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So apparently this will be a monthly occurrence. A number of the patrons who pledged over the last 31 days were fraudulent, I blocked them, hence the big number going down from a hundred to 83. Obviously, this is disappointing for everyone, from me who was hoping for a good payday to you who thought we'd be on a certain reward tier. Hopefully Patreon will eventually do something to weed these guys out. If it were me, I'd set up a system where every patron has to pay an advance. You put it ten dollars on day one, the first ten dollars in pledges are paid with that money, and after it's gone, your credit card starts being charged again. 

In lieu of that, I'll have to settle for blocking them before I start posting, making their efforts to get content without paying at least marginally useless. We also have a few people whose charges were declined. I doubt any of you are frauds, but please, check your payment methods: Shendude, Vasco Alves, The Ashen Knight, Steffan. 

That said, let's get something posted.


Tracy Scops

In my own experience, I would wait a few days before blocking patrons who are first flagged as Fraud. I've experienced some amount of supporters who were cleared as Processed after. Apparently, the fraud flag can be a false negative for many weird reasons, including use of VPN and expired credit cards. So, I would advise you not to judge too quickly on Patreon's fraud flag, because you may have been blocking honest pledgers. On the other hand, there has indeed been a surge of fake bots invading Patreon. The managers stated they are working on counter measures to it, but for now there's not really much we can do as creators.


If you use the pay-per-month model, there's an option to charge new sign-ups immediately for the first month. I'm guessing that's not available when you use the pay-per-work model?


Hmm, I got an e-mail telling me a payment couldn't be made, but then I got an e-mail telling me it had been. And it's on my credit card bill. That's really weird.


Hey, I have to charge my card for the money to be transferred and I always forget to, so while I usually miss my payments on the first I always end up paying.

Urban Soul

Haven't checked Patreon in a bit so I'm responding late, but my Account has been saying everything is good on my end. Maybe it's something on Patreon's end?