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The episode with Rose seemed to have jogged something loose in Cassie, because when she awoke, everything seemed much clearer. It was the middle of the night and Rose was a log. Cassie borrowed a robe of hers to put on, but didn’t bother redressing in her own clothes. There was a euphoria to being semi-naked with Rose, even if she was virtually comatose, and Cassie didn’t want it to definitively end.

So, M’gann and Kon were a thing. The silver lining was that at least she knew Kon was into her—why else would he have sex with M’gann while M’gann was doubling her? It would still take actually talking to Kon to get anything out of that new, somewhat disturbing knowledge, but on the plus side, there was another silver lining. She could talk to M’gann first.

Maybe M’gann and Kon were serious and she should back off. That would almost be a relief, after all the endless pining. Maybe Kon and M’gann were just a casual thing, and Cassie would be free to move in. Either way, M’gann would have some insight into Kon, and Cassie owed it to her to talk before she did anything to change the dynamic around.

Heck, with a Kryptonian and a Martian, who knew? Maybe they’d want to have a threesome with her.

Although Cassie didn’t know if she was that much of an Amazon…

Tying the belt of her robe firmly, she left Rose’s room and sought out M’gann’s. One good side of being on an all-teen team—there was something of a built-in curfew, in that Batman would throw a shit fit if he found out any of them weren’t getting enough sleep. In the AM, Titan Tower was dead quiet and actually a little serene in its humming, darkened peace. She slipped through in the comfortable black, coming to M’gann’s room and knocking.

M’gann didn’t answer. She tried the door and it opened wide. “M’gann?” Cassie called. It wasn’t like M’gann to be out this late; she really bought into the What Would Batman Do stuff. 

She stepped inside, loosening the over-tight belt on her robe. It was built for Rose, who was more slender than her, and being comfortable in it meant letting it fall open a bit more than she was used to. But she was either alone or about to meet with M’gann, so it hardly seemed like a big deal.

M’gann’s room wasn’t the spartan affair you would expect from Martian Manhunter’s niece. The walls were jammed with posters for bands, TV shows, and movies, with taste so eclectic you could pretty much tell it’d been assembled by an alien. The furnishings were more unified, but they were piled high with tchotchkes and toys, things a normal person would’ve outgrown ages ago, but that still struck M’gann as novel. Considering the last thing Cassie had seen M’gann doing, it gave a surprisingly innocent accounting of the Martian. Cassie idly picked up a rolling ball maze, astonishing herself at how someone from such an advanced species could take pleasure in something so primitive. A comparatively savage earthling like her would need something with more processing power than the Apollo Program to be entertained. 

“Hey, babe,” came a sultry voice from behind her.

Cassie jumped, dropping the toy. Though she’d come here to find M’gann, she’d stopped expecting to meet anyone and instead had been luxuriating in being voyeuristically alone in another’s room.

Whirling around, she saw Kon, and turned pale at the thought that he’d caught her in—well, it was entirely innocent, being in M’gann’s room, toying with her stuff, but the circumstances made her feel guiltier than she ought to, flustered her. She was speechless as Kon came up to her. “I’m so glad you’re still up, M’gann. And practicing your Cassie impression, too. Mind if I give it a spin?”

His arms circled her waist. Cassie tried to back away and found his lips crushing into hers. She was so confused that she didn't know what to do. In spite of herself, she felt her resistance melting. She returned the kiss, wondering what he was up to.

“Fuck, I wish she kissed like that,” Kon said. “Imagine Cassie being a hot little slut like you are. Would that be hot or what?”

“H-h-hot?” she stammered.

Kon wasn’t listening. Roughly, he grabbed her and pulled her to him again. She felt his prick rising up against her leg. Kon had never acted this way with her before! And this was only because he had her confused with someone else. He thought she was M’gann!

“You’ve even got her voice down,” Kon said in wonderment. “You wanna go all the way? Role-play, like we did with Black Canary that one time?”

