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FIRST PAGE 1. Splash panel. POWER GIRL and TERRA are at an outdoor café, drinking iced coffee. Both are in uniform, though their costumes are slightly torn. In the background, we see some sign of a resolved crisis. A downed kaiju, a giant robot being hauled away, a supervillain being loaded into a paddywagon, whatever. We're basically at the tail-end of a fight, with Karen and Atlee licking their wounds. Terra is ranting. TERRA: Why is it these losers always try to rob banks? They know the money is marked, right? TERRA: Why can't they just get a reality show like all the other losers? I would watch a reality show about these guys. TERRA: Now not only did I miss the second half of Maleficent, but I got the stinkeye from three rows of parents, all because my JLA communicator doesn't have a vibrate setting. 2. Smaller panel. Power Girl is yawning. Terra looks over at her, concerned. TERRA: Hey, you alright? You seemed out of it all during the fight. TERRA: It can't be man trouble... 3. Similar. Power Girl is stretching now, working a kink out of her neck. TERRA: (overlapping) Are you losing your powers? POWER GIRL: (overlapping) Who says it's not man trouble? 4. Terra, shocked. TERRA: Dish! 5. Power Girl drinks her mocha. POWER GIRL: No, it's embarrassing. TERRA: (O.S.) C'mon, I told you about that time I made out with the new Robin at a party. TERRA: (O.S.) There was French! POWER GIRL: Never tell me about that again and I'll share. SECOND PAGE I'm picturing this as a series of thick horizontal panels, flashing back to Power Girl's "date" with Hiro. At 18, he's become a good-looking kid--lanky and slender, with unruly hair and dabs of grease on his face. He wears goggles on his forehead and a mechanic's jumpsuit, with a Robin tee-shirt shown where it's unzipped. Power Girl's narration in caption boxes. Tell me whatever you want to do to show Hiro winning her over; I am *so* open to suggestions. 1. Power Girl coming in for a landing outside Hiro's lab, him offering her his hand to shake, his smile genuine, charming. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Okay, so I never meant it to go as far as it did. I'm not *that* hard up. He just had such a crush on me. It was cute. 2. Hiro gives Power Girl a tour of his lab. She's asking about one of the inventions on display and he's explaining it to her, open, honest, not at all patronizing. We see their word balloons, although all that's in them is scribbles of nonsense. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) You know how guys are. The nice ones just leer at me--I've caught most of the JSA staring at my tits--and he didn't look. Not until I put it out there. 3. Hiro is helping Peej with some thorny JLA problem at one of those ultra-futuristic touchscreen tables. Read-outs on the console show various things, including a little Kryptese script (Karen is contributing to their work). But our attention is on how Karen leans over the console, giving Hiro (and us) a great look down her boob window. Hiro is sweating bullets, trying not to look, but seeing it out the corner of his eye. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) He's really smart, you know. Funny, too. And it wasn't the first time we'd messed around. I just swore it would never happen again. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) I mean, no more than once a week. I keep it classy, after all. 4. Hiro and Peej "after hours". A nearby TV is tuned to a news program with the caption "JLA Saves Day Yet Again." Hiro has served Karen a great-looking meal. They are toasting with bottles of ginger ale. Karen is ‘accidentally’ sloshing some of her drink onto her cleavage. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) It's not like I was cheating on anyone. I'm a swinging single, baby. Bachelorette till the Rapturette. But after a months of Lonely Hearts Club meetings with Brainy--my, uh, vibrator--I was open to throwing a pity fuck his way. