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Mako couldn’t believe after all the trouble he’d caused, Varrick was back on top. Just because he’d helped out against Kuvira—and Asami had done most of the work, building the giant robot—he’d had his crimes pardoned and been given a position in Future Industries’ Mover division. All of which was tooth-grinding, but fine, Mako could put up with it. Only now Bolin was insisting on a meeting, leading him through the studio so Mako could have his nose rubbed in Varrick’s good fortune. “It’s incredible, Mako!” Bolin was babbling. “They’re bringing back Nuktuk: Hero of the South! It’s a total reboot!” “Didn’t Varrick skimp out on the last one?” Mako asked patiently. “I remember that one installment where the budget ran out, so everyone just sat around and talked about what happened the week before.” “That was a character piece!” Bolin insisted. “You clearly don’t understand screenwriting. Anyway, Varrick has a great new pitch and this is your chance to get in on the ground floor. You could have a producer credit! You could get a trailer!” “I don’t need a trailer,” Mako protested, before seeing Varrick’s. It was bigger than his apartment. The door was bigger than his apartment. Bolin raised his hand to knock on the door, but it flew open first, Varrick grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him inside. “Bolin! Mako! Glad you could make it! You might be the two luckiest sons of guns in Republic City!” “I doubt that, seeing as I’m here,” Mako said, even if he felt a little bitter, walking inside a miniature mansion. He guessed it beat throwing lightning at a power plant. “Zhu Li!” Varrick cried, marching back to his desk. “Drinks for everyone! And sushi! With the sauce!” He sat, sprawling so hard his feet launched up into the air, came down on top of some scrolls Mako hoped weren’t important. Zhu Li disappeared into—was that a wine cellar? In a trailer? “Boys, let me let you two in on a little secret. An idea that is going to make all of us rich and famous!” “I am famous,” Mako said. “I’m rich,” Bolin added. “Of course you are, dummies, why else would you be here? This isn’t about living comfortably and being well-regarded by your friends and family. This is about being more wealthy, more famous! Bolin, if you wanted, could you buy fifty panda fish and an aquarium to keep them in?” “Uh, no,” Bolin confessed. “Maybe just twenty?” “Are you comfortable living that way? Like a pauper!” Varrick stabbed his finger up. “This is a can’t-lose proposition, boys, a totally brilliant plan that, before you ask, won’t start a war or frame anyone for a crime they didn’t commit. Ha! Don’t think you can talk yourself out of this that easy!” “Get to the point, Varrick,” Mako demanded. “I have sushi at home.” “I don’t,” Bolin said, “but I’m pretty sure he’d share.” “My point? Simple. Elegant in its simplicity. Mako, Bolin, have you ever walked down the street, seen a beautiful woman, and wished you knew what she looked like without all those nasty clothes on?” “No!” Mako said, at the same time Bolin said “well, it really depends on the legs, I have a thing for—“ He shut up, seeing Mako glaring at him. “What. If,” Varrick began dramatically, “you could see not just a picture of a naked woman, but a naked woman. Walking around! Bringing you drinks and sushi! Whatever it is women do! But naked!” Zhu Li returned with a tray of appetizers and a tray of wineglasses. Varrick quickly drank and ate his share before returning to business. “And not only that, but women having sex!” “You’re talking about a mover?” Mako asked. “That’s ridiculous, who would want to watch—“ He broke off, giving an embarrassed glance to Zhu Li. She stared right back at him. “Who would want to watch someone having sex instead of having sex themselves? You might as well just read about it.” “Reading? Reading’s for suckers!” Varrick declared. “Now, let’s go a step further! Varrick isn’t about just resting on his laurels, no sir. Imagine you went to see this—Nuder Mover—“ His hands fluttered around him. “And there weren’t just random people getting naked, but famous people! So much better than ordinary people!” “I can’t see people caring if the naked person they’re looking at is famous or not,” Mako said. “Who really cares about famous people having sex?” “Mako, Mako!” Varrick gently chided. “The market’s changed since we brought