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The next day, Lena made a concerted effort not to think about Kara. Everything would work itself out in time, she thought to herself. She’d always left the mushy stuff up to Kara anyway—when she herself got a romantic urge, Kara was slyly encouraging. Kara would make some big apology and that would be that. Until then, Lena wouldn’t let it or anything else affect her work.

She was holding to her promise spectacularly well, she thought, discussing speculative futures with Carol when she walked into her office and found Kara in there. Behind her desk. Sitting in her chair. Totally naked.

There wasn’t any one feature of Kara’s that was just spectacular. She was just exceedingly well put-together; easily greater than the sum of her parts. When she stood up, Lena was reminded of that. There was the clear, golden skin, set off by the almost platinum sheen of her blonde hair with the light hitting it just right. Her piercing blue eyes, which gave an otherworldly air to a face that would otherwise be just a bit too friendly, a smile that was just a bit too much of a smirk. 

Then there was her body. Her breasts were modest, but high-set, drawing the eye with their sheer pertness and enticing firmness. Lena’s fingers twitched as she remembered how they filled her hands, rioted her mouth with their sheen-of-sweat flavor. She’d made Supergirl sweat. It was crazy. Then there were the hips, narrow, svelte, but with the undeniable flare that gave her famous skirt its rakish tilt. From there, her legs were long and narrow and perfect, the thighs just right with firm muscle and pillowy thickness balanced. It was enough to make Lena tremble.

“I think this should be a private conversation,” she said, glancing over at Carol. “Sorry, you’re not my type.”

Lena’s mouth gaped, but she couldn’t say anything. Carol answered for her. “I’ll… just close the door.” 

She did it from the other side, thankfully, and Lena watched Kara’s sultry walk as she came out from behind the desk, the curt landing strip of her pubic hair grabbing Lena’s eyes, reminding Kara of the prickly little exclamation point that bronze hair had added to every touch below the waist, every kiss between the legs. 

“Wonder who she thinks is naked in your office,” Kara said. “Kara Danvers or…”

“What is this meant to—“

And like that, Kara was right in front of her, a faint red glare in her eyes. “I didn’t give you permission to speak,” she said, with a doleful shake of her head, like she’d caught her dog chewing something it shouldn’t.

Lena clenched her teeth shut. She was trembling, all but a solid core of her that was prickling her skin and drying her mouth as she was this close, this close, to a goddess. She’d always thought of Kara like a goddess, but now—how else was she supposed to refer to her?

“I’m not—“

Kara moved her hand to Lena’s mouth, shutting her up with a single finger laid over her lips. “Shh-h-h,” Kara whispered. “You knew. You always knew, on some… right-brain level. That’s what drew you to me. Finally having a woman more powerful than you. And that’s why you kept pretending to be me. Because you wanted to give up your power, you just couldn’t bear to admit it.”


Kara simply placed two fingers of her right hand under Lena’s chin and closed her mouth. “Uh-uh. Still talking. God, you’re fun to look at. Obviously, I’m giving you a nice little looksee, but it’s plenty of fun on this end too, even when I’m not going to take off your clothes.”

“You’re not?” Lena asked. It just slipped out.

“Uh-uh,” Kara said again. “I know I’ve mentioned that I love you for your mind and your heart and, y’know, all that, but God, look at this face. This pert little nose. Those sultry eyes. And those perfect, perfect cheekbones.” Kara ran the backs of her fingers over them, unsurprised to find that Lena was burning up. Even her pale face was becoming flushed. 

Catching a bead of sweat on her knuckle, Kara raised her hand to her mouth and licked it away. It tasted good. Lena could tell that it did.

“Then there’s those lips,” Kara said, and leaned in so close that Lena automatically responded, pursing her lips and leaning in and not realizing that Kara wasn’t going to kiss her until their foreheads was touching. “I could just watch you talk for hours, baby. You could be reading the tax code, I don’t care. As long as you’re wearing dark lipstick. Whenever I flew by here, I used to take a little peek with my X-rays. Whenever I saw you eating… drinking a cup of tea… I just wanted to bust in here and fuck you on your own desk.”

That solid core deep inside Lena was heating up very fast. She thought her willpower and dignity ebbing fast; there wasn’t much longer she could wait before getting down on her hands and knees and begging Kara. And then staying on her hands and knees.

Kara raised a hand to Lena’s hair, plucking one strand out of her immaculate style, looping it around her finger, then lowering her hand down Lena’s face to her neck, tracing the jugular vein with a long finger. “And this swanlike neck! God, baby, the best idea you ever had was when you said you wanted me to choke you. You know, with my eyes, I can actually see the handprint I left. It’s like you’re wearing a collar saying you’re mine. Hot, isn’t it?”

Lena couldn’t resist anymore. Fucking Kara, she’d made her point, Lena was just too damn gay and horny and in love to resist the most unfair apology ever. She reached for her blouse and began unbuttoning it, but Kara slapped her hand away.

“I said I wasn’t going to take your clothes off,” Kara said slowly and patiently, as if to a child. The condescension made Lena clench. “What makes you think you’re allowed to?”


