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Bruce had never talked about it, but Artemis had read enough to be able to picture it. Bruce’s files on the matter were open to her, and Diana had suggested she look at them. The autopsy reported had been clear enough. Combat, torture, then the explosion. Artemis had experienced enough of all three to be able to picture it, feel how Jason Todd had died.

She woke up in a cold sweat to find Bruce bringing her a glass of cold water, a robe already sheathing him. Her psychic distress must’ve woken him, but he’d let her come to on her own. Even a nightmarish sleep was at least some rest, and they could both use that.

She took the glass and chugged it down. “It was Jason. The namesake. I dreamed of him.”

“Dying,” Bruce questioned, though he wasn’t asking. Of course, no one thought of Jason Todd but thought of his death first. Jason Wayne might reclaim that reputation, redeem it, but for now, it was still a shadow.

“Yes. Any wonder?” Artemis asked sardonically.

It wasn’t. In the morning, their son would be in danger. “Do you want to stop?”

He asked because she couldn’t, not even of herself. Once she’d committed to Jason being a Bana, she was mated to the idea, committed to it irrevocably. But if she truly wanted to be broken of it, he’d know. He’d do it.

“No,” Artemis said finally. “But he’ll be vulnerable. I know he can handle the trials—I know he can—but if someone were to take advantage. Try to hurt him while he was alone…” Her eyes watered at the thought. “I’m going to watch over him.”

Bruce barely moved, barely nodded. “So will I.”

He sat on the edge of the bed. He uncrossed his arms and placed his palms on the edge of the bed. His big shoulders seemed to broaden and Artemis could tell that despite his stoicism, the thought bothered him as much as her.

"We can’t protect him if we’re not rested," Artemis began. She moved up close to her seated husband, allowing her pelvis to rub against his knee.

Bruce at first seemed startled. Then his face became a mask, acting indifferent, but the sweat appearing on his brow gave him away.

"We can’t rest unless we stop thinking about it," she said, rubbing against him.

Bruce could not resist.

Artemis placed both hands on his shoulders and drew herself into him. "First some atmosphere. The mood must be right."

She kissed him sweetly. The kiss was long. She pressed her wet lips harder into his, and the longer the kiss lasted, the weaker his resolve. The greater his lust.

Artemis angled her body against him, her pelvis against his knee. Her legs spread, and she clamped them around his legs, spread-eagling herself.

Bruce tensed. Artemis's firm tits molded into his well-muscled chest. She rubbed herself against him, her body to his. He could feel her pointed nipples.

Bruce's eyes closed.

Artemis felt a hardness at his crotch. His cock was responding. She fought the urge to throw her clothes off, instead she flicked her tongue into his mouth, moving it around sensuously.

Bruce breathed deeply as her tongue sought his.

His tongue invaded her mouth, parting her lips, taking control.

Artemis sighed. He was fucking her mouth with his tongue.

They were in a tight embrace, kissing heatedly, breathlessly, writhing against each other in a dry-heat embrace.

Bruce placed his arms around the redhead and pulled her more tightly into him. Artemis could feel his compact, iron-hard pectoral muscles bulge into her chest until she could feel nothing else but him.


The armor Jason wore was neither ceremonial nor wholly practical. It was simple and utilitarian, in keeping with the Bana’s ethos, but ornate decorations marked it as part of a ritual. A chestplate was strapped to his torso, covering only the upper half, from his shoulders to his sternum, with a bat crafted into it. He wore a helm, with two horns forming a familiar silhouette. His trousers were armored at the knees and shin. His bracers had the protruding wings of his father’s gauntlets. He looked at once like a warrior and like a child playing dress-up.

His parents were dressed similarly. Artemis wore the armor she always wore, while Bruce had adapted one of his Batsuits to the desert environment. Lighter, less thickly plated, with the coloring a dull brown on black to camouflage him. He didn’t expect he would have to use it, aside from the ceremonial role of wearing armor, but in the event that he did, it would be a useful outfit.

The village elder looked down at Jason from between the standing stones that encircled him. Bana women aged in scars, not wrinkles. She looked almost like she’d been put together out of jigsaw pieces, though outside that, she was a handsome woman of good vintage. Her white hair made formidable plaits down her back. She spoke crisply and clearly, without the worshipful flourishes of the more well-known Amazons. Instead, her statements were quick and to the point.

