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The Thing was used to it. It was his curse. He was photogenic. Even when he was trying to enjoy a beer in a nice little Yancy Street pub where everyone had finally gotten used to him, that didn’t stop some tourist from seeing him, realizing who he was, and wanting a picture.

At least it let Ben call himself the idol of millions without making a liar out of Petunia Grimm’s favorite nephew.

“Sure,” he said, waving off the usual effusive entreaties, as Reed might say. “You can get a picture. Big smile or lookin’ P.O.ed?”

“Big smile,” the tourist said, and Ben obligingly put his pearly whites out there as the camera phone centered on them and—



“Are you Thor?”

Jane grinned to herself. She might never get used to that question, but she didn’t really want to. Especially not when adorable little girls like this one—probably near hysterics before she’d arrived to help, and now as happy as a clam—were asking.

“That’s right,” she said, deciding not to bother with the Shakespeare talk. She always figured that was the old guy’s affectation and the old guy’s bag. People got that she was a Lord of the Rings character without that nonsense.

“You mean a girl can be Thor?”

Jane’s smile widened. When she’d taken the job, she hadn’t meant to be some sort of feminist role model, but she supposed it was inevitable. After all, there were a lot of girls who just didn’t see themselves in Sue Storm, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Emma Frost, Spider-Woman, Spider-Girl, Arana, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel…

Well, anyway, it was a man’s world, but if her beating up frost giants showed someone that it didn’t have to be, then it was worth the clobbering she’d taken.

(That frost giant was clearly not a feminist.)

“Sweetie,” Jane said, “a girl can be anything!”

“Whoa!” the little girl said, awestruck. Then, with great care, she reached into her rain coat and brought out a pen. “Can I have your autograph?”

“Of course, kid.” She’d brought along some folded three-hole notebook paper just in case. It’d be easy for the girl to put in a binder when she got home. That was the kind of thoughtfulness the old Thor had never displayed. 

She took hold of the pen and—



The stranger eyed Laura up and down, taking in the ragged fishnets she wore under tight leather shorts, the leather jacket, the bra that was her only covering beneath it. Laura eyed him unapologetically. He wasn’t bad-looking. Not handsome either, but he looked rough enough to be interesting.

She supposed she should tell him she wasn’t a prostitute anymore. But that would really cut into her dating life.

“How much?” he asked her, digging into his pocket.

“How much do you think?”


She rolled her eyes. “Go big or go home. You have a problem going big?”

“Full-service service, huh?” He dug deeper into his pocket. “A hundred.”

If he wasn’t worth her time, he’d at least be worth his hundred. Laura reached out for the bill.



Ben shook the cobwebs out of his head. What’d clobbered him? Where was he?

Then he saw the window. And the planet outside the window.

The fact that it wasn’t Earth didn’t do much to mollify him.

“Hey!” he said, staring at a guy who looked like the one who’d bushwhacked him, only with a porn theater wardrobe and a five o’clock shadow. “You slip me a mickey, ya crummy—“

“Quiet,” a voice came from next to him. The gruffness was familiar, if not the feminine tones. “You’re giving me a headache.”

Ben looked over, into another electric chair dealio, and saw that clone of Wolverine’s had been shanghaied too.

“X-23? You’re here?”

“It’s Wolverine now,” she muttered, irritated. “Just because you haven’t changed your look in twenty years—“

“Both of you be quiet,” another voice came. “You can argue after this asshole has answered my questions!”

Ben looked over again, the other way. Thor… the new Thor who wasn’t Thor, she was Jane in some Bionic Woman body or something, was also strapped into the interior of this spaceship. And the view out the window didn’t look like anything out of NASA, unless the solar system had gotten a nebula without anyone telling him.

Then again, no one ever told him anything. Case in point…

“The lady’s got a point,” Ben said, and heard Jane mutter Lady? in an incredulous tone. “Don’t know if you know this, guy, but all of us got some pretty powerful friends. If we’re not back soon, you’re gonna have the X-Men, Asgard, and last but not least, the Fantastic frickin’ Four comin’ after ya.”