out Nuktuk: Hero of the South. People don’t want to hassle with an unknown quantity like an original story or new characters—not when they can have something that’s just like what they’ve seen before, but bigger and better and with naked people! So, what we’re going to do is give them a story they already know—or think they know—and reveal to them how it was really full of sex and nakedness!” “What story—“ Mako began, when his cop instincts suddenly warned him, the same way they would about a firebender about to burn his face off. “Oh no.” Varrick sprung up like a jack-in-the-box that’d finally been wound enough times. “Not a story, a legend. The Legend of Korra!” Bolin gasped. “I like Korra! And I have wondered what she looks like naked—“ “Bolin!” “What? I mean, you’d know! Is it… weird?” Mako slammed his hands on the desk. “You can’t just make a story about Korra being some kind of… of skank! She’s a hero! She’s saved Republic City, the whole world!” “Whoa, whoa there, officer, slow down! This project is about honoring Korra, and all she’s done for the world! Sure, there’ll be one or two, tastefully done, nude scenes, just to get butts in seats, but that doesn’t mean this won’t be a respectful, faithful adaptation of the story you care so deeply about!” Sighing, Mako sat. “Alright, why don’t you run this by me, just so I’ll know how bad the damage is?” “That’s the spirit!” Varrick confidently sat himself down. “Bolin, you have a seat, I want your input too! If this mover takes off, I want to do a Nuktuk-slash-Korra crossover somewhere down the line! Shared universes, kiddo, that’s where the big bucks are!” “This is really good sushi,” Bolin said, grabbing a little more. “Let’s just get this over with.” “Picture this!” Varrick thrust his hand out. “We’ll start with a flashback—“ “What’s a flashback?” “Forget it! We’ll start with a flashback to the days of Aang and his faithful friends, Katara, Toph, and Sokka!” “What about Suki?” “Who cares about her? Now, for this whole Amon-Tarrlok story to make sense, we need to get into Yakone and all his issues!” “Ooh, I know!” Bolin said. “What if we do flashbacks—they’re like memories, Mako, the mover jumps back to show something before and then returns to the present—“ He stopped to explain. Mako thought back to how he had asked what a flashback was. What’s a flashback? He nodded. Bolin continued. “What if we do flashbacks throughout the story, revealing the mystery little by little, making people wonder what’s really going on and trying to figure it out on their own?” Varrick blew air up his mustache. “Boring! People wanna know what’s going on right away! You really think people would watch a mover serial, each week not knowing what’s going on? They’d think we didn’t know what’s going on, and were just making it up as we went! Heck, we might actually just never explain what’s going on. What’s there to stop us? But even I’m not that crazy!” Bolin poked his fingers together. “I think never explaining what’s going on might give the story a nice ambiguity. Like, people could make up their own minds what it means. After all, it’s not the destination, really, it’s the journey…” “Kid, this is why I paid you to talk, not think. Leave the writing to highly-paid executives, like me, who then tell the writers what to do! Now, as I was saying, we’ll go into that big trial of Yakone, how he used blood bending to try to kill everyone in Republic City, but Aang stopped him! We can leave all that to some peon screenwriter. But then, a weary Aang returns home to his wife Katara, and his good friend Toph, who is staying with them…” “Toph, if you’re listening through a spirit vine, I am so, so sorry,” Mako muttered. *** “Alright, Aang, even I can admit it—that was some good work with Yukone. I may just make a good bender out of you yet.” Aang scratched at his beard, watching with interest as Toph undid her armor. She always knew when she was being watched, but he got the feeling this was one of the times she wouldn’t mind. “You make a good bender out of him?” Katara asked, watching a little herself. “I was his teacher first.” “Maybe you put in a little work, sugar queen, but I did all the heavy lifting. Remember the first time we fucked? You had years to teach him what to do, and he still barely knew which hole to put it in.” “Yeah,” Aang agreed. “That thing with your butt was a total accident.” “Slow and steady