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As he flew back to Metropolis, Superman could only think that whatever chance he’d had at talking Kara out of her fixation on him, he’d just blown it. She’d be obsessed with him now. And though Lois and Lana had been encouraging him to loosen up and mess around, he doubted they’d be pleased with him courting someone as volatile as Kara. He wasn’t pleased with himself too much either. Maybe if he got back to the Ls before they heard about Kara’s little announcement, he could explain the situation to their satisfaction. It was hugely messy, but it was also giving him an idea as to a solution to a long-standing problem…

Then, entering the Metropolis city limits, he heard sirens. Lots of sirens. Clark sighed and detoured. It looked like Lois and Lana would be getting a lot of time to fume before he got there.

It was Livewire. She was dressed… differently.

There was the black bodysuit, the blue gloves, the shock of neon-blue hair, the thigh-high boots, but usually, the lightning bolt cut-out down the front of her costume would’ve stopped short of her crotch and between her breasts. At the moment, its jagged edges ran along the outer curves of her cleavage, exposing the pale blue nipples like sparks from an electrical fire. The cut-out plunged deeper, too, the lightning bolt making another twisted lunge before dwindling to nothing right along her pubis. He could see another lightning bolt, reversed, shaven into her light blue pubic hair, as well as a… piercing, to match the stud jewelry in her ears. He wouldn’t have thought piercings would work so well for her. Sort of like sticking a fork in an electrical socket, one would think.

Superman floated down to where Livewire had stopped (and in places, overturned) traffic. The fourway stop that was her chosen battlefield had far more onlookers than usual, even with the SCU’s best attempts to turn them aside. The flickering of camera flashes gave a clue why. And Livewire reveled in the attention.

She wasn’t evil, not the strain of willing maliciousness and cruelty that so angered him so often, but she did have her own special niche in his rogue’s gallery, shared by Toyman and the Prankster.

She was annoying as hell. And now, a camgirl.

“I know you don’t think I’m in much of a position to give fashion advice,” Superman said, “but when you are legally released from jail, you might want to think of wearing something more conservative.”

“Ah, heck, Supes, it’s not like I can go to a topless beach!” Livewire snarled. “But I think you’re the only one complaining!”

He looked at her body, and had to admit that it was a fine one. Beneath her sultry face, she had large tits, with a slim waist and long, soft legs. Her skin was pale, almost ivory, well-suited to the electric blue hair that was cut short on her head, as well as… elsewhere.

“You’ve had your fifteen minutes,” he replied, “now why don’t we cover you up for a trip back to Blackgate? If you still want to show yourself off, I’m sure there are plenty of publications that’d be happy to work something out. Maybe with good behavior, the warden will let you pose for them—as long as the proceeds all go to your victims.”

Gad, Super-M, you make even fuckbooks sound wholesome! Which is kinda my evil plan here.” Spreading her fingers, Livewire summoned up an electric arc in the shape of his famed shield. “See, I still hate your guts, S-man—no offense—but even a strong, empowered woman like me doesn’t have the mojo to take you down. So I’m taking a play from my old days in radio. I’m gonna smear you. When social media sees that Big Blue Boy Scout routine is all an act, and you’ll fuck me in the street like a one man Mardi Gras, even the Daily Planet’ll turn against you. And I’ll get a nice book deal.”

“Ghost-written, I’m assuming,” Clark mouthed off.

“Of course, dip-Supe, I’m not some kind of nerd who’s gonna write a couple thousso words about caped crusaders fucking. Although I will make it a point that you cried after. Wrote it down and everything!”

“Too bad you’re not a writer. You have a rich fantasy life.”

“I have to. I’m in an all-girl prison and they don’t let me use the showers. You know I have to wash myself with this lotion? I feel so New Agey and it smells like cum.”

Clark cleared his throat. He wasn’t touching that one. “Last chance: are you going to come quietly—“

“Why, worried about a repeat of the last time you fucked that Black Canary slut?“

Ironic. Superman charged forward at full speed, knowing from experience that Livewire had enough endurance to take it. In fact, as a manifestation of pure energy, she was functionally immortal. Maybe that was why she wanted to kill him for having more Facebook likes than her: nothing better to do.