“Not to mention the wrath of Thor!” Jane yelled.

“Yeah,” Laura said, “that.”

“I must-must apologize for the inconvenience. Rest-rest assured, I mean you no harm.”

And just like that, the sleazeball turned into something a lot greener and more tentacle-y and kinda like a T-rex than Ben thought any of them were expecting.

“Aww, great,” he groaned. “Shapeshifters. Probably a lousy Skrull!”

“I am-am no Skrull. My name is Calrun-6, of the Miilrex,” the small, tentacled T-rex said with surprising enunciation for… everything. “I have come to beg for your help.”

“You wanted help, you ask before you load us on the spaceship,” Laura said, to which Jane added a resounding “Yeah!”

“I have-have apologized for that. The Emperor V’rrrx has spies everywhere. I could not chance our plans being discovered. We have-have to have-have the element of surprise!”

“Lemme guess,” Ben said in a rolling-thunder grumble. “You’re a peaceful alien race living on the ass-end of Tattooine, when suddenly some warlord jerkhole parked his fleet on yer planet and took over. You can’t kick him out, so ya want us to do it fer ya.”

“Yes,” Calrun-6 said, managing to project a lot of bemusement for a reptile. “That is-is startlingly specific.”

“Happens all the time. Only question is—“

“Why us?” Jane interrupted. “We’re not on any sort of team together. Why be so random?”

“Actually,” Ben said, “I was gonna ask if he could cut us loose, now that we’re all friends. Gotta drain the tank, ya know.”

“Oh, yes,” Calrun-6 said. “I must-must apologize again…”

He turned his head to the side and abruptly their restrains vanished. Simultaneously, a door opened to a recent approximation of a handicapped stall. As sturdy as it looked, Ben was still glad it was only a number one.

When he came back, Laura had her claws out and Jane had drawn her hammer.

“Grimm!” Jane called. “Tell this reptile that first he takes us back to Earth, then maybe we can talk about—“

“Whoa, whoa!” Ben held up his hands. “I thought we was gonna hear him out. Dat was kinda hand in hand with him letting us up in the first place, right?”

“I don’t owe him anything,” Laura growled.

“You may-may refuse,” Calrun-6 said, “but please, hear-hear us out. I only wanted to wait until Ben Grimm was here as well before explaining…”

“I’ll listen,” Jane said, hefting the hammer onto her shoulder, “but then I’m headed straight back to Earth. And if you don’t listen then, you’re gonna find out just why it’s such a bad idea to grab a woman without her consent!”

Geez-louise, Ben thought to himself, and I thought Reed could stretch…

“Care-care to sit down again?” Calrun-6 asked, apparently electing to ignore the outburst. He still didn’t get any takers. “Very-very well…” He craned his neck again, and a hologram appeared behind him. Ben would’ve thought it was one of those big-ass holograms that let you see a brain tumor or something by blowing it up to the size of a basketball, except for the subject.

“Make my ever-lovin’ day,” he growled. “Dat’s the freakin’ Hulk!”

“So it is-is,” Calrun-6 said.

“He’s on Tattooine?”

“My world’s name is not-not Tattooine, but yes. By all accounts, the Hulk is under the control of Emperor V’rrrx.”

Laura shook her head. “I haven’t heard anything about the Hulk going missing.”

Jane rubbed her chin. “That’s the thing about kidnapping someone who doesn’t want to be found. How do you know he’s even gone?”

“That still don’t explain why you wanted us,” Ben said. “Much as I hate to say it, my win-loss record with that mook ain’t what I’d like it to be.”

“But Thor and Wolverine are-are also his frequent opponents, yes? You fight-fight him to standstills regularly,” Calrun-6 enthused. “So if you all work together, then—“

“Hold up, hold up, wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute there!” Ben interrupted, feeling a headache coming on. “I don’t know where you’ve been getting that intel a yours, but this ain’t the same Thor and Wolverine as you’re thinkin’!”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Jane demanded.