wins the race. Just because it took a while for Aang to get the hang of it—I mean bending, honey, you were always good at the other thing.” Aang smiled at Katara. “—doesn’t mean he wasn’t, hasn’t learned.” “Care to put your coin where you mouth is, sweetness?” Toph continued right on undressing, down to her muscle-rippled skin. “It’s been a while since our last circle jerk, with Sokka and Suki off making babies. Let’s see if your prize pupil’s learned a thing or two.” “What was wrong with the last time?” Aang demanded. “I only came once.” With a shift of her hands, the rocky ground shook under Aang, hard enough to fling him down onto the nearest sofa. Katara took it from there, her soft, gentle body crawling on top of Aang, her knees steadying on either side of his hips, then her sly fingers stroking and pulling his cock into her pussy. She writhed at first, moaning feebly, then began to bounce up and down. Aang thrust with her, increasing her pleasure, as Toph listened with boiling excitement. She knew that after Katara was done with him, it would take a long while for Aang to get another hard-on. She could easily make a stone dildo to bring herself off, but she didn’t want that. She didn’t want Katara’s big mouth between her legs either. She walked to the head of the couch, hearing Katara’s pussy eating Aang up clearer than ever. With a booming laugh, she jumped in with them, squirming over Aang’s bald head until she felt his beard stroking her pussy. “Okay, Twinkle Toes, let’s see if your tongue’s as light as your feet. We all know you just need to flop a big one out to satisfy the princess over here, but let me know if you can actually get off someone with some class and refinement!” she said, rubbing her slit across Aang’s mouth and nose. Katara stared at Toph’s hairy twat, her eyes wide with passion already from her lewd dance atop Aang’s manhood. Now they bulged from their sockets seeing Aang’s tongue tour Toph’s cunt. “Suck her, Aang! Eat her cunt! Show her how good I have it when she’s not here!” “Ha!” Toph laughed. “If it weren’t for me eating your cunt, sis, you wouldn’t know a tongue from an oven mitt!” “Like Zuko doesn’t—oh, hell with it, Toph, your tits—“ Katara reached out for Toph’s flawless breasts, cupping them and squeezing. Toph returned the favor, pulling and twisting Katara’s nipples as easily as she would manipulate the stones whose hardness Katara’s nubs resembled. Soon, their fondling of each other’s breasts pulled them closer together, and their lips met. They kissed furiously, both still whipping their naked asses against Aang, one on his cock, the other on his face. Meanwhile, Aang was having some trouble breathing. He put his hands on Toph’s hips, adjusting her straddle across his face, but it didn’t help much. Still, he licked and kissed at her snatch as he thrust himself into Katara’s gyrating body. He pondered how, despite being weighed down by their squirming, twisting bodies, he was soaring. His battle-scarred body sung, as if the pleasure of the present act were wiping all traces of pain from his taut, tingling nerves. He wanted to come, come desperately, and it took all his skills in meditation to keep from simply giving in to Katara’s demanding body, Toph’s intoxicating taste. He fought to keep his mind in the spirit world, but leave one foot in the physical, pleasuring Toph. Aang’s breath was still short; his balls big as boulders. When Katara came down on him, he felt the smoothness of her naked ass brushed against them. He suddenly couldn’t stop thinking of how magnificent Katara’s bare ass was. The hair on his balls felt like lightning rods, struck every time Katara slammed her ass down. He clapped his hand on Katara’s hip, wordlessly informing her he was about to come. With a sudden mischievousness, Katara pushed Toph from Aang’s head, streaming over Aang’s body to take his place as Toph landed upside-down next to the couch. “Hey!” the chief cried, before being placated by Katara’s tongue ravishing her cunt, as strong and liquid as Katara’s most masterful water-bending. “Hey…” Aang rolled out from under Katara, long years of marriage telling him what she wanted from him. She stood beside the couch, aiming his cock at Toph, stroking it as he thought suddenly of all the women he’d known in his life, fantastically beautiful both in body and spirit. Katara, Toph, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Azula, even