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Jennifer Walters was wearing a Wonder Woman costume.

There were others there, though ‘there’ was a bluntly featureless void that she could (seemingly improbably) stand on, even though she couldn’t make out any distinction between the floors, the walls—if any—and the empty space she could move through. It was like she was swimming in white paint, only not… the old ‘do fish know they’re wet’ question.

There were three more, all women. All of them were in similarly ridiculous outfits. Gamora, Jen recognized. She’d never been the most modest sort—and Jen was saying this as someone who’d gone into action plenty of times in unstable molecule underwear, as it wasn’t like any reputable fashion designer made little black dresses that could stretch into big black dresses.

But now, Jen was wearing the golden bikini and loincloth that Jen recognized from a million Tony Stark costume parties as belonging to Princess Leia, though Gamora looked better in it than Stark ever did.

Of the two others, both were green. How’s that for minority representation? Jen thought. Maybe we’re like The Crew for the Kermit The Frog audience. One seemed to be a teenager, or at least college age, sylph-like, with short red hair and what appeared to be freckles of a darker green on her face. She was also the shortest of those present, further emphasizing her youth. It made it almost inappropriate that she was wearing the internet-famous costume of Dejah Thoris—all nipple pasties and loincloth—but it looked so good on her that Jen could forgive it.

The other wore a maroon minidress that Jen recognized, far too quickly, as Uhura’s uniform from every Star Trek ever, with a bright splash of copper hair piled high above her head in a beehive hairdo. Her small green ass swayed entrancingly as she paced, already looking for a way out of this strange limbo they’d all found themselves in.

Jen began to caution her, but stopped, dazzled by her fiery red hair, her glowing green eyes, her slim, but well-rounded body. She was only a little taller than the teenager, but she had much bigger tits. Jen’s eyes were captivated most by ‘Uhura’s’ lush mouth. There was something about her full, glistening lips and her darting, promising little pink tongue that told her this little woman would do anything in bed.

Ah hell, Jen thought. Pheromones. She’d thought only guy pheromones, like Starfox’s, worked on her, but apparently this Mandrill wannabe was getting to her too. Maybe she shouldn’t be so surprised. Once, she and Gamora had decided to see just how green the two of them were, and she’d received the little death from the deadliest woman in the universe.

Her eyes were now attracted to Uhura’s big nipples which poked out through the thin red fabric. The top—Jen didn’t think it was fair to call it a dress, even, it was more like when she wore a boyfriend’s shirt, and as She-Hulk at that--only barely covered the woman’s firm, rounded hips. Jen could see a hint of her red-haired triangle. She guessed the cosplay didn’t extend to panties.

“Uhm, excuse me?” the teenager said. “Does anyone know where we are? Sorry if they said anything and I wasn’t paying attention—hey, aren’t you Poison Ivy?”

The look on Uhura’s face seemed to confirm it. “God, you’re that irritating twerp from the Teen Titans! Miss Martian!”

“My friends call me M’gann!” she said sunnily.

“Screw this! I’m out of here!” Ivy insisted, marching off in a seemingly random direction as fast as she could without outright running.

Gamora picked at the curlicue metalwork on her bra. “What am I wearing?”

Jen couldn’t resist needling her. “A question I’ve asked many, many times.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Gamora asked, eying her.

“Girl, you dress like Borat at the beach.”

Gamora stared at her, the yellow coloring around her eyes making them look as if she were about to fire lasers. “Do you happen to know a man named Peter Quill?”

“No. Wait…” She had gone out with two Peters, one Pete, a Piotr… “No.”

“I’m… I’m wearing something too,” M’gann said, prying at the pasty covering her nipple, accidentally removing it, then plunking it back on. “I can’t shapeshift, either!”

“You’re a shapeshifter?” Gamora asked.

“Let’s not all get into reciting backstories,” Jen said. “We’ll be here all—”

“Fuck!” Ivy cried, walking toward them. “There’s no way out of here,” she continued, and Jen realized that when she’d walked off, it’d been in the other direction.

“Nice costume she has on too,” Jen said, then flared her nostrils as she realized Ivy’s pheromones had zinged her again. 

“You’re not so bad yourself,” Ivy replied. Jen’s own costume wasn’t particularly more modest than a one-piece bathing suit, but she guessed there was just something about a patriotically themed tubetop and miniskirt that got a guy’s attention.

“Wait,” Jen said, looking over at Gamora again. “Last thing you remember, were any of us wearing these outfits?”

“When would I possibly be wearing this?” Gamora asked.

“I’m not a Star Wars fan,” Ivy said.

