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Scanning the control console one last time, Bruce saw that the plane was safe and operating well. Satisfied with that, for now, he triggered the radio on his headset, informing the UAE air control that he was approaching their airspace. They were expecting him from his flight plan, and clearance came through almost instantaneously. Still, Bruce braced himself as he flew over the border. He found it hard to trust anyone with his family aboard, no matter the assurances.

When a door opened in back of the cabin, even he was almost startled. He checked the console again, the instrumentation showing only green lights, before looking back over his shoulder. He had the door from the cockpit to the cabin open, keeping an eye on little Jason as he slept on the couch in the plane’s main cabin. Behind the cabin was the galley and a series of bedrooms, where Artemis had been sleeping before she opened the door.

She was wearing a black nightie; the thing seemed absurdly scant on her long, lean body, even if it did cover all of her but her slender legs. It was just that they were so long, holding her almost as tall as he was, so high up that even her absurdly long ponytail didn’t touch the ground. 

The nightie was modest enough, but still, he watched the muscles of her upper thighs twitch as she strode through the plane, stopping to kiss young Jason on the forehead, then going into the cockpit with him and closing the door behind herself. Bruce looked over the control console again, continuing his lonely vigil over it. The plane practically flew itself; he just didn’t trust it.

“Are we almost there?” Artemis asked.

“Yes,” Bruce nodded. “Once we land, the cars are ready to take us.”

“I know. It’s like I can feel myself coming home.” She braced her arm on his shoulder. “Are you sure about this?”

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”

“You trust me too much,” Artemis said, now seating herself partially on his lap. One muscular thigh was enough for her to support herself. “And I trust your judgment too much.”

“Then what’s to be sure about?”

“Jason is your son as much as mine. The trials to anoint him as a Bana Amazon are not for the faint of heart.”

“He’s our son. He’s not the faint of heart.”

“Still, you may find yourself… sentimental about the risks.” Artemis gazed downward. “As I am.”

“That’s why I’m coming along.”

“To help him?”

“To watch him succeed. It’s his culture, Artemis. It’s a part of you. It’s what makes him like you. Of course he can handle it. Of course he should. He wants to.”

Artemis set her jaw. “I don’t feel very much like a mother… sending him into danger.”

“Not much danger,” Bruce reasoned.

Artemis scoffed. “When you were his age, you were already throwing shuriken around.”

“And when you were his age?”

“Catching shuriken,” Artemis admitted. “Bruce, you were a father, long before any of your wives gave birth. How do you do it? Watch them go into danger and not think you’ve failed them.”

“Like I said. I trust them. As I trust you. You’ve raised him as a true Amazon, Artemis. The trials will only confirm it.”

Artemis gazed out the cockpit at the night sky their comparatively tiny plane flew through, Bruce’s deft hand allowing nary a ripple to go through it.

“You should rest,” she said. “We brought a pilot for a reason.”

“I trust my reflexes better than his.”

“Neither of your reflexes will be tested. Remember, I need you awake on this trip.”

Smiling, she pulled at his belt.

“Perhaps we should see how tired you really are.” She knelt down beside him and lowered her head to his crotch. “I want to suck you. I want your cock in my mouth so bad. Please, let me suck your big cock."

With Bruce’s fly open, she turned her attention totally to his manhood. He stuck that big knob in her mouth and, emitting a thrilled cry, she started sucking him with gusto. 

"Play with my balls," he commanded her. "Grab them. Squeeze them."

Sordid sucking sounds filled the air as she gave in to her baser nature and went completely wild over his long member. She grabbed the sturdy shaft in one hand and began massaging it tenderly. Insistently her other hand worked itself inside his fly. She cupped his large testes and started rolling them about and squeezing them with a gentle milking action in an effort to make them give her their cream quickly.

The way she was going at him Bruce didn't last long. No man could have. Within just a couple of minutes he groaned aloud, then sucked in his breath and shuddered.

"NNNNN!" Bruce cried, and then, rhythmically, "UNG, UNG, UNG!"

