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Elisa Maza had the attention of every male in the police department. Perfectly adult policemen pretending to do paperwork kept peering over their clipboards and under their hats to sneak glances at the slim, pretty brunette as she worked at the main desk. In everybody's opinion, she was the sexiest badge in the precinct.

Unfortunately for them, her manner didn't match her inviting looks. She had a slender, curvy body, with nice, long legs and a proud chest. She had a beautiful face and long, rich, chocolate hair. But she acted like a bull with red in the corner of its eye.

Boys would smile at her at the water cooler or in the breakroom, but their smiles were never returned. Elisa just looked grim and disapproving. The rumor around 1 Police Plaza was that she hated men, had no interest at all in sex. Otherwise, why would such a gorgeous woman still be single in her late twenties?

No one could’ve guessed why Elisa really acted the way she did. And Elisa wasn't about to tell anyone the truth.

It made Elisa blush to think about it, and she thought about it a lot. Elisa had been fired from her last assignment. The fact of the matter was, Elisa had been unable to control herself. She'd always been that way around men. When an attractive guy came on to her, she responded with enthusiasm, unless she kept her distance. She was an exceptionally hot-blooded young woman, and the longer she went with her demands not being satisfied, the more distance it took to keep herself in check.

Last time she'd been lucky. The sergeant who’d caught her in the act while on duty could have ended her career. Instead, he'd hushed up the reason for her dismissal on the condition that she see a shrink and try to get some help for her problem. So she was free to seek another position.

She'd seen the shrink just as she'd promised, and they'd ended up fucking on his couch. Somehow, he never got around to curing her. Maybe he’d thought her problem was being frigid.

Elisa still didn't know how to control her impulses. She was just doing her best to ignore them, acting like an old maid who wasn't interested in sex. It wasn't working very well. It’d been three weeks since she’d been on a date, a first date where she’d embarrassed herself too much for a second. She knew there was nothing wrong these days with going to bed with a guy on the first date, but it still made her feel so uncatholic, so like a slut that seeing the guy again just reminded her of how lascivious she’d been. Which, ironically enough, was the one thing that turned her off.

She was struggling to ignore her smoldering needs, and she was horny enough to scream. She knew she couldn’t go much longer without a man. She was perfectly aware of every cute male sneaking looks at her, and the temptation of them was becoming almost unbearable. When she slept, her dreams were long and vivid and just barely not enough to satisfy her.

Elisa awoke the next morning feeling cold and prickly. She writhed kittenishly on her bed and kicked the covers off her young body. She cupped her tits and rubbed her pussy a little, just to wake herself up. Then she lay there, stroking herself and fondling a tit as she ran through a pleasant fantasy. God, it was pathetic, but better to have a rich fantasy life than have a reputation as a skank. That would be fatal. She could just about live with being a nymphomaniac so long as it was her little secret.

She could’ve thought of any man in that moment—it wasn’t like it could make things more frigid and awkward around them—but she thought of Peter. She knew he was Spider-Man. The knowledge of almost precisely what his hard, lean body looked like under his endearingly dorky clothing made him nearly irresistible, added an undercurrent of sex to every cop-vigilante conversation with him. 

Around him, Elisa didn't act like a grim spinster, and she wouldn't have dreamed of being cold. The guy was a dark-haired hunk, a gorgeous specimen of a man. Even in his winter clothing, she could see his muscles bulge. More than once, Elisa's gaze had drifted to his fly, and she hadn’t always forced herself to look away.

She was just supposed to help him play nice with the PD—that was the arrangement they’d made three years ago. Why should it be more? He was, by process of elimination, the most important man in her life, at least that wasn’t a blood relative, and even she wasn’t perverted enough for that to be an issue. She didn’t want to screw up their relationship with sex the way she had all her relationships that were all sex.

Elisa also knew she had to have a plan if she was going to get what she wanted, even in a fantasy. She felt like just going up to his door and saying, "Mr. Parker, I know you want to fuck me. Why don't you do it already?"

But that wouldn't get her everything she wanted from the handsome man. She wanted to be pursued, desired, craved, impassioned! After her experience with guys that were all lust and no class, she longed for more than more of the same. Any girl could get fucked, she thought, but I want to be made love to.

