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The argument had been going on for nearly an hour when Emma decided to end it. Scott the younger—Emma had taken to referring to him simply as Scott, for he bore far more of a resemblance to the man she’d fallen in love with than the black-swathed man she now saw only as ‘Cyclops’—was arguing passionately. “How come when there are Sentinels flying around everywhere because Senator Kelly was assassinated, it’s fine to go back in time to change that, but now, when things are nearly as bad, it’s suddenly so damn important to preserve the timeline?” “This isn’t about fixing the timeline,” Cyclops insisted calmly. He did almost everything calmly these days. “This is about you having a juvenile crush and you’re better than that.” “I’m better than that? So better that I have to stay with Jean, who doesn’t even like me anymore—you’re going to have to brainwash her into liking me when you send her back!—all so I can end up in a loveless marriage with her and cheat on her with some villainess!” He glanced at Emma. “No offense.” “None taken,” Emma said. “Come with me, please.” Cyclops had known her long enough to do as she said, and Scott respected his elders enough to follow along. They continued their discussion on the space-time continuum, all but citing chapter and verse of Star Trek, as Emma led them to the appropriate room. “What is this place?” Scott asked, seeing multiple security monitors displaying views all throughout the mansion. “Take it from me, you X-kids have lost the right to privacy many times over,” Emma said. She sat down at one of the few consoles, cuing up a feed on the main display. “Laura Kinney, right? You couldn’t at least have the good taste to fall for one of my Cuckoos—it had to be Wolverine’s bastard daughter.” “She’s a very nice lady!” Scott protested. Arms crossed, he glanced at Cyclops. “Would you prefer I ask out Psylocke?” “Watch it.” “No, watch this,” Emma quipped, bringing up Laura’s room on the monitor. Scott glanced at the display and his arms immediately dropped from their fold. “Is that…?” *** Warren Worthington III looked up into the face of Laura Kinney as he fucked upward into her incredibly tight sex. His naked body, all sweat and muscle, was prostate underneath her, his wings spread to either side of the bed. Despite his substantial size, Laura’s face registered neither pain or ecstasy at taking him to the hilt. Instead, there was a kind of wonder. She was leaning down, her hands steeped to either side of him, running over his feathers as she rode him with educated hips. “Laura, fuck, this is so goddamn great.” He was babbling. “You’re so fucking tight, it’s so nice!” He knew he was babbling, but her cunt was unbelievably tight, while still open enough to let him push in and out without difficulty, a velvet-sheathed vise. “My healing factor restores my vagina,” she announced, continuing her hypnotic swaying above Warren, hot jagged pleasure flooding his loins while something odd and tapering tickled at his feathers where her fingertips brushed them. He took one last look at the pink little mound bouncing on his pelvis, then let his head fall back in a long moan. Laura smiled at the effect she was having, continuously sliding herself up and down his helplessly thrusting cock. Warren was moaning louder and louder, and she knew this meant he would come soon. His wings flapped a little, as hopelessly bound to her hard-working body as the rest of him, as his jerking hips, as his gathering cries. She liked the crackle of his wings in the air, their twitch like the pleasure she was giving him was pumping electricity into them. She threw herself down onto his pristinely cut abs, the soft down of golden hair across his chest tickling at her breasts. His wings beat at the air as she slammed her pelvis down painfully hard on his “This is so fucking great!” Warren cried. “You’re the best I’ve ever had!” “Thank you,” Laura said politely. *** In the security room, Scott stared wide-eyed at the fucking that was going on just down the room from him. He could see Warren’s cock, slippery-wet as it was struck by Laura’s sex over and over again. He felt a hot, guilty desire squirm inside him every time he made out a flash of Laura’s pink cunt, her hard nipples, anything in the blur of motion that was X-23 atop Warren’s body. She was bucking and humping over him almost like a rodeo rider. Only one thing pulled him away from the sight. He felt Emma’s eyes on him and looked over to meet them, only for her gaze to flicker down to his