“Black Canary?” Cassie asked, utterly confused and actively fighting her mind’s attempts to figure all this out. It was one thing to have M’gann wear her body while she fucked Kon, but—was that before or after she’d done it as Black Canary? God, how far down the list was she?

Kon reached down between their bodies and Cassie’s face flushed as she heard his zipper unmistakably lower. “Usually you’d do this for me, but since you’re ‘Cassie’, I guess I’ll have to do it…”

Cassie looked down. Her eyes boggled. Kon’s cock was easily ten inches long, worthy of the Man of Steel, let alone a half-human clone. Half-human, hell, Kon looked like his DNA had been spliced with a donkey or something. Cassie could barely believe it was real. She’d known he was big, his jeans were tight enough, but the erection she—M’gann?—had given him had taken things to a whole ‘nother level.

“God, that’s the biggest prick I’ve ever seen!” she gaped.

Kon half-smiled. “Wouldn’t an Amazon say ‘Great Hera’ or ‘Suffering Sappho’ or some shit? Anyway, ‘Cassie,’ you know what to do.”

He put a comforting hand on her shoulder and Cassie almost purred into the touch before realizing he was pushing her down onto her knees, right on eye level with the imposing manhood she was meant to… interact with.

“Wait, Kon, I’ve never sucked a cock that big before! I’ve never sucked any cock! I don’t even call them cocks!”

Kon glowered down at her. “Hey, I get that Cassie would be a little reluctant, but don’t take it too far. She’s not a big nerd or anything.”

“Yes I a—“ Cassie began, but Kon had already taken her by the sides of the head and drilled his manhood into her open mouth. Cassie’s eyes flew to their widest, as if to mirror the distance her lips had to stretch to take Kon’s member between them. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFF!”

She was used to only using her mouth for food, for everything that passed between her lips to literally be a bite-sized morsel of what she was eating. Kon’s dick didn’t stop and neatly fit into her mouth. It went on and on, stunning Cassie past the point of her facial expression to show—her eyes could get no wider, just as her mouth couldn’t. As her eyes had been filled with the sight of his prick, now her mouth was filled with the undeniable reality of it.

“Yeah,” Kon chuckled warmly, even fondly, petting Cassie’s golden hair in his big hands even as he fed her his manhood. Somewhere deep inside her, Cassie registered a loving affection for his touch, even beyond the shock she felt at being forced to accommodate his vast size, to take and take and take his big cock until it was pressed up against the back of her throat, totally occupying her open mouth. “Oh fuck yeah, you get better at this every time! Like a fucking natural, M’gann! Sorry, ‘Cassie’.”

“Mmmmmph!” Cassie gurgled around his member, staring up at Kon with shock and, yes, awe in her eyes. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to tell him, but she was desperate to say it. “Hmmmmmfph!”

His cockhead, stinging her with a sour taste at its tip that Cassie realized belatedly was his sperm, pushed at the opening of her throat, an opening that seemed far too narrow to take such a behemoth. Cassie’s eyes rolled around frantically, and she saw to her shock that Kon’s pubic hair, bristling between his unzipped crotch, was still inches and inches from her flaring nostrils. There was still almost half of his member for her to take in, and Cassie knew it was impossible that her slender, graceful throat could take such a monster inside it, could accept the fist she felt pulsing and pumping in back of her teeth down inside her gullet. 

“Your throat feels tighter than ever! I didn’t know you could get it this tight!” Kon groaned. “Or maybe I’m just developing another superpower as I get older, hmm?”

Locking his hands on the sides of Cassie’s skull, his thumbs drilling into her forehead, he pumped himself forward. Cassie felt a tremendous, shocking pressure on the constriction in her throat that had previously felt so inviolate. She had to swallow, had to swallow, had to swallow, but it was far too big to swallow, she was gagging on it, and Kon just kept pushing, pushing…

“HNNNGH!” Kon gasped as he finally forced himself into Cassie’s throat with gulp after gulp from Cassie, the blonde dry-heaving as she accepted him by the barest of margins. She couldn’t believe it. He was in her throat. She was deep-throating him. He hadn’t even taken his shirt off… she didn’t even know what his nipples looked like!