Well, it was just a stupid fantasy, not wedding planning. She showered and got dressed before her daydreaming could move from awkward to pitiful. It was her day off and she had nowhere to be, so for no reason she dressed up in her briefest, tightest minidress. It was a pretty blue, cut low across her jutting breasts and high on her curvy thighs. With her hair brushed and combed and her eyes sparkling with youth and vitality, she thought she could seduce a statue. Maybe it’d be a nice test of her resolve, looking this good, feeling this fine, and not needing to go out and bring sex into the equation.

There came a knock at the window. “Can we talk?”

Elisa lived on the fifteenth floor. 

She went to the window, not thinking, and opened it up to let Peter in. He slipped inside, wearing his civvies—ascending to her window and getting in must’ve only taken him seconds while the coast was clear—and only then noticed her appearance.

“Oh, geez. Hot date?”

Elisa pursed her lips. She didn’t want to get into it. That would be far too… close… for comfort. “Maybe.”

“You look nice,” Peter said, almost averting his eyes. Honestly, it wasn’t like she was wearing a bondage outfit or anything… was she?

“Nice?” Elisa replied, a voice inside her telling her to steer clear of the whole subject, but she found Peter just attractive enough to want her interest reciprocated in some small way. It was the principle of the thing. She was a cop. Wasn’t she supposed to be all about principles?

“Really nice,” Peter amended, his voice cracking. “I just wanted to touch… touch base, see if there are any open cases, police business…” He pounded his hands together casually. “Whatever. Stuff.”

“It’s my day off,” Elisa said.

“I, yeah, you know—c’mon…”

Elisa smiled unsteadily. “No. No open cases, no supervillains on the loose, no monster sightings. The city isn’t that weird and us boys in blue can go a week without your help, y’know.”

“Yeah…” He wasn’t averting his eyes now. “So you’re, ah, free?”

“Yes,” Elisa said, putting her hands on her hips and owning it.

“No… pressing engagements?”

Elisa sighed. Honesty was the best policy, as her mother would say. “No. I was just trying this stupid thing on to see if it fits.”

“It fits,” Peter said. He might’ve been drooling.

“Thanks,” Elisa replied caustically. “Anything else?”

“Coffee?” Peter mumbled.


“Coffee?” Peter repeated, practically slack-jawed. He was a little louder.

“You want me to hydrate you now?”

He snapped out of whatever fantasy he’d been stuck in; Elisa idly wondered what it had been. “No, ah, coffee’s a diuretic, not a… it wouldn’t… I mean, uh, would you like a coffee?”

He probably had a girlfriend. Maybe he was imagining his girlfriend—surely hot and sexually open in a non-slut kinda way—wearing her dress. The thought was slightly aggravating to Elisa. If he had a girl, she was probably white, too. Probably wished she had Elisa’s café au lait skin. Probably went to a tanning salon for it. Elisa knew the type, walking Madison Avenue in such numbers they were like products on an assembly line. 

“You want to fix me coffee?” Elisa had never claimed to be pure of heart and have a soul full of light.

“No, I thought I could take you out. Buy you coffee. We could talk.”

“We’re talking here.”

“Yeah, I know, but…” He glanced through the open door to her bedroom, her bed. “Going to get coffee is more… official.”

Elisa hasn’t cleaned her sheets in a while and hadn’t made her bed in forever. “Official?”

“Like I’m courting you or whatever.” Peter shook his head. “I’d pay, I mean.”

“Since when are you courting me?”

“Well… never too late to start, right? We do make a pretty good team. And I wouldn’t have to worry about you finding out my secret. And, uh—“

“The age difference?” Elisa asked him. “The fact that you regularly risk your life? The fact that we work together?”

“But if we’re not supposed to work together, then we can… not suppose to date too. And there’s an age difference between me and you too, on my side, so if I’m cool with it, you can be. And hey, you risk your life too, so neither of us can really call each other out on that.” He smiled haplessly. “Plus, you like coffee.”

“I don’t want to get coffee.”

Something in her voice must have betrayed her lust, because Peter's eyes lit up and he moved closer to her. Elisa could feel heat coming right through her panties. She realized she was sending out strong, sexual signals and that Peter was picking up on them. He backed her up against the wall, moving with inches of her.

"Elisa," he said hoarsely, "what do you want to get?"

His cock kept growing and growing, until it tented his fly obscenely. Elisa could feel his prick throb even through their clothes. Obviously, she thought, the man was superbly hung. She could hardly wait to take his cock into her famished cunt.

