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No one was in much mood for a real work-out. The mission—and the dancing—had been enough. So, by silent consent, everyone agreed that they would just have fun and let that be exercise enough. Bruce started with Artemis and Dinah, leaving Diana and Shayera in the living room. 

He closed the door behind them, knowing that the Amazon and the Thanagarian’s anticipation would be all the greater for how much they were denied now. Dinah removed her red dress, leaving her in her shoes and stockings. Artemis kept on her blue dress, short and revealing as Dinah’s had been, showing off her body almost as well as Dinah’s nudity did hers. Their faces were drawn together, and as their lips met and parted, Artemis sultrily swayed, showing off her curvy hips and ripe breasts as they nestled against Dinah’s body. In the dim light, the blue dress was determined to net more attention than Dinah’s shadowed nakedness.

Artemis pushed her tongue into Dinah’s mouth; it was eagerly accepted. In the back of her mind, her conservative upbringing told her it was wrong to kiss another woman, but it seemed too natural to care if it was or not. All that mattered was that it satisfied her lust.

The kiss grew to include Bruce. Dinah was breathless as he interposed himself on their mutual lust, and in the contest of their three wills, she seemed to end up surrendering. She was down on the bed, her lovers on either side of her. Bruce showered her taut abdomen with kisses; Artemis kissed Dinah’s cheek. When Bruce reached her navel, he wiggled his tongue into the neat little dimple of her belly button. A series of kisses from Artemis led to her ear; she nibbled on Dinah’s earlobe. Her tongue slid into the canal. Dinah could feel both their tongues just starting to enter her—laying their claim on her territory.

Bruce moved his mouth down to the pool of Dinah’s groin. He kissed around her neatly trimmed pubic hair, tantalizingly close to her sex before veering away. He lapped at her left thigh, at her knee, down to her ankle. He licked the sole of her foot. Dinah was moaning as he sucked on her toes.

Artemis concentrated her attention on Dinah’s neck. She covered one side of it with light, quick kisses, making her way across Dinah’s throat—back again, but a little lower, a little further down. The sucking little stings of her wicked kisses began to feel like pearls in a series of necklaces that Dinah was wearing.

Bruce was at her groin again; he’d left her leg so taut and tense that it kicked like a livewire when he left her sex again without touching it. He jumped to her abdomen, the firm stirrings of muscle there a buffet to his tongue, and left them with a warm layer of saliva. He was approaching Dinah’s chest as Artemis kissed toward them as well. Simultaneously, the two warriors took a nipple into their mouths and sucked. 

The feeling was so exquisite that Dinah felt like she had to close her eyes to keep it inside herself.

“Artemis,” Bruce said, “it’s your turn.”

Instantly Artemis moved to lay down beside Dinah. Dinah opened her mouth to Artemis’s and they kissed, a flicker of tongues between them and then Dinah moved down to take the place offered by Artemis’s widely stretched legs. Her hands spread Artemis’s pussy and she placed her lips over the sweetness of Artemis’s cunt. Her tongue pushed forward to find Artemis’s clit and the delicate nub of flesh found itself circled, trapped by Dinah’s lashing tongue.

Bruce moved behind Dinah. His arms went around her, his manhood lay against her buttocks, warming her with the thought of it probing more intimately into her. Lovingly, his fingers played with her breasts, showing her just how extremely they met with his approval.

As if fueled by Bruce’s lust, Dinah’s tongue was sharp and swift, seeming to demand the orgasm it was pushing Artemis toward. The redhead wrapped her legs around Dinah’s head as her body went totally rigid, her breaths coming singularly with each throw of passion.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Artemis screamed. “My turn indeed!”

She shook violently, and gave up a gushing ecstasy. Dinah swallowed every drop of it, pleased to know how effective her tongue could be, even by the standards of an Amazon.


Shayera put on a record that drowned out the soft moans Dinah made, the high panting of Artemis, but not Bruce’s tightly controlled passion. Even when making no noise at all, he exuded a presence that was like catnip to the women in his life. Ironic, for someone so secretive, so stealthy. 

