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The glen that Diana walked to was no different than the many beautiful grasslands on Themyscira. There was a shrine—easily mistaken for a gazebo after a little time in Man’s World—set into the depths of the gently roving valley, sitting astride a winding stream. 

Diana’s boots briefly splashed through its waters before she stepped between the columns and entered the shrine. It was twenty feet across, and the shade cast by the tall roof was startlingly intense. It came down almost to the reflecting pool at the center of the shrine; having lived in Man’s World, it was hard not to think of it as the birdbath that it somewhat resembled.

The sunlight from outside just barely reached the pool, turning the surface of the water into a shining beacon, like a freshly polished coin. Only a small section remained in shadow. Diana stood in the darkness and faced that portion, setting her hands bracingly on the rim of the pool.

“Oracle,” she said respectfully, “you have summoned me and I have appeared.”

The waters turned roilingly, but otherwise remained as clear as they could be, mildly disturbed and dappled by sunlight. It almost could’ve just been the touch of her hands against the pool.

“Diana,” the voice came. “It is good to see you again.”

Menalippe, long dead, had still predicted much to come. Her prophecies echoed as if she had never left.

“Tell me what hardship I must now face, old friend,” Diana said.

“A great evil, sister, but one not your own. Not of this time, not of this place. From elsewhere in Chaos.”

“The multiverse?” Diana asked.

“Another world, another time. A world where your sisters and mothers never escaped from slavery. That world was still being born, as all world are ever being born, and without the Amazons, free and proud, womanhood never become what it was meant to.”

Diana could see, in the waters. Perpetual motherhood, perpetual servitude, perpetual sexuality: things of honor, respect, and necessity, but twisted into something pervasive, forced, a conquest. These… things could hardly be called women. Where was their dignity? Where was their choice?

“This world now can only see the pure conception of womanhood as foul. They seek to correct it, in all other worlds, into their own warped image.”

“How?” Diana demanded, even if she was so horrified as to want not to know.

“They are collecting spiritual energy from the weakest they can find, their intent to concentrate it and force it upon Kismet itself, remaking all worlds.”

Diana suppressed a shiver. “Then how do I stop them?”

“Gather strength from the other worlds that horrify them so. Collect it and give it unto Kismet. Strengthen her past the point where their scheme can fell her. Only then will this world and all others be safe. Goodbye, Diana. Remember me still.”

Diana felt the tear coalesce in her eye and allowed it to fall. “Goodbye, sister.”

As she turned away from the shrine, she knew this quest would be about more than protecting the world. It would be about honoring the dead Oracle who was still warning her of her enemies.


Donna walked across the yard. Ever since she’d arrived at her old haunt of Titan Tower, she’d been puzzled by everyone's behavior. It was as if they were sharing a secret. She glanced over her shoulder.

"What's so important in the barn?" she asked as Mary Marvel ran up to her. It was one of the new outbuildings that had been built on the island since Donna had left.

"You'll see, Mommy," Mary giggled. Being referred to that way—though Donna knew it was just silly teenage slang—also set Donna on edge. "I want you to see the horses Kara and I bought a few months ago.”

Kara tugged on her mentor's hand. "You're gonna love 'em,” Kara laughed as she threw open the barn door. Supergirl looked the same as ever, in that costume that Donna had to remind herself was still more modest than what Kory had worn back in the day. She still wished Kara would wear something more like Mary had on, even if Mary had changed her costume to something blacker and more form-fitting.

At least I can’t see her belly button, Donna thought. And when did I turn into a grandmother?

"Okay," Donna said as they all walked into the barn. "Let’s see these horses."

Kara closed the barn door and locked it. She looked over at Mary and nodded.

Mary was excited and hot. A tinge of fear hovered around the edge of her excitement, but her desire to get Donna involved in the fun kept her going. Hoping her new friend would start things, she began to tremble.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Donna asked. She felt uncomfortable. She glanced over at the horses and saw a strange woman combing one down. She wore black—the same shade as Mary—but was far older and more… developed. God, she was as voluptuous as Starfire, and though the leather catsuit she wore technically covered more of her, it was so tight, and almost sheer, as to look like she was naked. “Who are you?” 

“A jockey,” the woman said. “Name’s Felicia. I’ve come a long way to meet you.”