crotch and the burgeoning erection that had started there. Scott forced his attention back to the screen. *** Laura felt an orgasm welling up inside her—a tingle like her healing factor was fixing something broken deep within. As young as this Warren was, he was experienced with women, his cock rubbing perfectly against her clit, and she knew it wouldn’t be long. “Would you like me to come now? Would you like me to tell you how hard I’m coming?” she asked him. “A lot of men like that.” The reddened grimace on Warren’s face bobbed up and down in a nod. Laura’s callused fingers, the one hard part of her perpetually softened skin, shot down to Warren’s throat and choked him. Power and control flooded through her, the thought of a kill. Every nerve-ending in her body was switching on, a jolt of endorphins flooding through her. Her face was feral as she gritted out: “This is it! This is fucking it! Fuck me with that big cock and I’ll come, fuck me, do it to me, make me—Warren! I’m coming! Fuck, I’m gonna come right now!” Her adamantium claws shot from her knuckles as she came, her chokehold on Warren sending them harmlessly into the pillow to either side of his head. She gyrated wildly, a stripper at the climax of her act, yelling hoarsely as she released Warren’s throat. With a sharp intake of breath, he came into her clenching sex, moaning relievedly as Laura retracted her hands, claws running lightly over the muscles of his chest and shoulders. With a last huffing exhale, a deep inhale, and finally a growl, Laura collapsed on top of him. Atop his chest she was in a pool of sweat, her own and his. When Warren’s wings coiled, closing around both of them, it was a blessedly cool feeling. *** “That son of a bitch,” Scott swore, pounding his fist on the security room’s control console—not knowing the sensitive electronics it now possessed that he was jostling. “He knew I liked Laura, he knew… think optic-blasting his wings off would change the future?” “Actually…” Emma said. “Calm down,” Cyclops told him. “You’re not the only one she’s been two-timing. Someone else wants a word with her first.” “Yes,” Emma added. “Let my little Hellion soften her up a bit first. Perhaps this will mute your feelings of rejection. If you’ll excuse me…” *** Laura was almost asleep, ignoring the nearing presence until it actually came in and decided to speak. “Well, this is a novel approach to teen pregnancy,” Emma said, effortlessly sweeping into Warren’s room. “Knock the little bitch up, then go back in time so you’re actually old enough to be a father by the time you meet up again.” “Ms. Frost!” Warren jumped up, inopportunely depositing Laura on the damp sheets. “We—she’s on birth control!” “Oh, be quiet, Warren, you’re an embarrassment to your class.” Emma waved a hand at him, switching his mind off. He fell from the bed. “And your mutation is simply embarrassing. Ms. Laura, you’ve been a very naughty girl.” Laura looked at her evenly. “One to talk?” “I reserve my carnal manipulations for adults. You, on the other hand, have been threatening the stability of this school with your tiresome love quadrangle. The only fitting punishment I can see is having you make good on your innuendo.” Emma stepped out of the doorway. Julian Keller was right behind her. His artificial hands creaked and moaned with the powerful telekinetic force flowing through them. “So this is why you couldn’t go on a date with me—why you kept stringing me along, I missed you, I’m not good at relationships. You were banging the O5 before they left! Then, what, you were going to latch onto me until you get bored? What then, start in on the girls to make sure you never ran out of a fresh supply!?” Laura shrugged. “You don’t like girls?” “Laura,” Emma said crossly, “please get down on your knees and open your mouth. You seem to have knack for that.” She put a consoling hand on Julian’s shoulder. “Hellion, I should think fucking Ms. Kinney’s face will make you feel better. It can be an important learning experience for both of you.” “I don’t want a blowjob from her! I can get a blowjob from anyone!” Julian growled. “What I want is to slap my cock in this little slut’s face like I should’ve done the first time we met! If someone as pitiful as Worthington got her into bed, maybe that would’ve actually worked!” Emma ruffled his hair. “A marvelous idea, Hellion. Have at it.” Unzipping his pants, Julian stepped forward. Laura watched as he drew a thick slab of cock out of his fly, watching until he slapped it across her face. It didn’t hurt. Emma stopped Julian with