“Yeah,” Laura crossed her arms. “You saying we’re not good enough to take this freak down, three on one?”

“It ain’t like that!” Ben demurred. “Ya just don’t have the same experience as this—“

“Calrun-6,” Calrun-6 said helpfully. “Of seven.”

“As this guy thinks ya do. Thor… errrr, Odinboy—“

“Odinson,” Jane corrected, smirking at him like he’d asked her to prom with a bouquet of dandelions or something. 

“Yeah… he was a God! Immortal! He’d spent thousands of years fightin’ giant monsters even bigger than Hulk before they ever met, and he still got his clock cleaned. And Logan—the real, I mean, the original Wolverine—he was immortal too! Hundreds of years of fightin’ knowhow, but I know for a fact that he got the taste slapped out of his mouth plenty by ol’ green-jeans.”

“So our predecessors couldn’t take him,” Jane asked. “So what? That doesn’t mean we can’t.”

“I don’t care how tough he is,” Laura said. “He has to get in range of my claws before he can touch me. I’ve got just as many as the old man did.”


“And I may not have Th—Odinson’s experience, but I have a Ph D. I’d like to think that a little thoughtfulness is worth all of his bullheadedness.” Jane twisted on Calrun-6. “And frankly, I am… the God of Thunder. It’s a little insulting that you think I need the help of Thing—no offense—to take down the Hulk. He’s just a dumb brute.”

“He’s more canny than you’d think,” Ben pointed out. “Stupid like a fox, ya might say. I ain’t no psychologist, but I know that he’s still got Bruce Banner stuck in his head, and that guy’s one smart cookie!”

“And I’m not?” Jane demanded. “Alright, Grimm, go home if you want. We don’t need you here. Laura, I’d like to personally invite you to come along and help me apprehend the Hulk. Even if I don’t need the back-up, I’d appreciate the company.” Her eyes sizzled at Ben. “I’m sure we have a lot in common, being underestimated by old fossils.”

Ben gave in and loomed over her. Tall she might’ve been, but she was no Thor, and even he’d been a head under the ever-loving blue-eyed Thing. “Hey now, I can take a lot of joshing, but the rock stuff is outta line!”

Jane got into his face as well. “So you can dish out all this sexist tripe, but you can’t take it?”

“It ain’t that you’re girls, it’s that this is the frickin’ Hulk! Ya ain’t got no idea what yer up against here!”

“I fought the new Hulk,” Laura said. “The ‘totally awesome’ one. If he’s anything like the old one, two of us is overkill.”

“Shall I arrange-arrange for transportation back to your home world?” Calrun-6 asked. “The two women seem-seem confident all is in hand.”

“No way!” Ben grumbled. “I ain’t letting anyone get into the ring with that monster without me there to step in if things get hairy.”

Jane grinded her teeth. “As I said—we don’t need your help.”


How the hell had this happened? On some distant planet, the Hulk had shown up being mind-controlled by the local tyrant. That made sense. To fight him, the resistance had gone for some of his most successful opponents, assuming they weren’t pure evil—no desire to replace one tyrant with another. They’d come up with the Thing, X-23, and her. That seemed like a good enough team to at least break through the mind control. 

Only it hadn’t worked out that way. Thing had had his face half-shattered like a brick dropped off a building. X-23 had been punched for miles, to heal on another continent. And she’d been knocked through a forest of sharp, jagged stones, her superstrong body reducing them to rubble, even as her costume tore and was rent from her flesh. When she came to a stop, it was hanging half off her, literally, exposing one breast and a buttock on the same side.

When the Hulk came in for a landing, ready to continue the fight, he got sidetracked by her nudity. Something stirred in his purple pants, and at the size it was, she would’ve noticed it even if he’d stayed put.

“Girl,” he said, as if realizing for the first time. With her costume before, and his berserker rage, maybe he hadn’t. “Pretty girl… hair…” At least he seemed to be calming. Her sexuality had him too distracted to keep raging. A little flattering, actually.