“Oh fuck yeah,” Kon continued. “M’gann, you’re a fucking genius! Fits like a glove! You got your throat just right on my cock, oh shit!”

He continued to pump into her throat, now with more force, raking his shaft through what had previously felt like a soft, smooth portion of Cassie’s anatomy. Now there was friction. Now her throat felt dry as a desert floor, only alleviated by the pungent spunk she felt and tasted as it was rubbed into her gullet. 

God, she wondered... what next? Then Cassie felt her taut little ass give a shiver. Her mind was still blazed, utterly blank with joy. She could not recall what Kon had said... but her body could remember. Kon said he was going to fuck her ass.


Left alone, M’gann moped around the tower, not really interested in going to see one of her friends or fighting crime the way she usually did on long, lonely nights. She didn’t want to bother anyone. Humans needed so much sleep.

Instead, she watched television awhile, but quickly grew bored. Her latest daring escapade with Kon had stirred too many new sensations within her, making her cunt itch every time she thought about him. She wondered a little what she truly meant to him, whether all their experimenting and fooling around had seeped into him and become something more serious. It was enough to make a girl reconsider using her telepathy on a guy.

Finally, unable to sit still, she turned off the TV and wandered aimlessly about the building, her mind filled with wicked, new thoughts.

As if by accident, she abruptly found herself passing by her own closed door.

From where she stood, she could hear muffled voices, and her heart began to thump.

The door latch hadn't quite clicked home, and a gentle nudge of M’gann's hand opened it just a crack.

That was when she heard Cassie gasp, "Kon, don't!"

Tingling with excitement, M’gann felt her curiosity grow to unbearable pitch. Once, she would have merely stood and listened, imagining what went on inside from the gasps and groans that emerged. However, this time her need to find out more was too great. Fearful of being caught, she edged the door open until she had a clear view inside.

Laughing and squirming, Cassie lay on the carpeted floor with Kon sprawled half atop her. Her robe was spread open, exposing the white cups of her bra as they wrestled playfully, his hands doing something that M’gann couldn't see.

Suddenly Cassie gasped again. "Now stop it! Someone’s going to… going to hear..."

"Who cares?" Kon's voice had a husky, teasing tone as he kept on whatever he was doing. "That never bothered you before, did it? Come on, M’gann. Let me love you."

"Kon!" Laughing and struggling, Cassie pushed him off her.

Now M’gann could see that Cassie’s panties had been forced part-way down to expose the first dark-gold curls of her cunt. That was what Kon had been doing, but, with a sudden determination, she pushed his hands away, making her voice stern without bothering to adjust her clothes.

"Now be nice, or I'll send you home without any fun!" she admonished in a teasing, scolding tone. "You wouldn't like that very much, would you?"

Kon's voice was rough with need as he grabbed for Cassie's bra-bound tits, trying to shove his hands under the taut material. "You know what I love about you, M’gann? I know you don’t mean that at all. You want it just as bad as I do. Turn the fuck around.”

He thinks she’s me, M’gann thought happily. She didn’t know how on earth Kon had become intimate with Cassie, thinking she was M’gann, when really she was Cassie, but who cared? Kon clearly had feelings for her, even if he was fucking Cassie—a technicality, that.

It was glorious to watch. M’gann thought she’d keep watching.


"Yyyeee! Agh! Unnngh. No... damn it, that hurts!" Poor Cassie chanted sounds of pain, wincing, as Kon crouched behind her, rimming the hole of her upthrust ass with the swollen head of his jizz-dripping cock.

The last of his slick fluids would grease her tiny hole and smooth the stab of his heated cock. Kon's mind still burned with lust, thinking that it was M’gann bent over with her wrists bound and her head bowed like a humble slave, just pretending to a reluctant, submissive Cassie.

