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Diana got up on shaky legs. She smiled at Bruce, assuring him of how satisfied she was, and how happy she was to see that he’d enjoyed himself too. But she also stepped back. She was seething with desire, still, and a little afraid that if she stayed in the room with him, she was not going to be able to control her urges.

Usually, that was no problem at all. For a mortal, Bruce easily kept pace with her. But they would need all their strength for the coming tribulations, and no small amount of sleep. Something much more ‘tension relief’ would steal from both of them. 

“I’d better shower,” she said, not able to help herself from putting a little sway in her step as she walked to the bathroom. 

“You could stay dirty a little while longer,” he rasped.

She was moving into the bathroom step by step now. His eyes on her ass were as physical as a caress, and she didn’t want to go without the good feeling they brought. “No, I need to get clean before I fall asleep on my feet. It wouldn’t be very stealthy to go into an enemy stronghold smelling like—certain anatomy.”

“I think you smell nice,” Bruce said, clawing up to his feet. Although he tried not to show it, he was far more exhausted than her.

“Flatterer.” She hesitated, then turned to step into the shower and switch on the water. As she shifted her weight from foot to foot, her ass swayed provocatively. Bruce’s gaze felt firmer. She wondered, if they were to continue, whether he would spank her or try to sodomize her. Perhaps he’d even eat her ass; she was yearning to let him.

Bruce cracked his neck and walked into the shower. His cock was as hard as a stone and he thought he could feel another burst of cum seeping, drop by drop, into his balls. He could’ve joined her in the shower—joined her in a lot of ways—but instead he sat down on the closed toilet and allowed his soaring heartrate to slow, his tired muscles to unkink. The threat had to take priority over more pleasure. One of the things that made the two of them such a good match for each other was that they could agree on that.

But at the very least, he could enjoy the sight of her stark naked as she bathed.

“I think you were right,” he said as he enjoyed it.

“I often am,” Diana said confidently. “Could you be more specific?”

“About the kids. They are going to be going into battle. We do have to make peace with the idea.”

Diana soaped her chest, but she did it briskly, with no time for the sensual. As with the Fourth Reich’s threat, pleasure had to be deprioritized. “What did you have in mind?”

“Taking them with us tomorrow.”

Diana stopped moving. The sight of the water flowing over her perfect curves was almost enough to make Bruce ignore the sheer, open, plaintive emotion coming off of her. “Are you sure that’s wise?” she said, which Bruce knew were strong words coming from her.

“They’ve already shown us they’re ready, at least in some ways. And this threat already involves them. If we’re to show we respect them as individuals, we should allow them to help out.”

“They should have known boarding the airship would be against our wishes. A commander has no use for soldiers who can’t follow orders.”

Bruce hunched over, his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. “Perhaps they’d follow orders if we gave them. Last time, we expected them to sit on the sidelines. They can’t do that—they don’t get it from either side of the family.”

Diana began washing herself again. “You’re unusually supportive of this, considering.”

“With the Robins, and with Batgirl, I tried to be controlling. But they’re kids, not machines. They need to learn, not to follow. If we give them leeway, they might surprise us.” Bruce straightened. “Besides—my plan of attack is for one of them to accompany each of us. What could be safer than going into battle beside Wonder Woman?”

“Going into battle beside the Batman,” Diana retorted.


The enemy stronghold was on the slope of the Wetterstein mountains, five thousand feet above sea level. Bruce took Elissa with him on the preliminary infiltration. They glided in, putting them within climbing range of the fortress, but the climb itself was still slow and arduous. Bruce paced himself, and saw to it that Elissa went slowly as well. Elissa was at that point in her training where the thing she needed to learn the quickest was patience.

Two hundred feet beneath the Nazis’ proximity sensors, they came to a cleft in the rock. It was a tight squeeze—less so for Elissa—but they made their way through. Again, patience, patience. Bruce could feel his own hastiness growing, but he managed it. It was far easier to teach how to do the right thing quickly than to slow down doing the wrong thing.

They came in under the base, in the passage still cut into the rock and ice from laying the foundations. Electricity, sensor data, sewage, it was all routed down here through an ungainly assemblage of tubes. Bruce found the fiber-optic cable and showed it to Elissa. She already was prepared to tie into it. 

Bruce left it to her as he monitored the environment. He doubted there would be a patrol on hand for a location as remote as this, but Elissa had disappeared on his watch once before. Never again.


When they were done, Bruce didn’t risk a communication. There was no need. The signal to Diana was two tightly placed radio clicks, then nothing. 