Shayera laid down on the floor, her long legs up on the couch, bare feet gesturing together. Diana was seated more primly on the love seat, and though Shayera looked at her lovingly—she was so beautiful—it was hard not to feel a little letdown that Dinah and Artemis were having all the fun. There were a lot of things Diana could do, but there was a certain hardness there that Shayera… just couldn’t get from her.

She let out a long, audible sigh. 

“Surely this isn’t the first time you’ve had to get by without him,” Diana said. 

“That isn’t it.” Shayera propped herself up on one elbow to face her wife. “I’ve been able to get wet just thinking about him. Sometimes when he’s gone, I’ll pretend he’s right next to me. I’ll put my hand over my cunt and close my eyes…”

She broke off her dreamy words with a shake of her head, flopping back down on her back. It just wasn’t fair—how was she even supposed to masturbate when her fantasy was happening there in the master bedroom?

“I know what you mean,” Diana said quietly. “Bruce has been so good to me.” She thought of parts of herself that he had been especially good to. “So good…”

Shayera turned her head, looking at Diana in time to see her thighs squirming together. “What’s he like when you’re alone?” There was a lustful glint in her eyes as she watched Diana’s thighs grow still.

Diana radiated a new eagerness as she now deliberately turned her attention away from the bedroom door, which only made it loom larger. “The first time he fucked me, I thought I’d died. I thought I’d gone to heaven and hell at the same time. He was so big…”

“It hurt like hell, but at the same time it was the most beautiful experience!” Shayera cut in.

“And then when he came… when he filled my cunt… I could put my hand on my belly and feel how warm it was, from the outside.”

Shayera bit her lip with momentary bitterness. She remembered that feeling, but it suddenly seemed like a long time since she’d had it herself. And the way that she now wanted it made it seem like it’d been an eternity since she’d had it. She and Diana had talked each other into a slow frenzy of desire; they’d reached a plateau that seemed impossible to get down from.

Shayera looked at Diana, taking in the full figure that her white dress did nothing to disguise. She watched as Diana’s full, firm breasts pressed against the material, slowly rising and falling as if beckoning to Shayera’s eyes.

She started to get up, and as she rose, Diana was there, taking her face in her hands and guiding her lips upward until they’d met. Shayera could feel Diana tremble in excitement, as she knew she herself was trembling. Her lips shook apart, letting in Diana’s searching tongue, allowing it to strike wherever it wanted before she had to flee the intensity of the kiss.

She lowered her lips to lick at Diana’s neck, letting her tongue slip wildly over the smooth, flawless skin that seemed to allow it to travel wherever it would go. A lustful ache throbbed through her body as she bit and nibbled at Diana’s shoulder, the skin seemingly delicate in its pristine whiteness, but firm and muscular to the touch. Diana’s hard nipples pressed against her, demanding her mouth move to them next as Shayera obediently lowered her head.

“Enjoy them,” Diana moaned, her body writhing.

Diana lowered the neckline of her dress, allowing her full cleavage to burst out with surprising exuberance, and find Shayera’s mouth as if the two were meant for each other. Shayera felt the fat nub of Diana’s nipple throb against her lips and she placed it between her teeth, biting down with first the gentleness of their intimacy, then the hardness of her desire. They both moaned with pleasure.

Diana opened her legs wide as Shayera’s hand ran up her dress, finding her quivering clit crowning the juncture of her legs. The Amazon felt her excited juices boiling out of her as Shayera’s expert touch filled her with pleasure. She began to glide her pelvis upward at Shayera's insistence, giving more of her pussy to Shayera’s fingers, letting herself be filled even as she put her hands on the back of Shayera’s head and forced her to take more of the breast she was sucking on between her lips.

Shayera sucked in Diana’s nipple until her cheeks were hollow, then slowly released the pressure, letting it slip between her teeth. She kneaded and fondled both breasts as she sucked, switching from one to the other. When she opened her lip to take in a nipple she had just primed with pinching, massaging fervor, the sudden warmth of her sucking mouth brought out rapturous groans from her pleased victim.