He knew that Livewire’s reflexes were fast. Speed of electricity going through power lines. So it was his hope that when she inevitably retaliated, they’d be going so fast that, even if he were injured, their momentum would carry them away from Metropolis. He didn’t expect Livewire to reach into his trunks and wrap her fingers around the outline of his cock.

“Mmmm. That feels reassuring. I thought you might have tentacles down there. Ya are an alien after all, Superdupe. But now I’m wondering if it’s real. Maybe I’m just feeling a bean burrito you stuff down there to look good for the zoom lenses. Man of Steel, no, man of aluminum foil, yes.”

“Get your hands off me,” Clark told her. He’d picked her up with a face-to-face grip, as if they were hugging, his arms over hers, pinning them to her sides. But she still had enough movement to feel him out. He would’ve reoriented her, but it would leave him open to a countermove on her part. And he was making good time. Not just out of populated areas, but now he thought he could get her away from electricity altogether. No power cables, no landlines, just whatever she had stored in that battery of hers. She’d be damn easy to disable then.

“Aww, what’s the matter?” Livewire asked him, her sarcasm malevolent. “Baby shy? You do wrap your dick in a hermetically sealed chamber, after all. Two sets of pants, not one. Maybe I’m decreasing its collector’s value…”

He gave her a warning squeeze and she lifted her leg, not to strike at him, but to rub her thigh against his crotch. It was as warm as electric wire with a current going through it.

“Stop it,” he said. She was shorter than him, only coming up to his chest, but her towering, spiky ‘do put her hair in his face. He could smell it, an ozone smell like lightning had just struck. It was inexplicably arousing. Under it, with her looking up at him, her eyebrows were jet-black and as stylized as scorch marks, her white face pearlescent in the shade of his body. 

She wrapped her perfect thighs around him, uncovered, they’d never been covered, and he could feel the difference between her high boots and her leather-clad groin and the bare flesh inbetween and around, its heat burning through his costume and into his skin.

“Fuck me,” she taunted him. “C’mon. What’re you? The world’s biggest virgin? A fucking faggot? All those women who’d line up to suck you off, and you can’t get it up? Don’t you go for the Suicide Girl type? C’mon, Superstick, all you’d have to do is whip it out and it’d go right in. Probably do you some good, getting it all out of your system. One look at that haircut and anyone’d tell you that here is a man who needs to get L-A-E-D.”

“Your spelling’s as bad as your morals,” he told her. “And your homophobia.”

“Oh God, you are a homo. Who else cares about this homophobia shit? I swear, I used to get complaints on the radio three times a week, just because I called Power Girl a dyke. I figure if she didn’t like it, maybe she shoulda grown your hair out, but oh no, they had a bee up their ass. Buncha closet cases. Guess that’s why you never made her a Power Woman. Those bitches go to Gotham, dress up like Batman, he knows what’s up. He’s got that whole harem of tight little underage groupies. What’ve you got? ‘Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen’?”

Incensed, he let go of her, meaning to reach down and pry her legs off of his waist, give her a shock by letting the lack of support drop her a few feet, but she was quick. Blurring into blue light for a split-second, bright enough to leave a flaring afterimage on his eyelids, she got her arms up around his chest, her hands fisted in his hair, as she kissed him with sheer violence. Clark kept his jaw resolutely closed, even as the thought of opening his lips enough to let her tongue get to his grinding teeth appealed to him. 

He X-rayed through her to see where they were and realized that he’d flown above Gotham. Bruce would just love that. He started out toward sea, figuring he could ditch her on a deserted island somewhere and come back with proper containment gear. 

Holding on by her tightening thighs, Livewire ran her hands over his skintight costume, feeling out the ridges of his muscles. “At least these are real,” she said. “Got a real meathead jock thing going. Not helping the cocksucker vibe there, buddy. Where do you get the great skin, huh, a bathhouse? Nah, then at least you wouldn’t be so uptight. You still might be fey, but you’re not getting any.”

“And you are?” Clark retorted angrily. “Putting on that slutty costume and throwing yourself at me, telling yourself you’ve proving some point, when really I’m just the only one you can fuck without losing control of your powers!”

Livewire was stunned for a moment, before she broke out in a wide grin. “Did the Last Son of Krypton just use the F word? And without even a lisp!”

