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Take it from me—even soaking naked in a bathtub with Camila Mendes can get old eventually. It’s the water. Before too long it was freezing, we were both goosepimpled and shivering, and very aware of how many bodily fluids we’d contributed to the bathwater. We got out, rinsed off quickly in the shower, and finally got dressed to meet the day. Still, all in all, it had been one hell of a catnap. 

“Weird how you can be so tired first thing in the morning,” I said reflectively.

“I blame you,” Camila said. “You try sleeping through the barnyard noises Madelaine makes.”

“Sorry,” I said.

“You made it up to me.”

Out in the kitchen, Madelaine had left the breakfast nook set with two full plates of food, paper towels over them. She’d switched out her lingerie for a bathing suit, a jacket over the top and she was pulling on a pair of stretch pants over the bottoms. 

“I made you guys breakfast. So, how’m I doing as your girlfriend?” she asked me, in some sweet spot between facetiousness and sincerity. 

“Uh, fine. It looks great.”

“Who says I was talking to you?” she asked, and walked by me and Camila, giving a smile to the brunette as she went. “I’m going to the beach. Don’t wait up.”

She left, and Camila and I sat down to eat. There was a genuinely cozy feeling to it. What little awkwardness Camila felt seemed to have caught up with her, and it made her just a little bit flustered around me. Since I was plenty flustered myself, I was able to take some comfort in both of us not knowing what to do now that this had gone beyond the one-night-stand stage, and somehow found itself involving Madelaine as well. Not to mention…

“So, what’s this about you and Lili Reinhart?” I asked.

Camila sputtered as a bit of food went down the wrong tube.

“Oh, shit, sorry,” I said, handing her a napkin.

She demurred, cleared her throat, and drank heavily from her glass of water. “My fault,” she said. “I should’ve expected you to ask about it. Madelaine practically sent you a telegram, didn’t she?”

“Uh…” I didn’t quite get the metaphor. “Yeah.”

Camila cleared her throat again—I got the impression it had more to do with a speech she had planned than inadequate mastication. “Me and Lili are good friends, you know. Really good friends. And we’re both… pretty straight. I mean, obviously, you saw what went on between me and Madelaine… that’s just good fun.”

“It looked fun,” I said stupidly; stupidly enough to get a look from Madelaine, at that.

“And it’s hard to meet a guy in LA. Especially when you’re famous… semi-famous… whatever. Lots of freaks and guys who want to leak nudes and guys who want to write tell-alls… I mean, just turn on the news. It’s about the worst dating scene you can find in the Western world. There’s a reason all the romantic comedies are set in New York.”

“I’ve never been.”

“So Lili and I… well, we heard about this from two other female friends, who I won’t tell you about, because they’re famous and that’s how rumors get started. But they had a deal where, if one of them found a good man, they would share him.”

“Share him,” I repeated. Not as stupidly as before, I hoped.

“Not like that,” Camila insisted. “They’d each let the other take him on dates and to premieres and dinners, whatever. And okay, yeah, a little like that.”

“What if the guy didn’t want to date two women?”

“What guy wouldn’t want to date two women? Apparently, they tried it and it really helped a lot with the long-term aspect of things. If one of them was off on a shoot, the other was there with him. It was kind of a…” She waved her hand. “Melanin a trois thing.” 

“So you decided to do that?”

“It’s better than getting jealous. And trust me, on a TV set, everyone gets jealous. You don’t want to find yourselves fighting over some guy. That’s why me and Madelaine are getting along so well, considering you cucked us both.”

“I didn’t… cuck…”

“Relax,” she smiled at me. “It’s a whole different thing with me and Madelaine. She’s tried to have a threesome with me before.”

“She has?”

“Down, boy. But you get the idea, right? If you’d dated Lili, she would’ve brought you to me and we could do whatever. But since you’re dating me, I have to take you to Lili and share.”

I coughed. “If it weren’t for Madelaine, I’d almost think this was some weird boyfriend test.”

“No bullshit, Harry.”

“Okay. Well, I guess if you’re cool with it, and you want to do right with Lili—yeah, sure. I’ll try to show your friend a good time.”