"We thought it was time you learned to relax, Donna," Kara said.

"I am relaxed!" Donna snapped. "What's going on around here?"

Slowly, her heart pounding, Mary began unzipping her costume. She shivered and slipped it off, her surprisingly full tits exposed.

"What are you doing?" Donna gasped. "Put that back on."

"No, Mommy," Mary said, her voice quaking. "We don't wear clothes when we're in the barn." She dropped her minidress costume and kicked it away as Donna's face filled with shock.

"She's right," Felicia said as she pulled down her zipper and displayed her own mammoth breasts. "It's a rule."

Kara giggled and peeled off her top, her plump tits bouncing free. “The horses are tired of being ridden. It’s someone else’s turn.”

"Has everyone gone crazy?" Donna's eyes darted from one set of exposed tits to the other. "We're getting out of here, Kara." She took a step toward the honorary Amazon. "Put your clothes on. We're going home right now."

"No," Kara said. She moved away and pulled off her skirt. She wore no panties. "We're gonna have a party." She skimmed her hands up her naked body and cupped her tits.

Shock stopped Donna in her tracks. She stared at the naked teenager, then looked over at the stranger and glared. "What have you done to her?"

"We just showed her how much fun sex can be," Felicia said as she blatantly shook her tits at the woman.

Donna grabbed Kara’s arm. "Get dressed. We're leaving and never coming back."

Mary hurried over and grabbed Donna from behind. "Get the rope!"

As Kara helped her drag Donna to the ground, Felicia took the lasso from Donna’s waist and unfurled it.

"You're insane. All of you!" Donna screamed as she struggled to get up. "Let me go!"

"Relax," Felicia laughed as threw one end of the rope to Kara. "You're gonna have a ball."

"Crazy bitch!" Donna spat. She glared up at Mary. "Why are you doing this?"

Mary was quaking with fear and excitement. "Don't fight us, Mommy," she said. Quickly, she bound her wrists.

Donna struggled on the ground as they spread her legs. "You’ll pay for this! The Titans, the Amazons--!" she shouted.

Felicia tied her leg to one pole as Kara tied her other leg to a second pole. "You'll be thanking us before the day's over," she said. She helped Mary fasten Donna's tied wrists to a ring embedded in the ground. She heaved a sigh.

"You belong to us now."


The moment she’d stepped through the portal, Diana was shocked. Big Barda was before her. The room was large and circular, with the only illumination coming from the psychedelic lightning above the sunken stage. Diana squinted as her eyes attempted to adjust to the room's darkness. She knew there were dancers on the stage, but in the flickering light it was difficult to distinguish their features.

“Barda?” she asked. “What are you doing here?”

“Your coming was foretold,” Barda replied. “Come.”

“I’m not your Diana though,” Diana said as Barda turned around. “I’m from another Earth.”

“Yes,” Barda said. “I’m aware. Your coming was foretold.”

She started to walk off.

"The show is about to start. We'd better get to our table."

They picked their way across the darkened room, finally coming to a booth in the back.

"A drink?" Barda asked after they were seated.

"Barda, where are we? What is this place? I was supposed to find someone to commune with—is it you?”

"How about some of Marceau's famous hot buttered rum?" Barda said, indicating the tureen resting in its warmer on the table.

"Yes, that would be fine," Diana replied. It was cool in this… club, and she felt a little chilled. Maybe the hot rum would warm her.

Barda filled two glass cups from the tureen, handed her one, then raising the other, said, "To your health."

Diana nodded in response, then sipped the warm liquid. What an unusual taste, she thought. But it's good. Very good! She sipped again.

They sat silently for several minutes, drinking, lost in their own thoughts. Barda, noticing that Diana’s cup was almost empty, refilled it. Her own cup was nearly untouched. 

Suddenly, from the direction of the stage, the pulsating beat of a single conga drum began. Gradually, a single orange spot of light began to illuminate one side of the stage. 


Donna struggled against the ropes. She twisted, her eyes glaring with anger as she stared up at them. "You're crazy, Felicia, and you've made these women crazy!"

Felicia finished stripping. "You're the only one who's crazy," Felicia said. "And we're gonna prove it to you. Get the scissors, Kara."