As Shayera’s wandering mouth hurried to satisfy both heaving, needful breasts, she felt the glowing warmth of Diana’s pussy calling to her. She lowered her face and kissed through the scant material of Diana’s dress, feeling the strong muscles of her stomach far more firmly than she could ever feel the thin fabric. Her chin was only inches from the beauty of her goal. She lingered and teased as long as she could, enjoying the self-denial of only feeling Diana’s warmth through a layer of gossamer, but her own lust was too much for her. She came down between Diana’s thighs and found the flowing juices she longed to taste.

Diana immersed her hands in Shayera’s pixie haircut, the short hair delightfully bristly under her fingers, and she arched her body upward against Shayera’s mouth. She moaned with aching need as her cool womanhood was suddenly warmed by Shayera’s hot mouth.

“Oh, sister, enjoy all of me!” Diana begged, her breathing so uneven by now that her voice sounded like one long groan.

Shayera knelt at Diana’s feet and placed her hands under Diana’s ass, pulling together her mouth and Diana’s equally hungry opening. Her lapping tongue revealed the succulent reddish warmth of Diana’s creamy slit, the exposed clit quivering slightly with each touch of her tongue. Shayera drew the small mound between her lips and felt it shimmy buoyantly against her licks, like her tongue was a wave carrying a ship to shore. Placing a commiserating kiss on Diana’s clitoris, she opened her mouth wider and pushed her tongue deeper inside of Diana.

“Oh, suck it, you cruel girl, suck it like you know I’ll like!” Diana screamed, falling back on the love seat and wrapping her legs around Shayera’s neck, forcing her head closer to her cunt.

Shayera pumped her tongue in and out of Diana’s sex, battling to replace Diana’s wetness with that of her own saliva. She sucked Diana’s juices into her mouth and then licked Diana’s pussy with a tongue coated in them. She could feel Diana tighten every muscle as their fluids mixed more and more interchangeably. Until, irrevocably, Diana bellowed out a painfully delicious orgasm.

“Ooooooohooooomm!” she wailed, bucking her hips upward into Shayera’s face, her lips tightly clamped around her wife’s neck. “Oh, sweet fucking Hera!”

Her pleasure only intensified Shayera’s need, and the redhead threw her leg between Diana’s to bring her cunt against her wife’s, as if she could share the orgasm that was erupting in it.

“I want a cock deep in my cunt,” Shayera said, rutting now more out of a desperate need than any thought of satisfying herself. “I want Bruce’s cock so bad I can taste it!” Her voice was far away.

Diana moved against her like a cat rolling against a chair leg. “I know what you mean. His cock is so delicious… so big… I’d love to have it pounding inside me again. But it’s your turn first.”

And as Shayera ached with desire, feeling a fire that couldn’t be extinguished, feeling relieved but not satisfied, she saw that the bedroom door had opened. Artemis was coming out. And it was her time to go in.


Six hours ago

As he pulled into the drive of his luxurious beach house, the man congratulated himself on how ably he had driven despite his inebriation. He had known he’d be able to manage the drive home, despite the odd slurred word and even the clichéd hiccup in his breathing, and he knew the girls were duly impressed. He helped them out of the car and to the front door, which he swung wide open. Then he stepped aside, flipping on the lights to let the girls get the full view as they came in.

“Wow!” the blonde remarked as she took in the lushly appointed living room. “You must do alright for yourself… Mister…?”

He debated for a moment, before closing the door behind them. He hated for these things to be too personal, or to be reminded however gently that these women were professionals going about their job. But he couldn’t quite manage the high-handed disdain of treating them just like playthings either. There had to be some level of chemistry there or why even bother? “My name is Stagg, Simon Stagg… some of my friends call me just Stagg… whichever you prefer.”

The red-haired woman smiled at him and nodded. “Stagg.” She winked at him.

“Perhaps you’d like a drink.”