Meng, who he’d reconnected with attending the funeral of her fortune telling master. As it turned out, she’d accurately predicted the orgy that would ensue, something that almost ruined in for Sokka. He remembered the gap in Meng’s teeth as she’d opened her mouth to receive her load down his throat. Then he came, spilling his essence all over Toph’s face as she was distracted by Katara’s ministrations. It felt so good, he almost didn’t feel the pain in his chest. “Ha!” Katara cried, staring at Toph’s face. Rope after rope of cum criss-crossed Toph’s visage, until it looked like she was caught in a white net. “Guess you didn’t see that coming.” Aang fell over. “Aang?” Katara asked worriedly. “Forget him,” Toph said, pulling her back between her legs. “He’s dead to the world.” *** “So you’re saying Aang died having sex,” Mako said. “With two women. Right after taking away Yakone’s bending.” “Yes!” Varrick agreed. “I’m glad you’re following along, I was worried the plot was too plotty.” “Varrick, it’s completely ridiculous!” “But can you prove it didn’t happen?” “Yes! Aang was forty during Yakone’s trial, he didn’t die until he was sixty-six!” “Details!” Varrick fiddled with his mustache. “You have to omit a few things when you’re adapting such a rich, eventual narrative into a short, compressed mover!” “That doesn’t explain getting things wrong. Since when are Katara and Toph lesbians?” “Bisexual.” “I’ve read all the scrolls about Avatar Aang and I don’t remember anything in there about them wanting to have sex with each other.” “Oh, lay off!” Varrick argued. “Don’t our gay friends deserve representation?” “So you’ll be having Aang and Zuko having sex?” “Don’t our gay friends who are hot ladies deserve representation?” Mako shook his head. “You’re insane.” “Okay, okay, we don’t have to have Toph in there. It can just be Katara and Aang.” “At age sixty-six?” “We’ll massage it a little, you know? It’s not like anyone cared that Bolin wasn’t really in the Water Tribe.” “Wasn’t in the what now?” Bolin asked, returning from the bathroom. The sushi had gone right through him. “I was just telling Mako about where our story’s headed next! Now that Korra’s been born, she grows up guarded by the White Lotus. Maybe we’ll tease the Red Lotus to test the waters for a sequel.” “Who wants to see one mover advertised during a different mover?” Mako asked. “Yeah, maybe you should do that before the mover starts, so people don’t get taken out of the story,” Bolin suggested. Varrick rolled his eyes. “Oh, you’re just a wellspring of good advice, aren’t you? Korra grows up! She goes to Republic City! She runs afoul of Chief Beifong, who captures her—and decides on her punishment.” *** “Get off of me!” Korra demanded. “Let me go!” She pulled heavily at the iron bars that held her in the interrogation room, strapped down to the table built into the floor. She thought usually the suspect would be seated at that end of the table, their hands restrained, but she’d been secured the other way—bent over the table with her hands cuffed at the far end. She colored, her ass in the air in her undignified position. “I was taking on a bunch of Triple Threat Triad thugs! That’s doing your job for you!” “And there’s the problem,” Lin replied, enjoying the sight of Tenzin’s prize pupil helplessly thrown over her table. “Cops do cops’ jobs. You don’t. And you don’t resist arrest, you don’t attack my officers, and you especially don’t backtalk to me!” “What’s with you?” Korra demanded. “I thought people were supposed to get nice in their old age!” Lin’s eyebrows hovered. “Alright, Avatar. I’ve had just about enough of your attitude. I know Tenzin’s going to be here any minute to bail you out and give you the velvet glove treatment. But before he does, I think I’ll be teaching you a few manners.” Korra laughed. “Better people than you have tried.” “Oh, did they all know you were the Avatar? Because I think I’m not like them. I think—“ And with one swift motion, Lin drew down Korra’s trousers. “That I don’t care.” “Hey!” Korra screeched, feeling the room’s cool, metallic air on her bare ass. “You can’t do that! I’m the Avatar!” “Not in here, lady. Here, you’re just another bad little girl. And in my city, bad girls get punished.” Korra quailed again, feeling Lin move her shirt up over her breasts. Then she heard the coiled stir of Lin pulling out