“Shut up!" Kon said, getting into the act. M’gann played a lot of games, but one of her favorites was the barely willing virgin. She loved using Cassie’s face for that. As Cassie, she could be the prudish librarian type he knew the real M’gann was anything but. "That can't hurt... I've hardly touched you!"

Even the thought of a cock ramming her ass made Cassie's mind squirm. It was surely a sin... an unnatural and disgusting perversion that only a warped mind would even consider.

"Don't!" she pleaded. "Please don't. AAGGHHH!"

Kon sneered. "Shit, all you can feel is a little touch."

"Uuunnngh!" The thought of more pain made her squirm, and writhing motions of torment worked their way to Cassie's fingertips. "Wwwhhhaaa? What are you doing now?"

She could feel Kon's hot breath on her back between her tightly bound wrists.

"I'm teasing, you bitch! You’re the one who likes foreplay so much… now I’m giving you a little!" Kon glanced down at the size of his straining cock and chuckled with sly satisfaction. "Did I say, give you a little? Hot shit, I'm going to give you a lot!"

Lust and superhuman stamina had kept his cock swelled with surging blood even when the last jet of spurting cum had sprayed Cassie's clinging throat. He could hardly wait to ram it deep in the even tighter hole of her ass!

"No!" Cassie gasped. "I-I've never done it before! I couldn't stand your big cock up my ass!"

"You’ll love it!" Kon said. He knew M’gann loved a cock up her ass. "In fact, I have it on good authority you like to get fucked in the ass even more than you do in the cunt!"

"Oooh, God!" Cassie groaned. She could not imagine sweet, innocent M’gann submitting to anything as awful and degrading as sodomy.

Kon bent down and kissed her wiggling fingertips. The rich scent of leather filled his lungs. Cassie strained against the belt, still trying vainly to struggle free. She was startled by the gentle touch of his lips and relieved that the head of his cock no longer pressed against her puckered hole.

"Like that?" he asked as he nibbled her fingers, swirling them softly with his wet tongue.

"Yesss!" she hissed. "I like it a lot."

"Next you'll want me to kiss your little asshole."


"What do you mean, no? That's what you want most of the time... for me to bend down and kiss your Goddamned ass! Well now baby, I'm going to do it!"

"Aaaggghhhh!" Cassie jerked her hips and tried to pull away, but Kon grabbed the long hair streaming down her back and pulled like a rider reining a rebellious horse. "OOOWWW!"

His tongue darted around the dark rim of her hole, wetting the tightly puckered ring and lapping up salty traces of sweat left by the vigorous fucking she’d taken. Shivering apprehension twisted the cramped passageway of her rectum, her asshole drawing together tighter and tighter each time his swirling tongue danced around.

"You love it, you fucking slut... I can feel your little ass squirm!"

"Nnnooo! NOOO! UUUNNNGH!" Cassie's whole body convulsed with creeping horror when the tip of his tongue pressed between her wrinkled asshole. "I can't stand it!" she wailed.

He wiggled his tongue farther in.

"YYYOOOOWWW!" Cassie cried. In nightmares she sometimes dreamed of being fucked by a snake, and this, she thought, was how it would feel! "Out!" she moaned. "Oh, take it out!"

Kon gushed another anxious breath and spiked in deep with his tongue. He wiggled the tip of his tongue, turning in tight circles inside her tunnel of heavy restraint. Her wavering ass muscles clamped and squirmed against his tongue. The heavy taste grew stronger deep inside. His mouth drew tight from the bitter taste, his lips slammed to form a tight seal on the outer ring of her puckered ass. A powerful spasm gripped her gut and tremors rushed to meet Kon's invading tongue.

He pulled away, laughing. "There, honey, it’s out!" Then he rammed the head of his huge cock into her ass.

"Hubnngh!" Cassie writhed and pulled her arms against the leather belt. "Hhharrrgh! Ungli. Ooooo."

Her mind and body both lurched from the sudden pain of his driving cock.