“Yes, I… have hair…”

His big, blunt hand reached out and ran through Jane’s long blonde hair, Hulk moaning as he felt its softness even though his callused fingers. “Soft… pretty… Hulk like soft pretty girl…”

“And… she likes you too, H-Hulk…”

The Hulk’s erection was a barely contained force, straining the crotch of his pants, and he picked at the painful constriction, seeking to ease his discomfort. After a grunt, Hulk gripped the material and ripped it off himself, allowing his prick to leap out. It was racehorse eager to begin. 

Jane was beginning to panic as she stared at the pillar of Hulk’s enormous cock, gleaming in the sunlight. It looked as obscenely muscular as the rest of him, the veins bulging like fat snakes, the cockhead ready to explode, all of it throbbing and jerking and she was sure that it would never fit inside her tiny body. She just had to try though. She had to make it fit. If making Hulk cum wouldn’t calm him down, nothing would.

Still, that didn’t mean she had to let him fuck her, Jesus Christ, that thing would never fit. But maybe she could suck on it… she’d taken some pretty big bites of things in the past. This wasn’t any different… and at least she’d be able to sit down afterwards…

“Here, Hulk… fuck me here…” 

Jane opened her mouth as wide as she could, letting her tongue dangle and drip, and almost before a strand of saliva could clear the opening, Hulk stuffed his cockhead right in.

She couldn’t breathe anymore. It was like swallowing a man’s fist! Her jaws ached from the strain, and all she had in her mouth was the tip!

“Eat Hulk cock! Eat Hulk cock more!” Hulk forced his cock in further, and Jane gagged and choked, nearly fainting for lack of air. “Suck! Suck on Hulk cock!”

Just when all was going dark, when Jane knew she was going to pass out, her throat relaxed and Hulk’s cock sank into her throat. Jane could feel it stretch, feel it bulge, actually reached up and disbelievingly felt how her throat had expanded with its passageway stuffed full of cock. She wasn’t fucking this thing, she was masturbating him! She was being used as a goddamn sex toy!

Hulk grunted and slipped his cock back out, allowing Jane to gulp air before he forced his member back in. The cockhead went deep into her gullet; Jane gagged and sputtered, feeling the center of the disturbance moving down her body.

Hulk was standing over her now, pushing straight down into her upturned mouth like he was working a jackhammer, and the ache in Jane’s jaws intensified, a storm in her stomach as she was literally intubated with his precum. She could hear her stomach rumbling with indigestion, see the bulge jiggling her breasts as it pursued her last meal into her belly.

“Yes. Pretty girl eat good! Hulk give pretty girl lots to eat! Get Hulk white stuff. Find white stuff deep in Hulk cock!”

Hulk eased his cock out again, allowing her air before he fucked it back in. His balls, the size of grapefruits, mashed against her chin. As he worked his cock in and out, it felt to Jane like an arm sliding between her mouth and gullet. 

Hulk put his hands on his hips. He swayed back and forth, his deeply inserted cock actually carrying Jane out from between his legs and onto her feet—she grabbed for his shredded pants to hold herself in place as he slid his cock in and out, watching it fuck her mouth.

Jane gazed up at him, seeing his expression of relaxing pleasure, watching the muscles of his abdomen ripple. He clasped his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, as if resting his head and reveling in the sensations streaming through his cock as he pleasured it down in Jane’s belly. His biceps flexed and a sauna-like trickle of sweat ran down his forehead. It was working! She was calming him down!

She wished she’d skipped lunch, though. She needed all the room she could get to take his cock any further.

“Good mouth… good suck… Hulk fuck mouth all day.” Then his face twitched into anger. “No! Take too long! Girl suck harder! Make Hulk cum now! Hulk want cum now!”

Jane growled, munching, sucking, licking. The taste was overpowering, musky, almost disgusting, but savoring despite it all. Maybe it was just how hard she was telling herself that once she made him come, it’d be over. She’d never met a man yet who didn’t clock out once he’d gotten off.

Her head vibrated as Hulk's cock quivered in her mouth. It actually excited her when Hulk's cock flexed, when it throbbed. His precum ran down her throat. It tasted good. Sweet and thick. Maybe it was just her determination to make him come, but she craved the taste of his seed. She'd never hungered for anything more in her life.

