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“You owned slaves?” Kara asked.

Mon-El scratched the back of his neck, thinking this was a good time to hem a little. “My family owned slaves. Your family tried to take over the world.”

“Not the same thing!” Kara said. 

“It’s worse, when you think about it,” Mon-El said. “If your aunt had gotten away with it, the entire planet would’ve been slaves. There were plenty of people my family didn’t enslave.”


He held up his hands. Kara had been on Earth too long. When she invited you over ‘to talk,’ it really meant to be mad at you. Very irritating turn of phrase. “Honestly, what happened to respecting other cultures? Differences? As soon as anything is the least bit alien…”

“I draw the line at slavery!” Kara crossed her arms. “Actually, I draw the line at going on rampages, stealing things, attempted murder—but also slavery! Why would you even need slaves, anyway? Didn’t you have robots?”

“Yes, but… they were robots. They had to be programmed and built, and if they’re smart enough to know what you mean when you say ‘go buy me something spicy to eat,’ isn’t that slavery anyway?”

“No!” Kara protested. “They’re robots! Dumb, stupid robots!”

“Look, almost all of the time people sold themselves into slavery to pay their debts. Sometimes it was part of the sentencing for a crime—if they’d hurt someone, they would have to pay them back in servitude. It’s not like families were being split apart and sold on the auction block.”

“And that makes it alright?”

“It… it doesn’t?” Mon-El asked, confused.

“They’re still slaves!”

“I would argue that they’re servants. Being paid for their labor in forgiveness of their debts.”

“Then why did you call them slaves?”

“Because English is a stupid language and it doesn’t have the right words—“

“For the kinds of slaves you owned?”

Mon-El sighed. “Do you want an explanation or do you want to be mad at me?”

“I can want both!”

He counted off on his fingers. “Gar’tan. It means servitor. You would serve every day of your debt and do odd jobs. Dishes, cleaning, that sort of thing.”

Kara sighed too, though she crossed her arms bitterly. He got the feeling she’d be happier if he was a one-in-a-million Daxamite who wasn’t at all Daxamite-y. “That’s not too bad.”

“Then there’s ran’tan. It means laborer. That’s stuff like working in a mine, construction. A lot of prisoners were sentenced to that. But, whatever your sentence is, each day counts a third more than it normally would.”

“So you only have to do hard labor if you want to get out of debt quicker.”

“Exactly,” Mon-El said. 

“Was there any… you know… sex slavery?”

“I know sex slavery?”

“You get what I mean,” Kara said. “And tell me!”

“There was kun’tan, which means exactly what you think, but no one would volunteer to work off their debt that way.”

“Why not?”

“They just didn’t. It wasn’t something gentlemen or ladies did.”

“So, how did—“

“It was pretty similar to your prostitution, I suppose.”

My prostitution?”

“Someone would sell themselves into servitude for a few hours, at most a night, and during that time they’d be a slave. When it was over—okay, it’s complicated, but basically they’d trade debt? The client would be in debt to the prostitute for the time of slavery, but instead of working as their slave, they’d compensate them monetarily.”

“And who did that?” Kara asked. “If… gentlemen and ladies didn’t—“

“Gentlemen and ladies didn’t pay off their debts by becoming kun’tan. But if you’re walking on the street, you have a few hours to kill, and someone wants to pay you for your time…”


“It’s really just prostitution. It was pretty common, actually.”

“I don’t even want to hear about,” Kara said, raising a hand. “You didn’t… you never…”

“No. I don’t pay for sex.”

“Okay. Good.”

“I was the prince. There were plenty of people—“

“We don’t have to talk about it anymore!”


But they did end up talking about it more. Mon-El was in the elevator with Jimmy, just waiting for his floor, thinking how much simpler it would be to fly, when the doors opened on Kara. She got in, greeting them both, and waited as the elevator ascended another floor. When Jimmy got out, Kara was right in his face.