a hand on his shoulder. “Soft. How embarrassing, Ms. Kinney—your naked body can’t even make a hormonal teenager hard. It’s almost as if a female version of Wolverine were an unattractive prospect. Amend the situation immediately so that your punishment can continue.” Understanding, Laura lowered her lips to the head of Julian’s cock. It instantly shot up, half-hard, as she accepted it into her mouth. Julian experimentally invaded Laura’s mouth, as if ready to pull back if she tried to bite him. Then, more confidently, he explored all the new territory open to him in the warm cavern of her mouth. He ran his cockhead along her tongue, stuck it into the slick hollows of her cheeks. As it got harder, he probed to the back of her throat. Laura instinctively tried to get away, but Emma held her firmly in place with a handful of hair balled up in her fist. The White Queen’s other hand traced along Laura’s lips and cheeks, feeling gleefully at Julian’s hardening manhood inside. “Suck his cock, Ms. Kinney,” Emma urged, pulling Laura forward by her dark hair until she’d taken another four inches inside her mouth. Laura chocked a little, but Emma didn’t let up. “Pretend he’s given you a crisp twenty-dollar bill. Did you know that Laura used to be a whore, Julian? Well, she still is, but it used to be she at least had the decency to charge for it. A world-class assassin, sucking cock on the street for pocket change. Boggles the mind, doesn’t it? Did you like it, Laura? Is that why? Was the money just an excuse to let yourself be fucked by anyone who’d bother?” Julian took the initiative, plunging three more brutalizing inches down Laura’s throat. “Answer her!” he yelled, and Laura weakly nodded her submission. “I knew it!” He slammed his palms on the sides of her head, as hard as a slap, and forced his cock the rest of the way in. Laura couldn’t breathe, Julian’s cock jammed down her throat, cutting off her hair. She was good at sucking cock, but even her roughest customers used to set a rhythm. Julian just held himself in there, suffocating her as Emma rubbed Laura’s face in his pubic hair. The two smiled down at her as her eyes began to bulge. Emma kissed Julian on the cheek and he flexed his cock inside her tight throat. “Excellent work, Hellion!” Emma enthused. “I think you’re really showing this little whore her place. She’s useless as an X-Man, of course. All of Wolverine’s bad habits, none of his skills. Perhaps she’d be better suited to being the team slut. We could cool down after missions by fucking her, and even with Beast’s big prick splitting her open, she’d be tight as a virgin the next day thanks to her healing factor.” “But what if she enjoys it too much?” Julian asked. “She’s such a whore, she might wander around the mansion, distracting X-Men with how much she needs cock.” “That’s true. Best to teach her that she isn’t an X-Man, she’s barely even a person, just a piece of meat we’ve graciously allowed to stay with us, who can make herself useful by sucking and fucking however few people are interested in her disgusting carcass. Show her, Hellion. Show Ms. Kinney what she’s worth.” Julian’s rock-hard cock was ripped away from Laura. She actually missed it; having resigned herself to having him come down her throat, now she felt interrupted, disappointed, denied. He grabbed its impressive length at the base and whipped it to the side, slapping Laura across the face with his cock. She moaned, not so much from the pain as from feeling his heated hardness, her own slimy saliva, striking her cheek. He slapped her other cheek, then dragged his cock slowly over her face, marking it with precum. Laura gave in and moaned, feeling his cock claim her face just as it had her mouth. Then he slapped her again, over and over again, until Laura’s face was flush and his cock was purple in its hardness. Emma was rubbing Julian’s chest, enjoying the show. Her mouth fell open in a hungry moan as Julian grabbed Laura by the hair, jerked her head back, making her mouth obediently drop. He jabbed his cock into her mouth as it surged. “Eat some cum, you dumb whore,” and Laura got her first taste of hot cum since her days as a prostitute. “You could use some goddamn meat on your bones.” She was swallowing a man’s cum again. Laura remembered Zebra Daddy, the parties, the hot flush of her contentment with her own debasement. She choked and coughed, more at that than from the ropy blasts going down her throat. Julian’s cockhead slipped from Laura’s mouth, then his cum was everywhere, over her face, in her hair, even