“I could just shapeshift into this if I wanted,” M’gann said.

“Okay then. I think I know what’s going on here. We’re in a PWP.”

“A what?” Gamora asked.

“A what?” Ivy asked.

“Oh no,” M’gann said. “Wait, no, that doesn’t make sense. We’re not fictional characters.”

“Eh,” Jen said. “Get into that with Impossible Man sometime. Think of it this way: I’m guessing we all have some cosmic Grand Poobahs in our universe?”

“’Our universe’?” Ivy asked as Gamora said “I’ve met one or two.”

“Well, they’ve put us here, dressed us up like this, and they want us to have sex.”

“Figures,” Ivy said, as the other two erupted into riots of protest.

“Sex? Sex?” M’gann demanded.

“I’m sure we’ve all had times when we’ve been forced to fight in gladiatorial combat to satisfy some trial or another,” Jen said, remembering the Secret Wars that had ‘gifted’ her her arch-nemesis Titania. “This is no different.”

“No different?” Gamora asked. “At least combat is a fitting test of my warrior’s honor!”

“It’s not like we really have a choice,” Jen said. “Otherwise we’ll just stay here, talking in circles, until a plot develops. And trust me, that can be worse than even the lousiest sex… at least sex finishes up in a timely manner…”

“But, I mean,” M’gann sputtered. “Would a god-like being really be that interested in us having sex?”

“Depends on if it’s a guy or not,” Ivy deadpanned.

Gamora crossed her arms. “You sound awfully upset over all this,” she said sarcastically.

“The natural world is random and cruel. Why should the supernatural one be any different? I’m just a little disappointed at my options. I can think of a few girls I’d rather be stuck in this situation with, as long as I have to make a sex tape.”

“You’re not helping,” Jen said.

M’gann bit her lip. “I just don’t believe that any of this is really what… what…”

“Jen,” Jen supplied.

“Jen says it is! There has to be something else!”

“Trust me, there isn’t, I’ve been in this sort of situation before. We arrive, we have sex, we go home. That’s how it works.”

“Prove it,” Gamora said.


“If all we have to do is have sex, then surely you won’t mind going first.”

“I don’t,” Jen insisted. “As long as someone wants to—“

“Of course,” Gamora said. “It’s nothing we haven’t done before.”

“It isn’t?” M’gann boggled, staring between the two, then rapidly breaking eye contact. She’d just remembered how little the two were wearing.

“I guess your universe knows how to have fun,” Ivy observed.

“It was in a big crisis thing,” Jen explained. “I thought we were going to die—“

“I don’t recall you doing much thinking,” Gamora said. “You certainly weren’t offering much in the way of conversation…”

“Shut up, Gamora.”

“I’ve thought I was going to die and I’ve never done that,” M’gann said. “Are you… allowed to? Is that a thing?”

“Multiple things, even.”

“Shut up, Gamora.”

“Someone sounds like she’s got a headache tonight,” Ivy teased. “Need me to blow a few pheromones your way?”

“I don’t need pheromones to get laid,” Jen hissed back.

“What do you need?” Ivy replied testily. “Because here you are, apparently summoned to the upper reaches of the cosmos specifically to have sex, and here you are, not having sex.”

“I doubt she expected it either,” Gamora said.

“You slept with Tony Stark!” Jen cried.

“So did you,” Gamora replied.

“You did it after me!”

“Who’s Tony Stark?” M’gann asked.

Jen wheeled on her. “Wait five minutes, he’ll tell you.”

Gamora chuckled.

“Don’t you laugh,” Jen said, “you slept with him last.”

“Wait,” Ivy said, tapping her chin, “big hair, douche goatee, wears more suits than Tim Gunn’s dream date?”

“If this is a PWP,” M’gann said, “we are not passing the Bechdel Test by continuously talking about Mr. Stark.”

Oh!” Gamora groaned, exasperated. “Is there anything you Earthers do not put off until the last possible second?”

In a moment, she was up against Jen, her lips fitted familiarly to Jen’s. In a rush, the half-remembered climax came rushing back to Jen, like everything since their fuck had been one long afterglow and only now was her mind returning to her. It may just have been the crazy set of circumstances and the crazier rush of adrenaline that made them do it, but the desperation had lent an overriding passion to the sex, an appreciation for each other’s bodies that could never be diminished because it might never have come again. Jen felt raw lust needle her muscles, prickle her skin, awaken her cunt. She needed Gamora with an abruptness and an intensity that left her weak-kneed.