The first stream of his massive load sprayed into her mouth under terrific pressure, giving Artemis a rich blast of the acrid substance's bitter almond flavor.

"Mmmmm," she moaned through the passion-flared nostrils of her dainty, upturned nose.

Pumping his pulsating prick and milking his balls to make him give her all he had, Artemis greedily drank the man's copious flow of hot sperm. When she had it all, she was delighted by the complete fullness of erection which Bruce maintained. His cock was still hard as a bone, even after she'd drained it of all the juice she could get.

"Gods, what a man!" she exclaimed, rubbing her cheek against his saliva-wetted rod. Her tongue snaked out and licked up the few bits of cum that clung to her puffy pink lips. Only one thing in the whole wide world mattered to her now, and she started raining smacking, wet, passionate kisses up one side of that thing and down the other.

“Perhaps I should save my strength.”

Artemis smiled wickedly. “Not all of it, I hope. Come, husband. Let me help you get to sleep. Allow the pilot to do his job while you do yours.”


Six hours later, they landed just outside the border of Qurac. A caravan of jeeps took them into the other country, and after a few hours of that travel, they met the Bana—Artemis’s people. They were waiting in a defensible position, spare horses ready to carry the guests. Seeing them, Bruce ordered the convoy to a stop. He, Artemis, and Jason got out and went unarmed to meet the rogue Amazons.

“Akila,” Artemis said, recognizing her old friend in charge of the greeting party. They clasped arms quickly. “My family. Bruce and Jason.”

“A male Bana,” Akila said curiously, staring at the little boy. “There are many who will have questions.”

“I have much time to answer them,” Artemis said, mounting the horse provided to her. 


On the ride to the village, Bruce stayed near Jason. The boy was already well-trained in equestrianism, but Bruce still kept a watchful eye on him. Artemis trusted both of them enough to ride up front with Akila, where the Bana most expected attack.

“Your husband is handsome,” Akila said. “Intriguing. You should watch him tonight. The celebration will make him an easy target.”

“His mind makes him a very difficult one,” Artemis replied. “If it weren’t for Diana, I never would’ve gotten to him.”

They arrived at the village shortly, the Bana taking Artemis on a direct route instead of doubling back and diverting to hide the location. There, Artemis took a long while greeting her old friends while Bruce and Jason were shown to their quarters. It wasn’t until an hour of reminiscing and catching up had passed that Artemis went to check in on them.

Bruce, as she might have expected, had slipped away, although she could feel his presence close by. She guessed he was taking his own measure of the village’s defenses. In the room, Jason was shadow-boxing. She’d held off on telling him about the Amazon rituals he would partake in, but ever since he’d known, he’d trained with the fervor of his father. No trauma had been necessary, only the Wayne blood.

“Are you ready?” Artemis asked him.

“Yes, mother.” Jason rotated his shoulders, unwinding them from the machine-like pattern of motions he’d used in his boxing. “Mother, are you disappointed that I was born a boy?”


Like any child, he could sense the slightest whiff of patronization coming. “This is your home. Everyone here is a woman. How could you not—“

Artemis stopped to look him in the eye. “I prayed to all of the gods, even to the Presence, that I would have a boy. I knew the rules. I wanted to break them. Something new, for a new world. You are different from everyone else. But so am I. And so is your father.”

He hugged her quickly, sheepishly, before he could be too embarrassed by it, then he broke off. 

“Ready yourself for the feast,” she told him. “I think you’ll find the Bana know you’re special too.”


Akila had been right about the Bana desiring Bruce. They waited until Artemis had had her fill and left the large bonfire where the feast was being cooked. Bruce stayed longer, trying to show his acquiescence to the Bana’s hospitality, but eventually he gave into the night and went to join Artemis in her quarters. It was then that Menalippe and Penelope, the apex predators, went to escort him.

Menalippe was a tall, long-legged blonde, while Penelope was a young woman with light brown hair and plump tits. Both had big, shapely asses that they seemed to swing in concert as they walked in front of Bruce, showing off their desirable bodies before they turned their heads and showed off the devastating beauty of their faces.