“Great!” Camila cheered. “Do you think I could get some pictures of you to send to her? She does have standards, you know.”

“Uh, sure. Why not?”

“Thanks, babe. Take off your clothes. Your fashion sense isn’t one of your best features.”


Between the Playgirl pictorial and a testimonial from Madelaine Petsch, Lili Reinhart evidently decided I was worth her while. Camila seemed even happier about it than I was; not hard to do, as I was more confused by the whole thing than anything else. I’d heard of wild Hollywood sex parties and cocaine orgies, but this whole boyfriend-sharing thing still sounded like either BS or a new app from Silicon Valley.

But time flies when you’re having fun. Splitting my attention between Camila and Madelaine, the week of vacation was over before I knew it. It seemed like every time I turned around, one of them had something they absolutely had to drag me to. I doubted they were quite that socially active in real life (whatever that is). It struck me as them proving a point to each other, over and over again. I didn’t mind. I’d thought this discount vacation would be boring. Instead I was driving some of Hollywood’s hottest starlets to podcasts, taking them shopping in high-priced boutiques, and… well, you can imagine the rest. After the first day, even Madelaine was more subtle than just coming out and saying she wanted me for sex. She’d say she wanted to go to dinner with me, then once we got there, she’d drag me into the bathroom, or Camila would reach over and undo my fly under the table. Again, you get the idea. 

Nice work if you can get it.

I hardly expected it all to last when the vacation was over, but back in LA, I spent the rest of the month on one of their arms or the other. The pace slackened a bit, thankfully. Both of them were gearing up for a new season, auditioning for new roles and putting themselves out there on evening shows and guest spots. It was hard for me not to be a little envious, although I didn’t envy them the pace they set themselves. You wouldn’t believe the work that goes into just attending a Susan G. Komen benefit. Hours of preparation, acting like a prize pony once you got there—it got so I felt pretty damn good about being more the guy who was waiting to pamper them through an evening of sweatpants and Hallmark Channel binge-watches, less Antonio Banderas in any role he’d ever played.

Pretty soon, though, it was time for me to be introduced to Lili.

“No more hoarding you,” Camila told me. “Lili’s never going to forgive me if we come back from break and she has no time to play with you because we’re filming all the freakin’ time.”

Me, I was mainly worried about what Lili would make of me. I still had a pretty unclear idea of the dynamic between Camila and Madelaine—sometimes they seemed like lovers, other times like bitter rivals. So I had no idea what the whole group dynamic was. If Lili expected to share me with Camila and she didn’t like me, would either of them take it as a slight? Or like Camila had wiggled out of their deal by finding someone she could keep to herself because Lili didn’t want me? How was I supposed to know?

Regardless, I found myself at Camila’s place. She put on a Lumineers album, the final touch of her sprucing up the apartment, and nervously fiddled with her purse, checking that she had everything. She was planning to go walking while Lili and I got to know each other—walking in La-La-Land jargon meaning dressing to the nines, putting on enough make-up to kill a howler monkey (not that she looked bad that way), and walking around looking nonchalant as if twenty paps weren’t taking your picture for a tabloid story you’d be well-compensated for. Yes, in Hollywood, even the invasions of privacy could be scripted. And I’d worried about reality TV…

The bell rang. Camila vaulted up from her chair, slinging her purse over her shoulder. “Well, that’ll be her. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.”

“Uh, sure,” I said, taken aback by just how quickly and nervously she talked. She was just about already out the door. I heard her in the other room, greeting Lili for what felt like a very short time before I heard the door slam shut again. 

Then Lili was in the living room with me.

I wasn’t born in the 1950s, so I wasn’t a big Archie Comics fan, but I’d thought Betty was supposed to be the girl next door. I didn’t know where a girl like this could live next door to—maybe the Playboy Mansion—but she was way more blonde bombshell than, say, Willow from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. She wore a cozy-looking white blouse, loosely buttoned over a skimpy black camisole top. Her jeans were low-slung, letting me see that she had on a similarly lacy set of panties. I would almost say she was wearing some kind of leotard, only I could see a thin ribbon of skin between her top and her bottom. Thin, but with a few strands of naturally blonde hair bridging the gap. I quickly looked away, and Lili smiled at me as I finally met her eye.