“What if you wanted to do something a kun’tan didn’t want to do?”

Mon-El shrugged. “That wouldn’t happen. There are different classes of kun’tan who service different needs. Kun’tan’mako, kun’tan’cha, kun’tan’okos…”

“Do I want to know what any of those mean?”

“Almost certainly not.”

“So, if you wanted to have… anal sex, there’d be a kun’tan who you could… enslave…”

“Oh, no, they all did anal sex. They’re whores, Kara.”


She was like a picky eater, asking him about only minor points, but asking him almost every single day. He wanted to write an FAQ Schwarz, or whatever it was called.

“Kara, look,” he said as she came up to him, obviously with more questions about it. “How interested are you in being a kun’tan?”

Her mouth dropped open. “Of course I don’t want to be a kun’tan! I would never want to be a kun’tan! That’s just—that’s like being a hooker! I’m not a hooker!”

“Not at the moment,” he replied.

Kara just about slapped him, but something came over her. Her eyes darkened like she’d gone into a tunnel. “What do you do if… if a kun’tan displeases you?” Her tongue whipped out to lick her lips and was just as quickly gone. “Do you punish them?”

“There’s actually a class of kun’tan whose specialty is to displease you,” Mon-El told her. “So that you can punish them.”

“Why would anyone want to be punished?”

“Because they enjoy it, Kara. Or maybe they’re just curious.”


She was very clear that they weren’t really doing it. They were just playing. Pretending. She wasn’t really a kun’tan. She was just dressing like one and acting like one.

He was supposed to treat her like a kun’tan, though.


"Kara Danvers reporting for punishment, master!" The words came out slowly and with obvious effort, and it was readily apparent that the attractive girl who uttered them was having great difficulty retaining her composure.

Seated behind the undersized writing desk of Kara’s that he’d commandeered for the fantasy, Mon-El did not at first look up from the report he was reading. The room he was in, being one of Kara’s, had very little in the way of austerity or claustrophobia, which he found increased the anxiety of those who were reporting for discipline. Instead, it was sunny, with the shut windows only managing to make it a little balmy.

"Master..." Kara's words trailed off in despair. Her hands clutched nervously behind her back; she could barely stand still. Her eyes constantly darted around the room, anxiously searching for the source of her coming punishment. For some reason, she couldn’t find a single thing Mon-El might use to discipline her. She would’ve thought it would be prominently on display.

"Please, Mon-El..." Kara spoke hastily, using a form of address that no slave on Daxam would have dared employ.

Mon-El put up his hand in a manner that indicated that such familiarity was forbidden, at least at this stage of the proceedings. Her face hotly flushed, Kara made no further attempt to speak and lowered her eyes demurely.

At last, Mon-El set aside the report and looked up at the girl who stood in front of him. "I’ve thought long and hard on what it should be—your punishment." He hesitated slightly before pronouncing the last word, as if it were not really adequate to describe what was to transpire between them.

"Please, Mon-El, couldn't we just skip that?" Kara spoke with barely feigned distress, like she was regretting ever bringing this up. "Let me... you know what I like to do for you!"

He feigned amused indifference to the young girl's statement. "That's surprising," he remarked with the slightest tinge of sarcasm in his voice. "Particularly considering the offense for which you have been sent here!"

Mon-El reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a confidential and quite detailed report. He should know, he’d written it.

And Kara said he never got into character.

"Their panties were completely removed," Mon-El read aloud from the report. "Their gym slips were rolled up above the waist. They were still wearing their garter belts and stockings. The two of them were simultaneously performing a contemptible act with their mouths and tongue. Both of them were displaying a great deal of emotion."

Kara hemmed with girlish shame as the details of her misconduct were read out.

"Kara, I must say that I'm shocked to get this type of report about you, of all people," Mon-El remarked as he set the report down.

