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The bomb bay doors of the private jet—not what they were, technically, but Shayera had a hard time seeing them as anything else—yawned open, letting up a meager sheen of light into the cargo compartment. In the middle of the night, with the lights darkened, it still illuminated the sweeping curves and threatening edges of the Batwing, suspended above the opening, ready to fly.

Seeing Bruce and Carter in their armor, she thought of how she had left one for the other. It wasn’t because Carter failed to satisfy her. Far from it. He had fucked her beautifully.

But Bruce was special himself. For one thing, he must be high on the list of men with the biggest cocks in the world. Shayera knew all the books and magazine articles said that wasn't supposed to be important. But it was to her, at least once in a while. Being gorged full of that monster of his made her boil over. It wasn't anything to leave Carter over. But it was a delicious change, a variety she liked.

For another thing, with Carter everything was loving and tender and sweet like it should be. But with Bruce it was adventurous and torrid, sex for sex's sake. She could truly let herself go with Bruce.

With him she did things she would never do with Carter, wicked things, unbearably exciting things. The fact that Bruce had other women he did the same things with didn't bother her. He was a sexual virtuoso. He had unlimited stamina and staying power. 

A shallow reason to pick one over the other, but not the only one. More a confirmation that the decisions she had made was the right one. She didn’t find herself eager to return to Carter. She found herself wishing that she could make love to Bruce again.

She blinked, shaking away the pleasurable thoughts, memories of what they had done before a long, dreamy sleep. That was past. Now she was…

In the desert, watching Bruce as he fended off attackers in medieval armor, a full beard and long shaggy hair changing the shape of his face until he could’ve been another man, only she recognized him. His eyes and the way he moved and the way he thought.

It only took a moment for Shayera to realize she was not seeing through her own eyes, but through Chay-Ara’s, seeing thousands of years into the past as easily as she might turn her head and look in another direction. His attackers were Shadow-Cult, their sallow skin seeming even more unnatural to her when Blake had tanned and darkened in the hot desert sun. Their blood was the same shade, though, as Blake wheeled and cut through one’s arm with his sword. It cost him a glancing blow on his side, and he ducked away from it, holding the wound with his off-hand, eyes circling to see which of his many opponents would try him next.

“Go!” he yelled, his indomitable eyes taking a moment to look at Shayera, at Chay-Ara, even in the midst of bloody combat. It was the only way he could say goodbye. “You have to go!”

She knew what he meant through millennia of distance—the Amulet, she had it on her. She could get it away while he occupied them. She could protect it after he fell.

But she would have to let him die.

Another attacker came on. Blake’s dodge was ballet-precise, cutting the man’s shins out from under him with a hack of his sword, finishing him off with a bootheel on his nose to stove his face in. But more were coming, hammering at Blake’s armor, cutting into his skin, and when they were done with him… her. The Amulet. 

Shayera turned to run, and like waking from a bad dream, suddenly she was in Bruce’s arms. He was alive, pulling her back, and as she looked through her own eyes, Shayera saw that she had nearly thrown herself out into open space and its long, deadly drop.

It had been how Chay-Ara had felt as she’d run.

“Are you alright?” he asked her, his voice urgent, as close to panic as he ever got.

“I’m fine.” She was saying it to both him and Carter, who was similarly crowding her.

Bruce was unconvinced. “Maybe you should stay on the plane,” he told her. “Carter and I can handle this if you’re compromised.”

Carter gave a nod.

“I’m not compromised,” Shayera insisted. “It’s my past lives. I’ve been seeing them. One in particular, where I think I met an earlier incarnation of you.”

“I see,” Bruce said.

“You don’t believe her?” Carter asked.

“I’m wondering how it will affect the mission.”

“I saw the amulet as well, the one Kendra has. If that is why they took her…”

“Alright,” Bruce said. “But try to hang back. If you’re not a hundred percent—“

“Would that affect your choices, were it you?” Carter asked.

Shayera had to hide a smile. Even if they were no longer together, he still knew her quite well.