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) I wasn't looking for anything serious, right? Last time was okay, but it was over. It was what it was. So I just wanted to give him another chance to whoa me. 5. Hiro has stripped to the waist--the top of his jumpsuit hangs around his waist, revealing his Robin tee in full. He's also cleaned the bits of grime from his face. Karen has taken off her boots, gloves, and cape. She gives Hiro just as good a look at her ass as he's gotten of her tits. He's finishing the tour he started earlier, showing Karen his latest experiment. It's a new super-drill that works by vibration, with a blunt tip and a name like the Vibradrill 5000. Jaw-droppingly phallic, which we catch Peej in the process of making a joke about (making a circle with the fingers of one hand and poking her other finger through it, something like that). Hiro is flustered, but grinning. If his groin is in view, we can see a half-mast impression in his pants. Perhaps we can see the action lines of a phone buzzing in his pocket. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) I mean, I've gone for enough extradimensional warlords and alien invaders. It's fun, but--kinky. I wanted a normal, cute guy for once. Clark has Lois, Wally has Linda--why can't I have someone who gets me off without throwing me around like a ragdoll? POWER GIRL: (V.O.) So, when Batman called him for an update on the new Batmobile--it looks cool, by the way--I decided to make my move. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Just a little hint. A bit of a nudge to see if he was interested. It's not like I'm Catwoman or anything. THIRD PAGE 1. I'm thinking a pin-up splash. Hiro is coming back from the other room, lowering the phone from his ear, his mind utterly blown by the sight of Power Girl 'testing' the drill. She's slid the crotch of her uniform aside to allow the drill to 'bore' into her, something she finds extremely pleasurable. Ad-lib her some appropriate dialogue if you would, my good man. Oh yes, Oh God, harder, that sort of thing. SFX: VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! POWER GIRL: (V.O.) I mean, I still had all my clothes on. 2. A much smaller inset panel towards the bottom of the page. Karen is looking at Hiro, disheveled hair falling over one of her eyes. In the background, the drill is powering down. POWER GIRL: That was good foreplay. POWER GIRL: Think you can help me with the real thing? SFX: (dwindling) vrrrrrrrrrr... 3. A similar inset, with Hiro boggling. HIRO: Great Mother of Mothra, please don't let this be a robot. 4. One more inset, but now we're in the Batcave, with Batman as he hears this over the phone. BATMAN: Say again? SFX: >Klik< BATMAN: Okamura? FOURTH PAGE 1. 'Nother pin-up. Power Girl on her back, Hiro on top of her, his slender body almost swallowed up by her curves and muscle. He's pumping in between her spread legs, his head between her breasts, which have popped out of their window. She's still wearing her costume; kinda. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) You know how it is for us superpowered types. When our skin is so thick that getting punched through a building hurts as much as a Muggle stubbing their toe, it's hard to get worked up even over Nightwing. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) But I was wet enough--and sensitive enough--and he was so *enthusiastic*. I actually found myself *loving* it, almost more for his sake than for mine. Ad-lib dialogue between them. Peej isn't screaming, it's more of an 'mmmm, yeah, I like that' sort of affair, while Hiro is grunting and groaning and heaping praise on her. "You're so beautiful, you're so tight, you're like a goddess" and the like. They orgasm towards the end, Hiro's climax setting off a minor, contented finish for Karen. Relaxed and satisfactory. 2. A sliver of a panel at the end. Hiro, exhausted, has collapsed back into Peej's cleavage. Karen has a dreamy, somewhat excited grin on her face. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) So I decided to see how far the rabbit hole went. POWER GIRL: Hey, Toyboy--you like to get kinky? FIFTH PAGE 1. Hiro is in Lex Luthor's infamous battlesuit, unchanged from the pages of Superman/Batman, with the minor exception of a truly ludicrous dildo growing from the groin. He is pile-driving Power Girl. Ad-lib a real screaming orgasm for Karen. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) You ever wonder what happens to supervillain tech after we send the bad guys to jail? Well, someone has to study it and see if we can use it to feed starving orphans in Florida or whatever. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) And you know how the real masterminds always brag about how their machines can adapt to *any* situation? Well... POWER GIRL: (V.O.) They certainly adapted enough for me. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) And after just half an hour of that, Hiro's jack-in-the-box was ready for more. 2. A short while later. The battle suit is now fucking Karen on her side, with one leg thrown up to its shoulder. But Hiro has climbed out of it. He straddles Karen, fucking her breasts. Perhaps she even bows her head to lick the tip of his prick as it emerges from her cleavage. Maybe ad-lib some dialogue. "I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come! Is that okay?" from Hiro and a muffled consent from Peej. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) The best thing about Luthor's suit, though? POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Cruise control. SIXTH PAGE 1. Close-up horizontal panel. Hiro finishes on Karen's face, one hell of an ejaculation that fills her open mouth, covers her face and upthrust breasts. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Don't get me wrong, I liked the cunnilingus and second base and all that shit just fine. I really go for nice, sweet, cute little guys you can take home and show to momma. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) It just really helps when they can fuck you like a hardcore slut. I'm like a lot of women, that way. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) You know, bukkake was invented in Japan... 2. The rest of the page is divided into two vertical halves, split down the middle. In the first, we see an unfinished Superman Robot (bits of metal endoskeleton visible, like a Terminator) with a penis dangling down almost to his knees. Hiro is presenting it to Karen, who is now naked, mostly scrubbed of cum (though maybe a There's Something About Mary thing with her hair). POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Hey, guess where Superman gets his robots? POWER GIRL: This is so wrong. HIRO: I know. HIRO: Want me to have him do you from behind? POWER GIRL: Fuck no. 3. As Karen gets down to business with the Superman Robot--perhaps blowing him to get him up--Hiro brings out a Metallo. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Or what happens to Metallo's bodies after his brain's captured? SEVENTH PAGE 1. Karen stands between both the robots, being double-penetrated in the same hole. Ad-lib orgasmic dialogue. Hiro kisses her neck passionately as she screams, and she jacks him off. POWER GIRL (V.O.) Why are you looking at me like that? He keeps them in a vault. That he showed me. Before the sex. What did you think I meant?  HIRO: I want your ass. POWER GIRL: C'mon, kid--ever put a pencil in one of those mechanical sharpeners? HIRO: I've been thinking about that... 2. Insert panel of Atlee. TERRA: C'mon, Karen! Cut the cow! POWER GIRL: (O.S.) Bull. TERRA: Whatever! Tell me how he was! EIGHTH PAGE 1. Smallish panel. On Metallo's chest, a compartment marked 'DANGER: KRYPTONITE'. Hiro is opening it up a very small amount, letting green radiation out. Perhaps color this, if nothing else. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Well, sometimes it hurt a little... 2. Splash panel. With Karen weakened by the minor dose of radiation (as shown by a heavy sweat covering her body), Hiro is able to fuck her ass. She's on top of the Superman Robot, with the Metallo Body fucking her mouth. She's in ecstasy. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) But he does make the most amazing toys. NINTH PAGE (maybe a double-page spread) Montage. Go nuts. We see Karen leaving the lab, half-conscious, dressed again but with her suit covered in cum and in general disarray (boots on the wrong feet, a glove missing, cape on the wrong way, et al). Her hair stands out wildly and she wears a dazed, not unhappy expression. At first, she's barely able to fly without weaving drunkenly through the air. We watch as she goes through a day of ordinary crimefighting and company running, starting with heartily washing her costume. This is interspersed with panels of her wildly fucking Hiro. REALLY go nuts. He uses a car battery and jumper cables to stimulate her invulnerable nipples, mechanical tentacles in all her orifices, anything and everything you can think of. As the seriousness of Peej's duties grows, so does the humor of her thinking back to getting fucked by a Composite Batman/Superman Robot when she should be focusing on saving the world from nuclear destruction. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) Don't get me wrong, it was fun and all, but I'm not some floozy. He's just a kid, after all. I was just indulging him a little. POWER GIRL: (V.O.) There's no way I can see him again. I'll break things off this evening. TENTH PAGE 1. Flying through the air carrying their mostly empty iced coffees, Power Girl and Terra are in sight of Power Girl's apartment. TERRA: Why this evening? POWER GIRL: I suppose that's when he'll wake up. Time difference, you know. POWER GIRL: Do people get jet lag when you carry them around the world? 2. Peej and Terra touch down in the apartment. We see Stinky, Karen's cat, coming to rub Karen's leg. TERRA: Karen, you didn't! POWER GIRL: I needed a quickie, alright? Brainy broke and if I went over to his place, I would've been there all day. 3. Terra looks into the bedroom through the open door. Hiro is naked, but covered with a sheet. He is dreaming. HIRO: Oh, Karen... TERRA: You told him your secret identity? POWER GIRL: *What* secret identity? My cover is a push-up bra. I think most people don't call me Power Girl on the street just to be polite. SFX: Brinng brinng! 4. An angle deeper in the apartment. Power Girl is looking at her answering machine, while in the background Terra is practically leaning through the bedroom door for a closer look. POWER GIRL: Shit, I promised Kal I'd help him with a Phantom Zone thing. Kryptonians only. Sorry, Atlee. TERRA: No big. POWER GIRL: Would you mind babysitting? Just watch some TV until he wakes up, put some food in him, and take him back to Japan. TERRA: Not a problem. Where's Japan again? West Coast, East Coast, or Midwest? 5. Power Girl takes off from the apartment. POWER GIRL: Not the time for a fish out of water joke, Atlee. TERRA: (O.S.) So it's one of those Russian countries? Right? 6. Terra looks at Hiro again. He's tossing and turning in his sleep, revealing a body you wouldn't kick out of bed for eating crackers. TERRA: Poor guy. Thought you had it all sewn up, didn't you? Too bad Peej lives in terror of being called a cougar. ELEVENTH PAGE 1. Terra walks into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. TERRA: Me, though... I could try out for the Teen Titans, if I wanted. 2. Reverse angle, including Hiro once more. He's rolled over onto his back, and some morning wood tents the bedsheet. Atlee draws closer, impressed. TERRA: And if you *are* single now, you should go for someone who likes toys. Someone who's open-minded. Someone who already shares everything else with Karen. 3. Terra pulls the sheet away. Hiro's erection disproves any number of stereotypes. Atlee stares with unabashed wonder. TERRA: Oh, wow. TERRA: Mind if I play? TERRA: I'll help clean up after. 4. Close on Terra's face, Hiro's cockhead at the very bottom of panel, as Terra's lips part for obvious reasons. TERRA: Wakey wakey. 5. Same as before. Terra's head dips down. HIRO: (O.S.) Karen? Is that you? TWELTH PAGE Epilogue header. 1. Power Girl back in her apartment. Through the windows, we can see it is now night. An note lies nearby unnoticed. POWER GIRL: Hiro? Atlee? POWER GIRL: Where is everyone? 2. Close on Power Girl opening the note. It reads "Dear Karen, thanks for last night, but I think we should just be friends. I've met someone my own age and we're really... down with each other. Atlee says you'll understand, and that if you ever want to go on a double date, she's game. You don't even have to bring your own date, she says, she'll pull double duty, whatever that means. Thank you for a wonderful night, Hiro Okamura. P.S. I happened to notice your robot was broken. Hope I didn't overstep my bounds, but I made some repairs and gave it a little upgrade while I was at it." POWER GIRL: (O.S.) What's this? 3. Power Girl lowers the note from in front of her face. POWER GIRL: Brainy? 4. Splash panel. 'Brainy' is back in fine working order, being ridden hard by Karen, who has been penetrated by BOTH of his cocks. A faint glow of Kryptonite comes from a very small hole in the robot's chest. Ad-lib dialogue as necessary--maybe a "Your needs will be taken care of" for old time's sake. Karen is having a hell of a time. POWER GIRL: OH MY RAO! POWER GIRL: BEST BREAK-UP EVER!!!


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