She and Thomas charged in to find the entire defense grid down. No sentry guns, no electrified fences, not even cameras. They’d torn apart the motor pool before the guards even knew they were supposed to be scrambling to their vehicles.

By the time Bruce and Elissa joined in, they’d torn through most of the guards as well.


The next day, it was all a sweetly tinged memory. The Justice League had handled the mop-up, all but the Purple Ray. Amazon business. 

The League ended up hardly being necessary. Few of them were unable to attend the coronation on Paradise Island, or were even delayed. And they were just some of the many guested who saw Hippolyta crown the twins, Elissa sing traditional Themysciran hymns, and, as the night wore, the celebration becoming dancing, the dancing becoming drinking, the night becoming a cathartic rain that drove everyone indoor to hide in restful slumber. All but Bruce and Diana, who snuck off around when Tom and Elissa’s jet lag finally caught up with them and left the party to become slightly more mature.

While the drinks and the conversation became adult, Bruce and Diana had arrived at the far side of the island, still moving in the lazy rhythm of the dance they had been sharing when they’d decided to take their leave. Playfully, Diana spun herself to Bruce, allowing him to dip her. Then, as he picked her up, she picked him up, and flew him a ways up the mountain range that bracketed the island. There was a cave there that seemed to open up for them just before the rain came down, catching them with only a little mist that glimmered on their skin like sweat, like lotion. And their clothes seemed to slide off, as they laid them aside out of the rain and returned to the mouth of the cave, where the water ran in rivulets down into the cavern and the thunder seemed to crackle right outside.

Bruce took hold of one of her large breasts and massaged the flesh like a sculptor working with clay. The entire mound was darkly tanned, all but a circle at the tip only a fraction of an inch larger than the areolas. He knew that she had a habit of visiting libertine beaches, and her only reason for not going completely nude would be not to goad the paparazzi. But from the faint white ring around her hips, not all of her sunbathing had been behoven to taboo. In fact, despite her Mediterranean coloring, there was a sunniness to her gilded flesh which could only place her on a beach where the sun shone all year. Bruce imagined her soaking up the sun’s rays as a fruit would grow luscious on good soil and clean water, though her eyes and hair and small, fine nipples remained defiantly dark.

Diana laid back, just shy of the splattering rain that sloshed off the cave’s overhang, as if she were sunning herself in the brilliant lightning and the crash of thunder. As the sun had glazed her bronze body, her unabashed sexuality. These she let fuel her burning gaze and the powerfully controlled sounds her body made, toes curling, fingers tapping, sweat falling from her. All quiet, all graceful, but yes, with peals of thunder in their importance.

“Make love to me,” she said, “as you wanted to last night. I know you weren’t sated. Now you don’t have to share me with the world, with the children, with anyone. Do with me as you wish.”

He crawled over her, he fell on her, she took him in as easily as she’d accepted the sunlight, the rain. First his kiss, his tongue. Then his touch, his hands roving over her, a body that seemed meant to fill his fingers and to rest under his palms. Her leg rose, long, perfect, the muscle of her thigh taut as it massaged between his legs, playfully pushing his member into hardness. There was a smile like lightning as she felt the wet warmth of his precum grace her inner thigh, his erection slide between her legs and touch against her sex. Bruce buried the grin in his kiss. She was a drug, water, breath. He felt like all he needed to live was contained inside her.

The water came down in droves outside. It was a solid wall before the entrance, shutting out the rest of the world. It streamed down to run underneath Diana’s reclining body as if it hungered for her as much as her husband did.

She spread her legs. Her womanhood opened to him, but Bruce moved in another direction. Diana shivered, excitement and denial, as Bruce moved up her body. He straddled her waist. His knees held her in like locks. 

“I want to fuck every part of you,” Bruce said. He laid his cock between her breasts. Used his hands to wrap the soft mounds around his hardness, then pushed into the sweetness of the pert flesh and his own tight fit until he emerged to nudge her chin. “See if it’s all as sweet as your tight little pussy.”

Diana groaned, her own lust as vulgar and as excited as Bruce’s had become. The storm raging outside felt like it was a license to scream everything out, knowing it wouldn’t be heard. “Go further,” she told him. “So I can suck it.”

She opened her mouth wide. Her head pitched forward. When Bruce thrust forward, half his cock disappeared between her lips. He withdrew quickly, dragging his slick prick through her cleavage. His cockhead was lost for a second between her breasts, then it shot back out, claiming her mouth once more.

“I’ll fuck your face too,” Bruce grunted, leaning forward so far he could feel Diana’s eyelashes stuttering against his belly. “I’ll fuck all of you.”

“And I’ll suck all of your cock,” Diana murmured, “just as soon as you let me.”