The campsite had been the last known location of Shadow Thief, but they found it deserted, with little to show that it was ever occupied. Nonetheless, Bruce picked at the debris, then at the ground itself. His toe sunk into a soft patch of earth, not packed tight like the other sand, but diffuse and flowing. He bent to brush at it and found a stone. When he picked it up, there were more stones underneath, buried deeper in the sand.

“Help me,” he said, and the three of them shoveled away the softened sand with their hands, digging until they had discovered a number of stones arranged in the shape of a pyramid. Bruce scanned the stones with a handheld laser. All of them showed Kendra’s fingerprints.

“She dug up this hole, arranged the stones in this shape, and then buried them,” Carter said. “Why?”

“To show us where she’s going,” Shayera said. “The Pyramid of the Oasis.”

“How can you be sure?” Bruce asked. “There must be a thousand pyramids.”

“Because that’s the one Chay-Ara is reminded of.”


Despite its inviting name, the Pyramid of the Oasis was rarely visited. It was just too far away from civilization, too out of the way, to be any kind of tourist attraction.

The notable activity scans picked up around it proved Shayera’s hunch was correct.

“They have a tight perimeter,” Bruce said, reading the information. “Sniper teams covering every stretch of land. If we can get past one of them, we should be able to effect a rescue.”

“Leave that to me,” Shayera said.


In the afternoon Shayera rode out to the oasis that gave the pyramid its name, just a little over a mile out from the pyramid itself. It was hot and the sun was directly overhead. Reaching the reed-streaked lagoon, Shayera dismounted, tied up her horse, and shed the voluminous linen coat she wore. Underneath, she was in a light bikini, just two strips of red cloth that clung to her body. Her skin felt hot and dry but she didn’t get into the water. She laid out a towel just shy of the moist shoals and stretched out on it.

Shayera poured a pool of suntan lotion into her hand and then smeared the cool liquid onto her flat smooth stomach and her thighs. Then she poured more of it, this time putting it on the huge mounds of flesh that jutted out of her bikini top. Her fingers slid down under the top and dabbed her nipples with lotion. They were hard and the touch of her fingers on them sent a chill through her. Her palm slid across her left tit, squeezing the tender flesh hard. She felt wet in her crotch, dripping wet.

She heard pounding hoof-beats. Abraham, Shadow Thief’s long-time lieutenant, was riding up with two of his men. She could see them rounding the desert dunes, coming to the palm trees that serenaded her with their creaking wood in the wind, and tying their own horses off. 

"Hello, Abraham," she said, looking at the three rugged desert marauders.

"Hi," Abraham said in passable English. "It's sure hot out, isn't it?" 

Shayera picked up the lotion again and poured more of it onto her skin, putting on a show for Abraham and his friends.

"You can use the pool if you want," she said. "I’m not."

The three of them hurried out of their clothes. They were on the other side of the water from her, and Shayera doubted they just intended to splash around. Naked, they waded through the water toward her. 

She caught one of the thugs looking at her when she put more lotion on her body. She pretended that she didn't notice that she was being watched as she dipped her hand under her bikini top. She felt creamy all over. 

When they came out of the water, dripping wet, Shayera got up from the towel. "It's so hot out," she said. "You boys want something to drink?”

“We’re not thirsty,” Abraham said. He was standing over her, his shadow cutting across her body.

“Just try it,” Shayera said, reaching into her horse’s saddlebag. “It’s my own invention. Tell me what you think.”

Pulling out the dart-gun, she shot all three of them in their amply exposed flesh. And realized why Carter had always insisted on wearing his armor while they had sex.

“Shayera, report,” Bruce said, his tinny voice ringing her earpiece.

She pressed down on the bud. “All three down. I doubt they’d want to share with their friends, so I’m thinking they kept my entrance to themselves. We have our way into the pyramid.”

“Excellent. Carter and I on our way.”

“I’ll wrap up the tangos,” Shayera said.

She stripped out of her bikini before putting on her armor. Enticing as it was, it wouldn’t be the most comfortable thing to wear into battle, and she thought Abraham and his boys might appreciate being tied up with it as a bit of a consolation prize.


Inside the pyramid, the walls seemed carved from stone, crumbling and caving in so much that the division between the brickwork was almost lost. Trails of watery shadowy ran down the sand-colored stone like tears. There was painting on some of the walls. No, all of the walls, they were just so damaged—actually collapsed, in places, with debris littering the ground or even punching through—that it was virtually impossible to decipher.