“You must be Harry,” she said, offering me her hand. “Camila’s told me a lot about you.”

“Yeah, you’ve come up too.”

“Just wish this wasn’t so awkward,” she said, though she seemed to be covering whatever she felt with a lot of cheerfulness. “It’s like a blind date and a third date all at once.”

“Oh,” I said. “Then you want to…” I think I managed to nicely convey ‘the physical act of lovemaking’ with the way I trailed off.

“Oh, yeah!” Lili nodded excitedly. “I have not been able to find one guy worth giving a handy to and now Camila tells me she’s got a lifeguard with a twelve-inch cock? If I were anymore down, I’d be gift-wrapped.”

I coughed. “Have you and Camila done this before?”

“No,” she said. “Talk about your dry spells. But, c’mon, what guy is going to say no to dating two women?”

“That’s what Camila said.” I coughed again. “Three, if you count Madelaine.”

“Oh, she’s just batting you around like a cat with a toy. When she gets bored of you, she’ll stop playing girlfriend. Although it speaks well of you that she hasn’t gotten bored yet.”

Only boring people are bored, I heard Madelaine say, though it wasn’t so much something I’d heard her say as the kind of thing she would say.

“So how do you want to do this?” I asked her. “Maybe we could get lunch? Since red and black have been taking me around town, I’m persona grata at most of the nicer restaurants.”

Lili shook her head. “It seems traditional that I seduce you. And I just… like seducing people, when I get the chance.” 

She sounded excited again. It was more than a little charming; I found myself smiling at her almost by rote.

“You mean wearing that outfit isn’t seducing me?”

“Partly,” she said, now practically vibrating. “Come on. Have you seen Camila’s exercise room?”

I had not. She put her arm around me and I returned the favor with one around her thin waist. Just like that, she was leading me into Camila’s bedroom. I wondered just how familiar she was with the area.

“Nice room, huh?” she asked. “It’s so sunny and cheerful. Great to wake up in when you’ve had a sleepover.”

“Do you and Camila have a lot of sleepovers?” I asked, struggling not to stutter.

“You’ll find out,” she teased, leading me through a door I had assumed would lead to walk-in closet, but instead went into a small gym. Small stereo system, exercise mats, weights against the wall, a punching bag, and some of the more esoteric machines that replicated things like rowing a boat or fighting a Terminator. 

And, right in the middle of it, there was a stripper pole.

“Did this place use to be a firehouse?” I asked Lili.

She turned around to face me as she backed into the pole, leaning against it with her hands up to hold onto it, her grip above her head. The pose did interesting things to her body, and those buttons on her shirt that weren’t buttoned.

“Haven’t you heard? Working the pole is great exercise. I’m surprised you haven’t tried it. You have a nice body.”

“I do a buncha lapdances,” I said. “Kind of the same thing.”

She smiled. She had a way of quirking her lips that was ridiculously sultry, almost wholesome, and smugly aware of just how sexy she was, all at once. “Go turn on the stereo, goofball. Camila has my playlist.”

I walked past her to the stereo—she almost stopped me with the way she was looking, bopping back and forth a little, shifting her weight from heel to heel. It was like she was daring me to wrap her around that pole and see if she could match Camila’s pace. But I got past her—seeing her lick her lips out of the corner of my eye—and pressed Play on the stereo.

It played Hozier. Arsonist’s Lullaby. I turned around to see Lili unbuttoning her shirt, opening it up. It was thinner than I’d thought; with it spread wide open, I could see the light streaming through it, revealing the dark shadow of her hourglass figure inside. My cock had been throbbing steadily just being around her, but now it hardened dramatically as she let her shirt fall away. Just a slight turn revealed her breasts to me; they were too large to hide behind her body. Enclosed in her camisole, they seemed to flow up and down and from side to side with her tiniest motions as she circled the pole. 