“Don’t worry,” Bruce said. “When I’m finished fucking your tits, I’ll fill your mouth so full you’ll never taste anything else. I’ll cum all over that beautiful face.”

Just hearing him talk like that, telling her what he was going to do, made Diana rub her thighs together to relieve the new pressure ripping at her loins. “Hurry,” she gasped, speaking between suckles at his spearing cockhead. “My cunt needs you too. Hera, I wish there were three of you!”

“You’d never be able to satisfy three of me. I can barely get enough of you as it is.”

Just hearing him say it made Diana’s pussy clench with nearing release. She reached down to her sex, bucking into her fingers as they entered and pleasured her.

“Fuck my tits,” she groaned, digging her hands into the tightness of her cunt, the sweet friction of her sensitivity meeting stirring fingers. “Oh… Aphrodite… fuck me, husband!”

Bruce was thrusting back and forth, pleasing himself immensely in the soft warmth Diana’s breasts offered. Each stroke was better than the one before, his lust surging with the plaintive want for more. It only took a few such strokes before his face was contorted as if in agony, Bruce trying to hold back, to please Diana more, to keep this sensation as long as possible.

“This is perfect,” Bruce whispered, letting go of Diana’s tits to slip a hand under her head, fist another in her hair. “And now it’s going to get better.”

He shuffled forward in one smooth motion, jerking his hips and stabbing his cockhead to the back of her throat. Diana could feel his heavy balls dragging through her cleavage, his pubic hairs wiry and smelling of musk in her nostrils.

“Oh fuck yes!” Bruce winced. “Much better!” 

When Bruce took up residence in Diana’s mouth, she gagged, but it was with surprise and satisfaction. He was now completely in her mouth, her throat, satisfying the need she felt so desperately. She tightened her lips around the base of his cock and swirled her tongue around the girthy shaft.

“Mmmmm!” she moaned, sucking hard as he pulled out, almost succeeding in keeping him deep between her lips.

“Yes… God yes,” Bruce said, unable to resist the sheer gravity of the pleasure she offered. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, his hunched shoulders and bowed head out in the pouring rain as he used Diana’s mouth, pumping into it with sheer lust. Diana bared her teeth, letting them gently scrap against his shaft as he drove it harder and harder into her mouth. She could already taste the cum from his nearing orgasm.

“So fucking good!” Bruce groaned, the rain pouring over his face, getting in his eyes, further incentive to close his eyelids and just focus on the feeling he was pounding his cock into. “I wish I could do this all night… sometimes I just hate having to come…”

Diana’s hands clawed into his hips and buttocks, giving him no opportunity to back out. He might’ve hated it, but Diana wanted his cum down her throat. Just thinking about his delicious cum boiling in her belly had her twitching her hips, throwing her pussy up as if to meet his downward strokes with all of her body.

“Mmmm! Mmmf! MMMHH!” she groaned, gliding her fingers down his muscular back, her fingernails clawing through the old scars and the new sweat.

The effect was immediate: Bruce lunged forward with all the considerable power in his body. As his prick completely impaled Diana’s throat, her eyes rolled back in her head and she gave a groan of complete satisfaction.

“Oh God, take it!” Bruce barked, now hammering into her mouth in a wild frenzy, sheer need and the promise of absolute satisfaction. “If you want it so much, take it!”

Diana wanted it just as much as Bruce wanted to give it to her. She jerked her head back and forth on his thick shaft, begging for his seed with every inch of his throat. And he didn’t keep her waiting. Within seconds, she felt his cockhead engorge itself. She could almost feel her first taste of cum as it swelled the inside of his plunging member.

“Oh fuck, now!” Bruce cried out, throwing his head back and letting the rain wash away the sweat on his brow, even the saliva on his chin. He pounded his cock as deep as it would go, holding it in the nearly unbearable tightness that bottomed her throat as he spilled the first of his thick, creamy orgasm. “I wanted this to last, but… it’s yours, baby, it’s all yours!”

And Diana gulped it down with all the fervor she had used to get it. But she still couldn’t take all he had to offer. His orgasm was so overwhelming that it filled her mouth, her throat, it seeped from both her nostrils. More of his molten semen rolled into her cheeks, under her tongue, out of her mouth and over the perfection of her lovely face.

“Nnnngh!” Diana groaned, feeling the heat of his orgasm as if it were his own. It filtered downward, finding her body ripely flammable. Her pussy exploded with savage release, sending ripples of ecstasy all the way through her. She arched her back and froze in a moment of raw pleasure. Her climax peaked with her bouncing up and down, her fingernails tearing gouts of rock from the cavern floor.