A brief walk took them through the corridors and into the main hall, a massive space that took up almost all the interior of the pyramid. Like Russian nesting dolls, a ziggurat sat in the middle of the floor, its top aligned with the spine of the pyramid. There, an altar held Kendra in chains.

Shadow Thief was easy to spot, his shadow ten times bigger than anyone else’s. His men were assembled around the room, somewhere between guarding it as a last line of defense and paying witness to whatever the villain intended.

“What’s the play?” Carter asked haltingly. He hated deferring to someone else, especially in battle, but he had given his word that he’d come here to help, not take over as protector of another man’s child.

“Shayera, you go for Kendra,” Bruce said. “Carter, engage Shadow Thief. I’ll hold back for now.”

“That’s it?” Shayera asked.

“You’d prefer something more convoluted?”

“I just expected something a little more ingenious.”

“He’s right,” Carter said. “Simpler is better.”

“Alright then.” Shayera hefted her mace. “Just like old times.”

They dropped down from their elevated vantage point, leaving Batman alone. Their wings fully deployed, they were like dive bombers attacking a target more than people. Shayera cut a swath through a string of enemies before pulling up to crest the ziggurat, crushing Kendra’s bonds away from her. Carter hit just as hard, the arc of his dive carrying him through several combatants, all of whom were smashed aside by his mace. He landed in a lunge at Shadow Thief, but his old enemy was already insubstantial, the blow passing right through him. Carter had anticipated that. His momentum carried him through as he whirled around, pantherish, and threw back his wings to take out two more guards. More were coming, firing, but he was sprinting now, his wings shielding him as he built up speed for another flight.

Other guards had engaged Shayera at the apex of the ziggurat, but none of them could even touch her. She was a whirlwind of wings and mace, knocking them far and wide, letting gravity batter them as they fell down the ziggurat or were thrown entirely clear of it. With the additional disarray caused by Carter, she was soon free to scoop Kendra up and wing her away. She didn’t consider it a retreat. Their enemies would soon regroup and try to close rank; her best chance was to make a break for it now, get Kendra to the Batwing and set it on autopilot to take her to safety. 

“You can’t win, Carter,” Shadow Thief said, hanging back as his men rushed Hawkman and were easily repelled. He was in constant motion, parkouring up to hang-glide his way around the arena, coming in for a landing once they’d sighted him with their guns and going hand to hand, then rushing up the ziggurat for another flight. “You can’t even touch me. Your woman, the child, the amulet, all will be mine.”

“You have it wrong,” Carter said. “She’s not my woman.”

“Really? Then where did she get such a darling child?”

If they weren’t in the heat of battle, the guards might’ve noticed Batman as he snuck around the room, quiet as a mouse, setting up gadgets on each wall. The two Hawks were too much of a distraction for that, and Batman’s natural stealth did the rest. Now he activated the flares, sending out brilliant white light from all directions that closed in on the Shadow Thief. Hawkman’s tinted helmet protected him, but the guards were blinded, the Shadow Thief nearly vaporized. When Batman flung a Batarang into his fuming head, it almost came as a mercy.

Carter stripped him of his empowered suit as Batman corralled the blinded guards, hog-tying them with pairs of plasticuffs. “I can see why Shayera chose you,” he said.

“And I can see why Shayera chose you,” Bruce replied.


Bruce twisted the knob under the bathtub faucet, letting down a waterfall of hot water that steamed up to fairly fill the master bathroom. “’All’s well that ends well’ seems a little inadequate,” he said.

“I’ll take what I can get,” Shayera replied, sipping from her martini.

Bruce tested the temperature of the water with his hand. He pulled it back and shook it off. “It needs a while to cool down.”

“And me?” Shayera asked. “Do I need a while to cool down?”

He seized her waist in his hands and took her standing up. She grabbed the back of his neck with both hands and wrapped her legs around his large waist. The rough hair covering his body scratched her soft skin as she braced herself for his savage attack.

