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I have no idea where the idea that Peter Parker and Tony Stark are bestest friends, much less that they're surrogate father and son, has sprung up from. It seems like one of those 'brain bugs' that sci-fi fandom is especially vulnerable to.

As near as I can tell, in the lead-in to Civil War, Peter, Tony, and Steve Rogers were portrayed as what was twisted by the fandom into a 'Superfamily.' Despite the fact that Peter was (surely by now) almost the same age as Steve (and not all that younger than Tony) and also a married man and at one point an expectant father, fandom seemed to fall in love with the idea of him being adopted by Tony and Steve, two other grown men.

Of course, all this was just to make it more impactful when, in the pages of CW, Peter turned on Tony having realized what a villain he was.

Naturally, the movie Civil War decided to skip over that little tidbit and entirely had Tony as a mentor and surrogate father, something Homecoming elaborated on even more--while further infantilizing Peter by 'revealing' that Steve Rogers could've taken him out at any time. The self-sufficient and independent Peter (who actually would've been of use in a big fight) is gone, replaced with Iron Man's Pal, Peter Parker. Quite a quandary for a character whose initial popularity could be traced to him not being a sidekick.

The really odd part is I see little to no reason why Peter should have such tender, loving feelings towards Tony. Yes, Tony is a brilliant scientist. He's also a rake, a scoundrel, an irresponsible jackass, a womanizer, and so on and so forth. All traits you'd think Peter would find unappealing. 

If anything, you'd think Peter would be more of a fanboy of Reed Richards, or even Hank Pym or Bruce Banner. They're men of science, but infinitely more responsible and more inclined to settle down and live peaceably with a good woman, which is Peter's intention too (has he ever really played the field, save for when particularly poorly written?). It seems to me that Peter should valorize Reed Richards... a respected and famed scientific figure with a beautiful, loving wife, adoring children, lifelong friends at his side, and an endless series of scientific adventures--rather than the guy who continuously proves to be his own worst enemy.



It is obvious why -- Iron Man is one of their most bankable heroes with 3 movies. Robert Downey JR is an excellent actor. DIsney (Marvel) sold off the right to the FF so Reed Richards is out. They also don't have the rights to the X-Men so any brilliant mutant scientists are also out. Spiderman is in a weird stage where he is the perpetual juvenile - not paying his bills, paycheck to paycheck, not able to do the things of adulthood because he is always webslinging at the wrong time Or some villain discovers his identity. It is funny how that dosn't seem to affect Tony Stark at all


The other point is that they have always had a difficult time maturing Spiderman. Brian Bendis Ultimate Spiderman was the most successful of the Ultimates for a reason. People like young Spiderman. He is smart but not smart enough to be threatening. He is the downtrodden plucky kid, who gets this magical gift. He fights guys like the Vulture, the Green Goblin, Mysterio - yes, they are villains but they aren't Naxis like the Red Skull or guys who can destroy the universe like Apocalypse, Magneto or any of the blowhard cosmic threats of the FF. It is normal to have Spiderman look up to other heroes because in the books, he looks up to Curt Conners! (that is pretty dated, no?) He is always the boy on the precipe of maturity - a perpetual young adult story. When he gets married, when he has serious villains, it never quite works.


I actually think a very reasonable path for Spiderman would be to have him mature to be a scientist and a teacher - not as gifted as Reed RIchards or as smarmy as Tony Stark but a guy who stands on his own. Without being so ultra grim, he could be to New York like Batman has Gotham - defending his town. He could consult/backup the teams when they need help, but he doesn't need to rely on them. I personally am not a huge fan of the FF - I find the whole Dr Doom shoots himself in the ass all the time to be stupid, and I dont understand the whole Frank Richards storylines. But Parker deserves more respect and less infantilization. And by the way Hank Pym, and living peaceably doesn't really go together. Didn't Pym go nuts with all the Goliath to Ant men to building Ultron in comic land? I don't think Peter Parker should be the non cosmic Reed Richards - he should be his own man. Would be nice if he designed his own tech arsenal - without having to rely on Tony Starks