The blonde and the redhead followed him down the steps and across the sunken room to a minibar. He mixed them all a drink, casually throwing in a glance through the door on this side of the room. “The kitchen’s through there. Later, if you’re hungry, I could fix you a bite to eat.”

The blonde tittered and Stagg colored, feeling foolish. These weren’t some drugstore hookers who’d take a bag of McDonald’s as payment. Just looking at them you could see how beautiful they were, almost a part of the accommodations at the hotel bar where he’d met them—as young and as sensuously tasteful as the top-shelf bourbon there. 

“Right now, we could just go for a bath,” the blonde said. “It’s so embarrassing to be in this nice house smelling like we’ve been on our feet all day.”

“Follow me,” he said, walking around the end of the bar. The two women followed him closely as he took them into a sumptuous bathroom, all of its expensive furnishings quadrupled by the mirrored walls. “I believe you’ll find everything you need in here.”

“Wow. Just… wow!” the blonde said, awed at the luxury on display. She picked up a bar of soap from its dish in the sunken tub and inhaled its fragrance. 

The redhead kicked off her sandals to feel the vividness of the soft carpet under her feet. “This is just too much!”

“It’s Romanesque,” Stagg said, then cleared his throat as a bit of gas developed in his esophagus. “I’ll leave you to it.”

He left the door to the bathroom closed, went to his bedroom, then through a secret passage in the wall that bordered the bathroom. Facing that bathroom was an art print on the wall. Stagg pushed on the bottom of the print and it slid up into the ceiling, revealing a two-way mirror into the bathroom. As the girls began to disrobe, Stagg did the same thing in his privacy of his secret.

Sitting on the broad velvet couch that paralleled the mirror, Stagg stroked his growing prick as he watched. The blonde was the first to divest herself of her blue dress, and he smiled as her full breasts were exposed. The redhead stepped out of her red dress to reveal a tiny waist above femininely wide hips. A golden pubic thatch stood out in contrast both to her white body and the hair atop her head. She stooped to adjust the steaming water as it filled the deep tub.

Stagg watched in an almost lustless fascination as the two nude women explored the bathroom, briskly rubbing themselves to keep warm as their warm bath grew nearer. It was more than just seeing them naked; their dresses had been so short and so tight that the actual stripping held no surprises. It excited him more to know that he could watch their every move, almost their every private thought, without their knowledge and thus without any hope of them disassembling.

He stroked his prick as the blonde turned and looked at her naked body in the full mirror through which he was watching. A thrill went through him that his thought mirrored her own as she ran her hands from her breasts to her stomach, then touched herself gingerly between her legs. The redhead was watching her friend caress herself almost as avidly as Stagg was.

“I’m going to fuck you both,” he said as he stared at them. With each second that passed, he owned more of these private, intimate moments.

Smiling, the blonde turned to her companion, reached out to touched her face with familiarity, and together, the two beautiful women climbed into the tub and lowered themselves into the warm water. Stagg stood and reached up to flick the bottom of the print, making it lower back down over the two-way mirror. He put on a short robe, then went to get the promised drinks from the bar. With them on a tray, he knocked softly on the door to the bathroom.

“Come in!” the redhead called out, and Stagg did, feeling the warmth of the room roast him pleasantly.

“Sorry to bother you,” he said, “but I just remembered I never brought you your drinks.”

The redhead smiled nervously as he set the tray beside the sunken tub. She took one of the glasses. “And we never asked if you would want to join us.”

“The thought had crossed my mind,” Stagg said. He picked up his own glass and sipped it as they looked up at him. “Why don’t you show me just what I’d be joining?”

The redhead seemed to understand and as Stagg leaned against the bathroom counter, she set her drink aside and picked up a bar of soap. “Turn around, babe,” she told her friend. The blonde turned and sat with her back to her friend, allowing her to soap her neck and shoulders. The redhead glanced at Stagg from time to time, smiling nervously as she reached around to lather the other woman’s full tits.

Stagg watched with more and more excitement; he felt his prick jerk as they massaged one another’s breasts, even dipping down below the surface of the water to touch between a set of thighs. The blonde’s face burned brightly at her friend’s touch, but she made no move to stop her.