She rubbed her breasts against him, working her way up his body like she was climbing a palm tree, playing her breasts closer and closer to his face, his mouth. Her erect nipples were burning into him like electrodes, and when he looked down, he saw that she was burning through his costume to the bare skin underneath.

“You little--!”

“Ha! Look who’s talking!? How many layers of underwear do you have on between you and not-so-superman, huh? Kal-LOL?”

Clark was shaking with rage. “You should stick to playing crappy pop songs!”

“Stick?” Livewire asked him. She was moving like a lapdancer, only far more aggressively. Offering her breasts against his skin, her cunt against his erection—she took hold of one of his hands and drew it to her nearly bare ass, only hidden by a strand of fabric running between her buttocks.

Clark felt himself squeezing, her ass small and firm and absolutely lovely, flaring out from the thong as if to make up for all the years it’d been concealed inside her unitard. It was bigger than he would’ve thought, just like her breasts rose higher and more swollen than the covering costume would indicate. Like she was bursting out of her costume more than anything else.

“You’re a whore,” he found himself whispering.

“Then fuck me! C’mon, Superman! Prove you’re a man, for once! Show me you can get me off! I’ll go back to prison if you make me come! I swear to God, I’ll serve my full fucking term if you can make me squirt with that rinky-dink dick of yours, trying so desperately to hide it. Bet you can’t eat me out either. But you’ve never even fingered a girl, even with that hot little superbitch of yours strutting around in a miniskirt that makes me look modest. You can’t, can you? The Man of Steel is soft where it counts! Fuck, no wonder Lois Lane is marrying some other dude…”

He dropped her. With a little vibration thrown in, no one could’ve held on. The spasm he gave drilled into her body where they were connected, triggering a surprised moan from her as she fell. Then she realized what was happening and started to scream just before she finished her ten-foot descent and landed on the islet Superman had flown her over. 

“Deserted island, huh?” Livewire laid there, breasts heaving, sex glimmering, as she rubbed her thighs together. There were a few palm trees and less than a quarter-mile of beach, then they were surrounded by miles of ocean on all sides. Not even any seagulls around. “You won’t even fuck me here, will you? Fucking pussy. You’re not a man! You’re nothing! You couldn’t get me off if you had your whole fucking fist inside me!”

“It would fit,” Clark told her, clench-jawed, before in a blur of motion he ripped Livewire’s costume from her body. She squealed, now totally exposed, and some residual trace of modesty offended with her completely displayed. A low hum filled the air as her energy built up, turning the studs in her ears and labia red-hot.

“So do you have it or not?” she demanded. Her pussylips were spread wide apart, revealing the interior: still pink. “Some big, hard meat to bake in my oven? Don’t you dare leave me hanging! If you do, I’ll get out and I’ll burn Metropolis to the ground! Fuck me! Fuck me right now! Let’s see that limp dick of yours finally! Show me! Show me!”

“Say please,” Clark replied, still irritated with her. It was like she’d had all the civility bred out of her going back generations. If he was going to do this, he at least wanted to teach her a lesson.

He didn't have to like her to want to fuck her. In, fact in the present situation he found his anger feeding his passion. He determined to be as rough with her as he pleased. She’d literally been asking for it, after all.

"Come on, take off your clothes," she taunted, "or an you afraid you won't have enough between your legs to satisfy me?"

"I don't know," Clark responded, secretly delighting in what was happening. “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re used to. Horses. Donkeys. Big dogs…”

“At least they’d know each to stick it in a warm hole before it got cold. Whip it out already! You’re making me wish I was back in jail—at least there, the bars are hard.”

"All right," he agreed. But as he undressed, he turned his back to her, presumably out of modesty but in reality to shield his cock from her view until he was ready for her to see it.

"Oh come on," she complained, "I promise not to bite your little baby cock. For Christ's sake, this is ridiculous."

"I agree," he said suddenly, swinging around in a fluid motion so that she could finally see his huge cock, flopping between his legs like a horse's.

"Oh shit!" she gasped. She had never seen anything like it in her life. Not even in her dreams, of which there had been plenty, had she imagined a man to have a cock like that.

"Now," he said, moving toward her forcefully. He suddenly knew that he wanted to give her what she’d asked for without letting her take back one iota. He was going to make her do it his way, and what she wanted didn't make any difference at all.

He was going to fuck her till he dropped.