Kon slowed his demanding thrust, surprised at how tight her little anus was. M’gann knew how to relax and eagerly take him in. But now tight muscles fought against him, wringing his cock with tortured waves. He could only guess that M’gann was taking this more seriously than ever, willingly subjecting herself to the pain of a tightened-up first time to further sell her virginity.

Cassie's wiggling fingers could feel his coarse muff of pubic hair as he pushed in his long prick, stirring a smoldering desire of her dark, forbidden place. She gasped, rocking her head, swirling her long hair into moving waves of silk.

Kon adjusted the position of his knees behind her and reached around to grip her tits. As often as he'd felt them, he never tired of those fantastic tits full and firm and finely coned with rock hard little nipples that blazed like heating coals.

"Hhhaaa!" Cassie gasped with a startled breath. Milking fingers caressed her tits, teasing her taut nipples until they burned. With each stroke came the prod of his cock sinking deeper.

"Oooh, you’re so tight!" Kon said, grinding his teeth in response to the clinging grip of her ass.

"I-I know!" Cassie answered with a grunt.

She trembled like a virgin bride. Her tongue flicked in a circle around her lips, tasting again the salty-sweet flavor of cum... relaxing her taut lips into a grin when the pain she expected never came. Kon had his cock in deep now, she could feel rough hair chafing the cheeks of her ass each time he drove his prick in.

"Uuungh! Tight!" he groaned.

Cassie gripped him tighter still, not in fear but in raging joy. She could feel, almost count the bulging blue veins on the shaft of his long dick.

"I-I LIKE it!" she said in a voice choked with surprise.

Her tightly bound hands thrashed and clawed at the hairs fringing his root. A thumb and one finger ringed and clamped at the base of his shaft, mauling his cock with the same pulsing rhythm that came from his milking hands on her tits.

"HHHHAAAA!" Kon yelped in surprise. M’gann had never done that before... try to hold his cock and jack him off while he fucked in and out of her ass. Double waves of tight, demanding pressure sent jolts of grinding joy to his aching nuts. "UUUNGH!"

"OH, FUCK MY ASS!" Cassie begged. She could not believe her own pleading wail. Her head tossed in a strongly negative gesture and she cried through clenched teeth: "No! NO!"

"Make up your fucking mind!" Kon said with a snort. He jabbed hard and deep with one thrust, slow and silky smooth with the next.

His strangely timed thrusts increased the flickering torment in Cassie's mind. One moment she wanted more, the next her body heaved and wanted none at all.

"Ooooh stop!" she begged. "Don't! Hhhhaaa don't stop! Drive it in. Oh, ream my little shitter. Ram it fucking full!"

Kon's hairy loins drummed on her creamy smooth cheeks, rubbing them raw with matted hair. Faster and faster he jammed in his aching cock, crushing the hand she had circled around its base.

"Uuunngh. Uuunngh!" No gentleness now, the blazing fire of lust in his nuts spurred him to fuck her ass, as hard and fast as his blurring hips could move.

"Yyyyeeee-ooow!" Cassie moaned in a fluttering daze. His reaming big cock felt like it might rip her asshole in two. The burning sensation driven so deep must have hurt, but in her tangled mind it felt so good. In a mind half stunned and shuddering from the savage awakening of her long-suppressed desires, Cassie began to wonder what might have happened if she had claimed Kon herself all this time, instead of letting M’gann swoop in and enjoy this on the regular.


Until this morning, M’gann would have been content to merely stand and spy on them. But after tasting Kon’s prick, after feeling his cock shoot off in her cunt and make her come like nothing she'd ever felt before, just watching wasn't enough.

Gathering a deep breath, she pushed the door wide and bounced into the room as if oblivious to what was happening there.

"Hi, everybody. What's going on?"

"Oh, shit!" Kon jerked away from Cassie, hands automatically flying down to his crotch in an attempt to hide his obvious hard-on.