“Why don’t you face her?” Stagg suggested. “You can bathe each other much better that way.”

The redhead licked her lips as the blonde turned around. Kneeling and facing each other, they explored each other’s bodies as much as they washed, Stagg looking on.

“Between her legs,” he insisted softly, and loosened the tie of his robe to let it fall open.

The blonde reached down hesitantly to her redheaded friend’s lap, feeling the soft gossamer of her wet pubic hair. As the redhead moaned lowly, she ran her fingers along that slick hair, just barely applying enough pressure to reach through the hair and touch the soft pussy lips.

“That’s it… there…” Stagg said as he leaned forward, his hand wrapped around the base of his member.

“Mmmmm, yes,” the redhead said as the blonde’s fingers eased among the folds of her cunt. Suddenly her hands left the blonde’s cleavage and she pulled the other girl to her in a passionate embrace. They kissed with soft, needy passion apparent in both their bodies.

The blonde glanced toward Stagg and her face burned brightly as she saw him masturbating himself. “Wait… no… not with him watching…”

The redhead smiled apologetically at Stagg. “She hasn’t done this before… she’s not used to being seen doing this. If you could just leave us alone for a little while, let her get comfortable again, I’m sure she’d let you be her first.”

Stagg’s face darkened. “Hey, hey listen now. I let you into my house, I let you take a bath in this nice place, but now you’re telling me I can’t even watch? That’s bullshit. That is… fine. She can watch.” He walked into the bathtub, the hem of his robe darkening and floating out in the water like the tentacles of an octopus. “You and me, we can…”

Dinah struck him once, sharply, on the side of his head with her elbow. He fell and only avoided further cracking his skull on the tub from Artemis catching him. She left him floating as she took off her blonde wig.

“Well, that was strategic.”

Dinah took off her own red hair. “No ancient artifact is worth being pawed over. I thought a quick bath would give him some more time to pregame, not join in.”

“You know very little about men, despite appearances. Do you think his security system registered, you know—“ Artemis struck her elbow against her opposite palm.

Dinah winced. “Probably.” His home security system was state-of-the-art, designed to call in the troops for anything so long as Stagg wasn’t in residence. With him having invited them in, they had been in the clear, but now there was no way it hadn’t picked up him being rendered unconscious. Which was as good as an intruder alert.

Not even bothering to scrub off all the soap bubbles that clung to their skin, they threw their dresses back on and hurried, barefoot, through the house. Even Batman had only been able to obtain limited intelligence on the inside of Stagg’s mansion, but they found their way to the office while the security robots were still powering up. There, on the mantle, was the Hood of Kotesh, which the people of Ali Garba would greatly appreciate having back.

In fact, Dinah thought to herself, it might stop a war if they know the people of neighboring Ultarca had nothing to do with taking it.

She grabbed the Hood, grateful that it’d turned out to be right where Stagg had said it would be when they’d been pouring drinks into him in the first place. A shame they hadn’t been able to be so circumspect in actually getting it, but she was inclined to agree with Artemis. Giving Stagg a good peek was one thing, but anything else and she’d prefer to fight her way out.

It looked like she was going to get her wish. Something—maybe a lot of somethings—were pounding on the door to the office and Dinah keyed on a communicator in her earring as the heavy oak started to rattle.

“Batman, any interest in picking up two half-naked women from Stagg’s fifth-floor office?”

Batman’s voice came back without hesitation. “Stand away from the window.”

As the door cracked, lights shone through the magnificent window showing off the office’s beachfront view. The Batwing was holding right outside; Dinah and Artemis pressed themselves against the walls holding the window. The door shattered, spilling in the cruel spindliness of security robots, and that was when the Batwing opened fire. An autogun barrage ripped apart the window as it mowed down the robots. In the ensuing silence—deafened though it may have been—the Batwing maneuvered around and offered its sidedoor to the window. Dinah and Artemis easily made the leap into its hold. The jet sealed itself up again, and with a jolt of acceleration, was in the dreamy glide of its cruising speed.