“There is only one thing you must do, young warrior. Walk the path of the Bana-Mighdall.”

It was easy to see it. The hill they were on overlooked the rock-studded path as it left the Bana village and proceeded into the distance.

“It will carry you into the territories of the sacred beasts that we do not hunt. You will cross the rocky desert, then pass through town and forest, until you come to a temple. There, you will have three tasks to compete. One of bravery, one of skill, one of will. You have three days.”

Now, as the elder spoke, Artemis was allowed to approach him. She marked him, silently and reassuringly, with the facepaint of the Bana. Red marks dotting the outline of his face, as if the beginnings of the splatter of blood. 

“Your horse awaits,” the elder concluded. Bruce was holding onto the bridle. He checked the saddlebags one last time. The Bana had supplied their own survival gear, Bruce had put in a utility belt, Artemis had added a simple hunting knife, and Jason had himself brought gloves made out of Nth metal. 

When Jason came to him, Bruce handed him the reins. Wordlessly, Jason swung into the saddle. Bruce stayed nearby, to catch him if he fell, but Jason didn’t need the help. With one last look at his parents, he heeled the horse into motion and started it at a slow canter down the hill and onto the path.

Artemis came to Bruce’s side as Jason was swept into the horizon. “We should be going ahead of him. Scouting the path to see that there are no traps…”

“Part of the test is to be alone.”

“But no Bana has the enemies he has. Not from being born.”

“Right now, what he needs most is to see us letting him go, knowing he can take care of himself.” Bruce felt Artemis take his hand and clutch it tightly. He knew she needed more reassurance. “Half an hour. Then we’ll go after him. He’ll never know.”


After he bedded his mount down for the night, Jason went about lighting a small fire. Trying to further take his mind off the cold, he pulled his mother’s knife from its scabbard and took a couple of swipes at an imaginary opponent that suddenly appeared before him. The imaginary villain deftly done in by his expert swordsmanship, Jason carefully examined the fine workmanship that went into the blade. Laying the knife aside on the ground, he pulled out his gauntlets and admired them. Although he had yet to use the weapons, they gave him a feeling of security.

Unclasping his cumbersome cape and laying it on the ground, the boy balanced the dagger in his hand. Again an imaginary opponent appeared from out of the night. Grinning he jumped at the mock foe. Stabbing and lashing in a brilliant show of dexterity, the imagined villain was vanquished in a matter of moments.

Smiling, self-assured, Jason stepped back and admired his skill with the blade. His grin abruptly faded when an ear-splitting hiss pierced the silent sands. It had not even begun to fade before Jason whirled around, clutching his knife, to see a gigantic snake winding around his campfire. The entire glow of it was stoppered by the thickness of the monster’s green and brown splotched rings. His horse was struggling uselessly as the life was methodically crushed from its body.

Hollowness filled him as he rushed toward the encoiled horse. In his foolishness, he had wandered away from the fire and his arsenal, leaving him armed only with the dagger in his right hand. A feeble weapon to slay a seventeen foot monster!

With only the thought of freeing his horse from the twisting body, Jason lashed out at the hell-creature. The blade struck a deep groove in the shining green near one of its eyes. The action brought what he wanted; the snake's attention was diverted from the horse momentarily.

Like an unholy living whip, the snake's great triangular head struck out, its gaping mouth snapping closed on Jason's forearm. While the beast lacked the teeth that normally line a mouth, it had two wickedly curved fangs which it used to hold its prey. It was these that savagely sunk into the boy's arm. It was only his bracers which saved him, as the fangs sparked off their metal. 

Transferring his blade to his left hand, Jason's right hand closed around the thick scaly neck of the creature, gripping as tight as possible to stop those dangerous fangs from finding bare skin. He backed up in a straight line to avoid the coils that slithered free from his horse as the devil-snake turned all its attentions to the new challenge.

Repeatedly, his knife slashed out trying to cut its way into the white underside of the snake. The damage the boy inflicted was slight. Armor-like scales deflected the main impact of Jason's blows before the sharp point of his knife could sink into the vital flesh beneath.