"Listen to me," he said, his voice harsh. "I don't like your smart-ass attitude one bit. It stinks. Do you hear me?"

She nodded, never taking her eyes off his cock. It was incredible. And even as she watched, it was beginning to get hard...

"Who the hell do you think you are, anyway?" he continued, feeling his cock and rage grow greater at the same time. "You really think you’re in a position to have any kind of standards? What about your pussy? It looks pretty average to me. I bet you wish I had an average cock, just so it would fit in your average pussy."

He stopped. He could tell that he had her off balance, and he was trying to figure out what would be the best way to press his advantage.

“It’s not the size that counts, it’s what you do with it!” Livewire said, stumbling over her own line. It was too cliché and she knew it. Besides, it didn’t exactly work the other way around.

"Open up your legs and let me see your fantastic cunt," he said sarcastically. In fact, it was pretty fantastic, but he wasn't about to let her know that.

Silently she spread her legs.

He moved forward. His cock was fully erect now, and he could tell that she was practically terrified by the size of his tool and the response she thought she’d provoked. Still, she was far too proud to back down. A pity. If she’d asked, he’d probably have given her some foreplay. A little, anyway. Maybe even some lube.

"You can’t get me off," she whispered, secretly hoping he wouldn't be too rough with her. “Even with that big dick, you can’t get me to come. You can’t. You can’t.”

He rammed two fingers up her cunt.

"Ooowwwwwww," she complained, squirming on the end of his fingers like an impaled animal.

"You’re the one who’s dry,” he said, eminently reasonable. “Isn’t that on you? I’ve certainly let you have your fun up until now. If you’re not wet yet, that’s like a man not being able to get it up. What if I just ram my cock up in there right now; how do you think that would feel?"

Her eyes told him what she thought; it would be terrible. But through her fear, there was a sick excitement. She folded her lip inward as if about to bite it before resisting.

"Suck it!" he commanded, indicating his cock. "And you better get it nice and wet, 'cause your throat isn’t the only thing getting fucked tonight."

"But..." Then she knew it would do no good to tell him that she didn't think she could fit his monster into her mouth.

Livewire knelt down; She knew she had to.

"Suck!" he commanded, holding his cock in front of her full, pouting lips.

He hated to admit it, but it felt good to treat a woman like this. Especially this woman. She deserved it, and even though none of this was really his style, he found himself enjoying the hell out of it.

Her lips were practically trembling as she opened them, tentatively letting her tongue come out and explore the vast expanse of smooth, purple skin at the head of his cock.

"I didn't say anything about licking it. And," he added, more softly, more menacingly, "don't even think about biting."

She opened her mouth and plunged it down on his tool, forcing it deep into her throat, feeling herself expand to take in the incredible girth of his prick. Then the one thing she didn't want to happen happened.

She gagged.

"Jesus!" he complained loudly, "I got better blowjobs back in high school."

With that he jerked his cock from her frantic mouth.

"Now roll over," he commanded.

"Oh, no," she groaned, suddenly fearing that he was going to fuck her in the ass. It would kill her!

He read her mind. "Don't worry, it's not that. Now open up," he said, taking her hands and making her use them to pull apart her well-cushioned asscheeks.

Then he took his cock in his hands and placed it at the entrance of her cunt. Then, reaching beneath her and grabbing one perky tit with each hand, he rammed his cock home.

"Aaaaggghhhh!" she screamed.

"Shut up."

He could feel the muscles inside her cunt straining to let him all the way in. As it was, he was easily three quarters of the way in and she was opening up more. Another thrust would do it nicely.

He pushed.

"Aagggghhhh!" she screamed again, and again. Then he just stayed where he was, luxuriating in the tight fit of her pussy around his cock.

Livewire was in a daze. It felt like he had rammed his fist up her cunt, as he’d threatened. She couldn't believe what was happening.

But there was something else as well.

She had taken all he could give her.

The worst was over.

And she was beginning to enjoy it.

Slowly he pulled his cock out until it was almost free of the clinging grasp of her cunt.

Then he rammed it home again.

This time she didn't cry out. She didn't do anything except grit her teeth and thrust back against his prick to let him know that she could take whatever he could give her. In fact, the truth of the matter was that she wasn’t just liking it. Now, she was loving it.