"Is that about… is that about me being a lesbian?" Kara defended herself heatedly. "Mon-El, this is ridiculous, that’s not a—what does that have to do with—what are you even getting at!"

"Would you rather be punished for something else?" Mon-El replied dryly. 

“Yes!” Kara’s voice was once more strident and bold. “Maybe I could’ve been… teaching children how to read or…”

“We don’t have a rule against teaching children to read.”

“Well, say you did…”

“Now you want me to say my homeworld has zen for child illiteracy?”

“You wanted me to be a lesbian! What, were you going to spank me into liking cock?”

“No, obviously you liked cock all along, you were just horny because there were no men around—“

Kara practically growled. “Can we just go with me teaching children to read?”

“So I’m the bad guy?”

“Yes! It’s a fantasy!”

“About Daxam. Which blew up.”

“Well, I’m the one who wants to have sex with the bad guy, it’s not exactly empowering for me either!”

“Okay, but if stereotypes about Daxam are fair game, then so are stereotypes about Krypton.”

“Oh, you wanna have sex with a Kryptonian stereotype?”

Mon-El nodded sharply. “Yes I do! I want you to just lie there and mediate and… the poetry…” He looked askew. “This is the problem with coming from a world of troubled bad boys while you come from a world of lame nerds.”

“There, you said something mean about Krypton, can we get on with it now?”

“Yes.” Mon-El folded his hands on the desk. “For teaching children to read, I have no choice but to cane you.”

"Cane me!?" Kara pleaded, her knees buckling slightly at the thought of that dreaded instrument. “That seems excessive!”

“I’m an evil Daxamite, what do you expect?” Mon-El began.

"Please!" Kara interrupted with great urgency. "Please! I'll do anything you like! You can degrade me any way you like! Please, just not the cane!" 

“Okay, do you legitimately not want the cane or is that—“

“Yes, I want the cane! Though that does seem harsh for teaching children to read…”

Mon-El groaned inwardly as he slowly arose from behind his desk, and placed a straight wooden chair in the middle of the room. Her hands clasped prayerfully in front of her, Kara watched the scene with growing alarm.

"Please, not the cane! Please! I can't stand it!" she implored, her voice occasionally cracking with emotion. "Please, I'll do anything! Anything!"

“You are a really good actress,” Mon-El said. “I’m actually getting turned off a little. I feel like I’m in a porno of Sophie’s Choice or something.”

“Stay in-character!”

"Very well, Kara," Mon-El replied. "You may have a spanking instead of a cane, if you prefer. But in that case you must agree to make up your offense to me personally! Do you agree?"

Kara dropped her hands to her side. “I thought you were caning me!”

“I don’t think my character would cane you. He’s not a monster. He probably has a lot of nice, cool qualities, but he just made a lot of bad choices…”

“Oh Rao, can you be a bad guy for five minutes without Spikeification?”

“Yes, I’m just not comfortable with caning you! It’s really disrespectful to Daxam.”

“Okay, fine, no caning. You know I’m invulnerable, right?”

“Wait, where were we?”

“Pick it up from you saying you’ll spank me instead of caning me. I knew I should’ve written scripts…”

Mon-El cleared his throat. “I’ll be generous. I think instead of the cane, you can have my hand, as long as you thank me adequately. Is that acceptable to you?”

"Yes!" Kara answered almost too quickly. The sense of relief flowing through her body was quite apparent.

Mon-El seated himself on the chair and motioned for her to approach him. Shamefaced and taking tiny, reluctant steps, Kara advanced toward the slavemaster. Despite her mature, shapely figure, her demeanor suggested that of a very young girl about to receive a deserved punishment.

Taking her by the hand, Mon-El gently but firmly pulled her face down across his lap. Nearly falling into position, Kara lay with her palms on the floor to balance herself. Her skirt rode up to reveal a generous amount of black stocking, and her knees were slightly bent. Knowing what was coming, she was scarlet with embarrassment.