Its bloated trunk completely free of the horse, the snake now whipped its heavy body forward, trying to ensnare its newest prey in its deadly twisting coils. Jason's legs carried him above the ensnarling whip again and again. However, he realized it was only a matter of time before the results of this uneven match became evident and he fell victim to the creature's deadly, crushing embrace.

His attention turned back to the snake's head. Again and again, he tried to drive the flashing blade into the loathsome slits. But again and again, his attempts were in vain, as the monster twisted and coiled away from the striking steel. Jason held back his want to scream out in agony, as the snake's movements increased the pressure on his bitten arm. Even if the fangs hadn’t penetrated, he could still feel his bracer crumpling inward, biting into his flesh in their stead.

Almost before he realized what had happened, a slithering coil trapped his right leg. He went down to his knees, prepared for the ponderous mass of snake that would soon encompass his body. But before it could lash out with its ensnaring rings of scaled death, Jason felt a violent shock transmitted through the snake's mouth. The boy's eyes flashed up and saw his horse. It was trampling with fleshy thuds on the snake’s thick back!

The new attack from the rear was all that was needed to again divert the monster's attention. Taking advantage of the opening given to him, Jason drove his blade forward, slicing it into the creature's eye. He felt the slight resistance of bone, then the dagger drove into the brain.

In an unearthly scream, the titan opened its mouth, freeing its fangs from the arm it had held. Geysers of thick green blood boiled from the pit that had once contained its eye, as Jason scrambled back. Screaming again the monster convulsed and collapsed dead on the bank of the stream, its huge coils continued to quiver in reflex action.

Jason carefully steered clear of it as he checked on his horse. It was fine, and seemed proud of itself. He could feel his hand going numb, the circulation cut off, and the next order of business was to pry his busted bracer off and bandage his bludgeoned forearm. That he did easily enough, for a man working with one hand.

All that left was cooking dinner.


The next morning he’d finished the first leg of his journey, entering into a cave in a rocky mountain. Bruce and Artemis couldn’t follow, instead circling around the mountain’s foothills to pick Jason up when he emerged on the other side. 

“That was too close the other night,” Artemis said. “We should’ve intervened.”

“He didn’t need us to,” Bruce said. “And you said every Bana fights something like that beast.”

Artemis settled, realizing he was right. “I wonder if my mother accompanied me… even knowing she couldn’t intervene.”

“It’s harder this way,” Bruce said, commiserating.

“I think it’d be harder not knowing at all. At least now we know he can handle snakes. Just like his mother.”

Artemis turned around. "God," she gasped, seeing the look of lust in his eyes, "you make me feel naked!"

"Then let's get you that way," he said firmly. 

“Here?” she asked. “Now?”

“It’s just like the other night. We can’t intercede. It does no good to worry. We should do whatever it takes to keep morale up.”

“And you can perform? In the desert heat? While your son is in danger? When there are threats all around?”

“With you?” Bruce asked her, his voice husky, gruff. Arousing. “Yes.”

Artemis caught her breath as he pushed up against her and kissed her mouth hotly. She felt his cock, big and thick, pound against her crotch and she went weak in his arms. Her thrusting tits pressed hard against his massive chest and her thighs closed on his erection. She moaned through the hot kiss.

"So can you," he groaned, licking his thick tongue into her cute little ear. 

Artemis could only whimper in defeat. All her plans flew out the window as the man's anxious hands felt her up. He squeezed her tits, rubbed her ass, her clit. His fingers hooked under her skirt and lifted it.

"I want to see your cunt," he breathed hotly. "Hold up your skirt."

Artemis couldn't resist his desire. She pulled her skirt way up on her naked belly and let him stare at her furry little pussy.

"Goddamn," he groaned and fell to his knees. He pushed her feet apart and peered needfully into her pussy, admiring her cunt.

Artemis could hardly stand it. She looked down over her thrusting tits and watched his eyes eat up her cunt. She panted as he stared like a starving man at fresh meat. His glance was erotic and intense and excited her greatly. She wanted him to lick her cunt. She felt like reaching down and yanking his handsome face against her hot cunt so he could fuck his tongue into her pussy. She ached for him to lick her with his tongue, to lick her cunt and suck her clit until she was quivering with the power he had over her.