He began to fuck her in earnest now, smashing his cock into her tight cunt while he played with her tits, feeling them bounce and wiggle beneath her. There was something immensely satisfying in all this, something almost primal in it all.

He actually had to fight back an impulse to grab her hair and pull her head back while he banged her cunt. But she was responding in earnest now, rotating her hips, smashing her dripping cunt back against his member.

They forgot about their hostility as their passion consumed them. There was no time or inclination now to do anything other than focus on the sensations that were overcoming each of them.

It was fantastic.

"Fuck me... fuck me hard, you bastard... fuck my cunt!"

He responded by slamming into her with every ounce of energy he possessed, mashing her buttocks with each thrust, crashing through the deepest walls of her cunt.

It wouldn't last long now.

Any second...

Suddenly he felt it, a hot rush coming from deep inside his loins. He grabbed her asscheeks, bracing himself for the explosion.

It happened.

"Aaagghhhhh!" she gasped as his cock seemed to take off inside her, shooting her cunt full of his hot, driving cum.

Again and again he poured his load into her, making her cunt into a dripping, melting pot of cum.

But she didn't come.

Which was as it should be, as far as he was concerned. And she didn't mind either, feeling that it was enough that she had survived this encounter.

Finally he was spent, and he pulled his cock out of her cunt, watching the cum rim out of her lips in little rivulets of hot jism. She collapsed on the sand, so drained that when a wave lapped at her hair and scalp, not one spark flew. Her blue hair just slickened and clung to her scalp in a drippy mane, softly glowing on her pale skin.

He smiled. And ran his hand over her body. With his other hand, he pumped his cock back to life. It barely took a touch.

“As I recall, I promised to get you off,” Clark said smugly. “That was the deal, right?”

“You don’t have to—“ Livewire said breathlessly. “It’s fine. That was… fine.”

“Sore, hmm? Maybe I should try somewhere else.” His hand moved back along her pinkly scalloped labia lips until he found her puckered anus. His finger stabbed out and into her depths.

She moaned again, moving her ass around the impaling finger stuck so deep up her ass. Tried to concentrate on what she had been going to say to Superman. It was getting harder to think by the second.

That wasn't all that was getting harder. As the Kryptonian pressed closer to her, she could feel his prick stiffening into a swollen, steely weapon. There was no question what he wanted to do with it, either.

She pressed her pussy downward so that it filled the man's hand. He gripped it a little tighter and began wiggling his finger in her ass. As he flexed it, she felt tiny ripples of delight pass into her body. It was indescribable. And it was causing a flood to leak from her sex and pour all over the Kryptonian's hand.

"Hmmm," he said in his best professional manner, "I see that you are in dire need of attention. From me, of course."

"Oh, Superman!"

She threw her arms around his neck and pulled his head down. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. At first, that's all it was—a kiss. Then her lips parted a bit and his tongue came charging into her mouth. Once there, tongues met and played until they were both gasping for breath.

The villainess used her tongue to stimulate both of them. She lightly flicked the tip against the man's. Then she stroked up and down the sides of his tongue. Not satisfied with this, she lured his tongue into her mouth.

Once it passed her lips, she lightly bit down, formed her lips in a perfect seal around it and sucked. She sucked as hard as she could to get the excited blood into the very tip. Then she teased and tormented it with her own pinkly fleeting tongue.

"Ummm, God, you taste good," Clark finally said as soon as she released him from her oral prison. "It’s a shame you’re such a bad girl.”

“Not from where I’m standing.”

“Because I’m fucking you like a bad girl?” Clark teased. “You’d like it more if I fucked you like a good girl. Like a good little girl who deserves a good fuck.”

Livewire’s breath hitched. She suddenly wanted to be that. Good. His good girl. His good fuck and a good fuck and good and fucked. God, she couldn’t hate him. Even if she could, she couldn’t hate his cock…

He pressed his muscular body against her softer one until they were sprawled across the sand, the surf inundating both of them, painting them with strokes of wet sand. The entire time, he never once took his flexing finger from her anus.

She let the waves of passion ripple through her body. At first, she had felt the warmth building in her belly. When his finger drove all the way up her asshole, a stab of white hot, carnal delight had blasted into her loins. As he moved that finger slowly in and out of her in a mock sodomy, she knew she was lost in passion.