Fortunately, a couch had materialized nearby. Jen tucked her legs under her, letting her skirt slide up her thighs and she leaned back against the couch, letting her breasts push against her bodice. Jen's message was abundantly clear and so were her large, firm breasts straining against the fabric that barely concealed them.

Gamora stood above her, some subtle angle of her hip and dip of her breasts conveying that she had gone from warrior to seductress; further, to wild and uninhibited animal. Now her body, even decked out as it was like Slave Leia, demanded attention.

Jen could scarcely believe her eyes. Those big round breasts that had caught her eye were for real and were straining against the sheer silk of the bikini top, straining the metalwork between the softer fabric. The rest of her body was firm and muscular, just the way Jen liked it, and Jen could see that the lovely bombshell had shaved her pussy because there was no hair curling around the skimpy bundle of fabric that barely covered her crotch. And Jen could see the outline of large, firm cuntlips pushing against the slender silk of the triangle.

“You take your clothes off first,” Gamora ordered. “You’re wearing more than I am.”

This proposition made sense to Jen, who continued to survey Gamora’s luscious body. "Okay," Jen smiled, reflecting that the outfit the deadliest woman in the universe was wearing hid almost nothing, so she was already nude anyway. 

Jen uncoiled her body from the couch and walked toward Gamora, her arms crossed under her breasts pushing them even higher. She stopped about four feet from her old friend and without any warning or prelude simply pulled the tubetop of the Wonder Woman costume over the top of her head in one smooth motion. 

Jen's hair bounced madly and her breasts quivered from the sudden motion, but the move had its intended effect. Gamora stared in wide-eyed amazement at Jen's boobs, big and beautiful. Jen enjoyed the attention she was getting and she swung her hips slightly to keep her breasts jiggling. She lifted her arms to the waistband of her microskirt and rolled it down slightly, revealing her lovely navel and then the slight swelling of her stomach and then further still past the star-spangled panties she wore, letting her skirt fall to the floor. Jen stepped away from the skirt and she could see that her friend's eyes were following her very closely indeed.

Jen was wearing a blue bikini-brief panty that was virtually transparent and her thatch of cunt hair stood out like a sore thumb. In fact a couple of them had even poked through the flimsy material of the panty. Jen rolled the panty downward, finally revealing her lush bush and she could see that Gamora’s eyes had opened so wide that they were almost ready to pop out of her head.

Jen drew herself up to her full height and did a slight, quick pirouette. She just adored showing off her body, especially when her audience was this interested.

"It's your turn," Jen smiled, as she fell back toward the couch, her legs apart and her hips pushed forward showing off her cunt.

"Yes, my turn," Gamora smiled. "I don't think I can match that performance, though."

The assassin was entirely different than Jen. She was shorter and had an altogether slimmer body, but it was no less exciting than Jen's and Jen sat back to watch her friend strip the few remaining bits of silk from her sensual body. Gamora took a deep breath and it looked like the bikini top would almost snap as her breasts spread out further and further, but somehow the top managed to contain the massive cleavage. She reached her hands behind her, and again the breasts started their outward expansion, but this time, she untied the bow behind her neck and the top practically flew off, revealing firm, jade breasts with large, half-dollar-sized nipples that were as hard as emeralds.

Gamora turned around and for the first time Jen got a good look at her firm, round bottom which was one of the things that had first attracted Jen to this vivacious creature in the middle of a Thanos temper tantrum. With one hand on either hip she slowly rolled the triangle-shaped bottom of the bikini off her body, revealing smooth, perfectly formed skin. In one swift motion, Gamora turned around setting her breasts in motion and revealing the full front view which showed two bright yellow cuntlips completely shaved of all the hair around it.

Jen could take it no more. She rushed to Gamora and embraced her. Their breasts rubbed against each other and they dug their fingernails into each other's backs. Their nipples hardened and contracted and the rubbing of Gamora's bare cunt against Jen's thick bush got Gamora's clitoris erect and standing at attention in no time.

Before either of the women knew what was happening they were rolling around on the thick pile rug, over and over, neither noticing that it had appeared as abruptly as the couch. Each one wanted to give the other one interminable pleasure and they were in such a rush that they just rolled aimlessly, grabbing a boob here, a handful of cunt there, or a fistful of ass.

Jen was bigger and stronger than Gamora and after a few minutes of the aimless rolling managed to get Gamora on the floor with her legs spread wide open. Jen got a giant mouthful of Gamora's lovely, bare cunt and started enjoying the taste, while she reached up with her long, slender arms and grabbed a healthy fistful of each tit.