She wanted everything the man could give her, no matter how wicked or lustful it was. She was ripe for anything and everything, and Bruce knew it. 

"Please," she panted suddenly, thrusting her pussy out. "Lick it for me! Please. Don't tease me. You've teased me for so long. Ohhh, do it, do it! Lick my pussy!"

Bruce couldn't believe his ears—or his eyes—but he wasn't about to argue with the luscious girl. He shoved his powerful hands between her thighs and grasped her firm, curvy asscheeks. With a groan and a burning lust in his hot balls, he pulled her forward and shoved his tongue into her wet little pussy.

"Oh!" Artemis squealed as his tongue darted like a snake after a kill. She bucked with a ripple of pleasure, then moaned hotly as his tongue fucked in and out of her juicy cunt.

"Ohhh, yes, yes, yesssss!" she shrieked, spreading her feet farther apart so he could get all of his tongue into her slit.

She quivered with joy and humped her cunt viciously, feeling her urges going crazy inside her. Bruce's tongue was like an electric probe licking her pussy as he flicked and licked and sucked at her clit.

"Ohhh, husband!" she cried. Her tits hardened in her tight armor and her pussy went off.

Bruce's tongue swirled around her inner flesh. His tongue drilled to the far back of her channel, setting her on fire with its constant friction.

Artemis squealed and jerked her hips and shuddered with extreme orgasm as the handsome man sucked and licked her horny pussy. It was wonderful for her. She cried out with pleasure as his thick tongue backed out of her drenched cunt and lapped little circles around her quivering, begging lips.

She threw her hands around his neck and pulled his mouth hard against her humping cunt. When his tongue entered her again, she tightened her pussy around his tongue and fucked hotly, gasping and panting with pleasure.

"Oh--ohh--ohhhh, more, more!" she shrieked. "Ohhh, eat me! Suck my cunt! Lick my pussy! Ohhh, Batman! Bruce! Ohhhh, bite me, lick me, suck me! Mmmmm, I'm cumming so nice!"

Her walls quivered and flooded with rush after rush of scalding cream. Electric thrills shot through her body until she was shuddering violently. Her cunt writhed and twisted on Bruce's greedily sucking mouth as he employed his tongue, teeth and lips.

In a fit of pleasure, he grasped her asscheeks and pulled them apart. Then he pushed a big middle finger up into her sweet asshole as his thick tongue invaded her pussy again. Artemis went to pieces in his hands and fucked her asshole hotly as she humped her sex on his drilling tongue. New and violent orgasms followed in the wake of her earlier ones.

Her mouth fell open and her eyes fluttered shut. She gasped for breath and squealed as if she were being tortured. Bruce's tongue slowly withdrew from her quivering cunt and slithered up to lick at her swollen clit. Artemis screamed with pleasure at that and thought she would cum till she died.

"Mnnnmm, good, Artemis," Bruce murmured into her soaked slit. He flattened his tongue and washed up and down her cunt-lips and clit. The heat of her pussy radiated onto his face and made him hornier.

"Give me more," Artemis panted, moaning hotly. "Awww, lick it more. Qhhh, it feels so good when you suck me!"

Her passionate squeals and hot moans inspired Bruce to really eat her out and drive her wild.

Bruce opened his mouth wide and covered bar whole cunt with his lips, sucking her pussy viciously, and shook her hips back and forth as if he were a dog struggling with a bone. Artemis almost fainted.

"Oh!" she shrieked when his stiffened tongue drove back up into her silky wet cunt again. It felt like he was drilling a well, screwing his tongue in and out, faster and faster. The tip of his hot tongue skipped around the walls of her creaming, humping pussy, then fucked up into her to get her off some more. Artemis went crazy on his tongue, screwing, humping and fucking wildly as she came and came.

"Please, please," she panted a few seconds later, shuddering violently. "Fuck me now. Ohhh, give me your cock, Bruce! Shove it up my pussy right now! Ohhh, you've got me so horny!"

"I'll give you my cock all right," Bruce said thickly, pulling her to the floor with him. "But first I want it in that sexy little mouth of yours."