Nothing less than his prick would satisfy her now. And all she'd wanted was to knock him off his pedestal. But then, maybe she’d known. Livewire had always had good instincts. It’s what had made her the top talk radio host in all of Metropolis, an anti-Superman voice in Superman’s city. But Superman had put out some vibe, some signal, and she’d responded to it. On some level she’d known. On some level, she’d wanted… maybe always… just wanted…

She spread her legs wider in wanton invitation to the Kryptonian. His hand was covered with her cream. That alone would give him the clue that she was hot and ready to fuck. His finger left her and Livewire moaned in disappointment.

"I feel so hollow inside. And cold! Fill me up with something long and hard and hot!"

"Like what?" he asked as he pressed his cock against her leg. It felt as eager as a racehorse in the starting gate.

"I'm sure we'll think of something."

"Oh, yes, something will come up."

"I thought it had." She reached out and gripped his erect prick and pulled him toward her. The blunt nose of the cock was a fierce purple knob and already throbbing with lust. And he’d been so gentle with it—his only cruelty making her wait so long to come, and she could admit she deserved it. He’d utterly dominated her, but not just with power, with pleasure. She felt herself becoming a slave to the feelings he inspired. Always a hedonistic and impulsive personality, now her self-indulgence pointed directly to Superman. Pleasing him so he could please her.

At that moment, she couldn’t think of anything—jewels or money or revenge—she would like as much as his cock shoved into her wide-open cunt. That was where it was at for her. She didn't mind sucking him off, but her cunt! That was the hotbed of activity. That was where she got her real thrills. Where he belonged.

"Go on, Superman, fuck me good! I want to feel your big, swollen prick fucking me!"

"Greedy girl,” he teased her good-naturedly. “That's all you ever think of, isn't it? Sex, sex, sex, that's all."

"Right! Now do it!"

He laughed and positioned himself between her widespread legs. His cock was being pulled toward her cunt. They both gasped when his glans touched her labia. A bolt of sexual energy surged through the woman's body as his prick passed between her lips and into the juicy tunnel beyond. She closed her eyes and reveled in the ecstasy of the moment.

She hoped getting Superman's cock shoved all the way up her cunt would always affect her this way. He was so damned big! And not just long, his prick was big around in girth. He stretched her cunt to the breaking point. And she loved every second of it!

"Go on, fuck me hard!"

"Just wait. Be patient, ma’am. You’re not in heat. Let me enjoy this moment, huh?"

And he was. Buried balls deep in the woman's seething cunt, he was letting her juices soak his prick, lubricating his cock for the real fury yet to come. And there was something about remaining motionless inside her clutching sex that turned him on.

Maybe it was just the feel of an aroused woman's cunt clinging to his prick. Surrounded by the hot sheath of her need, he felt invincible. He could tackle the world and win.

He wanted to enjoy the quiet moment before the frenzied storm to come.

She began working on his prick in subtle ways. Tensing and relaxing her folds produced an effect something like a fist grabbing his cock, then massaging it. He felt the ripples run up and down his entire length of buried prick. She was telling him to fuck her.

He held off a bit longer. The feel of the juices trickling out and down onto his balls made him want to laugh. It was a prickly feeling and one he enjoyed. No one but an aroused woman could feel like that..

Finally he couldn't stand it anymore. He had to move in her tightly clinging pussy. She was making sure his prick was stimulated to the bursting point and he didn't want to cream like some teenager getting his first piece of ass. He wanted this to be good. Even great.

"Fuck me," she moaned softly.

Her body had come alive at the first touch of Clark's prick. Then, when he had fucked into her and refused to move beyond that, she found herself strangely aroused. It had never been that way before. The warmth seemed to spread like wildfire from that long, thick shaft resting so comfortably in her well-oiled cunt.

The fires burned and spread throughout her belly. Then it leaped and went racing up her spine. Her entire body was tensed and ready for the fucking. And his prick lay in her cunt without moving, save for an occasional twitch.

Tensing her stomach muscles produced the first sign that he wasn't made out of iron. She tried massaging his entire cock, a little bit at a time. It had taken her years to learn how to control those muscles. She didn't even remember how many men she had practiced on. It had been a lot—and finally, here was a man who deserved it.