“Hello, Mr. Wayne. I am Menalippe, remember?”

“Yes,” Bruce said, vaguely recalling that he’d been introduced to her. “And you must be Penelope.”


Bruce’s eyes were drawn to Menalippe as she walked ahead, her hips swinging in her skirt, Her rag skirt was so short that it was daring close to working up over the arch of her ass.

Penelope came up on his side, rubbing her own nearly naked body against him. Her arms went as far as they could around his muscular torso. “Where are you going, Bruce?”

“To bed.”

Menalippe dropped back to be on his other side. “That’s a good idea.”

Penelope slipped her hand into his belt buckle and snapped the catch. Menalippe came closer, taking his hand. He used the other one to push Penelope away, but Menalippe was already caressing the hardness of his chest. He shouldered her aside, but Penelope replaced her hand on Bruce’s chest. He moved to brush it away, but she slipped it downward, to where the mountain of his hardened cock thrust at the front of his snug-fitting pants.

“You could give us children with that,” Penelope said.

“Both of us,” Menalipped added, hooking Bruce’s arm around her shoulders. “Perhaps even twins.”

“We’d let you do more than that, besides.”

“Once you’d come in us.”

“Both of us.”

“Then you could do whatever you want.”

“We’d be so grateful.”

“Our asses would be yours.”

“Our mouths.”

“Our breasts.”

“Whatever you want.”

“Maybe you’d just like to watch.”

“We can do all sorts of things together.”

“You just have to ask.”

“We know how inventive you men can be.”

“The naughty things you like to watch but can’t do.”

“You could do them.”

“Watch them.”

“Do us.”

“Watch us.”

“All of us.”

“Our bodies.”

“Our flesh.”

“Your flesh.”

Bruce came to the hut where he’d been quartered and stepped through the split curtain that hid the entryway. Inside, Artemis laid on the bed. She wasn’t wearing her usual armor, or any of her clothes, but her old armor. So much like Diana’s, but green and white in color, giving Artemis her own unique showcase as she so richly deserved.

“Bruce already has company,” Artemis told the Bana firmly. “The only company he needs.”

“It’s true,” Bruce said, grinning as he relished how the girls dropped off him under Artemis’s threatening gaze. “Sorry, ladies.”

They slipped away, licking their bruised egos, if not their wounds.

“I hope you enjoyed that,” Artemis said uncharitably, even as she gestured for Bruce to bring his evident arousal closer.

Bruce began to strip. “Let them have their fun. I’d hate to discourage their friendliness.”

“They should be friendly with each other. Less hazardous.”

“Why are you wearing your old armor?” Bruce asked, neatly folding his clothes as he took them off.

“Isn’t it obvious? Nostalgia. Of all the things you’ve taken off me, I’ve always wanted you to do this one. Diana used to take it off me too. We’d fight to see who could strip the other naked first.”

Bruce chuckled, unself-conscious about his current nudity. “I wouldn’t put up much of a fight.”

“You will later. When I try to wear you down and you refuse to be.”

Bruce looked down at her long legs, noticing how smooth they seemed. They were a beautiful honeyed color, too, and Bruce could feel himself getting excited. He saw her glance down at his huge prick, then up again, and he watched as her eyes took in his masculine body. "I think you want me to fuck you." 

"Prove it,” she said, and Bruce reached a hand up to her mouth to quiet her.

"Don't be too loud," he whispered. “Menalippe and Penelope will be able to tell when you fall in battle.”

As his hand touched her tender lips for a moment, he could sense the desire inside of her. The touch of her wet lips warmed him, and his cock began growing even larger.

Artemis's eyes peered downward as she watched his cock swell, her eyes getting bigger as his hard rod now stared her in the face, inviting her to taste it. Their eyes met and for a few seconds they just looked at each other, anticipating what was to come. Bruce reached down and put his hand on her warm thigh, slipping just slightly under her armor. His touch electrified her, so sure and so strong. She could feel herself warming to his presence against her, her nerves vibrating inside her cunt. He stroked her thigh for a moment, her tender skin quivering beneath his fingers; then he kissed her.