Now facing me, she swirled her hips, shaking her ass this way and that, smiling all the while. Her breasts jiggled with the slow, sultry beat, matching her movements like counterweights she knew exactly how to move. She ran her hands down her chest, over the maddening slowness of her languid bellydance, and flattened them to her stomach as she brought them still lower. For a moment, I thought she was going to reach down to her groin, start masturbating, but all she did was open up her belt buckle.

She did a little twirl, winding around the pole for another quarter-turn. Now she looked like she was hiding from me behind the pole, as ridiculous as her voluptuous curves made the idea. It was agonizing to watch her skirt her jeans down her legs in profile. I could see the curvature of her buttocks, the valley of her groin, but not any detail. Just the sheer mesh of her panties, letting me see plenty of the toned flesh on her flank.

Now Lili wrapped herself around the pole, one arm and one leg, sidling around it to offer herself up to my gaze. Her panties were virtually translucent, making the jungle of her pubic-hair look coal black between her legs. 

I was still staring, like a deer in the headlights, when she jumped up on the pole, twisting her thighs around it to hold herself in place and then letting her upper body drift back. And as it bent backward until her dangling hair nearly touched the floor, she took hold of her camisole and worked it up off of her chest, dropping it down off her hair to puddle on the ground.

When she came back up, embracing the pole, her breasts were around its length. I found myself envying a glorified carbon rod.

“Jesus Christ,” I said. Her tits cradled the pole, not drooping at all, just being. Big and full and round like fruit that was ripe but not harvested. Her nipples, the size of silver dollars, called out to me. I was dying to get one into my mouth.

“You like ‘em, huh?” she taunted me, swaying from side to side so her breasts slid over the pole.

“Take off your panties. The bedroom’s right over there.”

“I don’t know,” she said, still dancing, still grinning, as she pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. “I’ve had some pretty good sex in that bed. You’ll have to work awful hard to measure up.” Her cunt was wet. In fact, her entire body seemed to be shining with perspiration. No wonder. I, for one, felt hot as hell. “Although, technically, I suppose it’ll all be thanks to Mendes…”

“Come on, quit fooling around!”

I was leading the way to the bed, and when I reached it, I turned around to cajole her after me. But as soon as my back was turned, Lili had run up on me. She jumped on top of me with a giggle and we went down on the mattress together. One of her warm tits hung down in my face. I caught the big nipple in my teeth and gnawed it, harder than strictly necessary, which only made her coo, so I sucked on it. She liked that enough to ease her body down on mine, settling her breasts over my face so I was buried in them, feeling her breaths rub them up and down my cheeks.

“That’s it, Harry,” she said softly. “Chew me. Suck me. Show me how much you fucking want me!”

Now she was working me like a stripper pole, splaying her hands on my shoulders as she peeled herself up off me, arching her back away from me as I tried to keep her nipple with the suction of my mouth and the grip of my teeth. As Lili swayed herself around, pulling and stretching her tit in different directions, I was almost worried she’d hurt herself. But she came back before her nipple was pulled too taut, showering my scalp with kisses as she ran her hands lovingly through my hair.

“Now do the other one,” she whimpered, running her lips over my sweaty brow.

I let go of her nipple, leaving it red and swollen and erect, and bit down as gently as possible on her other one. It was already so tense that just nibbling on it made her coo and whine in fraught pleasure. 

I reached down her body, feeling around the firm muscles and the enticing softness until my fingers snaked over her mound and I found her wet and juicy and open. I worked my middle finger between her labia lips, dragging it up and out of her passage and over her clit. Lili actually purred as I painted her clitoris with her own wetness. 

“Oh fuck!” she cried. “Fuck!” Lili twisted around like a cat, trying to escape my teeth and do something about me fingering her so teasingly, then she sank her teeth into my shoulder and grabbed my cock. I groaned, inadvertently releasing her nipple, as she jerked me wildly. I wasn’t envying the stripper pole now.

“I want you to keep sucking me,” she said, breathless and totally wild. “And I want to blow you too. I want us to sixty-nine.”

Apparently she just knew I approved of the idea, because immediately afterward she got on her back and I crawled over her, resting my weight with my forearms on either side of her hips, looking down at her spread cunt.