Mary knelt down beside Donna. "Don't be mad, Mommy."

Felicia crouched down and began cutting away Donna's blouse. "I've always wanted to make it with Wonder Woman," she said huskily as she cut away Donna's bra and exposed her jiggling tits. “You were Wonder Woman, weren’t you?”

Donna was horrified. "Mary! Don't let them do this to me!"

"It's fun, Mommy," she said, rubbing her hand over Donna’s perky tits. "I've made it with Kara and Aunt Felicia. Sex is fabulous."

"Oh... my God!" Donna twisted her body, trying to free herself as Felicia cut away her jeans and panties, exposing her body completely.

"She's beautiful," Kara said as she leered down at her. "She makes my mouth water."

"Mine too," Felicia cooed as she gently caressed Donna's thighs. "Her pussy looks delicious."

Mary's head was spinning. It was the first time she had ever seen such beauty naked. Felicia and Kara were nice, but Donna was a dead ringer for Diana! Her mouth dried up as she kneaded those jiggling teats.

"Stop it, Mary!" Donna gasped. "Don't do this to me! It's wrong!"

"No it isn't," Mary sighed. "I'll prove it." She lowered her head and licked her tongue over Donna's jiggling flesh.

"Oooooh!" Donna wailed as she wrenched her shoulders. "Stop it, Mary!"

"C'mon, Kara. Finger her pussy with me," Felicia said. 

Kara joined her between Donna's legs and began stroking her cunt. The sensitive tissue throbbed and clenched under her fingers. "She's dry."

"She won't be for long," Felicia said confidently. "We'll have her screaming for more before we're through." She jabbed a finger into Donna's pussy and twisted it.

"Noooo!" Donna screamed as Kara and Felicia fingered her cunt. She thrashed on the ground, her hips jerking, her shoulders twisting. "Stop it! Stop it!"

"I love licking your tits, Mommy," Mary purred. She squeezed the fleshy globes, then sucked a nipple into her mouth. "Mmmm."

"She's gettin' wet," Kara giggled lewdly as she fingered Donna Troy's cunt. "She's gettin' hot." She jabbed deep into Donna's sex, tormenting the tender walls inside her.

Donna realized what was happening too. She bit her bottom lip, fighting the passion that was beginning to grow deep inside her cunt. "Stop! Stop!"

"No, Mommy," Mary moaned. "I'm gonna eat your pussy until you cum in my mouth." She licked her lips. "I'll get her juicy with my tongue, Aunt Felicia."

"Okay, honey," Felicia said. She popped her finger from Donna's cunt. "She's all yours."

Kara moved away and joined her lover.

With her pussy free, Donna heaved a sigh. "Stop doing this, Mary!"

Mary ignored her and feasted on her tits. She sucked hard on the nipples, making them swell as her mother twisted. She chewed on the nipples then attacked the creamy white flesh, leaving it blotchy and wet.

"Do you like it, Mommy?" Mary asked.

"No," Donna gasped weakly. She was breathing hard, desperately fighting the passion Mary Marvel's mouth had ignited. "Noooo."

Mary smiled hotly. "You're lying, Mommy. I can tell." She squeezed Donna's spit-coated tits, making the woman moan. "You love it. Just like I do."

"Suck her pussy," Kara rasped. "I wanna watch her cum."

"I will," Mary said, licking her lips.

Mary brought her mouth back to Donna's flesh and began nipping her way down the woman's twisting body. She left a trail of saliva and passion bites in her wake.

"I can smell your juices," Mary said. "I can't wait until I taste them." She attacked her thighs, chewing roughly as she climbed between Donna's legs.

"Make her stop, Kara," Donna pleaded. She squirmed. "I'm not like you."

"You will be," Kara said. "I should have done this to you years ago."

Mary straddled Donna's leg, fusing her own wet pussy to her flesh. “Feel how juicy I am," she moaned. "Being juicy and hot is great."

Donna twisted her body, her eyes leering at her naked lover as she ground her cunt into her leg. "God, what's happening to you?"

Mary jammed her cunt into Donna's knee and whimpered.

"Sex is what's happening to me," she gasped. "All kinds of sex." She giggled and looked at her aunt. "Should we tell her?"