“Take it, Diana,” Bruce commanded, calming now with the release of his orgasm. He felt feverishly hot, but cool at the same time, as if the rain coming down on his head and shoulders were coolant for an overheated engine. “Suck every last drop… and drink it down like a good girl.”

Diana heeded him on some subliminal level, though she hardly needed the instruction. She was just so enraptured with her own joyful spasm that she almost would’ve let him fill her mouth and spill out onto her body without thinking she could swallow anymore of the massive load. In fact, she was hardly aware that he stopped. She just kept sucking furiously, a reflex action as her pleasures raced inside her—virtually a masturbatory act.

Finally, Bruce rolled on his side protectively, before Diana’s suckling at his raw and well-used prick grew painful. Only then did Diana realize it was over.

“Ohhhh, why does it have to stop?” Diana pouted, levering her face and chest into the rain with Bruce, letting it wash away the warm stickiness of the sweat and cum she’d accrued. Her climax was slowly subsiding, leaving a dull burn that was pleasurably intense. 

“You have only yourself to blame,” Bruce wheezed, his chest heaving with exertion. “The candle that burns twice as bright burns twice as fast. You make me burn very brightly.”

“You have a very poetic explanation for premature ejaculation,” she teased, holding her mouth open to let the rain fill it.

“You have a very loose definition for premature ejaculation,” he replied. “That was a good fifteen minutes.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m Batman.”

Diana couldn’t help but smile. She rolled onto her stomach, displaying her plump ass, all the exertions of her athletic lifestyle unable to put a dent in its roundness or vibrancy. It was streaked dirtily with the mud from the rainstorm, giving a primal air to an otherwise elegant, artistic sight. “Well, that was wonderful, Batman. Now where else are you going to fuck me?”

“Not to be old-fashioned,” Bruce said, “but the whole time I was fucking your mouth, all I could think of was how you were working your pussy up and down like you needed me there.”

Diana got up on her hands and knees, putting her nakedness on even better display, though it seemed impossible. “I needed you there five minutes ago. But you’re still keeping me waiting.”

Bruce grinned. His cock was already hard again. He didn’t intend to let her wait anymore.

Now Diana was facing out into the rain, looking over the lights of the distant celebration and the beauty of Themyscira in this downcast repose as Bruce knelt behind her, fitting to her like they were made for each other, plunging all the way into her slick entrance like it had been starving for him and him alone.

“Oh yes,” Bruce gasped in wonderment. “It goes in so far like this…”

“Uuuuuh!” Diana gasped passionately. He was right. It felt like his cock was completely filling her. She worked her ass around, sucking on him with the motion of her body, wanting even more of him. And for all her want, the fact that it felt like she couldn’t get enough of him, she still felt an immediate, orgasmic stirring inside her. “There’s so much to go in…”

Bruce leaned over his wife, a note of aesthetic pleasure in how the rain had washed her hair from the back of her alabaster neck, allowing him to kiss its bareness. Then, slipping his hands under that sculpture of a body, he pushed her slightly to one side and nuzzled his face under her arm. As her right breast swayed with her heaving breaths, he caught the nipple in his mouth, biting into the delicate flesh to prevent its escape.

“Ohhhhh, by the gods!” Diana groaned, feeling the firmness of his grip on her teat as he pumped into her cunt. “You really want every last bit of me, don’t you?”

“All I can get,” Bruce said huskily, releasing her breast into its bounding, coital motion only to capture it again, this time with a sucking kiss. “And you want to give it all to me.”

“Who else could handle it?”

Diana moved with him, matching him stroke for stroke. Every time he drove his cock forward, she received it energetically, totally engulfing him with a motion of her hips. Her pleasure soared dramatically, sending shivers of ecstasy so deep into her that she didn’t know when she’d ever stop feeling them.

“Fuck me!” she whimpered, filling the cave with staccato smacks as she encased him in her hard, pulling warmth. “Goddamn you, just take me and fuck me!”

Bruce bit down harder on her breast as he fucked her for all he was worth. Whatever effort he might have once made to hold back, it was long forgotten now.

Then, as if the earth itself couldn’t withstand their passion, the mud under Diana’s hands slipped out from under her. She pitched forward, propelled by one single charge of Bruce’s hips several feet forward on the slippery soil, her hair and face and chest immersed in the mud. Nonetheless, when she pulled herself out with a sucking slurp and threw her hair over her shoulder and looked back at Bruce, her rain-streaked dirtiness was more intoxicating beautiful than ever.