Her mouth relaxed as he did, as his tongue licked her lips. Finally, her mouth opened to him. She sucked at his lips a moment, and now Bruce truly needed to have her. Grabbing her around the waist, he pulled her to him, his mouth again finding hers and exploring it with his eager tongue. His hands lowered to her butt, and he squeezed her soft asscheeks in his huge hands, rubbing her ass through her light armor, all the while pulling her closer and closer to him. Artemis had never been held this tightly by anyone else, and now she knew that she was being held by a real man. She felt herself filling with passion as Bruce rubbed his erect cock against her thighs.

Her arms reached up and grabbed him around the shoulders as she gave in to his wonderful touches. He sucked and played with her moist lips, setting her entire mouth afire with desire.

"Oh, Bruce!" she sighed between his kisses. He reached up to kiss her forehead, and Artemis responded with her own kisses, making his rod harder and harder, sliding her tongue down to his hairy chest and kissing his nipples.

Bruce felt himself losing control as Artemis's mouth found his belly and licked her tongue into his navel. He pulled her head closer to his body, his fingers running through her soft hair, tickling her head.

She was nearing his prick now, and her mouth opened wide. She wanted to jam his delicious cock right down her throat, but his pounding rod was just too big. Her wet lips closed around his tip, and she tickled the head of his erect tool with her anxious tongue, licking his slit and driving him mad with passion.

His tremendous shaft grew in her mouth as she slid it in and out, sucking, licking the underside of his foreskin, running her tongue down to his balls and under to his asshole as he towered over her, completely helpless. He was sweating now, breathing very hard as he felt her mouth explore his stiff member. His hands clamped around her head and pulled her to him even harder.

"Yeah, lick my balls, Amazon!" he grunted. "Use your hot cocksucking mouth all over them! That’s just right!"

Artemis was making animal noises now as she ate his fantastically hard cock. Her lips closed around his shaft, then loosened, then tightened again and again as she strove to drive him mad.

Bruce could feel his sperm boiling in his balls, ready to shoot out at her. He breathed harder and harder as she swallowed his rod with her hungry mouth. Then all at once every bit of energy in him shot his juices into her mouth, filling his thirsty wife with his cream as she licked his cock and tightened around it as hard as she could. Her hands dug deep into his ass as he came, and Bruce thrust his rod into his wife’s mouth as far as he could.

"What a dirty little slut you are!" he groaned. "I wish those other Amazons knew how hard they’d have to suck to be a cocksucker like you. Oh yeah, use your tongue like that!"

Artemis sucked on her husband's trembling cock till there was no more cum, and, swallowing it, her tongue raced down to his balls and started licking them. Then back up and down, his shaft, tickling him so much that he couldn't stop laughing. But was a very pleasurable kind of tickle, and now his laughter infected her. As he dropped to his knee, they found themselves both laughing as hard as they could, really for no reason at all except that it felt good to laugh.

But Bruce wanted more, and so did Artemis. He raised his huge muscular body over her and kissed her again as she lay back, waiting for him. He ran his lips under her chin, kissing her very lightly all over her neck and face, getting her to breathe heavy again.

Then he lifted his entire body and went down to her legs. Artemis's hands were roaming over her own chest now, caressing her huge teats through her armor as Bruce kissed her legs. They were so smooth, so silken soft; Bruce just loved touching them. And they were so warm, too, her whole body was warm now. And as he kissed her delicate legs, her crotch started to rotate in a circular motion, anxious for his touch on her cunt.

Bruce's lips inched their way up her legs, up her thighs, and he could smell the scent of her ripe sex. He slid her armor up over her hips as she arched for him, revealing her light-blue lace panties and the eager cunt that awaited him. He gazed at her hips a minute, pleased by how slender his little wife was, how tight a fuck she'd be. Then, his fingers reached up and touched the edge of her blue panties as she pleaded for him to do something.