"Rose!" Face flushed, Cassie scrambled to pull her blouse closed with one hand as the other covered her wet groin. "Just what do you think you're doing here? Bursting in like..."

Sputtering with embarrassment, she glared as the face of her lesbian lover stared at them with a coy, leading expression.

M’gann hadn’t wanted to cock-block Cassie—even if the earther couldn’t actually manifest a cock—by appearing as herself and giving away the whole game. So turning into Rose Wilson had seemed like an acceptable compromise. Besides, it seemed like they all enjoyed role-playing at least a little…

"I got tired of being alone," she explained in a casual tone, ignore their angry stares. "You guys are always sneaking off and leaving me by myself, as if I didn't know what you were up to! I just want some company, that's all. Go ahead with what you were doing--I won't get in the way. This time.."

Kon said in a cracked voice, "Look, there's a time and place for things, and this isn't it as far as you're concerned. M… Cassie and I were having a... serious discussion, and we don't need..."

M’gann stepped over to the lounge chair before them and plopped defiantly into it, determined not to be shunted off. "In case you haven't noticed, Kon, I'm not some little kid. Not even some artificially aged clone. I know all about your little 'discussions', and I don't care if you fuck or not. But I’m not getting treated like some outsider on my own team. Either you let me into your clique or you can find yourself another crazy Asian chick." 

Kon's face momentarily went slack with disbelief at this uncharacteristic outburst, then contorted as he blurted, "Bullshit! If you think you're going to plant your ass there and watch."

"Oh, let her stay."

Cassie's unexpected interruption stopped him cold. He twisted around to face her. "Huh?"

To his surprise, she was smiling, a strange expression on her face as she met M’gann's gaze in mutual understanding. "She's right, you know. It's no secret about us. Rose knows it all and... well, this is her home, too. I guess she has a perfect right to stay if she wants to."

His face fell in frustrated disappointment. "Look, I thought we had something going..."

"Oh, we do." Cassie's sharp blue eyes turned from ‘Rose’ to him, with an odd, speculative look. "But since there doesn't seem to be any point in hiding it anymore, why spoil things now? We were just getting started."

Without warning, the hand holding her robe together fell away, letting it flap open once more. Stunned, Kon watched as she reached out and squeezed his rock-hard crotch without hesitation, fingers stroking its massive length.

It all happened too quickly for him to take in.

One moment he and M’gann were getting it on together just like always, and the next—the next, here he sat with her hand on his cock and Rose Wilson looking on with a pleased expression.

"Jesus!" he gasped, reacting to Cassie's touch. "This is crazy! We can't do anything in front of her!"

"Why not?" Cassie's lips flicked in a sexy smile as she strummed his stiff prick. "After all, you're the one who wanted to have fun, aren't you? And Rose doesn't mind watching. Do you, Rose?"

M’gann shook her head, pleased at Cassie's reaction. Maybe Wonder Girl didn’t need M’gann wearing her face to be the hot slut Kon wanted.

"Go right ahead," she urged once more. "I'll just sit here. You won't even know I'm around."

"Like hell we won't!" Kon replied angrily. But Cassie's fondling hand had his cock pulsing painfully, and even the prospect of having her watch wasn't as inhibiting as it at first seemed. In fact, it might be fun. He could put on a show that would have her running from the room!

With that thought, he shrugged a grunting assent. "Okay, if that's what you want. I'm not one to argue. Especially when there are better things to be doing."

That decision made, he reached out with blatant boldness and grasped Cassie's tits, half-expecting a shacked reaction.

However, neither of them minded in the least.

Instead of being shocked, M’gann watched spellbound as he began to knead her tits, running his fingers over the cotton bra cups.

"Umm, that feels good," Cassie groaned as the last twinge of shame faded. "But I'll make it even nicer."

As if totally unaware of a spectator, she shrugged out of her robe and unsnapped her bra, shedding it as well.

Kon sucked in a breath as her tits sprang free, bobbing and jutting, two twin, pink-tipped nipples. He couldn't resist catching those long firm pebbles between his fingers and making little milking motions that had her gasping.