Mon-El reached down with both hands and, with great slowness, began raising the hem of her pleated black skirt. Lush, tapering thighs, enhanced by black hosiery, came into view, followed by the heavier portions of her stockings. Then came milk white thighs, contrasting vividly with her black stockings and the black satin garter belt that held them up. The skirt came up to the waist, slowly bringing into view formfitting black panties that could barely contain her lovely and fully rounded buttocks.

Mon-El began to spank her. Her ass cheeks ached with the slap of his hands.

He started slapping her hard at first, but then she could feel the slaps getting lighter. Before a few minutes had passed she could feel the slaps turning into caresses. 

"Master," she said. "Are you through spanking me? Because I could stand some more spanking."

"You're beautiful, Kara," he said. "I don't think I've ever known anyone as beautiful as you."

“Oh, are you going to rape me now?” Kara asked excitedly. “Or, uh, ravish me?”

“I kinda thought it’d be more of a seduction thing.”

“Like I fell in love with you while you were smacking my ass?”

“It’s a pretty nice ass,” Mon-El said. “And I figure your character’s kind of a slut.”

“She is not a slut!”

“Hey, if I have to be a Nazi, you can be a slut.”

“So you’re not even going to slap me around a little? If you’re not a very good Nazi, I don’t see why I have to be a big slut.”

“Where did you get the Nazi thing?”

“From you!”

“It was just an example, I wasn’t being literal!”

“I’m not being literal! Just… okay, you’re blackmailing me into having sex with you.”

“Yes, because I’m one of the two percent of Daxam that’s a sex criminal, which is being very well-represented in this fantasy.”

“Well, Krypton isn’t getting any representation at all, you don’t see me complaining.”

Somehow they were falling backwards on the floor. Kara started kissing Mon-El's mouth. She wasn't surprised when she felt his tongue probing her mouth.

She started rubbing her tongue against his. She forgot that he was Mon-El. He was a man who had a cock and she could already feel it pushing against her leg. Mon-El was turned on, almost as horny as she was.

"Oh Master," she moaned softly. "Oh Master, your hands feel good. Keep playing with my ass like that. Play with my whole body!"

“You seem very well seduced at the moment,” Mon-El observed.

“My character is a good actress.”

“So you’re… fantasizing about being a woman who’s… pretending to enjoy having sex… which you’re actually enjoying—“

“Not at the moment. It’s called foreplay…”

He started running his hands up and down her body. He was no longer just playing with her ass, but he was caressing her big, swollen tits and running his fingertips across her nipples.

"You've got great tits," he moaned. "Big fucking tits!"

“Could you be a bit more mean about it? I thought you were a bad guy.”

“I’m talking about your tits, isn’t that supposed to be evil?”

“Not evil enough. You’re being Non evil and I’m looking for Astra evil.”

Mon-El lowered his head. His tongue rubbed her fat nipples. Electric jolts of pleasure shot through her body. Her tits grew harder than they'd ever felt before. She found herself reaching for the back of his head. She pulled his face closer against her breasts as she tried to get him to take more.

"Oh yes, Master," she moaned. "Suck my tit. Suck it hard! I like to have my nipples sucked!"

She knew this was crazy. She shouldn't be doing this, but somehow she couldn't seem to stop herself. There was a chance that someone might come knocking at the door any minute, but that just seemed to make it more exciting.

"Bite my tits," she whispered. "Suck them and bite them!"

Mon-El stopped kissing her tits and began gobbling her creamy flesh deep into his mouth. She could feel his teeth nipping at her sensitive nipples. She pulled his hair wildly.

He lifted up from her tits and started moving down her body. She quivered with excitement as she felt his tongue on her belly. He pushed his tongue into her navel. She didn't know what he was doing, but she was sure it was going to feel good.

He moved lower and she felt his lips pressing against her sex. She felt him suck some of her cunt hairs into his mouth, wetting them with his tongue. She had never experienced anything like that before.

