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So I added a new reward tier which is that, at 200 dollars, I'll be posting a novel here. And, thinking about what I'd like to write, I was thinking of doing a starship captain novel. We've got both The Orville and Star Trek: Discovery, but both of those seem more flawed than not, so I think there's both an interest in this sort of thing and an opening for someone to come in and do it right.

Right now I'm trying to come up with character types that'll be completely innocuous to most, reasonable people, but offensive to fuckwits. Like an Asian man who happens to be gay. Nothing wrong with that, right? But apparently there are a lot of gay men who have a problem with Asians, and a lot of Asians who have a problem with the gay, to the point that the Star Trek Beyond guys couldn't find an Asian actor to play Sulu's husband and had to cast one of the film's writers in the part (although, maybe all the actors were just firm on the point that, if you keep consistent with the established rules on time travel, Sulu being gay makes no sense).

Or having a character with Aspergers who's Jewish. I really don't think there are that many nerds who actually are white supremacists, it's almost like a new form of bullying--you're not bad because you like Star Wars, since everyone likes Star Wars now, but now you're bad because you're a Nazi! But for those who are, I'm sure they'd just love having a character who is all about logic and reasoning, but also keeps shomer Shabbat. (As you might've guessed, I'm basing him on Spock, so it doubly makes sense there since Nimoy was Jewish.)


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