"Not yet, honey," Kara giggled as she began rubbing Donna’s tits. "First we gotta show her how much fun it is."

"She should know," Felicia laughed. She joined Kara at Donna's tits and began kneading the firm milky flesh. "Do you still think you’re on a barn? On Earth?

"Whore!" Donna spat. "You're all whores!"

"Yeah, and we love it," Kara snickered. "Eat her, Mary. Go on. Eat Wonder Girl's cunt."


Diana was mesmerized as she watched the women having group sex. The white-haired woman she didn’t know, although she’d very much like to, but the others looked exactly like Troia, like Supergirl, like Mary Marvel.

The vibrant scene seemed to be having almost an hypnotic effect on her. She was beginning to feel light, airy, and her temples pulsed with the thumping beat coming from the drum.

Barda watched her closely. “Great Darkseid, you’re really taking off… floating into another world.”

As Diana continued to watch, the drink began to take complete control of her nervous system... She began to experience a humming, vibrant feeling, rising slowly from her toes, crawling steadily toward her skull. Never in her life had she felt so completely relaxed... secure... unafraid. It was good to be with a friend, a handsome young woman, someone who would confidently guide her through the evening... To express her appreciation of Barda, Diana leaned closer and was pleased when she smiled, squeezing her shoulder lightly and nodding toward the stage. She had been so distracted by Barda's presence and the effects of the drink, that she had neglected to notice the show was continuing.


Mary was no longer worried. Lust ruled her mind now, and she knew that once Donna realized how much fun sex was, she'd be happy. She soaked Donna's thigh with her cream then crawled between her legs. "Your pussy's beautiful," she purred.

"Eat her," Felicia rasped. "I wanna watch her face when she creams all over your mouth."

Donna's head was reeling. She twisted her hips. "You can't do this to me."

Mary wasn't listening. She licked her tongue along the silky flesh of Donna's inner thighs. When she reached her pussy, she flicked her tongue through the cunt. The next instant, Mary plastered her mouth to Donna's cunt and sucked.

The shock of having this young woman's mouth glued to her cunt sent spasms racing through Donna's body. "Noooo!" she moaned. She jerked her hips, her legs straining against the ropes. "Nooo!"

Kara and Felicia mauled Donna's heaving tits. Their own pussies were getting wet and juicy as they watched Mary gobble on Donna's cunt.

"Enjoy it," Felicia rasped. "Don't be a fuckin' prude all your life."

Mary sucked deep, then slithered her tongue into Donna's slit. She plunged it deep, teasing at the trembling walls of Donna's pussy. She skimmed her hands under Donna's ass and began kneading the jiggling ass cheeks. Mary moaned as she reamed pussy with her tongue.

Donna was beginning to surrender to Mary's sucking mouth. She thrashed, her arms growing tired as she tried twisting her wrists. Her face was flushed red and a filmy glaze of passion began to fill her eyes.

"Noooo!" Donna whimpered as the pawing hands made her nipples swell. "Noooo!"

"Yes," Felicia said, sensing that Donna was reacting to them. "Enjoy it!"

Mary slurped on her cunt. She sucked the folds of Donna's pussy into her mouth and began chewing. Donna’s sex ground against her mouth. The cream began to flow, and she plunged her tongue inside.

"God! What's happening to me?" Donna squealed as her body began to respond.

"You're gettin' hot," Kara giggled as she mauled Donna's tit. "You're just like us."


Diana shifted anxiously next to Barda. A faint glimmering of understanding came over her, and she could not help but watch with fascination and wonder.

Relaxing, Diana leaned back against the cushion and found Barda's arm waiting there. She was quite happy and Barda's arm was reassuringly solid and muscular... so surely it could not hurt anything to sit back and enjoy herself.

Diana's mind was pirouetting madly, trying to sort out her own feelings from what the girl's must be. She flushed slightly with guilt as she felt a fleeting desire to be where her cute, naked sidekick was, experiencing the same thing. Squirming her buttocks nervously, the Amazon felt the edge of the booth cushion come into tingling contact with the soft swelling of her labia, a contact that was intensified by the thin costume she was wearing. She tried to sit straight and stop her squirming, but she was powerless to stop herself, though, and ground down with greater force against the cushion rim as her breath quickened. 