There was no hair to tickle Jen as she licked vigorously at Gamora's cunt and she had nothing but pure pleasure. The high firm cuntlips, the needfully engorged clit and the sugary sweet juice that flowed from her pussy. And that wasn't all. Gamora's breasts stood high and firm on her body, but they were nevertheless as soft as down pillows, with large nipples that contracted and were as firm and touchable as marbles. Fingering Gamora's nipples was driving Jen wild. She could feel her own sex itching and aching for the kind of treatment she was giving Gamora.

Gamora too was practically going into orbit. It had been a long time since she'd gotten this thorough a working over and she squirmed against the rug, feeling its shag bristles poking into her back as she felt Jen gnawing at her cunt and tearing at her breasts. Gamora tried to hold off, but it was to no avail. Usually she could contain herself, but now she couldn't. Jen's chewing and her hands were pushing her way over the brink of control and finally she surrendered, letting her climax flood through her body. It was one of the most violent orgasms she'd ever had. Gamora bucked and twisted as the nerves in her body went haywire. Jen couldn't hold on and found herself thrown onto the deep shag carpet as Gamora twisted and bucked.

"Arrghhh," was the only sound that could escape from Gamora's lips as she writhed on the floor. Jen sat up and watched as her lover suffered the welcome torment of orgasm, until finally Gamora collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily, sweat running in rivulets in the valley between her breasts and down toward her cunt.

"God, I needed that," Gamora said at last, regaining her breath and propping herself up on one arm. "Now it's your turn."

"I’m glad you remembered," Jen smiled, cupping her breasts in her hand and offering them to Gamora, who now got up, took a pillow from the couch and tossed it to the center of the rug, which looked like a flying carpet as it hovered on the apparent nothing of the white void’s floor.

"Put your ass right there, gamma radiation," Gamora whispered to Jen. "Get it nice and high."

Jen rose to all fours, and like a cat made her way to the pillow. Gamora stood over her hands on her hips, legs wide apart and breasts quivering slightly in anticipation. Jen, always a tease, moved ever so slowly, keeping one eye on Gamora to make sure that she was enjoying the little teasing act.

Jen finally reached the pillow and flopped over on her back, her ass dead center on the pillow. She threw her long silky hair behind her and it spread across the carpet like a rich, dark sunburst. She wiggled on the pillow to dig her ass into it, setting her breasts quivering. Gamora smiled and sank to all fours just as Jen had down and now crawled over to her.

She growled. Jen growled back, lifting her hips and pushing her sex at Gamora.

Gamora sniffed the delicate odor of Jen's pussy, which was still slightly wet as a result of Jen's working over of Gamora. "Open wide, wider..."

Jen squirmed against the rug she lay on, feeling her skin covered with gooseflesh as the bristles dug in. Obediently, she opened her legs as far as she could, almost doing a split. Gamora watched in amazement as Jen's legs spread farther and farther, and then as Jen lifted them, it looked almost as if Jen's cunt had come alive and was going to suck Gamora's mouth. It was more than Gamora could take and without another word she opened her mouth and pulled her lips back and sank her head into the hair-covered "V" between Jen's legs, scoring a direct hit on her already erect clit, that not-quite poked through the dense bush. 

Gamora opened her mouth as wide as she could and sucked in all of Jen's cunt as she could including the silky hair that shielded it. The hair tasted funny in her mouth, but the sweet honey that she was being served more than made up for it. Gamora's arms weren't quite as long as Jen's but still she had no trouble at all getting a firm grip on Jen's breasts and manipulating them around and around, gripping the nipples and then letting them slip very slowly from her grasp, gripping them again and letting them slip very slowly from her grasp again, gripping them.

The blood rushed madly through Jen's body giving her skin a very green glow. Jen moaned softly as now Gamora transferred her attentions from the breasts to the hair between Jen's legs, pulling it clear of Jen's slit and then digging her tongue deep, deep into Jen, sucking every bit of juice out of Jen's aching cunt. Jen was no longer on the planet Earth. She had gone into orbit a long time ago, had closed her eyes and was no longer aware of what was happening to her except that whatever it was she liked it very, very much. 

Gamora, ever the artist, transferred her attentions back and forth from part to part, playing, teasing, pinching, biting, hurting, over and over again, varying her actions so that Jen's body, writhing against the bristles of the rug, couldn't get used to any sort of routine. And Jen loved it. One moment the sucking would drive her wild, the next it would be the pinching and then the biting and then the scratching. Jen buried her hands deep into the rug, trying to hold back, hold back so she could enjoy it longer, hold back so that Gamora would keep playing with her forever, sucking, pinching, pulling and biting, over and over again.