covering one of her eyes. All she could see, taste, or smell was cum. “Stupid cow!” Julian shouted, slapping her again with his still-exploding cock, cum bolting against her cheek as he struck it. “Couldn’t even swallow it! No wonder you quit being a whore; you’re not even good for that!” He aimed at her other eye, forcing a last jet of cum out against her closed eyelid. Matronly, Emma wiped the last of his cum from his cockhead with her fingers, Laura obligingly licking them clean for her. Then she tucked Julian’s manhood away and zipped him up. “Very good,” Emma said. “Very good indeed. That’s exactly how you show a scurrilous little whore like this one who’s in charge. Now, let’s see if we can find you a girlfriend you can build a life with.” She led Julian away, her arm around his shoulders. “Whatever happened to that nice Sophia girl? You were quite the charming couple.” They opened the door to leave, stepping past both versions of Cyclops. They walked in, Scott seeing Laura with cum covering her face, spilling out of her sex. Calmly, Laura began to lick herself clean. “It’s not her fault,” Cyclops said. “It’s how she was raised. Her time as a sex worker. She’s just not capable of love or fidelity, towards you or Warren.” He walked around the bed, stepping over the unconscious Warren, to open up the nightstand and pull out a box of wetnaps. He tossed them to Laura. Understanding, she began to clean herself off. “Of course, it’s fine for you to sow your wild oats and have some fun—you’re young, after all. But it can’t go beyond that.” Laura watched Cyclops as she cleaned off her cunt. In his thirties, he was even more attractive than he was as a teenager, burly and dark-haired, powerfully muscled. He’d begun to unzip his bodysuit, a zipper traveling right down the center of his chest. Open at the neck, she could see the thick dark hairs of his body and wanted to see more. Emma came back then, shutting the door behind her, locking it securely. “Good, you haven’t started yet. Tell me, Scott, have you had a chance to learn much yet?” “Not really,” Scott admitted. “We’ve just…” He purposefully looked away from Laura. “Fooled around some.” “We’ll continue your lesson now,” Cyclops said, continuing to undress, Laura and Emma watching with veiled, lustful fascination. Without his constricting uniform, Cyclops was virile-looking, powerfully built. Laura’s eyes got huge, seeing him peel his briefs down over his erection. “Laura, on the bed. On your back.” Laura got back on the bed, lying back on the pile of pillows she had eviscerated earlier. She bent her knees. She opened her legs wide. Cyclops crawled between them, bringing his face within an inch of her wet sex. Laura couldn’t help herself. Feeling Scott’s hot breath on her slit, she writhed in anticipation. “Pay close attention,” Emma told Scott. “This is called ‘cunnilingus.’” “I’m watching,” Scott said eagerly. He’d always been a good student. He intended to learn how to please women every bit as well as he knew calculus or biology. He bent down as close as he could, watching intently as Cyclops lashed his tongue over Laura’s slit. She squealed in involuntary delight, her pale skin flushing all over, her pretty face contorting into a helpless grimace. Cyclops had been involved with more than one telepath, and all had learned the benefits of beaming exactly what they liked into Scott Summers’ mind. And as perceptive a leader as Cyclops was knew quickly what worked and what didn’t. Laura, he determined, was far more a Psylocke than a Madeline Pryor. Emma sat down on the bed, petting Laura’s hair as the girl clamped down on her moans. Psychically linking to X-23, Emma experienced the wonders of oral sex as if for the first time, lazily stroking herself through her suit as she voiced what Laura wouldn’t. “She loves it, Mr. Summers. Don’t stop.” Scott watched in wonder. Just a few seconds and Laura was wild with excitement; instant horniness. Cyclops flicked his tongue all over Laura’s tender pink flesh, as if lathering it with his saliva, and she melted, gone lovingly submissive, enjoying everything he did to her. He’d definitely like to do that to Jean. Emma tapped Cyclops on the head. “I think our young friend wants to try.” Cyclops looked up. His cock was stiff as a board, and Emma could sense how horny he was, but the man was adamant about making this a learning experience for his younger self. It would make no difference in the long run, but for the short time they had together, it would make Jean’s life better, Madeline happier, Psylocke and Emma