Now she was in total control of her cunt. She could make a man do anything she wanted after he drove his cock into her seething hot cunt. That was her secret, that was her joy in life. Or it had been before her ‘accident’…

The Kryptonian began withdrawing his prick inch by slow inch. She felt the vacuum forming behind his prick. She seemed to feel the pull of the suction all the way in her brain. She moaned softly and then really tightened up her belly muscles. She wanted to keep him from leaving. She hadn't liked it all that much when he simply stayed inside her without moving.

Now she decided having him in her cunt and not moving was preferable to not having him up her cunt at all.

"No, noooo! Don't leave meeee!"

"I have to do something,” he told her calmly. “I can’t let you go without an orgasm twice.”

She gripped the sands beneath her with both hands. Her knuckles turned red from the powerful squeezing she was exerting as the wet sand spilled out between her fingers. Her entire body was starting to quiver and shake in reaction.

When the thick head of his cock remained inside her pussy-lips, she almost fainted from it. She'd thought passing out while being fucked was something only the heroines in silly romance novels did. Now she knew the real power of a man's prick on a woman.

He slipped back up her wet cunt with a smooth, even motion. She gasped again as he stretched her pussy to the breaking point. He was big. Very big. And she loved it every inch of it!

"Ride me, ride me hard! I need you in me!"

She closed her eyes and reveled in the sensations smashing into her body through the man's prick. The warmth had begun to spread. She was being devoured by the feeling, she was burning up.

As she twisted on the beach, his cock gave the first indication of real arousal. It danced a little bit. She tensed her muscles and gripped down firmly on his shaft. It began jerking with more passion.

And then he yanked it from her body with a wet slosh.

She started to protest. Then she let out a long, low gasp as he rammed back into her softly yielding cunt with all the power locked in his hips. The man was turning into a fucking machine. He would be able to relentlessly fuck her the rest of the day using this tempo. And that was exactly what she wanted.

"Go, go on, ohhh, yeah! So goooood!"

"So damn tight," he muttered. "Tight as a virgin. You’re not a virgin, are you Leslie? You’ve had a cock like mine before, haven’t you?”

“No! Never! No one like you! No one!”

She tensed her muscles again. She didn't have to tell him she kept in shape. She swam quite a bit and even tried the jogging routine to keep in shape. Nothing pleased her more than a man admiring her body. And she wanted to keep in shape so that more men would admire her.

She was getting quite a workout right now from the Kryptonian's cock. He was driving it fiercely into her cunt and making her sweat. The beads of perspiration had formed early on. Now she was completely drenched.

She lifted her long, slender legs and wrapped them around the man's waist. She didn't want him running away from her before he'd finished. She didn't think he would, but she wanted to make certain. Besides, she could pull him into her cunt with just enough extra force to make this fucking really worthwhile.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" she chanted. She wanted him to get a rhythm established and then stick with it. Only then could she feel the full power of his cock.

His mighty bludgeon surged between her pussy-lips and burned brightly the entire length of her cunt. His foot-long prick sought and found all the right spots on its trip into her belly. He touched nerves and stimulated parts of her pussy that other, lesser men would have missed.

She could give as much in a fucking as she got—and that was a hell of a lot.

“The more I fuck you, the looser you get. Maybe I should stop before no other man can satisfy you.”

“No, no!” She tightened up her grip around his waist and really pulled his crotch into hers. She felt his balls wetly slapping against her upturned ass. And their loins were grinding together in the most erotic mixture she could think of. “Already… not satisfied… no other man… only you!”

Clark's balls began to tighten up when he felt her blue hair rubbing across his own pubic hair. Then he knew it wasn't going to be very long before he came. The way his balls were churning, he was turning into a pressure cooker with only one safety valve: the tip of his cock.

His white-hot cum would jet out the end of his prick and fill her full. He tried to hold back. He really tried, but it did no good. She was too hot. The woman's cunt almost sucked him dry.

The tide of his passion blasted out the tip of his prick and white-washed her cunt. He wasn't sure if she came or not. He was too wrapped up in his own orgasm to bother.

All he knew was that her cunt clutched with feverish intensity all along his member. She squeezed down on him with impressive strength as he continued fucking her tight cunt.

And then he was milked dry. There wasn't anything left. As his prick limply slipped for her cum-filled hole, Livewire looked up at him and said, "I love you.”

Then she passed out.


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