She moved fast to resume satisfying her urges, not willing to wait for Bruce to position himself. Instead she rolled over, taking him with her. Bruce found himself on his back, his broad shoulders actually protruding over the edge of the mountain path, but uncaring of his precarious position with Diana astride him, the rain coming down in worshipful gales, driving the mud off her firm body and letting it run body-warm on to him like a needful caress from her. She sealed him inside her with a firm, quick motion, coming down straddling his loins, his manhood lancing up into her. He could see the deeply pleased shudder that went through her impaled body. Then, with her stead mounted, she began to ride.

“Mmmmmmnnnn,” she moaned as she felt Bruce’s cock slide out of her partway. She hung there for a moment, gritting her teeth. Then she returned to them, her cunt falling upon Bruce’s manhood. 

She moaned happily, setting a hard pace. She braced her hands on Bruce’s muscular chest and her brow furrowed with concentration as she sought a speed and depth that she could enjoy and Bruce could withstand.

The new position put her lovely breasts in the most tempting place imaginable for Bruce. The swelling hills were pointed right at his face, jiggling enticingly with seemingly every raindrop that fell on them. Bruce reached up and caught hold of them. His fingers dug easily into their resilient softness, delighting him with how the smooth flesh both gave and resisted his hard caresses. Jesus, was there any part of her that wasn’t perfect?

“Aaawh!” Diana whimpered as Bruce raised his head and began sucking the hard nipple he’d cleared of watery mud.

The hot feel of his mouth on the tip of her breast surged through her, met the ecstasy she was giving herself with his cock. She began to have trouble coordinating the rhythmic action of her hips. She had to concentrate furiously just to keep her sliding meetings with Bruce’s cock.

She knew she was going to come. The pressure between her legs was an orgasm waiting to happen and she couldn’t stop it if she tried. Suddenly, her body took over, her hips picking up the pace, demanding Bruce’s hardness with every swaying motion and receiving it unflaggingly. His cock seemed to reach further and further into her, until she could feel it swelling as it had in her mouth, just before she’d been graced with that wonderful taste. She thought it would taste just as good in her cunt.

“Ooooh… Bruce!” she cried.

Her arms snaked around his shoulders, seeking to hold him even more tightly to her as her ass slammed frantically up and down. Bruce tore his mouth away from her cleavage and pried her back from his body, bending her backward so he could watch every play of emotion that consumed her beautiful face and naturally dignified expression. His cock rammed into her even deeper as, with his hands dug into her shoulder and hair, he literally pulled her down upon his bucking hips.

“Th—the peak of Mount Olympus!” Diana choked out.

The sun rose between her legs. She spasmed wildly in its warm.

“AAAAAH!” she wailed, her strong body bucking crazily as her orgasm tore through her. She undulated, twisting wildly from side to side, embracing her climax in her coital motions every bit as enthusiastically as she had Bruce.

The man himself roared as the first bursts of his own orgasm shot through him, its leavings pouring into Diana’s sex.

The Amazon was vaguely aware of the spreading heat in her sex. She felt a hot stickiness both pouring out of her and into her, smearing over the juncture of their bodies, soaking them both in warmth. The head of his cock felt like the branch of a tree, growing all the way up to her throat.

“Ooooh… yes… so good!” Diana cried, her taut body a thing of passion.

Bruce kept pouring his seed into her until not a drop was left. He felt sucked dry of all energy, all passion, every bit of willpower, leaving only his love for her.

Feeling her lover’s manhood diminishing within her still-spasming cunt, Diana collapsed, gratified, onto his broad chest. Her muscles ached pleasurably from the strain of milking at him up inside her cunt and she was exhausted. Bruce felt her against his body, all of her, from her breasts pressed flush to her hardened stomach flattening the hair of his belly to her cunt still twitching around his rapidly shrinking cock.

The rain began to flag.

They fell asleep like that, barely parted from each other. When they awoke, the rain had stopped. It had washed them clean and scoured the path of mud, leaving the bones of the mountain bare until the next mudslide. 

Diana had slept facing the drop-off, separating Bruce from it, while Bruce had rested behind her, cradling her as if to hold her back from the abyss. They dressed and descended the slope to return to the city, where they looked in on the children, sleeping peacefully. With that done, they rested their sore bodies in the warm bed, and Bruce was instantly so comfortable that it came as a shock that Diana was willing to move to take hold of his manhood.

“I thought you were ready to rest,” he said, nonetheless responding as she briskly stroked him, another erection easily stiffening his cock.

“I wouldn’t dream of depriving you of the opportunity to do your duty,” she said, grinning.

“What duty?”

“To serve the Amazon.” 



Love it just wish we saw more of Zatanna.


This is basically perf. It's sexy, and WAFF-y, and even has good action bits.