and all the rest… Cyclops moved out of the way and, speechless, Scott took his place, belly down between Laura’s well-spread legs. Laura gurgled. Emma didn’t bother to translate; just gave a smile. Scott was imitating his older self admirably, working his tongue up and down Laura’s hot slit, not as skilled as Cyclops, but with the same natural talent. Laura clawed the bed. Emma’s smile widened. Cyclops clapped Scott on the back. “Good work, son. But now it’s time to make her come.” He pointed to Laura’s clit at the top of her pussy. “The clitoris. The most sensitive part of the female sex. She’ll like being touched there the most.” “Got it,” Scott said, pressing his mouth to the erect little nub. Emma moaned as soon as he started sucking. “Oh, God, oh, yeah!” For Laura, it felt as good as Emma implied. She knew she would come soon, but she was looking forward to something else even more. Her eyes were locked on Cyclops’s cock. It was the biggest one she had ever seen; she could hardly wait to have it inside her. But her eyes finally had to part from it, rolling back in her head as Scott sucked her off. Her violent finish began at the tip of her clit and exploded outward to rattle her entire body. “You did it!” Emma gasped. Cyclops grasped Scott’s shoulders. “Now it’s time for more. I’m not sending you back to the past a virgin.” Scott came up Laura’s body, kissing her, necking with her, plugging the fat head of his cock into her opening. He was shaking with excitement, blood pounding in his head, the thought of backing down blinking on and off. “Go ahead, Scott,” Emma said, “push.” He pushed, hard, Laura and Emma moaning as one with his steel-stiff cock crammed into X-23. “Ohhh, yes!” Emma wailed, her hand now inside her pants. “Now fuck her, Scott.” She spat the word. “Fuck her long and hard.” “How?” he asked. “Just do what feels good,” Emma told him. “Move your cock however you want to.” Scott nodded, giving into his natural instincts. He hammered himself into Laura, long and hard, each deep fast thrust giving him a hit of pleasure that was echoed in Laura. She clung to him, rubbing her clit with her hand. “Is it okay, Laura?” he panted, still not believing he was inside. “Yes,” Emma answered for her, “it’s wonderful. Keep doing that to her, just make her come.” Scott swelled with pride; driving a gorgeous, experienced woman wild on his very first try. And Laura’s eyes were closed, her every other sense blotted out as she concentrated on only the feel of Scott and the sharp stabs of pleasure he gave her. “Going to come,” Emma moaned, speaking for both the women in the room. Scott didn’t want to rush, but he was nearly spent. “Me too!” “Hold off a few seconds,” Emma urged him, “we’ll come together.” “Yes!” Scott gritted his teeth. Out of control, he slammed himself into Laura. Their bodies slapped together wetly, his prick making obscene noises as it reamed the juices out of Laura’s sex. She arched her burning body, rubbing her swollen clit against Scott’s pelvis. Red-hot friction made her explode. “Oh yes…” Emma wailed. “Fuck, shit, SHIT!” Scott howled. Even Laura gurgled in ecstasy as her pleasure arrived. But Emma reached out, pushing Scott back just as he came. He almost didn’t notice, but he slipped out of Laura, delivered his boiling load instead onto her heaving belly. “She doesn’t deserve it,” Emma said simply. It was still a delicious climax that went on and on, from one of them to the other. But even as her pleasure held her, Laura knew one orgasm wouldn’t be enough for her. Not nearly enough. She wanted to go on fucking all night. “Good work,” Cyclops said proudly. “Now let your old man have a time.” Scott moved out of the way; even after everything, he was still reluctant to hand Laura over to someone else. But it really was Cyclops’ turn. He moved a few feet down the bed and let Cyclops take his place with the beautiful young mutant. Laura opened her eyes, climax finished, and saw Cyclops kneeling before her. His look was that of a starving man at a banquet. His cock was absolutely enormous. “Get on your hands and knees.” Laura turned over, obediently presenting her ass for his inspection. “You see, Scott,” Cyclops said, with a slap to Laura’s rump. “You can have your fun, but make sure you don’t get a girl pregnant. That’s no end of problems. Believe me. I have ten kids in the future.” As he said this, Cyclops was pulling the cheeks of Laura’s ass far apart, exposing the tiny bud of her asshole. He ran his fingertips lightly along the soft skin deep inside her crease; Laura shuddered