He thrust his huge, thick cock into her tiny, wet pussy as he stood holding her in his hairy arms. Never before had she felt so much cock inside her. It filled her up completely. He cradled her soft, lovely ass in his big hands and pounded her juicy cunt with his monstrous cock. Shayera reached an orgasm within seconds but Bruce never slowed his attack. He continued his relentless pounding, fucking her like a wild animal. Shayera had two more orgasms, but still Bruce kept ramming his huge prick into her little pussy. She began to think that he would never stop his assault. She cried with a mixture of pain and pleasure as she clung tightly to Bruce, experiencing two more orgasms.

"Ohhhhh! Abhhhhhh! Your cock is so big! I don't know if I can take it much longer! EEEEEE! Oooooooooohhhhhhh!"

She moaned and groaned as his huge cock stretched her pussy. Her juices flooded his balls and thighs, but his cock was as hard as ever. Bruce showed no signs of tiring as he continued his pounding of her little cunt. She loved to have a big prick up her pussy, filling her up, but this man's cock was almost too much for her, her poor little pussy ached from the pounding it was receiving. Her whole body rocked as he fucked the shit out of her, pounding her little cunt mercilessly.

Finally, he stopped his attack and spoke to her for the first time since they had started fucking. "Have you had enough?" Bruce asked, his cock still buried deep in her pussy.

"Yes," said Shayera. "I can't take anymore. My pussy hurts too much." She never dreamed that she would ever get enough of good fucking, but this man had fucked her over her limit.

"In that case, I'll fuck you in your ass for a while." He pulled his gigantic cock from her stretched cunt and set her down on the floor. Then he turned her around so that her back and ass were facing him.

"I want you to bend over and touch your toes," he ordered her.

"Okay," she said. "But please don't hurt me." She bent over and grabbed her toes, exposing her little, pink asshole.

He grabbed her lovely ass in both hands and tried to shove his magnificent cock into that tiny hole. He pushed and shoved and hammered at that little pink hole, but his cock was just too damn big.

"You're killing me," cried Shayera. Her little hole was stretched to capacity, and she feared that he would tear her to pieces.

But Bruce kept his promise. He started shooting his load of jism up her ass in less than two furious minutes of fucking, hot spurts of cum that left Shayera dazed and thrilled.

The tingling stickiness in her ravaged ass made Shayera realize she could enjoy almost any kind of fucking with this man. Between the taste of her own sweat in her mouth, and the feel of fucking still tingling in her pussy, and even oozing lewdly up her ass, Shayera felt a deep feminine satisfaction she knew only men could provide.

Bruce slipped his limp prick from her ass and sagged back onto the toilet, pulling Shayera down on his lap. He hugged her tightly.

"Did I hurt you too much?" he asked with concern.

"It hurt good!" Shayera sniffled, wriggling her sore ass to his crotch.

Together they stepped into the tub. The water was hot and they both eased in gingerly as it hit their sensitive crotches. Shayera groaned as hot water flowed into her sex and Bruce cupped his balls as if to protect them from pain.

The trip back to Gotham had been lengthy and laborious. The amulet had been returned to the city museum, swiftly resulting in calls for Shayera to be given a more advanced position, and Kendra had broken something, further complicating things. But finally they were all home, accounted for, and ready to relax, with Carter thanked and gone on his way.

She wanted to reassure him, to let him know that her feelings for Bruce weren't the same as for him. Bruce was strong, masterful. In another life Carter might be able to command her like Bruce did now. She had learned much about herself and that she needed a powerful, commanding man was part of that self-discovery.

She had never seen the man looking more like a God than now. Bruce had stripped to the waist and sweat oiled his body so that he gleamed a dull coppery in the light. His pants were belted by a long, leather thing. She still had the welts from the last time he had used it on her. He had laid out the most tempting meal she had ever seen. As the food rolled across her tastebuds, the man had whipped her. And afterwards, he had fucked her. 

While she was still feeling the nice warm glow of a good fucking, he had whipped her again. In her mind and body, she was mixing pleasure and pain together into a heady concoction. It was becoming possible for her to climax when he whipped her. She didn't understand how this was possible, but it was happening to her. Pain and delight could be almost the same thing now, thanks to Bruce's careful program of whipping her while she was enjoying herself. She needed that, as much as she needed him to be caring and gentle. There was some measure he struck, between the two, that Carter hadn’t found. But here, now at least, it was perfect for her.