“For an evil rapist, you’re spending a lot of time at third base,” Kara observed. 

“Yes, on Daxam, even the rapists perform cunnilingus,” Mon-El retorted.

His mouth went even farther down and touched her sensitive thighs. She thought she was going to go out of her mind with pleasure. She had never dreamed anything like this could happen. It just couldn't be a person doing these things to her.

He started licking her thighs. She spread her legs wider. She knew his nose was filled with the perfumed aroma of her sweet pussy. She gripped the back of his head and started pulling his face up to her cunt, even though she wasn't sure what he was going to do when she got his face there.

He started licking close to her cunt. Her ass was moving from side to side. She felt the first gentle touch of his tongue against her aching pussy lips.

"Oh Master!" she screamed. "Master, that's nice. I've never felt anything like that!" She knew she was yelling loud enough for anyone to hear if they were passing through the hallway outside her apartment. She didn't care. She was feeling too good.

She felt even better as Mon-El slid his tongue into her aching cunt. She felt his tongue sliding deep in her pussy and then moving around to touch all her cunt. She knew he was licking up her juices and she could hear him swallowing.

"Master!" she screamed. "Oh shit, Master, that's nice! Eat my pussy. Eat it up good!"

His tongue started ramming in and out of her tight pussy. His tongue was getting deep inside her cunt, deep enough for her to feel it inside her belly. She felt one of his hands sliding underneath her ass. He started playing with the crack of her ass and fingering her tiny anus. His other hand slid up her body to play with her swollen teat. He was lighting fires inside her that she hadn't felt before. Her fingers kept sliding through his dark hair.

"Master," she moaned. "Oh, you sweet fucking cunt-eater!"

Mon-El didn't seem surprised to hear her talking like that. In fact, he seemed to get more turned on. He started exploring her cunt with his tongue and with one finger. It was starting to send ripples of pleasure through her.

"Master," she moaned softly. "Master, I want you to fuck me now. My cunt hurts so bad. I want you to fuck me!"

The ripples of pleasure kept going through her and she would have loved to have Mon-El keep eating her pussy, but she wanted to feel his cock even more. She wanted a fantasy to come true. She wanted to feel his fat cock inside her.

Mon-El seemed to be a little hesitant now. She fixed that in a hurry. She pushed him away from her dripping cunt and over on his back. Immediately, she started stroking his thighs. She could see the hard bulge in his trousers. She quickly ran her fingers down the hard prick and felt it jump.

"Ummm," she said. "I'd better take that out before it breaks off."

"Oh shit yeah, baby," Mon-El moaned. 

She quickly pulled Mon-El's shirt and undershirt off and then unbuckled his belt. She pulled down his zipper and peeled his pants down his hairy legs. Mon-El was wearing a pair of blue shorts. She could see his hard prick jumping like crazy. His eyes kept going up and down her lush body as if he couldn't stare enough. She picked up his hand and pressed it against her tit. At the same time she peeled his blue shorts down his legs.

For the first time, she was looking at Mon-El's bare cock. It was just as hard as she'd expected, and it was throbbing like it was going to blow up. She could already see his wet cum smearing the reddened head of his cock.

"I'm going to ride you, Master," she whispered. "I'm going to climb on top, and ride my Master's cock!"

She was excited by what she was doing. It seemed so wicked that it really had the juices flowing in her body. She straddled Mon-El's chest and leaned over to brush her nipple back and forth against his lips. He opened his mouth and she felt his tongue licking at her hard nipple.

She stretched out on top of him. She felt his rigid prick against her belly, smearing her skin with his sticky cum. She pressed her big tits against his chest.

"You're going to fuck your slave," she whispered. "Doesn't that make you really hard, Master? Doesn't it make you hard to think about fucking your slave?"

"Oh yes," he groaned. "Oh fuck, yes!"