with both fright and need, but made no move to stop him. She was too horny. He put the head of his big cock right up against her tiny asshole. Instinctively, Laura tried to wiggle away from him. Emma stepped in, holding Laura firmly by the shoulders while Cyclops forced his cock forward, hands on Laura’s shapely hips, hauling her body back. Forging a path into her virgin ass, no matter how hard it was. “Open that asshole up,” Emma said. “Open it up, little Laura, or I’ll turn my fist to diamond and loosen it up for you.” Laura did the best she could. Even as a whore, she’d never been much for anal sex. There was no getting used to it; she always healed, closing it up tighter than ever before. Her cunt maintained a certain elasticity—despite what some ignorant people may have presumed, there was no such thing as a hymen to heal over and over again, just tissues that tightened up to be stretched all over again. Her ass was another matter. It was just tight. So she squirmed like a snake, moaning in welcome pain as Cyclops impaled her on his dick. Slowly, surely, Cyclops won his fight with her virgin asshole, powering the head of his cock through her tight channel, Laura finally screaming as she took his first inch. Emma wiggled out of her pants. They all saw now what she’d been playing with earlier. A double-headed dildo was half in her crotch, half out, strapped into place with a leather harness around her hips. “Keep going, Scott,” she told Cyclops as he yanked back on Laura’s hips, driving another inch into her ass. “I’ll meet you in the middle.” Emma offered the dildo up to Laura’s mouth; she accepted it eagerly. X-23 felt the thick mat of hair at Cyclops’s crotch brush against her ass, an uncontrollable shudder running through her as she thought of how she must look to Scott. She really had liked him, but how would he feel about her now that he’d seen her swallowing cock on both ends, getting fucked in the mouth and the asshole at the same time? A whore, just like they’d always said? And yet, as Cyclops plowed into her tight asshole, Laura felt obscene pleasure rippling through her neglected sex. “Move that ass!” Emma told her, slapping at Laura’s dangling breasts. “Scott Summers doesn’t want to fuck some statue, he wants to fuck a good little whore who knows something about what to do with a cock!” Laura obediently bucked her hips back against the rhythm Cyclops set, helping him stuff her full, ignoring the pain that flared out of her stretched asshole. She ground her hips on the big cock in her ass, and when Emma drew her dildo back between throat-invading lunges, she automatically sucked and slurped like it was the real thing. Her cunt was throbbing with every stroke of the two cocks inside her. As terrible as the pain in her ass was, it was turning into warm liquid pleasure inside her cunt. “We should’ve switched places,” Cyclops told Emma hoarsely. “If I’d come in her mouth, she could’ve told us if cum is like wine.” “Oh, it definitely is,” Emma replied as she stuffed Laura’s mouth full with two hands in her hair. “Just gets better with age.” “How would you know?” “Because now that your younger self’s got a hard-on, I’m going to suck him off. Then I’m going to lick your cum out of little Laura’s ass. And I’m going to enjoy the latter far more.” The thought was too much. The glow of Scott’s visor faded as his eyes rolled back in his head, cock exploding cum up Laura’s asshole. Emma rode psychic shotgun on the orgasm, coming as well as she pounded her fists down on Laura’s bowed back. Laura would’ve collapsed from the beating if it weren’t for the two cocks holding her up. Her asscheeks tensed as solid as stone as she came, her juices making slug trails down her muscular thighs, Cyclops’ flowing back out over his pistoning cock. She felt his hot cum scalding her tender passage, smelled Emma’s wetness flowing around the dildo. It was bliss. *** Laura drifted off shortly afterward. Her healing factor was one thing, but there was only so much her mind could take. Between the pleasure she’d felt and the intense, but cathartic emotions that had been drudged yet, she’d needed the sleep that’d followed. Deep and dreamless. When she awoke, a scant thirty minutes later, the Danger Room had reset. The bed was once more a cot; Cyclops was once more Wingbat. He was still awake, if barely—watching her sleep, playing with her endlessly fascinating hair. “See?” he said to her. “Told you I could swing it with a little reprogramming of the Danger Room.” “It took you three hours.” “The Devil’s in the details. But