Which was how she’d lost her last job…

"Peter," she said breathlessly, "I can’t!"

"Oh, yeah! Right!" Peter panted. “Because I haven’t bought you coffee or taken you on a date or… not that I want to buy you coffee or take you on a date, I mean, not that I wouldn’t, but I don’t have to do that, if you don’t want to, not that I don’t want to, just that… I can want to or not want to. Whichever you want.”

She had been foolish the last time, but she'd make sure nobody walked in and caught her now. Elisa locked the doors and pulled the shades, even closed each door between rooms in her tiny apartment. Pointless, maybe, but it put her mind at ease. Almost. Then she walked over to a leather couch Peter had actually helped her carry up from ground floor, and Peter quickly followed her, his prick wagging stiffly in his pants.

He pulled her down on the couch, half pinning her with his hard body, and he pushed her dress way and unhooked her bra. Pushing it out of the way, he uncovered her luscious-looking tits. They were like plump fruits, perfectly round and firm. He cupped them in his hands and sensuously fondled them.

"Ohhhh, God, yesss!" Elisa hissed.

Peter was almost snorting with excitement as she responded hotly to his caresses. He'd had his eye on her from the first time they’d met, and he'd had plenty of fantasies about doing exactly what he was doing, so many that he’d practically trained for it in his head. But he'd never dreamed she'd respond with so much eagerness and passion.

"It’s been a long time for you too, hasn’t it?” he asked, trying to reassure himself or her or both of them. She didn’t care anymore.

"Too long!" Elisa moaned.

To her, a month was much too long. She’d have sex every day if she could get it, more if he could get it up. She'd often told herself that she should get married, so she'd have a steady sex partner. But Elisa didn't know if she was ready to settle down with one man. Not unless he was five men where it counted.

Right now she was very glad she was free. As Peter fondled her sensitive tits and thumbed her rosy nipples into long, stiff buds, she could feel his cock buck and throb against her thigh. Peter was desperate to get his prick into her cunt, and there was nothing stopping her from taking it.

He dipped his head down and sucked her nipples, going from one to the other. Elisa whimpered with pleasure and creamed steadily and helplessly. Her pussy was on fire with need. All she could think about was how urgently she needed a hard cock in her cunt, reaming deep and cramming her full.

She started removing Peter's clothes. Unfortunately, he was dressed for the classroom, in suit and tie, and it seemed to take forever to get it all off. But Elisa persisted, removing his tie and jacket and shirt and tee-shirt while he played with her tits. She ogled his muscular chest. She imagined how it would feel pressed up against her body.

She reached for the zipper of his pants and carefully cased it open around his massive hard-on. His pants dropped, leaving him in just his shorts, which bulged with his swollen cock. Elisa's fingers trembled with eagerness as she carefully worked his shorts off.

She gave a hoarse little moan of excitement when his stiff prick snapped free of the shorts. He was fantastically hung, with a cock a good eight inches long and as thick as her wrist. His prick was exactly what her love-starved self needed. Hot cream ran from her sex.

"Christ, you really are horny!" Peter said wonderingly as he watched the molten liquid spurt from her little cunt.

Peter got rid of her crumpled bra, then took off her shoes and pantyhose. Next came her dress, leaving her in just her skimpy panties. He grasped the little garment and inched it down, slowly revealing the triangle of her little bush. Now she could feel his hot breath all over her skin. In the tepidly cool room, it felt like the winds of a hurricane.

"You're gorgeous, just gorgeous!" he whispered.

So are you, you big hunk, Elisa thought, too excited to speak.

He drew her panties all the way off, then gently pushed her legs open so he could stare at her juicy, pink slit. Elisa didn't feel a trace of embarrassment. She'd never felt shy about her body. She just felt incredibly turned on as the powerfully built man looked between her legs.

Elisa gave him a wicked grin and said, "Eat my pussy."

"You bet," Peter laughed.

He scooted down and opened her legs, spreading them wide, bending her knees back. Elisa cooperated, still grinning. He looked hungrily at her dainty pink slit, the fringe of rich brown curls, the little wet mouth of her box. He opened the lips of her mons and ogled the needful pink button of her cunt. Elisa just lay there grinning, not ashamed to show him everything, only hopeful he’d reciprocate.