M’gann watched as he fingered Cassie's tits. She could feel her own small nipples spearing out against her tee shirt in response.

Unashamed, Cassie groaned and squeezed Kon's crotch hard, laughing huskily as he tweaked her rigid nipples.

"Ohh, that feels good... but you know what makes them feel really nice. Let's show Rose what I mean."

Abruptly she slipped from Kon's grasp and rose to her knees, her own hands going up to cup her tits and push them at his face.

One taut nipple brushed his lips, and he reacted instinctively. His mouth opened, and the next moment Cassie shoved her tit to his face, panting joyfully.

"Now suck it, ohh, oh, yeah, that's it, suck my tit nice and hard, baby."

Unable to resist her urgency, Kon closed his lips over her stiff nipple and began to suck noisily, not pausing even when her hands started working frantically at the fastening of his jeans.

Hardly daring to breathe, M’gann looked on as Cassie grabbed hold of Kon’s dick. The teenager gaped at the massive swollen shaft that sprang up in her friend’s hands. Kon's cock was so thick that Cassie's slender fingers looked tiny as they glided over its veined length and dipped down to cup his heavy, sagging balls.

He gave a rasping moan as she hefted his studded ballsac in one hand. Dimly Kon knew that she was purposely showing him off, giving Rose the complete view of his rigid prick and cum-filled balls. He didn't mind a bit. In fact, the knowledge that Rose was watching turned him on even more. If she really wanted a show that bad, he was only too willing to give it to her.

At that thought, he pulled back with a knowing grin. "Hey, I don't mind putting on a show, but I'm not going to be the only one. How about you?"

Cassie hesitated briefly, aware of her sister's gaze. Then she shrugged. "Okay. I guess that's the only fair thing to do."

Still grasping his cock, she reached down and began to peel her panties the rest of the way off.

M’gann's pussy creamed harder as her friend's wet-tinged cunt appeared, hovering just inches from Kon's dripping cockhead.

"There," she said, squirming out of the panties entirely. Totally nude and turned on at having a spectator, she asked huskily, "Is that better? Or maybe this will help."

Cassie bent down, placing her lips against the fat, knobbed prickhead that flared put above her pumping fist.

Kon uttered a little sound of pleasure and tangled his hands in her long, glossy hair, urging her on. "Yeah, that's just right. Now let's show her how you really like to take my cock. Suck it, baby. Wrap your lips around my prick the way you do in private—oh, yeah!"

M’gann gasped as Cassie's full lips glided over his red prickhead and back again, making his cockhead slick with saliva. Then her tongue darted out, teasing back and forth over his helmet and working its tip across his small pisshole to taste the droplet of cum that had collected there.

She tongued Kon's cock until he was twitching on the floor with need. Then her lips parted again, slowly engulfing his stiff prick until half its length had vanished, reappearing in glimpses as she moved her heads back and forth in a fucking motion.

M’gann licked her lips, practically tasting that prick as if Kon's cock was filling her own mouth as well.

She watched avidly, letting a hand sneak between her tightly closed thighs and wedge at the wet crotch of her cut-off shorts as Cassie knelt on all fours, letting the suction of her pumping mouth hold Kon's cock now. From where she sat, M’gann could just see the glistening slash of her friend's jutting ass and cunt, both slick with cream and pussylips flaring out as she hunched back and forth, her whole body tuned to the cock in her mouth as if Kon was fucking her all the way through.

M’gann squirmed, hips arching slightly as the heel of her hand pushed against her pussy, rubbing hard. Then she caught Kon looking at her and smiling assuredly.

"What's the matter, Rose? Wishing you could join us? You'd like some of this action too, wouldn't you?"

"I would not!" she lied.

Kon's smile broadened, and his eyes flicked down to the small fist rhythmically moving between her thighs.

She shivered, embarrassed but unable to stop what was happening to her.