between that and the mutant power, I bet you couldn’t even tell which of them I was.” “I knew. Always.” She stretched over him, extended her claws, rotated her wristbones before retracting them again. Twisting around, she parked her back against Chris’s chest. He reached over her and comfortably groped her breast. “You have some pretty intense fantasies, you know?” “Thanks for letting me indulge them.” Her smile was quick and lethal. “Didn’t even have to pay.” “Three hours of reprogramming, at minimum wage…” She elbowed him gently. “What about your fantasy? I saw you looking at that Frost hologram…” “No, I only want to fuck you. But… if you felt obliged…” She elbowed him again. “Spill.” “What if they'd succeeded in making more like you? You know, clones.” He bracketed the last word with air quotes. “All female?” “Yes!” “Ah. So, twin sisters? X-24 and 25? Maybe even X-26?” Laura smirked at him and nodded. “I can see that. Think you should learn to handle one of me, first.” “Oh, I can handle you.” “Prove it.” Her hand dripped to his groin. “Hard again. Found your secondary mutation.” “Want me to reboot the Danger Room?” “No. Just us. Claim me. Make me yours…” “How’d it go…? ‘Get on your hands and knees’?” Laura pushed him out of the bed. He barely managed to roll to his feet. “Sorry, sorry—“ She gave him a look before whirling around gracefully, onto her belly, her legs hanging off the cot. She stood on them, braced her hands on the opposite side of the bed, and spread her legs. Her cute little ass was thrust toward him. “This is better,” she said huskily. “I can see that,” he leered. Then, realizing the invitation, he hurried behind her. Grasped her slim hips and dug his cock past her slit, into her molten cunt. They both groaned, Chris hungry for that sound. He kept pushing until only his balls showed between them. “Fucking hot,” he moaned. “Your cunt’s like a furnace!” “You’ve got me in a berserker rage kinda mood,” she replied, eyes down with pleasure. “Fuck me or else.” “Not a problem,” he said eagerly, hammering into her already. She was right—he loved this position. He could watch his cock in action, slamming between her wide-stretched labia, forcing out her pleasure. She was squealing herself hoarse with unabashed delight. “Harder, Chris! Really give it to me! I’m yours!” He thrust into her so hard she had to tighten her grip to keep from being bowled over. The roughness didn’t bother her. She craved it. Nights like tonight, the more she got, the more she wanted. Needed. Her slim body paid the price as he fucked her faster and faster. Already, she could have come any second, but she forced herself to hold back, knowing the telltale clench of her sex would be too much for Chris, would make him come for the fifth and final time. She greedily prolonged the fuck, sure Chris was doing the same thing. They would fuck each other to death if it were possible. “I love it,” Laura gritted out. “I fucking love it…” They couldn’t hear anything over his panting and groaning, her howls and sobs. They weren’t aware of anything but how close it was. Laura’s voice fell away. “I’m coming,” she announced in a quiet, laden voice. “Take my cum!” Chris ordered, flecks of spit flying from his barking mouth. Laura closed her eyes, letting her other senses take over. Smelling his scent mingling with hers, feeling his warmth spill into her body, deep inside her coldness, where it belonged. Chris just shut his eyes. It seemed an unusually intimate moment for Laura. He didn’t want to intrude on it, even then. It was almost a minute before their eyes opened again, two before the electric pleasure stopped shaking their bodies. Then Laura smelled and Chris saw. Scott and Emma were standing not five feet away. Scott’s arms were crossed. Emma’s hands were on her hips. They spoke in lockstep. “Get dressed.” “Out of the Danger Room.” “Be where we can find you.” “Don’t make any social engagements.” “Expect long, long homework assignments.” They both gathered their clothes and hurried out, Chris stopping to dress himself before doing so. Laura lazily pulled on her jacket after she was out the door. “You see?” Scott asked Emma. “This is why we have to set an example. We use the Danger Room to fuck Supergirl, everyone uses the Danger Room to fuck Supergirl.” Emma changed the subject. “Does that boy even go here?” “I’m sure he does, he’s just not one of the kids who nearly gets himself killed every month.” “Oh. One of the boring ones. Yes. Usually they have fur or something.”


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