"Any special thing you'd like?" Peter asked.

"I'll let you know," Elisa grinned. "You could start by licking my clit."

Peter instantly flopped down, stuck out his tongue, and applied the slick hot tip to the tiny monument of her cunt. He licked and lashed the little pink nub, and Elisa squealed with delight, her honey flooding out to wet his chin. He licked her tasty little button until it was erect and throbbing.

"Lovely, Peter," Elisa purred. "Now stick your tongue up inside me."

Peter was ready to do anything for her. He pressed his face farther down in her steamy little pussy, tickled around with his tongue, and found the slick tight hole of her opening. He started to snake his thick tongue inside.

"OOOOOOOOO," Elisa squealed, "YES! I love that, darling! Put your tongue in as far as it will go."

Peter obeyed, thrusting his tongue clear to the root in her fiery-hot hole. He remembered what other girls had liked and began using his tongue like a cock, jerking hard and fast, thinking he'd bring her off this way. Elisa mooned with delight and creamed furiously around his jerking tongue, but presently she pushed his head away.

"Now my ass," she panted. "Stick your tongue in my asshole, Peter."

He thought it was kind of a weird request, but also kind of exciting. He pressed the tip of his tongue to the little wrinkled mouth of her asshole and started to go in. The opening was very, very tight, but he managed to get inside, thrusting his long thick tongue as deep as he could in the gripping passage.

"AHHHHHHH, GOD!" Elisa gasped. "Peter, that's wonderful. Move your tongue in my ass, lover, make me come."

Peter began the swift hard stabbing motion of his tongue, and Elisa kept up a continuous hoarse moan of pleasure. She was bucking and creaming all over his face. Then suddenly she arched her body, gasped, and began to come. Peter felt her tight hot anus squeezing his tongue.

"AHHHHHHH!" Elisa wailed. "YES, I'M COMNNNNG!"

When her spasms had finally died down, she giggled and pushed Peter off her. Bending low over his belly, eyeing his cock which had receded slightly as he focused on her, she said, "See, it’s much more fun when we don't hurry. We did all those nice things to each other, and now we're ready for more, for each other."

Peter couldn't help laughing. "I think you’re a little more ready than me.”

"Oh, don't worry about that," Elisa purred. "I'll get you hard in no time."

As her head dipped into his lap, Peter thought about all those nights he’d spent stuck at home, when he could’ve been having all this wild fun. Well, it couldn't be helped, not now, not tonight. Not with Elisa's red-hot mouth closing around his prick, so that he couldn't think of anything else.

Elisa grabbed for his prick. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and started pumping, letting him know that she was starved for cock. Pre-cum started running out to whet her appetite. Elisa drooled at the sight of the meal he served her.

Moaning, she drew his prick within reach of her tongue. She started licking up his strong, salty pre-cum. As her wet, hot tongue made electric contact with his sensitive cockhead, Peter snorted with excitement. His cock gave a powerful buck in her fist, then began creaming even harder.

"Mmmmm! Uuummmm!" Elisa moaned as she licked up his cream.

Peter was out of his mind with lust. The officious looking police officer was a wildcat when it came to sex. She was incredibly lusty, and she didn't try to hide it. He slid a hand between her thighs and found that her pussy was soaking wet and hot as fire. Slick cream spurted into his palm as she licked his cock.

He'd never met a woman so horny. And not only was she wild for sex, she was beautiful, with a fantastic, slim body. Peter was determined to give her an experience she'd never forget. While she lashed her hot, little tongue all over the fat, purple head of his prick, he inserted his middle finger into her cunt.

"Ohhhhh! Oooooh!" Elisa squealed.

"You like that, baby?" he moaned.

"Yes, go deeper!" she whispered. "Give me all of it!"

Peter thrust his finger as deep as it would go into the cop's juice-slick pussy. Her cunt was like a furnace, smoking and boiling. Her inner walls greedily gripped his finger, then soaked it with spurting cream. He started jerking his finger in a stiff fucking motion.

"Ohhhh, my God, yesss!" Elisa sobbed. "Keep doing that, Peter, don't stop! I need it so damned bad!"

No shit! Peter thought.

Elisa's body was telling Peter everything he needed to know. Her cunt was creaming and sucking and squeezing around his pumping finger, and she was writhing, her hips jerking uncontrollably. She was drooling all over his cockhead as she gobbled his cream.