She didn’t waste any time taking my cock into her mouth, and I groaned as she used her throat like she’d used her fist, volleying it back and forth over my manhood. Not only that, but she worked my balls like she was idly using a stress toy, gently squeezing them between her thumb and forefinger.

“Mmmmmhh,” she groaned as I returned the favor, burying my mouth and nose in her pubic hair. Outside of her panties, I could now see it was a pale gold color that darkened into honey as I wetted it with my tongue. I found her clit quickly, and stung it with my tongue, stopping between lashings to work on her pussy with long, slow kisses.

We kept going, unable to get enough of each other, but after several minutes I rolled off her. I was about to come, but first, I wanted to give her a real taste of what Camila saw in me. I wiped my mouth on the ruffled sheets we’d disturbed with all our rolling around. 

“Stop that,” I told her, gently pushing her head off my cock even as she warningly dug her teeth into my shaft. She didn’t follow through with the implied threat, no matter how much she was enjoying herself. “I want you to sit on my cock before it blows.”

Lili heaved a sigh. “Fine. I guess some people just can’t enjoy a good thing.”

Despite myself, I was a little pleased with how frustrated she was. It meant I’d been going a good job eating her out. “I’m about to.”

“Alright. But if you’re enjoying yourself, it’s on my terms.” She got up and went back to the stripper pole, where she knelt down with her head brushing against its bronze length. “I thought of this weeks ago,” she said. “And now that I’ve got someone to try it with, I don’t intend to let you get away with a little missionary position.”

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

She answered me by putting her head down flat on the floor and bringing her legs up, doing a slow-motion tumble forward until she was in a handstand, her back against the pole. She lifted her legs higher and higher and higher, until she crossed her ankles around the pole. Now she was upside-down, partially hanging from the pole, partially leaning on it, partially supporting herself on her arms.

“Go ahead, Harry,” she chuckled. “Enjoy yourself.”

She was quite a sight, upside-down with her breasts pointed down at her face. I couldn’t resist. I knelt down and pulled on those sensitive nibbles I had left veritable teethmarks in. She squealed and pumped her legs up and down the pole, nearly losing her position,

“Don’t enjoy yourself too much,” she moaned, “you have to fuck me. You have to!”

I stood up again and pressed myself against her. I pushed my cock into her, holding her ass to help guide myself in. It was harder than a look, and after a moment, I paused to lick her calf. Lili giggled shrilly as she felt the unusual touch unexpectedly. Then, with a sudden inspiration and a look of determination, she let go of the stripper pole with her legs and twisted her legs around my hips. I just had time to position myself before she went up against me. I slid right into her cunt. Then I groped her ass to hold it still as I pumped into it.

“Ahhhhh—“ Lili moaned out. “Feels even better than… I thought… fucking genius!”

It was hard to imagine it could feel any better than it did on my end. But she looked like she was enjoying herself, going strong, clenching her thighs to draw me in, staring up at me through a haze of her mussed up hair.

“You—you like this pussy?” she asked, between short breaths.

“Any way I can get it,” I grunted. The penetration seemed like it couldn’t possibly be any deeper and I felt like a world-conqueror, in total control as I pumped down into her with my hands around her ass and her cunt right there for the taking.

“You can get it however you want!” Lili replied, laughing with wild abandon, each snorting laugh blowing the hair away from her mouth.

I couldn’t stop this time. I was going to come in her no matter what. My cock was tingling so hard that the only thing else I could feel was my head beginning to swim.

I gave her buttocks a stiff slap and clawed it harder, revealing the wrinkled opening of her anus staring up at me as I fucked her. “I wish I had another cock! I could fuck your ass too!”

“Hu! Hu! YES!” Lili shouted, her voice straining into hoarseness. The suggestion really seemed to do it for her. “Give me a finger there!”

As I continued to drill down into her cunt, I let go of one of her cheeks and struck with my forefinger, plunging it into the tight pink circle. Her ass took me right up to my knuckle, wet with the copious arousal that had been dripping out of her.