She reached down between them and wrapped her fingers around his stiff prick. She raised herself up a little and let his fat cock head rest against the lips of her cunt.

Another exciting shiver went through her.

She raised up a little and felt his fat cock head sliding into her cunt. She stayed still for a moment and just let the deliciousness of his cock go through her. She felt him pushing up with his hips and felt more of Mon-El's cock sliding inside her.

"Sit on my cock," Mon-El whispered. "Take my fucking cock in your cunt all the way! Sit on it, baby!"

Kara moaned as she let his cock slide inside all the way. She felt the snug pressure of his balls and she sighed. It felt so good. She leaned over and pressed her tits against his chest.

"It feels good," she whispered. "I've never had a cock inside me that felt so good. Oh Master!"

She stayed still for a few more minutes. It was Mon-El who could not control himself. He started raising his hips up again, trying to drive his cock deep into her pussy. She stayed still for as long as she could. Then she started bouncing on his cock.

"Oh yes," he moaned. "Oh yes, that feels so fucking good. Shit, that feels good!"

She started bouncing higher and harder. His cock was spreading her walls wide with each movement of her body. She started feeling his cock rubbing against her clit and causing every nerve in her body to tingle.

"Oh, you sweet bastard," she moaned. "My fucking master. You sweet fucking bastard, it feels good!"

She was really sliding up and down on his cock. She was almost slapping his balls with her ass cheeks.

She felt his hands rubbing her body and stroking her tits. His fingers brushed across her hard nipples and it made her scream with joy. She started squeezing her cunt together around his swollen cock.

"You fucking cunt!" Mon-El yelled. "You sweet-assed bitch. I'm fucking you. I'm fucking my slave!"

She was too out of control and she needed his prick slamming into her. She rolled off his cock and onto her back. She spread her legs wide and Mon-El was between them immediately. She felt his stiff prick ramming back into her tender pussy.

"Yes," she groaned. "Fuck your slave. Give it to her good. Fuck your slave."

Mon-El started ramming her cunt as violently as he knew how. His hardened prick was getting deep inside her cunt, almost as deep as it had been when she was on top of him. She felt his hands underneath her, cupping her ass cheeks.

"Oh yes," she moaned. "That's how I want it. Grab my ass and stick your fucking cock in my pussy."

She knew it was getting close for him. She could already feel his cock getting thicker and more of his cum leaking in her tingling pussy. Besides, she knew he was ramming her pussy as hard as he possibly could.

She let herself give in to the sweet feelings of pleasure. "Keep fucking me like that. I'm almost there. I'm almost fucking there!"

"Hurry, baby," Mon-El whispered. "I'm there already. I'm going to shoot pretty soon."

She felt his fingernails digging into her ass cheeks as he tried to get his cock head even deeper into her hot cunt. She felt the floodgates open and her juices started soaking his cock.

"Oh yes!" she cried. "I'm coming. I'm fucking coming! Oh yes, it feels so good! IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD!"

Almost immediately she felt him tense his body as he got ready to shoot his cum inside her. Mon-El was about to shoot his cum inside her!

"Come in me," she moaned, as she kept shaking her ass beneath his brutal thrusts.

"Oh yeah, baby," be groaned. "Oh fuck yes, you cock-sucking bitch! Oh shit, it's good. I'm going to shoot my cum in your cunt! In my slave's cunt! OH SHIT, IT FEELS GOOD!"

She wrapped her arms tightly around Mon-El and felt his cum shooting inside her pussy. Again and again his hot cum exploded inside her. She squeezed her cunt muscles again to milk every drop from his rigid prick. It seemed like a long time before Mon-El's cock started getting soft and slipping out of her cunt.

"Mon-El," she moaned softly. She could still feel his cum inside her cunt. "Oh Mon-El, that was good. It was really good! I owe you one."

“Well,” Mon-El said, “I have heard that on Krypton, the men are big into fucking their cousins…”


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