Hulk looked more delirious by the moment. His face flushed deeply, his eyes became more and more glazed, and he moaned as if slowly relaxing a kinked up body..

"Girl will like Hulk’s cum… Hulk have lot of cum for pretty girl…" Jane could just make out Hulk's thick toes curling against the ground. She longed to embrace his legs and ass, to cling to him as she sucked his cock and brought him off, but she had a better idea. Instead of clutching at Hulk, she clutched at herself. She rammed three fingers up her pussy and started to jill off in earnest. 

Hulk pulled his cock out until only the head remained in her mouth. "Lick the back of Hulk’s knob!" he gasped. "Hulk like when girl lick! Girl lick for Hulk!"

He forced his cock all the way in, and when he pulled it out, he let Jane lap at the rear of his cockhead before he shoved it back in. As she slicked there, his cock stiffened and quivered as if it would explode.

"Lick!" he muttered as he pulled it out, then moaned as he rammed it back in.

Jane's face ran with sweat. She could hardly breathe, but she worked as she never had in her life, sucking, munching, licking as Hulk had told her to. She wanted his cum! She'd die if she didn't taste his cum!

"Girl makes lots of cum in Hulk!" Hulk gasped. He slipped his cock in and out, his body shaking all over. "Hulk give all to girl!”

He rammed his cock all the way down Jane's gullet and rattled violently, throwing his fists up in the air as his cock flexed powerfully and ejected his cum.


Jane couldn't believe it! The Hulk was feeding her his cum! She had to swallow fast to keep from choking as the hot thick fluid filled her throat again and again. Hulk's cock shook with each ejaculation, and Jane felt pleasure streaming through her mouth and throat and gullet and tits—as if some of Hulk's orgasmic sensations were shooting into Jane's own flesh. 

Her head filled with the taste and smell of steaming cum, Jane finger-fucked herself to a frenzy of excitement. As she swallowed a fresh round of hot jism, she started to shake and jerk with her own orgasm. She moaned loudly, her young body saturated with pleasure. The juice gushed from her madly contracting cunt. She wanted to die!

Hulk humped at her face, the bulge of his cock jumping in her abdomen until he'd milked out all his cum and lust. Jane could actually feel it warming her sex—there was no way… no way he’d actually come that far into her.

Then he sighed, sliding his cock out of her throat and mouth. His cock flopped down heavily over his balls, dripping with cum and spit.

Jane coughed up some of his cum. A lot of his cum. She thought she’d never stop tasting it, smelling it, God! Some of it had ended up trickling out of her nostrils, more smearing on her face as she wiped at herself. Her lips felt gummy and nerveless. She’d really sucked all that out of him…

“Okay then… you’re happy now, right Hulk? Nice and calm now that you’ve busted a nut? Why don’t you take a nap? A nice, quiet nap…”

“Girl look good with Hulk cum all over her,” he leered. “Hulk has more cum for girl. Hulk made girl full of cum, big as him!”

“No, Hulk, that was… that’s enough. I’ve had enough cum—“

“Hulk give girl more cum!” he snarled. “Girl take Hulk’s cum now!”

He spun her around and had her bent over on the ground before she could react. He ripped away what remained of her costume to unveil her smooth, silky ass. A massive hand pressed into the fevered flesh, then stroked over the curves.

“Girl take Hulk’s cum in ass…”

“No, Hulk, don’t! I… I’ve never had a man’s cock up there before! You’ll hurt me!”

“It not hurt. It feel good. Hulk feel good…”

She tried to turn around, to reason with him—he could fuck her pussy, that thought was arousing in comparison, she even thought she was wet enough. But her ass? That was sick!


Hulk held her firmly down. As she tried to close her legs, she found his feet placed inside of hers. She was spread wide and couldn’t move to close her gaping cunt.

“Girl not worry. Hulk do all work. Girl feel good like Hulk.”