“Show me… show me how you’d fuck my assssss…” Lili was groaning to herself, her eyes rolled back—or maybe forward?—in her head. I fucked into her cunt and fingered her asshole in rhythm, trying not to give her too much at once. Lili seemed the happiest when she was gagging for something, be it my finger ramming her ass or my cock filling her cunt. After a few short strokes to find the pattern, I was like a machine, pulling out of her cunt just to give it to her in the ass, then reversing, never letting her figure out up from down.

“Uh! Oh! Harry! Ah! Ahh!” She slipped out of her handstand, putting her weight on her shoulders as she grabbed hold of my ankles. I wondered if it was deliberate or she just really needed something—someone—to hold onto.

“I’m gonna fuck your cunt off!” I cried, my cock ready to explode. “I’m fucking you til you come!”

“Yes!” Lili wailed. “My ass! Feels so good—my ass is yours—fuck me in the ass!”

But I couldn’t hold back any longer. My balls lunged in their sac and I broke down in a long, exulted shiver as my cockhead gushed cum down her pussy. Her sweet little cunt sucked every drop out of me as I held myself inside her, up to the hilt. She squeezed me like no one—not Camila, not Madelaine, not anyone else—had ever done. And I came so hard that my seed frothed up from her stuffed pussy, running down her loins or up her belly as she heaved, upside-down, beneath me. My cum even ran over the length of my cock and dripped off my shaft to dribble on her face. I was almost worried Lili would be offended, but she looked so far gone I doubted she would’ve noticed a brass band playing in the closet.

When I pulled out of her—thinking vaguely of how Arthur had gotten Excalibur—she slid away from the pole like a puppet with discount strings. I caught her and laid her down gently, flat on her back, her eyes glazed, her legs spread, her heaving breasts the only movement in her. I had never seen a woman look so wiped out. She looked like she’d survived a shipwreck. Her body shined all over with sweat, her nipples seemed to burn in their hardness, and even her well-trimmed pussy looked matted and tangled.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed, stumbling a little myself. I went to the kitchen and brought back a bottled water from the refrigerator. Lili took it and drank deeply, but her breathing didn’t even out. It was another four minutes before she sat up, and that was just to slump against me as I sat next to her on the bed.

“Camila definitely knows how to pick ‘em.” She sounded like she’d lost her voice. “I’m surprised the pole is still standing!”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “That would’ve been one hell of a call to the super.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and let herself fall back down to the mattress, dragging me with her. I watched her tits sway back and forth with her landing. They weren’t bounding as hard as they had been before, but she still reached for the water to take another drink. She might as well have poured it over our cuddling bodies. We were both soaked, and musky besides. The air was filled with a certain je nais se quois, which was French for the smell of cum and pussy. Lili’s hair was soaked through, stuck to her face and neck, only making her more adorable for how she tried to brush it away, but only managed to swirl it over her sweat-slick face. I took a hand, drying my fingers on the bedspread and tucking the strands behind her ears.

“Does Camila want to fuck you with your dick still wet from me?” Lili asked, too strung out to be anything but nonplussed.

I, with godly stamina, managed some mild shock. “She… mentioned something about a reward if things went well…”

Lili nodded, like she was following along with a game of Jeopardy and her guess was being proven right. “Okay. When she gets back, you fuck her. Then I want to cook you something because I’m girly as fuck and that’s how I show affection. Then you’re going to ass-fuck me on Camila’s bed. You hear me? You’re going to bring me back here, and I don’t care if Camila and Madelaine are fucking scissor right next to us, you’re spreading my cheeks and sodomizing me like you should’ve in the first round. Promise you’ll do it?”

“Keep talking like that and I won’t be able to stop myself.”

She slapped me gently. “Don’t talk like that. Don’t think for a second I don’t want your cock up my ass.” She adjusted our position with an artist’s eye for detail, coming to a rest with her lips rubbing against my ear in case she needed to whisper more sweet nothings to me. “Promise me you’ll be rough. You’ll throw me down on the bed and fuck my ass like you did my pussy. Show Camila and Maddy I was the only one brave enough to take it up the ass—how good it feels to take it from behind. If they want your cum, I want my ass to be the only place they can get it.”

I groaned—my cock was stirring already.



Dear God, how is it possible that this is hotter than the previous chapters?