He rolled onto his back and his hard-on thrust upwards against his pants. "See what you do to me?" he said hotly. "Get it out."

Obediently, Artemis grasped at his fly and got his pants open. She freed his enormous cock and stared wide-eyed at it as his prick throbbed before her.

"Suck it," Bruce groaned. "Come on, suck me off."

Artemis grasped his meaty cock but hesitated. She looked up at him and whimpered, "You'll cum if I do. You won't fuck me."

Bruce laughed. "Don't worry about that, Artemis. I'll fuck your cunt off after you blow me. Just get your sexy mouth down on me and start sucking."

Artemis couldn't resist any longer. She couldn't argue. Nor could she wait to get his throbbing cock into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and parted her lips. She took his enormous hard-on into her soft mouth and started licking and sucking with increasing desire. His cock felt good between her lips and the taste reminded her of the good times she'd had. She wanted more of those good times now with Bruce, with his wives. Desperately, she swirled her tongue around his throbbing cockhead, then bobbed her pretty head up and down so his prick would fuck her mouth.

She was still panting for breath and licking jism from her sensitive lips when Bruce suddenly pushed her down onto her back. She moaned as he floored her and fucked her.

He crouched low and rubbed the end of his wet cock in the honey dripping from Artemis's excited young pussy, and Artemis's ass writhed at the delicious teasing.

She whimpered helplessly as Bruce lay on her curvy body, and she curled her slender arms around his neck. She felt the blunt end of his enormous hard-on press against her cunt-lips and she sucked in her lower lip in anticipation of the extreme joy of fucking.

Bruce's thick cockhead pushed between her tight lips and invaded her cunt, then the full length of his prick glided inward and upward as shivers of excitement rushed through Artemis's hot little pussy.

Artemis gasped, feeling every solid inch of his thick cock up her sex. Her legs lifted spasmodically and wrapped around his hips as his big cock fucked into her cunt. As Bruce slowly fucked his prick in and out of her sweet pussy, her ass lifted from the floor to meet each down stroke of the jackhammering cock fucking into her hole. She lost all control over her hot little ass as the man fucked her viciously, hungrily and thoroughly.

Her head rolled loosely back and forth. Her eyes rolled in her head. Her pussy churned and twisted and humped on Bruce's drilling, fucking cock. She could hear her own moans and cries as if they were coming from another girl somewhere. "Oh, give it to me!" she squealed, fucking faster and harder. Her fingernails dug into Bruce's shoulders and her hips swung furiously as his prick fucked her pussy with increasing speed and force.

A hot spark ignited her need and her burst of cum. Her little ass pounded against the ground as she humped hotly. Bruce's fucking prick devastated her cunt and turned her into a whining, whimpering mass of young female flesh, climaxing all over the place.

Her legs quivered and her pussy creamed wetly. Her body jerked violently as Bruce's thick, greased pole fucked in and out of her dripping cunt. Her next cum was wilder than the others and more satisfying.

"Oh, oh, ohhhhh, Bruuuuce, you fucking monster!" she squealed, screwing her cunt on his thick cock. "Unimmm, I'm cummmiiinnngggg! Give it to me! Fuck your cum up my pussy!"

Bruce groaned and drilled all of his prick into her twisty little cunt. "Goddamn, what a hot little bitch you've become," he grunted and shot his load in her heaving belly. As much jism as he'd shot into her mouth now poured into her sucking young cunt. Artemis got off when he shot his load and her pussy got soaked. Lots of silky fluids oozed from around the sides of Bruce's fucking prick and trickled down her lovely ass.

Bruce jerked as violently as she had earlier. His orgasm was wild, almost painful, as her tight pussy sucked him off like her mouth had done.

"Not bad!" he gasped after his cock stopped roaring into her.

Artemis laughed. "No, you weren’t," she cooed. "What time is it?"

"Look at the sun," Bruce told her, pleased. "What time do you think it is?"

“Afternoon," Artemis said and kissed him hotly on the mouth like a passionate lover. “But it can’t be, it can’t have been four hours…”

"You wanted a distraction," Bruce said and rolled off her lovely body so he could look at her. “You can be very distracting.”

“Can be? Or am I still?”

By the time they finished, Jason had emerged to continue his journey.


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