“I’m… sorry, Kara,” Lena said, barely recognizing her own voice. 

“It is a nice body, though,” Kara admitted, using brisk motions of her hand to draw Lena’s suit jacket to either side of her cleavage. With the way Lena was breathing, her buttons were straining. Kara flicked her finger into the shadowy gap between two buttons, between Lena’s breasts. Lena couldn’t feel her finger, but the intrusion into her clothing brought a rich, moist warmth feeling all over her body, like she was standing next to a bonfire. “That hourglass figure. Even though we’re dating, I really try to hold back from X-raying you. But sometimes, I just can’t resist. Do you know how frustrating it is to know exactly what you’re wearing underneath that sexy librarian get-up, but having to wait all day before I can rip those clothes off and see it in living color?”

“Please, Kara…” Lena didn’t even know what she was begging for now. She couldn’t think beyond hearing just how much Kara desired her, wanted her, and loving knowing that. She thought she could listen to Kara talk like that forever. It’d be torture, but the kind she… liked.

“And then,” Kara continued, skirting her hand down Lena’s belly. “There’s that nice, fat ass.” Lena gasped as Kara actually spanked her, the reverberating blow letting out a sound like a gunshot, bringing a flushed heat to Lena’s body that centered on her violated ass and on the swelling inferno between her legs. “I want to fuck your ass, Lena. I want to kiss it and lick it and fuck it.”

“Jesus Christ,” Lena breathed, her thighs rubbing together now, her nipples painfully chafing the inside of a usually very comfortable bra. She had to keep telling herself that at any moment, Kara would throw her to the floor, rip her clothes off, and take her. That was the only way she could stop herself from doing it for Kara.

“But something’s in the way,” Kara said, actually pouting with a childish sullenness.

Lena’s mouth felt dry as the Sahara. “It’s because you’re Supergirl, isn’t it? Because your enemies would try to get to you through me if they knew about us. Because you need to keep me safe?”

“No,” Kara said. “Your panties.”

And suddenly, Lena just wasn’t wearing any. She could feel it—the sodden, leaden warmth of the material was gone from under her skirt, leaving her absolutely bare. She actually cupped her hands in front of her groin, as if the skirt weren’t already enough to cover her, or as if her hands could stop Kara’s X-ray vision, or as if she wanted them to stop it.

Kara held the panties from one finger, staring at them so intently it was a wonder they didn’t burst into flames. “Does this count as stealing L-corp property?”

“Keep ‘em,” Lena breathed.

“I keep everything I take,” Kara said, and gave Lena a quick kiss on the cheek. “And don’t put on another pair. I’ll be flying by now and then to make sure. You’d better sit like a lady, CEO.”

“Yes,” Lena said. “Yes…”

“And I think you should get waxed,” Kara said. “I’ve always wanted to try it with a girl who’s waxed. If you can’t find time in your busy schedule, I’ll be happy to shave you myself.”

“I’ll get waxed,” Lena said breathlessly. “I’ll do it today.”

Kara smiled and Lena felt like she’d had some… echo of an orgasm before she’d really had it. “Good girl,” she praised. “And once you’re done with that, I’d really like it if you went home, took off all that Agent Scully cosplay, and laid down on the bed to wait for me. I’d also like it if you held your pussy open for me and said ‘Please, Mistress Kara, don’t fuck me too hard.’ Can you remember all that?”

Lena’s knees were literally shaking. She’d thought that was just an expression. “Y-yeah. Okay.”

“Great! I’m so glad we’re not fighting anymore. I’ve gotta go save some day, so are you gonna be a good girlfriend until I get back?”

Lena nodded frantically.

“I’m so glad to hear that. Let’s never fight again.” Kara turned around, and some hitherfore unknown but loud part of Lena’s psyche was salivating to see her ass when Kara stopped and wheeled on Lena. “Uhh, honey? Where’s my kiss?”

She tapped her cheek expectantly.

Lena virtually vibrated with need, and it was all she could do to restrict herself to leaning in and giving Kara a simple, affectionate kiss on the cheek. She literally had to clasp her hands behind her back.

Kara smiled. “I hope you left a lipstick mark on me. There’s something about those that are just so cute, isn’t there?”

And then she was gone.

Lena went to her desk, sat down, and frantically pulled open her drawers. She wasn’t proud of having a vibrator right beside the 9MM pistol in her office safe, but unless she could break her addiction to deliciously shameful quickies in the closet of her executive suite, it was an absolute necessity.

When she unlocked the drawer, the gun was there, but the vibe had been replaced with a simple yellow Post-It note reading:

“Honey-do list

1. Waxing to make body worthy of Mistress Kara’s tongue

2. A. Take off clothes and leave them strewn on the floor. B. Put them in the hamper. C. Do a load of laundry. (Your choice :) )

3. Wait in bed, holding pussy open for Mistress Kara, waiting to say ‘Please, Mistress Kara, don’t fuck me too hard.’

4. Orgasm.”

Lena picked the note up and turned it over. On the back was written “If you wanted to get off so badly, you could’ve just asked.”


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