The musky odor of Barda's strong body filled her nostrils, stimulating her even more. It was a rich, earthy odor that made her want to snuggle closer and drown in the excitement of the forbidden naughtiness rippling through her. Without thinking, she moved nearer, and made no protest when Barda’s hand came to rest tenderly but firmly on her right breast. Perhaps this very excitement was what she had been afraid of all along, she thought, casting a furtive sidelong glance at the show.


Donna snapped her head from side to side. The sizzling heat in her pussy began to spread.

"Ooooo, God!" She arched her back, her tits flopping in their kneading hands. "Oooo, noooo!"

Mary felt the warm juices of Donna's cunt as she tongued her pussy. The clenching muscles there began to pulse against her tongue, and she whimpered softly into Donna's cunt. A deep suck brought creamy honey into Mary's mouth and she spasmed. Donna was getting turned on.

"Look at her, Kara," Felicia said as she twisted Donna's tit. "She's really gettin' hot."

"I'm looking," Kara moaned. "I'm hot too."

Donna looked up at her tormentors. She leered at their tits, a drunken smile slowly spreading across her face. Her breathing became shallow and rapid, and her hips began to swivel erotically as Mary feasted on her pussy.

"Unnnn," Donna moaned as she rolled her hips and bathed the young woman's face in her cream. "Mmmmm."

The honey that washed over and into Mary's sucking mouth made her dizzy. She clawed Donna’s ass and plunged her tongue into Donna's pulsing pussy. Immediately, greedy cunt muscles attacked her tongue. She gurgled and wormed her tongue deep, then sucked hard on the deliciousness of Donna's clit.


The heat and excitement in the room was beginning to arouse Diana against her will. She knew now that she was not the same girl she had been when she had entered the room. She pressed down against the cushion again, until the bottom of her costume was bunched up and pressing into the crevice of her buttocks. Meanwhile, Barda had tightened her hold on Diana’s breast, clenching and unclenching its firm full roundness with a rhythm that matched the erotic writhing of the girl on the stage. 

The princess could feel the wetness slowly, but inexorably, spreading between her thighs, and she moved forward a few inches to gain more solid contact with the cushion. This was unheard of, a kind of sin, but she found it impossible to still the driving urge in her limbs.

She looked at the stage again after what seemed a long time but was in reality only a moment or two. 


"Oooo, Christ!" Donna gasped. She ground her cunt into Mary Marvel’s face as she lost control. "Eat me, Mary! Eat me!"

Felicia leaned over the lost woman, dangling her tits in Donna's face. "Suck 'em, Donna. I've always wanted you to suck my tits." She pressed one swollen nipple against her drooling mouth. "Mmmmm."

Greedily, Donna sucked the cat burglar's tit into her mouth. She chewed on the nipple. Her body was churning as Mary sucked and chewed on her cunt. Her head snapped to the side.

"Lemme suck your tit, too, Kara," Donna gasped. "Gimme your tit."

Kara leaned over and fed Donna one of her ripe plump tits. "Chew it, Donna," she gasped. "Oooo, chew it!"

Mary sucked ravenously on Donna's hot bubbling pussy. She tongued deeply, then chewed. The taste was exquisite, the scent of cunt heavenly. She sucked hard, the cunt juices flowing over her tongue and trickling down her throat as her young pussy went into spasm. While Mary dined on her cunt and brought her slowly toward an orgasm, Donna gobbled on their tits, switching from one jiggling tit to another as they fed her greedy mouth.

Donna twisted against the ropes that bound her. She humped her cunt at Mary's face.

"Oooo, bite me, Mary. Bite my clit!" She twisted her shoulders. "Suck my tits while I cum. Suck 'em!"

Like two hungry vultures, Kara and Felicia stared at Donna's bouncing cleavage. As if on cue, they swooped down, each gobbling a ripe swollen nipple into her mouth. They sucked hard, then actually began chewing the hard pointed tips.

"Ahhhh," Donna gasped as they dined on her hot sizzling body. "Oooo!" She pulled on the ropes, wishing she could crush their mouths against her sensitive tits. Her hips jerked as she jammed her cunt into Mary's face. "Bite, Mary. Bite Mommy's cunt."