She gasped, feeling his prick come against her cunt from behind. The blunted tip of his cock pushed inside her; she went limp and fell forward. It didn’t feel bad. It didn’t feel bad at all!

“Yes, Hulk, fuck me good! You can fuck my pussy all you want!”

“Hulk like pussy. Pussy nice. Pussy hot. Pussy tight.” He stroked back and forth a few times, making sure he was liberally coated in her ample juices. “Hulk fuck it too.”


He pulled out of her cunt with a wet sound. She started to protect, then gasped, almost choking on her own sharply taken breath. The thick girth of his manhood pressed between the twin globes of her ass, searching for her anus.

“Don’t! Hulk, please, don’t fuck me up the ass!”

“Hulk not fucking up ass. Hulk fucking into ass.”

She felt his cock slipping smoothly into the humid canyon between her buttocks, down to her perineum. When he found the bottom of that valley, he dragged himself upward, his precum warm and slimy on her skin like he was spreading butter over her. It didn’t take him long to find the tightly puckered opening he’d been looking for.

Jane gasped again, feeling his cockhead pressing hard into her asshole. She tensed up, not sure if she should try to fight him or to relax and make his passage less painful. She couldn’t imagine she could keep him out, but she also didn’t imagine there was any way she could take him. He was just too big! How could he fit!?

Jane shook her head, trapped by the impossible dilemma, and her hair made a wild halo of gold all around her head. She didn’t want this. She hadn’t asked for it—she never would, either.

But he wasn’t going to stop. No matter how she struggled, he held her firmly pinned down. With his hands on her buttocks, drawing them open, he controlled her completely. She couldn’t even close her legs. His feet were practically standing on them, holding them apart.

The blunt glans nudged harder and harder into her asshole, which had never seemed so small, virtually impenetrable. Nonetheless, she felt the slippery tip moving into her. As much as she clenched, as much as she denied, her muscles weren’t designed to keep out such a persistent invasion. Almost as if she’d been drugged, the muscle resigned and relaxed, and she was suddenly filled with a searing hot cock.

Jane screamed. She couldn’t help it. One second, she was fighting off his cock, the next, it was surging hot and fast into her asshole. The burning sensation passed and she felt real pain under it. He had ripped her. He’d ensured she’d bleed to death. Nothing else could feel so horrible.

But then the pain went away. It was replaced by a warmth such as she had never known before. It was inside her. It was deep, deep inside.

“It’s… it’s good,” she finally admitted.

“Hulk have big cock. Girl like big cock.”

Jane tried to relax, somewhat assured that Hulk wouldn’t hurt her. He’d fuck her, he’d come inside her, but if she went with the flow, the pain would steadily become pressure, and the pressure she could take. It had already started happening, the feeling of his cock rammed into her ass growing… nice. She wasn’t torn and bleeding. That was simply the friction of his entry up her tightly held asshole.

“It’s so biiig in me! Your cock is filling me up all the way!”

Jane ducked her head, unable to hold it up, and saw her stomach bulging downward as it made room for his cock inside her anus. It looked like she had a goddamn beer belly, like she was fucking pregnant!

“Hulk make room in you for Hulk’s cum!

His words thrilled her. She might actually get off on that—

She began wiggling her ass, gently at first, then with rising confidence. The girthy stiffness inside her stirred lazily as she rotated her ass around it. Her anus periodically clamped down around his shaft, sending shudders of pain through her body, but she could ignore them. Christ, she felt like nothing more than a sleeve for his cock, but if it got him off…

There was a loose feeling to her bowels that had never been there before. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not. She knew she did like the nearness of his cock, its warmth, the vibrant lust it somehow inspired within her. When he started to pull out of her rectum, she cried in pain. It felt as if he were dragging her guts with him, turning her inside out!

“Girl relax,” he cautioned. “Hulk be back.”

She tried. It wasn’t easy. She let the prick slip from her ass until only the purpled hood of his glans remained inside her asshole, as tight as a noose around it. Then he came surging into her again.

