finding out who.

Shortly, Selina was aware of the rustle of paper and knew that Talia must be unwrapping her toy. Her strength was returning after being buffeted by the erotic session with Bruce. She stifled a gasp as Talia withdrew the instrument from its wrappings. 

"Merciful God!" Selina breathed, staring, wide-eyed. It was as if the full genitals of two Bruce Waynes had been united at the base. Two long phalluses pointing in opposite directions. Selina noted, admiringly, that each shaft was at least nine inches long: the heads were gorgeous, enormous bulbs- and the thickness of the spears would make a heifer cough!

“If you’re praying for mercy,” Talia said, it should be to me.”

They flopped over, lying side by side, face down with their knees drawn up under their heaving, naked tummies. Selina watched Talia play with the artificial cock, take one knob into her mouth as if giving a man a blowjob. Selina touched one head and was amazed at how realistic it felt.

For a minute, they peered into each other's eyes. Talia stopped sucking the cock and they kissed quickly, held the contact, tongues swizzling in each other's mouths.

"I think I know," Talia said, slipping away. "You stay where you are."

"I'm not going anywhere," Selina giggled. "I want to try to take all of that wonderful prong in my snatch!"

"Be patient, love," Talia chortled, voice musical and happy behind her. "What a beautiful thing you are from behind. I just feel like licking your bottom and tonguing your gorgeous pussy!"

"Don't be bashful," Selina laughed, tossing her ass in little tantalizing circles, really wanting Talia to eat her pussy and asshole.

"Maybe later," Talia chirped. "I'll give you your half first, then take mine. We'll go at it rear-to-rear." Selina quivered delicious pleasure as she felt one of Talia's hands on her upraised buttocks. "Here it comes, love," Talia murmured. 

Selina braced herself as she felt the object swabbed in her opening. "That's the hole," Selina sighed as Talia pressed the big knob against her sex.

"Betcha!" Talia agreed, cramming about two inches of it into Selina's sultry snatch.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Selina purred, wincing slightly as the massive pole slid deeper and deeper into her feverish body.

"Here it comes, woman," Talia said, "this should fill your snatch absolutely to the brim with make-believe cock!"

"Ggggooooodddd!" Selina groaned.

"You have a cuntful!" Talia gloated and Selina rotated her ass with pleasure as Talia fucked in and out of her a few times. "Hold your scrumptious body still while I fill my greedy cunt with my half."

Bracing herself on the side of her head, Selina watched Talia shuffle around. She worked a hand under her belly and grasped what she could, holding the tool steady until Talia was ready. She felt the sweet brush of buttocks against her own. She felt the tool jockeyed about slightly and Talia groaned, "Damn! It's a big son of a bitch! I'm gonna take it all if it stretches my snatch all out of shape! Ah! In it goes! What a nice feeling in my cunny!"

As Talia continued working the huge shaft into her own body, Selina could feel the fat pole jostling in her own sex, sending ripples of pleasure jerking through her body. Once Talia jumped and Selina almost growled at her not to pull the tool out of her.

"When I finally get it all the way in me," Talia panted, still laboring to sock the massive dildo into her snatch, "we'll hunch back and forth toward each other--we'll fuck and we’ll come.”

Instinctively, each clutched a set of artificial genitals and began manipulating their cunts around the dual post. It let them control the pace and depth of penetration; they liked it in deep, their ass cheeks rubbing. Talia's pace was frantic; Selina' was more measured as she fucked her cunt on the thing in long, slow strokes. When they climaxed, they released the balls, tangled their fingers in their hair or beat the mattress with their fists and fucked their asses against each other as they exploded with pleasure deep in their loins.

"Wwwwwhhhhaaaatttt fffuuuucccckkkkin'!" Talia breathed raggedly as she and Selina slowly emerged for their fifth cums.

Selina wanted to get one more jolting climax. The big dildo was sliding smoothly and easily into her greased, boiling snatch up to the other sex. "One more!" she howled, "and you can eat me! We'll eat each other!"

One more, Talia thought, and then you’ll be too weak to continue and Bruce will be all mine.

If she could not conquer the Cat, she could surely conquer him.    A


Gundam lupus

how Talia Selina and Ivy determine who is part of the harem and who is the wife, have bruce fuck them silly last to pass out wins. (Selina should win as she actually was the one to properly married bruce first with the rise of Huntress/Helena wayne in 1977. yes i am a big batcat fan)


Super-smutty AND carries the plot forward. Wunderbar!