Mary started to chew harder. She sucked the folds of Donna's cunt into her mouth, then chewed. She clawed her ass, her nails finding her crack. Sinking her teeth into the velvet softness of Donna's cunt, Mary reamed her anus with her finger.

"Oooo. I'm there!" Donna shrieked as Mary ripped a finger into her ass. "I'm there!" She jerked on her back, her eyes glassy as she stared up at the roof. "Oooo, bite! Bite my tits. Lick my cunt! Make me cum!"


Diana's body stiffened momentarily as she watched this lewd indignity, and only Barda's firm grasp on her trembling, aroused breast kept her from leaning forward to hang on the edge of her seat with real concern for what seemed like it could only be the real Donna.

It was almost more than Diana could stand witnessing this obscene act right before her very eyes, someone should make them stop—do something to help the now-willing victim before she totally lost herself. Yet the aroused Amazon shuddered and chilled from a sexual acceleration that watching something forbidden gives, and she remained silent.

Diana hardly noticed or cared when Barda skillfully undid the top of her dress and slipped a sweating palm inside her brassiere to cup and hold her warm naked breast.


Donna's screams were driving Mary insane. She sucked Donna's clit into her mouth and whipped her tongue over the tip. She sucked hard, stretching the pulsing piece of sensitive flesh as Donna banged her cunt into her face. Her finger twisted inside Donna's tight ass.

"Bite!" Donna shrieked. "Bite!"

Mary bit, her teeth sinking into the pulsing piece of flesh. That was all Donna needed.

"I'm cumming!" Donna screamed as an orgasm tore through her cunt like a bolt of lightning. "I'm cumming!" She thrashed on her back, her asshole milking Mary's finger, as hot buttery cum gushed from her pussy. "Ahhhhh... I'm cumming!"


Now, starting to lose all control herself, Diana's heart was pounding savagely in her chest; she was certain that her companion must feel it thrashing under her strong hand. Barda rubbed her fingers lightly over the nipples, stopping to pinch them to pebble-hardness and causing a ripple of delicious sensation to flow through Diana each time she did. 

Her breath was steadily quickening, coming in tight gasps as the burning sensation in the hollow pit of her trim belly grew in maddening intensity. She was beginning to perspire in her arousal, and she could feel a trickle of sweat running from her navel down her stomach into the sparsely haired pubic triangle at the base of her belly. Its slow, teasing trail caused her to squirm and push forward her sex-flushed breasts more firmly into Barda's hand. 

Another trickle ran down the valley back between her buttocks, falling onto the tight pink flesh of her anus. Her nerves were thoroughly frayed and her drug-heavy mind throbbed like a bellows behind her eyes. She knew she was in trouble, her own doing, and should not allow Barda to squeeze and knead her breasts this way. After all, Barda was not that close a friend. But still, it felt good... and besides, a little petting could not hurt anything so long as it came to a halt before real trouble started.


Mary, her face plastered against Donna’s cunt, gnawed on the clit. Hot juices washed over Mary's face and into her mouth as Donna battered her face with her cunt. Mary chewed, her head snapping from side to side as she gulped the cream down her throat.

"Mmmmm," Mary moaned, the sound almost lost in Donna's pussy. "Hnnnnn."

Donna went berserk. She writhed like a snake, her ass humping, her cunt mashed against Mary's face. She shook her shoulders, her tits jiggling as Kara and Felicia chomped on her creamy flesh and swollen nipples.

"Chew me up!" Donna screeched. She arched her back, her legs and arms straining against the ropes. "I'm cumming again! Ahhhhh!"

More cum gushed from Donna's climaxing pussy as Mary nipped and sucked. Her juices flowed over Mary's face, into her mouth and the crack of Donna's humping ass. Mary chewed viciously, the screams echoing in her skull. She twisted her finger deep in Donna’s ass, and she screeched. Mary sucked hard, chewed even harder, then beat her tongue across the pulsing clit like a whip, taking her into another intense orgasm.