"Hurry, Bruce, please hurry!" she cried to him, but he wanted to see her beg. His fingers played with her panties a moment, brushing over the moistened cunt that awaited him. He felt her juices spilling onto her panties as she rolled in hunger for him. She bent her knees, and he put his head between her thighs, kissing her panties and smelling her musk. Then his fingers inched up to the top of her panties, and he dug two fingers under the material.

"Oh, please!" she cried, but it did no good. Bruce was doing this his way. He looked up to see her caressing her own tits with her own hands, and now his confidence in himself was at its peak. His fingers pulled at the lacy panties that hid her snatch, and he rolled the wet material over her hips, brushing over her mound and down her legs. Her legs begged him to come to her, and her juices were telling him she was ready for his tremendous cock.

Artemis's cunt looked just like Diana’s. Just as delicious, just as wet, and just as needing. The fuzz on her mound felt so soft as he ran his tongue through her jungle, teasing her. Her clitoris grew hard and popped up to be rubbed, but he wanted to tease her. 

He spread her pussylips with his hands and his tongue shot out at her clit, touching it for one ecstatic moment, the quivers in her cunt vibrating in his fingers. And again, his tongue touched her clitoris for one short moment, then withdrew back into his mouth. He continued with the same technique, making her cry for more each time. He was frustrating her, leaving her too soon. His mouth sucked at the lips of her cunt, licking her female juices into his own mouth. 

"Fuck me!" she pleaded. "Fuck me! Oh, fuck me!" Artemis was almost crying now, she ached for his throbbing prick so bad. She had lost control and now she was moaning like an animal. She opened her arms, and she beckoned him to come to her. But Bruce was having too much fun licking and sucking her delicious cunt. His hands reached under to her ass, and he pulled her crotch up to his hungry mouth, driving his tongue deep inside her hole.

"That's it!" she cried, now starting to be satisfied, but then he moved his head up her belly, pushing her armor up to her boobs, and finally his mouth finding hers again. Artemis spread her legs wide, opening her cunt to his gigantic, pounding cock. The head of his cock found her hole, very wet indeed, and with all his strength he plunged deep inside her. Then be thrust again, with every bit of strength he had, driving his throbbing cock deep into her passage then stirring it inside her from one side to the other.

"More!" she cried, her hands digging deep into his muscular butt. Bruce could feel himself getting ready to shoot, and he humped his huge shaft in and out of her tight box as hard as he could, feeling the walls of her cunt wrap around him and cuddle his cock. A perfect fit! He was fucking fast now, in and out, in and out, then faster; then she cried out as she felt him shoot inside of her devouring pussy, still pounding her throbbing cunt as hard as he could.

And now Artemis was climaxing, rubbing her belly hard against him, and digging her hands deep into his muscular flesh as her spasming snatch ate his cock right up.

"COOMMIINNGG!" she screamed, tilting her crotch even higher so that his cock pierced her even deeper. 

And finally her arms wrapped around him, and she was pulling him down to her, so that his shaft was rubbing against her tender clitoris. She came once, twice, three times before he was done fucking her. Her pussy was a cauldron of delight now, and Bruce felt his cock being caressed by hot juice as he rested on top of her. The two lovers lay there, breathing heavily, trying to say some words to describe what they had both just felt, but neither of them could say anything. 

Their bodies filled with air, then emptied again as they tried to regain their breaths. Tiny beads of sweat poured from both their bodies Bruce could smell his wife's sex as he lay there, and his nose tingled. He lay on top of her, exhausted and used, but every so often pushing his prick deeper into her, then to the side. Artemis just lay there, too exhausted to move. He felt his cock softening inside her, shrinking, so he pulled out. He felt his cock leaving her, her cunt walls rubbing against him one final time. His cock now rested on her soft pussy hair, and he felt his belly warm up as it touched hers again. A good feeling filled both of them, a feeling of contentment. The two lovers just lay there now, talking to each other wordlessly.


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