But it was no use. Gamora was a tough mistress and she wanted to bring Jen off and there was nothing that Jen could do about it, except what she ultimately did... surrender completely and let the waves of orgasm wash through her entire body. The white void that Jen was staring at started swirling around and around. Suddenly her cunt hurt sweetly, and her breasts, her entire body went stiff and then slack, stiff and slack again and again. Her breasts quivered and her legs moved jerkily as she dug her fingers deeper and deeper into the carpet and let the orgasm assume control of her body.

And then she blacked out.


“Well, that didn’t do anything,” Gamora said, wiping her mouth off with the back of her fist.

“It… it didn’t?” M’gann asked. She wondered what actually orgasmic sex looked like if that had been unsatisfactory.

“We’re still here, aren’t we?” Ivy said, slumping down on the couch. “Only now we’re furnished.”

“I suppose it’s something.” M’gann didn’t join Ivy in sitting down, though her legs were tired. The other cushion had been under Jen when she’d… yeesh.

“Maybe we all have to do it,” Gamora said, eying the two of them as Jen started to snore. “You two didn’t join in.”

“It’s worth a shot,” Ivy said, eying M’gann.

“It… is?”

“And this time I get to watch,” Gamora said smugly as she laid back on the rug.

Ivy put in a rejoinder: “What about Jen?” 

“Fuck her.”

“Thought you already did.”

“So, am I supposed to…” M’gann began. “How did they start again?”

“Just start fucking,” Gamora said. “Maybe this time we’ll get a futon.”

Ivy smiled at her. She was painfully young, Ivy thought. At least she looked it and acted it. Young enough to be my daughter, she thought. But this hardly gave her any cause for pause since Harley was immature enough to be her daughter as well. She’d never let that stop her before.

Ivy proceeded to start taking her clothes from her delicious body.

"What... what are you doing?" M’gann said to her, batting her lashes. “Are we starting?”

"What do you think I'm doing, darling?" Ivy said. "I'm taking off your clothes. Isn't that just a little bit obvious to you?"

She gulped and giggled and put a hand on Ivy’s as if to stop her. But Ivy noticed that she didn't actually stop her from popping off her pasties one by one.

"Ooohhh... now you can see my titties," she said with a laugh. "They always seem too big to me. What do you think?"

Ivy smiled. She was a crafty one. She liked to play the innocent. But maybe that was how she got off, Ivy told herself. Pretending to be young and sweet.

"Oh no, darling," Ivy said like a warm, tender mother figure. "Not at all. They are lovely. Lovely tits you have. Yes, so big and firm. And look at those nipples, will you? Just look at them. They're starting to stiffen now as I touch them."

And they did. One at a time the nipples became fully erect and trembled between her fingers as Ivy pinched them. M’gann didn't stop her.

"I bet it feels really nice when I touch your nipples, doesn't it?" Ivy asked the girl.

She shivered and smiled and nodded her pretty head up and down.

"Yeah... your fingers are nice and soft, that's why," she said.

"You like nice and soft fingers, don't you, darling?" Ivy said.

"Yes, sure I do. That's why I don't like it when I'm with boys and they put their fingers on my tits..."

"Oh, really? What do you mean, darling?" Ivy said, quivering all over. It was like a fantasy coming to life listening to this girl.

"Oh, you know. They have such big hands, and they're so rough. They just jab at you or pull on you. They don't know what a girl feels like inside, they don't know what they should do to make you feel really good, you know what I mean?"

"Oh yes, yes, big ugly brutes. I know just what you're saying," Ivy nodded.

Ivy continued undressing her while her lips moved down to her tits and started kissing and nibbling on them. M’gann sighed and quivered at this action.

"Yeah... I mean, it's nice when they fuck you, but even then they do it so hard and so rough, without thinking about what you're feeling."

"Yes, yes, I know... women are very different than that... they know how another woman feels so they can be more careful, more tender with them..."

"Yes, that's right, Ivy," she said. "That's what I mean."

"And I'm a woman, darling," Ivy said, continuing to undress the darling girl.

"I know that you are, Ivy. That's nice. I like you being a woman."

Ivy stifled a laugh. She kissed her on the lips. It was a long, erotic kiss. Then Ivy went after the darling girl's cunt.

It was waiting for her, no question about it, wet and quivering, all hot and juicy and open wide for her tongue.

“No futon yet,” Gamora observed.



Welp, since you may end up not posting o nAo3 anymore, gonna have to start commenting here. I love this. The shift from sexy to funny and back is perf.