her police cables. Korra got a very close look at them—nasty little jaws of metal. She struggled, but it was no use. Lin moved the first of the little metal clamps to Korra’s right nipple. “Hey, wait a minute, hey, wait--!” “You’ve got to learn,” Lin insisted gutturally, tightening the cable’s clamp on Korra’s nipple. Korra gasped at the sudden pain, staring down at the cable hanging from her nipple in disbelief. It didn’t hurt much, but she knew in her gut there would be more. “And now the other one.” Lin slid the other clamp over Korra’s second nipple, then pulled back on the winches so the cables tugged at Korra’s flesh. Pain rushed out of Korra’s breaths, manageable only with a tight grimace, a muffled whimpering. “You bitch!” Korra shouted. “I’ll get you for this! You’ll be sorry!” Experimentally, Lin pulled first on one cable, then the other, dragging on Korra’s breasts until she was yelling and bucking on the table, her whole chest on fire. When the unbearable clasps touched the tabletop, they forced even more pain out of her breasts. She was hurting so bad, she barely noticed Lin looping the cable around the table legs, criss-crossing them so they pulled at Korra from behind while Lin stepped in front of Korra. She spun the suspect’s chair around with a quick, masterful spat of metalbending, then sat down on the chair’s high back. Smiling at Korra’s predicament, she broke her belt, pulled off her armor, and dropped her pants. Korra was now staring half-blindly at a woman’s sex inches from her face. Lin looped a cable around her hand, then brought that same hand down to rub at her pussy. Every motion of her hand jiggled Korra’s breast like a lure on a fishing line. Korra gasped and moaned; it didn’t hurt, exactly. It didn’t feel good, it—itched. It itched between her legs, while her breast hurt and felt good and—she didn’t know! “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Lin said. “It certainly wouldn’t go well for some poor prisoner calling me a bitch, and I’d expect the Avatar to be wiser than that. In fact, I’d expect the Avatar to know the importance of making up for her mistakes.” Korra saw that throbbing pussy in a whole new light. “What? I can’t, I’m not, I mean, I—“ “You’d rather I rip your tits off? Get to work, whore, right now!” And she slapped Korra on the back of her head, jerking her down to Lin’s pussy. It smelled so vivid, like it was really there. An odd thing to think, but that’s what was in Korra’s mind as she stared, open-mouthed, at all the places her tongue could go. Lin patted her impatiently on the head. Meekly, Korra lowered her mouth and licked at Lin’s cunt, tasting her arousal. “That’s better,” Lin growled. “There may be hope for you yet, Avatar. As you can tell, I’m a big believer in rehabilitation. I’m soft like that.” Korra sucked Lin’s quivering pussy closer, until she’d pulled the police chief’s clit into her mouth, licking it as she mouthed Lin’s hot sex. Lin groaned approvingly, opening her thighs wider, pulling Korra harder against her throbbing womanhood, the motion sending an intense jerk of sensation through Korra’s breasts. They were pounding, heaving, filling up with sensations the Avatar’s body didn’t know what to do with. Dimly, Korra felt the touch of something at her pussy. She was so surprised, she stopped licking Lin, looking back to see a metal baton hovering behind her. “Relax, Avatar.” Lin forced Korra’s head back between her thighs. “Every crook in this town complains about getting fucked by the police.” Korra screamed into Lin’s pussy as the police chief bent the metal into her sex. Her aroused muscles opened almost at once and Lin slid in, her makeshift cock filling Korra, working its way into her until even the hilt was covered by Korra’s labia, the cold length of it churning inside her. Korra continued to lap at Lin’s pussy, now with a series of pained, pleasured groans emerging from her whenever her mouth wasn’t occupied. She couldn’t help but respond to Lin’s confident usage of her body. Every stroke of the baton sent her jerking over the table, her hips heaving back for more. She sucked Lin’s clit hard, desperate, and Lin chuckled with delight. “That’s right, Avatar, suck me,” Lin enunciated, rich pleasure deep below her voice. “Show me you’ve got some talent, because otherwise, I’m not seeing it. Yeah. Yeah! I think you’re about to complete your sentence!” She