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1. Splash panel. POWER GIRL and TERRA are at an outdoor café, drinking iced coffee. Both are in uniform, though their costumes are slightly torn. In the background, we see some sign of a resolved crisis. A downed kaiju, a giant robot being hauled away, a supervillain being loaded into a paddywagon, whatever. We're basically at the tail-end of a fight, with Karen and Atlee licking their wounds. Terra is ranting.

TERRA: Why is it these losers always try to rob banks? They know the money is marked, right?

TERRA: Why can't they just get a reality show like all the other losers? I would watch a reality show about these guys.

TERRA: Now not only did I miss the second half of Beauty & The Beast, but I got the stinkeye from three rows of parents, all because my JLA communicator doesn't have a vibrate setting.

2. Smaller panel. Power Girl is yawning. Terra looks over at her, concerned.

TERRA: Hey, you alright? You seemed out of it all during the fight.

TERRA: It can't be man trouble... 

3. Similar. Power Girl is stretching now, working a kink out of her neck.

TERRA: (overlapping) Are you losing your powers?

POWER GIRL: (overlapping) Who says it's not man trouble?

4. Terra, shocked.

TERRA: Dish!

5. Power Girl drinks her mocha.

POWER GIRL: No, it's embarrassing. 

TERRA: (O.S.) C'mon, I told you about that time I made out with the new Robin at a party.

TERRA: (O.S.) There was French!

POWER GIRL: Never tell me about that again and I'll share.



hehehe, I look forward to it