Her inner fires had fuel dumped all over them. She came alive and moved with him. Without even thinking she rammed her ass back to meet his forward stroke. Their bodies wetly smacked together as his cock vanished into her rectum, becoming an impossible burgeoning of her lower body. She felt like she was stretched tight around his cock, being worn by it like a fucking condom!

“So tiiiight!” Hulk moaned. “Hulk love fucking nice tight place.”

He began fucking her ass with all the power Jane could take. She loved every second of it. Same parts were close to being torture. Whenever he pulled that mighty prick from her, it felt as if the vacuum would cause her to collapse.

And then he fucked into her again. That was worth any amount of torture. She started rubbing her ass against his legs. It amazed her how well the curve of her ass fit his crotch. Just as if they were cut out and made for this type of butt fucking. She really got it when his cock started spiraling and twisting into her.

"More," she begged. "Give me all you can!"

"Girl good fuck! Good fuck for Hulk!”

Jane lost herself in the wonderland of sensations rippling through her young body. She thought she'd felt everything in the way of sex. Before, it had repulsed her to think of a man cornholing her. Not now. She knew the full joy of having that meaty girth sailing deep and fast into her asshole.

She stretched her arms out straight over her head. Every time he slammed hard into her ass, she pressed down into the ground. This crushed her tits, still held in the confines of her bra. Stimulated across her tits as well as up her ass, she felt the sexual energies flowing in her body.

When she reached the point where the tensions were too great, she let go and came.

It was a bigger climax than she'd ever experienced before. She didn't know if it was because she had been so uptight before the Hulk had come, or if it was due to the unique new way of fucking he had shown her.

She didn't care. All she wanted to do was enjoy.

The woman began tossing her head from side to side. She could press her face down into the grains of sand forming her pillow. This kept the sweat from beading up on her forehead. Her entire body was straining, sweat-covered, hot.

Her tits felt like balloons, which had been overinflated. Digging her fingers into the earth, she gripped and stretched, then rammed her ass back to meet the incoming freight train that was his fucking prick.

"More, damn you! Burn me up with your cock!"

His hands stroked along her sides, outlining her ribs, pressing into her belly as he gripped her to pull her body into his. With his cock bulging outward from there, it was like he was masturbating himself with her forming a thin layer between hand and manhood, like she was a tissue he was jerking off with!

Jane spread her legs even wider. This tightened her asshole even more around his prick. He was driving hard and fast now, the friction searing both his cock and her asshole.

She started rotating her ass in the direction opposite to the way he was drilling into her. The two motions produced the most erotic sensations the woman had ever felt.

Every time he spread her inner membrane was both torture and delight. The friction against her well-stretched rectum filled her with heat that spread like wildfire up her spine to explode with blinding light in her brain.

She came.

It was the most intense sensation she'd ever in her life. Sure, she had tried all kinds of sexy things. She'd thought she was experienced in ways her body reacted.

This was different. It filled her guts in surprisingly unique way. And she couldn't get enough of that cock filling her to overflowing.

Running it in and out of her bowels was sheer delight. She loved the way it pressed into the rubbery inner membrane and moved her guts in new enchanting ways. The patterns inside were as old as time. By the way his cock pushed her around wasn't.

It was something to make her remember the night for a long, long time. She shivered as his cock pulsed wildly inside her ass.

Tightening her muscles, she clamped down firmly on his prick. He gasped and she felt his immediate reaction. She knew it must feel like a straitjacket around the head of his cock the way she tightened her muscles. It made her smile a little thinking she was giving him even a portion of the joy he was giving her.

“Girl stop! Hulk almost come!”

“Want you to come,” Jane replied, feeling a little monosyllabic herself. “I want to feel your cum splashing into my stomach. I want to be white inside and out!”

“Hulk like white girl…”

"Shit," was the only comment she made.

His hips went berserk. He pulled out of her tightly held anus and then rammed in, deeper than before. It felt like he was going to drive that spike of cock into her so far it would come out her mouth.

But that was okay. She could suck on the end of it while he continued fucking her. This was just about perfect. And to think she hadn't wanted him butt fucking her!