pulled hard on the cables, sending a wave of pain through Korra’s body that forced the Avatar to join her as she came. Korra’s body twisted around, her legs snapping and kicking, their rush through the air the only sound. Korra’s scream was swallowed up by Lin’s pussy. Finally, slack hit the cables. They released Korra’s nipples, ripping back into Lin’s winches, and the police chief stood, pulling her pants up as her metal armor and belt buckle flew back on. Korra dropped her head to the table. When she lifted it a moment later, it was to see the puddle of Lin’s juices that had ran from her face onto the tabletop. “Fuck,” she wheezed. “You’re free to go,” Lin said. “But don’t let me catch you causing trouble in my city again. You’ve got a lot of holes, Avatar, and I’ve got plenty of batons. Oh, that reminds me.” Korra moaned anew as Lin drew the baton from her well-fucked pussy. “Wouldn’t want to leave this behind,” Lin finished, smacking the baton against her open palm. It sounded incredibly wet. *** Mako was aghast. “So Lin rapes her?” “What?” Varrick cried. “No, no, no, Korra enjoys it, there’s just a little wriggle room over how much she knew she would enjoy it beforehand—“ “She was tied down to a metal table! It was rape!” “And it was two women!” “So, what, rape is alright so long as it’s between two women?” “No!” Varrick replied instantly. “It’s just hot!” Mako groaned, slumping back in his chair, covering his face with his hands. “Lin is my boss, you can’t accuse her of being a rapist just because you think it’ll make a sexy scene in your mover!” “And besides,” Bolin added, “if Korra enjoyed it so much, how’s it a punishment? Wouldn’t that just encourage Korra to commit more crimes?” Mako looked at Bolin. He groaned again. “I think you’re reading way too much into this,” Varrick argued. “It’s a fantasy! A harmless fantasy! It’s not like I’m saying women should have dubiously consensual sex with each other in real life!” “Dubiously--?” Mako brought his hands off his face. “There were nipple clamps! And if it’s a fantasy, would you make a mover about how great Fire Lord Ozai was?” “Of course not! That guy was nuts!” “So what’s the difference between portraying the Hundred Year War as a good thing and rape as a good thing?” “Because the Hundred Year War wasn’t between two attractive women! Sheesh, are you even trying to keep up?” Varrick demanded. “I am keeping up, you just have this weird double standard. Would you show a man raping a woman in your mover?” “No, of course not!” “But it’s the same thing if Lin does it! You might as well be showing Jinora having sex, as long as it’s a ‘harmless fantasy’. You wouldn’t, would you?” “Well…” “Varrick!” both brothers cried at once. “If she were aged up, obviously! We could have a older actress playing Jinora traveling in time from the future—“ Varrick gasped. “Zhu Li! Write that down! She can come back to, I don’t know, save someone from a hyper-advanced mecha from the future! One that doesn’t need a pilot, even! Yes! That’s brilliant!” “Are we done here?” Mako asked. “I want to leave before you make a mover about Korra having sex with Naga.” “Now you’re just being insulting, Mako. First rule of movers: never work with children or animals. Sit down, sit down—Zhu Li! Finish writing down my brilliant ideas and bring us some sweet dumplings!” “Ooh, sweet dumplings,” Bolin said. “We’re not staying just because there are sweet dumplings.” “They’ll be fresh out of the ovennnnn…” “They’ll be fresh out of the oven, bro!” Bolin cried. Mako sighed. “Alright, I skipped lunch to come here, so I might as well let you feed us.” “Excellent!” Varrick cheered. “And while you wait, I can tell you about Korra’s lessons with Tenzin on Air Temple Island!” “See?” Bolin asked Mako. “It’s educational! This could do some real good, letting people know about Air Nomad philosophy.” *** “The key is to be like the leaf. Flow with the movement of my body. Airbending is all about spiral movement. When you meet resistance, you must be able to switch direction at a moment’s notice. Dance like the wind itself.” “Shut up and fuck me!” Korra said, bouncing up and down atop him. Tenzin sighed, still ignoring the feel of Korra’s powerful, silken body riding his. “This is not about anything so crude as ‘fucking,’ Korra. It is a type of meditation. To be the Avatar, you must be able to slow down and accept the pleasures of