Batman set aside the precision controls he’d used to sneak up on the house’s defenses and attack. They retracted into the console and his chair rotated to allow him to regard the women. “You have it?”

“You expected otherwise?” Artemis asked. “Having sent two of us?”

“Stagg can be cannier than he lets on,” Batman said. He saw Dinah putting the Hood into a carrying case. “The embassy will be pleased not to have this on the agenda anymore.”

“Just as long as I can go back to wearing body armor,” Dinah said.

Artemis agreed with a nod. 

“No need,” Batman said. “Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl have finished their patrol. They’re wondering if you’d like to go back to the dance floor.”

“Buy me some new shoes and I’ll consider it,” Dinah said.

“And remember, you’re not the only millionaire we might go home with,” Artemis added.


Bruce and Dinah lay on their sides, facing each other. Dinah kissed him breathlessly as Bruce pulled her closer, almost seeming to ignore her loving caresses as he maneuvered himself between her legs. He even seemed to ignore the actual touch of his cockhead to her wet pussy—something Dinah had to mark with a sharp gasp—before his prick slid easily into her. He fucked her slowly at first, and only a half-grin marked his pleasure when Dinah began to thrust back against his pelvis.

Shayera stood in the doorway, watching as another of her wives was fucked. She stared at them with pure lust. She would’ve loved to be in either one of their shoes. Being fucked by Bruce or eating Dinah out. She had been sucked off very well by Diana, experienced a very strong orgasm, but her pussy was beginning to stir again. She moved her hand down between her legs, felt the ready parting of her cunt when she touched it, and began to stroke herself.

Bruce fucked rapidly in and out of Dinah. He was groaning appreciatively now; Dinah’s pussy was wet, and warm, perfectly suited to the woman herself and her limitless passion. He had tried to fuck her slowly, but she was just too exciting to hold back with.

But he did hold back, just barely, stopping seconds before he would’ve climaxed. As much as he loved fucking Dinah, he wasn’t ready to get off. So, looking over his shoulder, he faced Shayera. “Come here,” he told her. “Eat Dinah out while I fuck you.”

Instantly Shayera obeyed. She approached them as Bruce pulled out of Dinah, and denied Bruce, Dinah instantly spread herself open to have Shayera fuck her. She giggled and cooed as Shayera proved just as eager, bending over the bed so her mouth was at Dinah’s cunt, wrapping her arms around Dinah’s hips and licking over Dinah’s copious arousal, over the musky scent Bruce had left on her where their bodies merged.

Bruce knelt down behind Shayera. His cock moved between her legs. It took only a moment to find where she opened for him. He slid in easily and began to fuck her. Shayera groaned, and Dinah groaned just as loudly under Shayera’s ministrations. It was like Bruce was fucking both of them as their pussies trembled and shook, powerful sensations surging through all of them.

Dinah came first, the intensity of her climax more than she would have dreamed possible. She quaked and shuddered as if trying to throw Shayera off, and in fact Shayera could only hold on a few seconds. Bruce caught her and thrust her down beside Dinah on the bed and pumped into her once more, leaving Dinah serenely relieved as the violent pleasures of her orgasm finally passed.

Bruce was fucking Shayera hard now that she’d finished Dinah off. Shayera could feel her own climax brewing, the familiar summons of her pleasure deep within her as she was well-used by Bruce. He would not allow her to deny him anymore. She would come for him. It was just a question of how strong her orgasm would be.

Bruce stopped, holding himself absolutely still inside Shayera as she erupted. He waited out the fury of her storm, only to fuck her cunt even harder when her orgasm had passed. It was not very long before his cock began to throb and twitch, but before it did, Shayera shook with another orgasm, Bruce statue-still as it went by. Then he fucked her again. She could only hold onto him as he enjoyed himself, finally shooting cum far inside her. His prick was still erect when he pulled out of her well-used cunt.

“Go get Diana,” he told her.




So, this a TSTA continuation, yeah? Well, it's excellent either way.