Diana was thinking of the seeping wetness between her thighs when her eyes strayed back to the stage. Small trails of sweat were building and running down her younger doppelganger's body, glistening in the spotlights and reminding Diana of her own heated flesh. A sense of identification with the girl was stronger than ever, sending stronger and stronger ripples of sexual need through her own trembling limbs. She could feel Barda becoming increasingly excited—and was certain that Barda could feel the frequent grinding of her sex down against the cushion. Embarrassed, she made an effort to appear that she was merely changing position, but it was becoming nearly impossible to conceal the fact that she was just as stirred up as Barda was by their contact and the obscene spectacle before them.

Barda was fondling her large breasts more enthusiastically now, pinching her bud-like nipples harder until they throbbed higher in guilty pleasure. A wash of shame came over Diana when she realized that she was truly jealous of the girl on stage; she yearned to have something or someone in her own moist passage, yet she knew that this was only a temporary, unrealistic desire spurred by the unusual events taking place. Her good sense and the strict upbringing she had had would never allow her to take on a stranger, in a strange place, in these strange circumstances at a weird party in a strange city. It was absolutely unthinkable. And yet? Hera, she was not certain! The delicious intoxication she felt, the scene on stage, Barda's caresses, plus the basic drives of her own healthy body... all were taking their toll on her ability to ward off whatever might confront her.

She was losing her mind!


Kara brutalized one tit. Felicia attacked the other one. They sucked and bit, leaving Donna's flesh a mess of blotchy passion bites and teeth marks.

Donna bucked her hips. Her entire body was shaking out of control. Her head snapped from side to side as spittle drooled from her screaming mouth.

Mary twisted her finger and jabbed another one into Donna's ass. She raked the sensitive walls of Donna's asshole and at the same time, gnawed and sucked on her clit. Mary was drowning in cum and she loved it.

Donna went into contortions. She writhed and jerked, her body being devoured alive. Her neck strained as her eyes rolled into her skull.

The next instant, she collapsed back on the ground, a whimpering heap of spent flesh.

"No more," Donna begged. "No more!"

Kara and Felicia pulled their mouths off her tits. Their faces were decorated with triumphant smiles as they caught their breaths.

Mary took one last suck, then lifted her head. Her face was covered with cum. She pulled her fingers from Donna’s asshole and shivered. "Did you like it, Mommy?" she asked.

"Yesssss," Donna moaned, as she tried to catch her breath. "I loved it..."

"I told you," Felicia said. "Now you can take care of us."

"Oh, yes," Donna moaned. "I want it all now. Everything."

"That's just what you're gonna get," Kara giggled as she glanced over at the audience. "Everything."


A murmur rose from the booths as the stage lighting gradually receded... the music started again, and Diana watched as several couples walked by their booth headed toward the corridor.

"Come with me," Barda said softly, rising as he took her hand to leave. "I'd like to show you something."

"I could use some fresh air," she said, allowing herself to be led out of the room into the warm, luxurious air of the Dark Side Club.


"Me first!" Mary squealed as she scrambled out from between Donna’s legs.

"Bring me your pussy, baby," Donna moaned. "I'll suck you dry." She squirmed on her back, her mouth watering for that snatch.

Mary scrambled over Donna and straddled her head. "Look at my pussy, Mommy. It's not virgin anymore."

Donna stared up at her cunt and swooned. "Oh, God! Untie me so I can hold her."

Felicia quickly untied the ropes that bound Donna's wrists. "Can't untie your legs yet," she said. "You might change your mind about a few things."

With her arms free, Donna grabbed Mary's ass. "I won't change my mind about anything," she gasped. She pulled on Mary’s ass and mashed her cunt against her mouth.

Mary creamed instantly on her face. She rolled off and Kara quickly took her place, creaming even faster.

"Now me," Felicia moaned as she climbed over Donna's cum-drenched face. "Ahhhh!"

The two teenagers watched as Felicia thrashed wildly on Donna's face.

The barn became filled with screams as Felicia creamed, then toppled off.

"This is wild," Donna panted as she sat up. Her tits were heaving as she tried sucking air into her lungs. She glanced at Mary. "How did you lose your cherry?"

"You mad?" Mary asked.

"Hell no," Donna sighed. "I'm through with being a fool. I want us both to enjoy as much sex as possible."

"I'm glad to hear you say that," Felicia said. "We have a few more surprises in store for you."

"Like what?"

“Like the how I lost my cherry,” Mary noted mischievously. “Darkseid!” 


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