the world with patience and moderation. Slowly. Gently.” He reached up to her full breasts, cupping the firm mounds with a soft touch, kneading and massaging them with care and exactitude. His fingertips brushed over her dark, stiff nipples like he was painting them. The ripe orbs swelled almost instantly, proof of Korra’s exacting lust. He rotated his hips slowly, making Korra bay as his cock shifted inside her. “Let your mind and your spirit be free,” he advised her. “Air is the element of freedom.” “Then why am I not free to fuck you hard?” With an impatient grunt, Korra tested him by pushing herself down to the very base of his staff. Tenzin would not give in, though he felt her cunt pull at his cock, warm it, wetten it. She was impressively tight, rather like Pema had been before a marriage of nightly sexual communion and four children. The ease with which she took his cock now was incredible, meditatively speaking. Tenzin wished he were capable of such relaxation and looseness. Korra pulled herself away from him only to return, her tightness like a thousand little hands palming his shaft, tickling him to orgasm. “Gaaah! I just need to come!” “This is not about a simplistic orgasm, Korra, I am trying to show you how to raise Kundalini energy, worship the divine feminine, activate your chakras!” “How about we just activate my pussy?” Korra asked. She slapped him suddenly, sending a surge of adrenaline through his body. Laughed when she felt the response in his cock and began to fuck herself on him, bounding, pumping, flexing her muscles. “Oh, shit, you’re a better ride than a sky bison! Yip yip, motherfucker! Yip yip!” “Korra, please, this is not doing anything for your chi—“ Korra reached down and grabbed his balls, squeezing them until Tenzin almost cried out in pain. When she felt the throb of his cock inside her, pounding harder and harder, her hand left his sack in sweet relief that almost sent Tenzin over the edge. His breath pitched out of his control, feeling, watching her hands run over his thighs, press to his stomach, massaging the chakra there as she bounced her cunt up and down on his hard cock. It interfered severely with his spiritual concentration; perhaps she’d paid a little more attention to his teachings than he’d thought. Still, Tenzin gave no sign that his cock was about to explode. His fists weren’t even clenched. Only someone who’d known him for a long time would notice how stiff and flat his hands were, pressed down on the mat like an armor piece on a smithy’s anvil. “Come for me, motherfucker! Come for me while you make me come! Fuck my pussy like I’m fucking youuuuuuu!” She slammed down hard on his manhood, one last time, and shook like she was a statue being pulled apart by a team of Earthbenders. Her hands lifted high in the air, pulling hard at her braids, as she roared so hard that flame shot from her tongue. Her cunt lunged around Tenzin’s cock, pulling on it like it never had before. Tenzin felt hot rushes all along his prick, felt his orgasm blooming inside it, but resisted it. Calmness, tranquility were the ways of the wind. He allowed his pleasure to pick himself up and roll along the hilltops and mountain peaks, but never being impeded, never touching down, never stopping. When Korra picked herself up off his cock, he was still hard. “Don’t suppose you have anything to teach me about sucking dick?” “Korra—“ Tenzin said patiently, “there’s more to sex than simply… ‘wham, bam, thank you kindly.’” “You can be such a girl sometimes.” Without bothering to dress, Korra turned for the door. “I’m gonna go see if I can catch the Pro Bending match on the radio. You enjoy meditating.” Tenzin watched her bare ass sway as she walked out the door. Then, with a sigh, he began to jerk himself off. *** “KORRA IS TENZIN’S FATHER! SHE’S THE REINCARNATION OF AANG, WHO WAS MARRIED TO KATARA, WHO GAVE BIRTH TO TENZIN!” “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Varrick jumped up from his chair like Mako was brandishing a sword at him, throwing himself behind said chair and barricading its back with his hands. “There’s no such thing as reincarnation! It’s just the spirit of Raava passing from one Avatar to another. That’s it! Korra and Aang are nothing alike.” Mako shot up as well. “They have the same soul! That doesn’t mean they have to have the same personality!” “Shouldn’t it? That’s the way it works in