Meanwhile, Cassie was making low noises deep in her throat, surging back and forth faster now. By this time she had taken in almost every inch of his prick, and her hips undulated spasmodically each time his cock sank into her mouth. Intent on sucking her boy's prick, she was beyond noticing anything else.

With a daring expression, M’gann withdrew her fist and reached instead to the snap of her cut-offs.

This time, it was Kon's turn for an unexpected treat. He stared as the teenager peeled off her shorts and sat back, curling one leg up over the arm of her chair and letting him get a good, long look at her moist pussy.

Her white fur was matted with arousal, separating to clearly expose the pink crevice of her pussy slit. Her cuntlips, dewy and slick and parted, gave him a perfect view of her small, tight fuckhole. His grin tightened, and he clutched Cassie's head as his cock leaped with even greater life.

"Mmmmmm!" the other girl groaned, totally unaware of anything but the cum-bloated cock in her mouth.

"There," M’gann said in a triumphant voice, blatantly displaying herself. "Who wants action now?"

As she spoke, her hand slipped down once more with a tantalizing gesture, fingers plowing her soaked curls and dipping into her frothing cunt. Juices gushed over her hand, and before she quite realized it, her finger had slipped between her pink lips and buried itself knuckle-deep in her pussy.

"Jesus," Kon murmured, hunching faster in Cassie's mouth and never taking his eyes off Rose's show. "Jesus, that's good. Keep doing that, yeah."

M’gann couldn't help herself. Succumbing to his stare, she worked her finger in and out, picking up in rhythm. Soon she was bouncing on the chair, gasping and finger-fucking herself without the least inhibition.

It was Cassie who broke the spell, suddenly pulling her head back and clutching Kon's cock with both hands in an urgent grasp.

"Now!" Cassie gasped harshly, twisting around onto her back and jerking hungrily on his prick. "Now, baby, fuck me now. Oh, my God, I need to be fucked! Hurry!"

Immersed in her own need, she didn't notice M’gann as her boyfriend let himself be pulled down. His cockhead gouged her cunt, and, with a shuddering upward surge, she cried out, feeling his member sink with familiar ease into her.

Kon lunged, pinning his sobbing girlfriend to the floor and ramming his cock to its hilt inside her cunt.

"Yes!" she wailed as he began to gyrate, moving faster and faster. "Yes, that's it, fuck me, baby, fuck me good!"

His eyes never leaving M’gann, he obeyed with a hoarse grunt. His swollen prick rippled and jabbed, fucking into her with long, powerful strokes as she wrapped her legs about his waist and lurched up to take it.

At the same time, M’gann was busy having her own fun. Panting, she arched on her fingers in delicious joy as Kon's prick slid in and out of her friend's pussy. All slick with juice and pounding forward harder than ever, his cock speared into Cassie with growing need.

Soon, they were all three gasping and writhing with approaching release caught up in the freedom of the situation.

Cassie was the first to come, spasming up and crying out in completion. "Oh! Ohh! I'm comiiinnnggg!"

Even as she erupted in release, M’gann felt her own cunt fountaining juice and groaned in heaving bliss as she plunged her finger deep. "Ahhmmm..."

"Ahhhh!" Wrenching in ecstatic oblivion, Kon slammed his cock all the way into Cassie's melting pussy and thrashed atop her as his pent-up load of cock cream blasted in hot geysers, flooding her cunt.

For a spellbound moment, all three of them heaved and gasped in completion, until every last twinge of release had been drained from them.

Then, with a husky groan, Kon slumped beside his girlfriend and chuckled happily.

It was only when his shrinking prick slid from her cunt that Cassie remembered M’gann and looked over to see her friend hastily struggling back into her cut-offs.

"Well!" she said in a hoarse laugh, not angry at all. "You finally got what you wanted! I hope you feel included."

Sheepish at being caught and glad her friend wasn't mad, M’gann smiled.

But she hadn't quite got what she wanted just yet.

Even as she fastened her shorts, her mind was on Superboy… and on Wonder Girl.


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