Shayera turned around and leaned her back against her husband's bare chest. "Want to soap me up, Bruce?" she asked, squirming her soft ass against his cock and balls.


Bruce picked up the bar of soap and reached around his Shayera's body. With one hand he fingered her clit while the other probed at her cunt with the bar of soap. Shayera felt a momentary pressure, and then the soap was in, sliding and burning.

"Wowwwwww!" Shayera moaned, feeling her eager clit straining against her lover’s fingers as her stuffed cunt rippled around the soap. Soon the pain had turned to pleasure and she was writhing her ass in the tub, making the water slosh over the sides as Bruce tormented her clit and squeezed one large, distended nipple while he looked over her shoulder. Finally, the soap squeezed out in a burst of foamy bubbles.

"Lift up a bit, Shayera," Bruce said, grabbing it. He positioned the soap under her and told her to sit down.

"Uhhhhh..." she groaned as her asshole was unexpectedly filled with the slippery bar. Her ass hit the bottom of the tub and the soap went all the way in, comfortably stretching her open.

"How's that feel, Shayera?" Bruce asked, still pinching her nipple.

Shayera's asshole burned a bit from the hot intrusion of the soap, but it made her cunt even tighter and caused her clit to tingle.

"Oh, Bruce! Ohh!" she cried, feeling his cock thick and hard against her lower back. "You've got to fuck me now! Oh, quick, I need it!"

Bruce grinned and made her lift up and squeeze out the bar of soap. But then she missed it. It made her asshole feel all empty and wasted.

"Here, Shayera," he said, lifting the tit he'd been pinching. "Suck on it." He rubbed the soft, spongy teat over her chin and lips.

Shayera felt her hot, gristly nipple brushing her lips and opened her mouth and sucked it inside. She could feel Bruce's chin on her shoulder and knew he was watching. She mumbled and hummed around her sensitive tit-lip, lightly biting the long red stem and sucking on the wide aureole.

"Just keep sucking your tit, Shayera, and lift up again," she heard him say.

Then she felt the spongy knob of his cock against her tight asshole and nearly panicked. As his fingers worked over her cunt and clit, she realized that it would, eventually, feel even better than the bar of soap had.

"Sit on it, Shayera!" Bruce ordered. "Shove your ass over my cock!"

Shayera's rosy asshole was still slippery with soapsuds and, as she lowered herself, his big cockhead slid easily inside. Her sphincter clutched his cock just behind the wide ridge, throbbing sensuously, and she heard him groan. She felt like groaning herself, it felt so good.

She felt his hands come up under her arms, steadying her as she went down, down, on his impaling prick. Then her ass dropped down and he shot all the way up her asshole to his balls.

Shayera put a palm on each side of the tub, giving herself leverage as she rocked up and down on her husband's cock. Her asshole was so tight that she could almost feel his ropy veins. She definitely felt his wide-flanged cockhead as it spread her anus.

Faster and faster she rose and fell over Bruce's cock. She thought her asshole would be rubbed raw as it pulled out and sucked in with her movements, but the pleasure far outweighed the pain.

Then she felt Bruce fumbling at her cunt again and felt something prodding her distended hole. It was the bar of soap! She mumbled and groaned loudly around her tit as Bruce worked the big bar into her pussy. His cock in her ass had tightened her cunt, and she writhed helplessly in an agony of pleasure and pain as both her holes were stuffed.

Bruce gritted his teeth as the full length of his cock was repeatedly swallowed and released by her sucking anus. He watched her free tit jump and slap wetly and noisily as she rode him, sucking on the nipple of the other. Taking his hands from under her arms, he dropped them to her soft butt and gripped her rising and falling asscheeks and pulled them wide apart.

"Ahhhhh!" he sighed as his prick was enveloped right to the hairy base. He rotated his hips a bit and jerked his cock inside her hot, tight passage. He could feel the heavy muscles of her ass squeezing and nibbling his cock, and was thrilled every time her ass caught the rim of his cockhead as she lifted high.