Doctor Wu!” “Doctor who?” “Doctor Wu!” Bolin said, not standing up, but sitting a little straighter. “It’s this great bunch of scrolls about a guy who rides around on a sky bison with a saddle that’s bigger on the inside, so he can fit a whole house in there. He rides around helping people and fighting evil spirits, and whenever they need to get a new artist, they have Doctor Wu get hurt really bad. To save himself, he builds a new body and astrally projects into it, so that’s why he looks and acts different. But he’s still the same guy.” “This isn’t Doctor Wu! It’s religion! Shouldn’t a guy know a little more about religion before filming people having sex?” “Mako, Mako!” Varrick flung his chair aside, leaning across the table in its place. “Aren’t you forgetting the time Korra traveled into the spirit world and met the other Iroh, the one that isn’t sexy? He had a ghost! How can you have a ghost if you’ve been reincarnated?” “He’d reached enlightenment,” Mako argued, leaning right back. “He ascended to a higher plane of existence!” “Well then, if the Avatar is one soul, and he or she always leads such a selfless, heroic life, then how come he! Or she! Never reaches enlightenment?” Mako raised a finger. Paused. “…I’m panicking at the thought that that might be a good point.” “What about Katara? What if she reaches a higher plane of existence? Is she never going to see Aang again, because his soul is constantly reincarnating into new bodies who fall in love with new people, who will also never see him again if they reach enlightenment?” Varrick demanded. “Or her again?” he added belatedly. “That is kinda depressing,” Bolin said. “I guess maybe, if Katara does reach enlightenment, she could move on and date someone new in the spirit world? I mean, I do it all the time. I kinda have a bit of a thing with the ladies. Love ‘em and leave ‘em, that’s my motto.” “Oh, I’ve noticed!” Varrick said with a crossbow finger and a wink at Bolin. “Or maybe if Toph and Katara ascended together, they could commiserate over missing Aang, still back on the crummy old material plane, bending things, they decide to have some sake together, one thing leads to another—Zhu Li! Ghosts having sex! Write it down! With—I want to say—pottery? Ghosts and pottery!” “You’re a crazy person,” Mako said. “Crazy, am I? Crazy like a fox bear! A rich fox bear!” Varrick sat on his desk. “Sit down, kiddo, this is where you come in! Interested in the Pro Bending tournament she’s hearing on the radio, Korra sneaks off Air Temple Island to visit the arena, where she runs into two very handsome Pro Benders…” “Ooh, is Tahno going to be in this?” Bolin asked. Varrick ignored him. “Also, stop me if you disagree, I feel like this story’s been off to a slow start. Lots of crap about Aang and Tenzin and Lin, who cares about them? We need to compress things, condense, concisenate! So instead of waiting a million years like in hinky real life, it’s time to introduce Republic City’s most eligible bachelorette right out of the gate! Korra goes to the pro bending arena, where she meets one Asami Soto…” “I know her!” Bolin cried. Mako’s arms seemed permanently crossed. “And what about Korra being Tenzin’s father?” “Eh!” Varrick shrugged. “We’ll hang a little lampshade on it.” “What?” “You know, make some dumb joke about how stupid it is. That way, people will know that we know how silly it is and move on.” “How does that make it better? Joking about how crappily you’ve written something doesn’t just magically make your writing better. That’s like saying just because you acknowledged how weird that section where Lin raped Korra is, it’s okay that you wrote it!” Varrick steepled his hands together. “Mako, please. Listen to the lampshade.” *** “And Tenzin!” Korra added, poking her head back in the door, catching his masturbation with an amused look. “Who’s your daddy?” *** Bolin laughed hard, slapping his knee. “Whoa! I was worried that was going to be awkward, but that really does dispel the tension!” He wiped the tears from his eyes. “She should say that all the time. People would hear it, remember how funny it was the first time she said it, and laugh all over again, even if the situation she’s saying it in now isn’t that funny!” “Bolin, I like the way you think!” Varrick cheered. Mako turned to his brother. “Be afraid. Be very afraid.”


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