His fingers slipped under her thrashing body. When she realized he was seeking out her clit, she almost came. His fingers pressed firmly into her drenched flesh. And when he did find the tiny little nub, she sobbed in an emotional outpouring.

It was as if two white hot pokers were being jabbed into her guts. He was sodomizing her with long, smooth strokes. Every time his cock vanished into her asshole, she felt a burning surge blast through her body. And now his fingers were giving her an equally intense lightning bolt of pleasure as he diddled her clit.

He had her caught between two immensely exciting sources of pleasure. And he played her like a fish caught on a line.

"My... my belly! I'm burning up. It's like napalm inside me!"

“Hulk fuck you! Hulk fuck your ass! Hulk make all white!”

She didn't believe he could fuck her ass any faster. She was wrong. He exploded in a wild frenzy of activity that made her ass burn with an inner fire that refused to be quenched. And his fingers rolled her tiny clitoris around until she was gasping, unable to catch her breath.

Her entire body erupted in a blaze of orgasm. He kept her on the ultimate pinnacle until she was drenched in sweat and emotionally and physically exhausted.

Then he came.

The surge of his jism into her ultra-sensitive asshole reignited her fire. They rocked through a mutual orgasm until she felt his cum leaking out around the plug of his cock. But it didn’t stop there. As her guts roiled and groaned in distress, she felt her stomach revolt. Perhaps it was all the cum she had swallowed before—perhaps he had cum into her bowels so much that her body had to clear her space—perhaps he was even coming right through her, like he was a fire hydrant and she was the hose. But she tasted bittersweet bile in the back of his throat and realized it was his semen as she vomited it up, each flooding wave corresponding to a throb of the bulging cock in her belly. Jane felt like she was being purged, giving up the overfull feeling of having taken his enormous load, even though she knew there would always be some of his seed inside her. That she would taste him and smell him forever after this. She was practically marked as his cum bucket for all time. And she was orgasming from it; squirting like his cum was exploding out of her in her cunt too.

He was slowly deflating and leaving her asshole empty and burned out. But she didn't care. He'd given her what she needed. She wished she could simply curl up and go to sleep. But Hulk was still hard.

“Hulk…” she said, unwilling to let it all be for nothing, speaking with a hoarse throat and in a voice that stirred the cum on her lips into a froth. “Fuck my pussy now, Hulk. Finish me off…”

She was too limp to possibly move, drained completely from the ordeal of having both his mammoth load and his oversized cock in her body at once. Hulk was worn out too, moving slowly and dully as he fell onto his ass. He picked her up in one hand, the fingers fisted around her waist, and lowered her lovely wet pussy onto his upright manhood.

Jane tried to spread her thighs as wide apart as she could, straining her ligaments unnaturally, but that discomfort was quickly forgotten when Hulk brought her down on his cock. 

“Aaaggghhhh! It’s too much! Too much!”

Hulk was deaf to her pleas. He only quickened his pace, stimulated by Jane’s shrieks. Despite her protests, he felt his cock plunging in deeper and deeper as her sex expanded for him.

“Take… it… pretty… girl…” he groaned in between strokes. He held his head still and his face contorted in ecstasy as he enjoyed the syrupy warmth of her splayed cunt.

“Hulk! Hulk!” she screamed, shaking her head from side to side. But as his cock continued hammering deep into her pussy, Jane forgot about everything except the waves of pleasure that rushed through her ravaged cunt. Balling up her fists, she beat frantically at the hand that covered her midsection. At the same time, she tried to hunch her tiny ass down to meet his frantic strokes. She got what she wanted, she came, but the ragged feeling of it, fraught with pain, told her that her pussy might well have been ruined by taking such an ungodly fucking.

She didn’t care. Even when it hurt, it felt good. She kept screaming, Hulk’s name, cries of enjoyment, confused demands for him to stop, even entreaties to her mother and father, before she finally stopped screaming. She had passed out.

And still Hulk fucked her, well-sated, well-satisfied, but curious to see just how much of his cum her body could hold inside.


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