The soap was all the way inside her cunt now, and she could feel her pussy working over it, the walls fluttering and squeezing out foamy lather as Bruce diddled her clit.

"SHAYERA! SHAYERA!" he cried. "Turn around before I come!"

Shayera lowered herself and slowly, lifting one foot a little at a time, swung herself around on her husband until she was finally facing him, his cock still throbbing in her asshole.

Bruce gripped her hips and pushed his face against her hanging tit. His eyes rolled up to see her watching him as she sucked the other. He fastened his lips on her big nipple and started lifting her hips up and down over his aching cock. Soapy froth squirted onto his hairy groin from Shayera's squeezing cunt.

"AHHHHH! UHHHHH!" Shayera screamed, spitting out her tit as she crested. Her cunt clamped around the soap and her asshole pinched and rippled over his imbedded cock as she wiggled her butt hard against his groin.

Bruce groaned into her pillowy tit as he felt the weight of the liquid fire gathering in his balls. He was going to shoot off in Shayera's ass! He was going to fill her asshole with his cum! Just the thought was unbelievable, but to actually do it...

"Here it comes, Shayera!" he cried, thrusting up with his hips. His cock throbbed and pulsed hard in her tight, squeezing asshole and then jumped and spewed one hot glob of cum after another deep in her bowels.

Shayera groaned as his hot jism splattered in her ass. She could feel each individual squirt as it burned her tender tissues. It was filling her where she had never been filled before, and making her post-orgasmic relaxation and tiredness even more enjoyable.

She leaned against him, rubbing his handsome face with her soft, warm tits. His cock was still deep in her ass, but no longer hard, which made it easier to accept the soap in her cunt. She shuddered and kissed the top of his head.

Bruce lifted his face. "Mmmmm, Shayera—I love you!" He kissed her full lips while his palms stroked her smooth back down to the curves of her ass.

"I'm going to get up now, my love," Shayera said. She lifted her ass off his cock and felt the water enter her asshole. She reached back and fingered herself there, cleaning out her husband's jism. Then she parted her cunt and squeezed until the soap shot out and landed on Bruce's stomach. It slid into the water and Shayera lowered herself again to rinse the suds from her pussy.

Bruce eyed the strings of cum floating in the water. "I think we need a bath to clean up after this bath," he joked.

Out of the water, Bruce came over and rubbed her wet body with the towel. She moaned and spread her legs. Next he put the towel between her thighs and, with one hand at her ass and the other at her belly, he see-sawed the soft material back and forth through her slick cunt.

"Oh, God, Bruce, I'm getting hot again! Can you get your cock up?"

“With your help.”

“Maybe I should get that haircut I’ve been eying,” Shayera teased. “I bet that would turn you on.”

“I bet it would. Now, get down on your knees," he demanded. She did as she was told, knowing exactly what he had in mind.

He placed his huge prick on her lips and she explored it with her tongue, tasting her own cunt juices.

"Open your mouth wide.”

Again she obeyed, and he shoved his huge cock into her pretty little mouth until she gagged and choked. He withdrew it a little, then shoved it in again. He did not wait for her to suck on it. Instead, he merely grabbed the back of her head with his big hands and proceeded to fuck her mouth, thrusting the long, thick prick in and out of her with slow, hard strokes.

The immense size of his cock filled her mouth completely, and Shayera had difficulty breathing, but Bruce continued to fuck her mouth.

Shayera could feel drops of hot cum leaking down her throat, and she swallowed all of it greedily. Her cheeks were scratched by the hair around his cock, so deep was the long cock buried in her mouth. His heavy balls banged against her sweet lips with each deep thrust. She loved every bit of it, and she ran her tongue over the immense prick as it pounded her throat.

Finally, with one fierce thrust, Bruce rammed his cock deep into her hungry mouth and came, squirting his seed down her throat. She had no choice but to swallow every drop of his cream.

He clung to her for a few minutes longer then released her and walked over to his clothes. Shayera lay on the floor, whimpering softly. She had never been fucked so completely in her whole life, and she was utterly exhausted. She had experienced five orgasms in less than an hour and her stomach was full of this man's thick cum. 

“I guess my haircut did the trick.”

“Yes,” Bruce said, “it did. I can’t wait to see it.”


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