Elisa needed something in her cunt so badly, Peter realized, she couldn't control herself. He whipped his drenched finger from her wet sex and she groaned.

"Oh, don't stop, honey!" she whimpered. "I need it real bad!"

"I know you do, baby!" Peter growled. "But I'm gonna give you something a whole lot better. I'm gonna give you this!"

He gently drew his throbbing cock from her fingers and wagged it lewdly at her. Elisa eyed his enormous slab of meat and moaned with longing. Juice poured from her cunt in a steaming flood. She bent her knees and spread her legs wide, inviting him to cram his prick into her famished cunt.

Peter knelt between her legs and plugged the big head of his prick into the juicy opening she offered. Elisa began to sob with pleasure as he eased his throbbing hard cock into her molten cunt. She soaked his prick with rush after rush of sizzling cream. Her whole body was shaking with need.

"Oooooh, yesss!" she squealed. "Stick that big cock into me, Peter! Give me every fuckin' inch of it!"

Peter could hardly believe she was the dignified and refined peace officer he'd seen so many times before. Officer Maza had turned into a hot-assed slut, wailing and moaning with pleasure as he filled her cunt with his throbbing cock. She gasped with ecstasy when he touched bottom.

"You got it all now, baby?" he moaned. "You like it?"

"I love it!" Elisa gurgled, clawing his shoulders and soaking his prick with hot juice. "Fuck me, Peter! Fuck the living shit out of me!"

Peter gave a short of lust and shoved his hands under her hot little ass. Cupping her firm buttocks, he pulled her tight against him and pistoned his rock-hard cock in her tight, juicy little cunt. She clung to him and dug her nails into his shoulders, whimpering with bliss.

"Oooooh, yeah, fuck it to me! Fuck my pussy good!" she wailed hoarsely.

Elisa knew what a slut she was being, but she couldn't help it. When she was in heat, she couldn't control herself. She couldn't tame the hot lust that surged through her body when her cunt took a hard-pistoning cock. She just went wild, yelling whatever crazy thing came into her head, letting her body take over from her brain.

Her body took over now, bucking and writhing to the hot rhythm of Peter's fucking. Each time he crammed his massive hard-on into her pussy, she responded with a greedy, upward thrust of her hips, taking his manhood as deep as she could get it. Her creaming was steady and heavy, the molten liquid overflowing her cunt and running down her ass-crack to puddle on the couch. She was going out of her mind with excitement.

"Oooooh, shit! Fuck! Oooooh, I'm coming!" she howled.

"Oh, Jesus!" Peter groaned.

Her cunt was clamping and sucking around his big, throbbing prick, almost making him come. But he managed to ride out her hard, bucking climax, fucking her through it until she went limp. He gave her only a second to recover, then started fucking her harder than ever.

"Unnnhhh, yesss! Do it to meeee!" Elisa wailed.

It seemed like that was just what he'd do. He fucked her so hard that her body shuddered with the impact and the couch creaked and vibrated. But Elisa adored his brutal fucking. She threw her legs around his back and locked them there, taking his thundering prick as deep as she could.

"Unnhhh, fuck! Fuck me crazy, you bastard! I love it!"

Peter was gasping and snorting, just about to shoot like crazy, but he struggled to hold out and make the squealing policewoman come one more time. It turned out to be not much of a struggle. A few seconds after her first come, Elisa bucked and wailed again.

"Ohhhh, shit, you're doing it to me! I'm coming!" Elisa screamed.

"Take my load, baby! Aaaggghhh!" Peter roared.

Elisa sobbed with relief and pleasure as her new lover flooded her sucking cunt with his boiling load. It had been one of the best fucks of her life, and she'd needed it desperately. She gurgled with satisfaction when he finally pulled his dripping cock out of her hot cunt.

"Thanks, Peter, I needed that!" she gurgled. 

"I guess!" Peter laughed.

Then they heard the janitor working in the hall and quieted down. Elisa knew they couldn’t be interrupted, but there was something charming and intimate in Peter’s secrecy, and she joined him in being a spy, rosy-checked and humming to herself.

"I've just been wanting to know you better, Elisa," Peter said. "I was wondering if we could go out for dinner some time."

Elisa felt a powerful rush of lust, and she could barely control her voice as she replied, "Why, I'd love that, Peter. I'd like to know you better, too." 


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