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The vampire hunter was certainly handsome, but dark. Not pretty, as so many other attractive men were—in fact, he made every other man Maria had met seem pretty. There was a ruggedness to him, a directness. Maria felt troubled in his presence. Here was a man who did as he liked; he had both the passion to want many things and the confidence to possess him.


But the important thing about this Captain Kronos was that he was a vampire hunter—an actual stalker of the undead. Which meant all these killings lately weren’t natural. If he was real, that had to meant there was a real vampire in the village as well!


Kronos watched her, and in his gaze Maria could see that he knew where her thoughts were racing. He was the vampire hunter. He was real, confronting her. Why would he do that… she certainly wasn’t an undead!


Maria forced calm and courtesy. She curtsied. “Thank you for gracing me with your presence, master Kronos. May I ask why you’ve come here? I’m an unmarried woman and there’s no one about to chaperone us…”


Kronos smiled, cool and deadly. “These are dark times, young Maria. A chaperone is a luxury we can’t afford. And would be little protection against a vampire, at any rate.”


Maria backed away from him. She knew denial would make her look guilty, but she couldn’t help herself. “Me? I’m no vampire, my lord… why would you ever think that?”


Kronos stalked after her, entering the house and swinging the door shut behind him. “Because a vampire has been active in this area and you are the undead’s ideal prey. Young. Beautiful. A creature any man would wish for his bride—even Satan himself!”


Maria summoned her wits. She had nothing to worry about. She was no vampire, after all. “Very well then. Test me. I’ll lay my hand on a Bible. I’ll kiss a crucifix. Put me through whatever trials you like, you’ll find I’m as flesh and blood as any other woman!”


“There are ways for the vampire to fool all such tests. Only one proof is truly incontrovertible. How the vampire reacts when driven to the height of ecstasy—when all her inhibitions are stripped away—then her true nature is clear.”


“The height of ecstasy,” Maria gasped. “What do you mean?”


“My apologies in advance, lady Maria… I must be absolutely certain.”


And, seizing Maria inescapably, Kronos crushed his lips to hers. She tried to push him away, but it could not be done. He held her too tightly. He kissed his way from his lips to down her jawline. She found it incredibly passionate—so much so that it was an effort to remember her anger at his transgression.


And did he mean to do this with her sister, with Frieda? The very idea that Frieda would get to enjoy this—and no doubt far more lasciviously than she was—galled Maria. As irritated as she was by his forwardness, she was far more incensed by the thought of it being one more prize Frieda could win for herself with her aggressiveness and unladylike impropriety.


“Stop that at once!” she finally cried, galvanized by the thought that Frieda no doubt would allow Kronos to continue as far as he wished.


“Your own kiss betrays you… this isn’t the first such pleasure you’ve known… did it taste of death, the last time you indulged yourself? Well, here’s some life!”


He thrust her down to the ground, the soft carpet thankfully absorbing the impact of her light body. Before she could get up, Kronos tore down the sash cord from the drapes, then stormed over her with it.


She couldn’t believe such a handsome, genteel man could be so savage. This wasn’t the man Maria had spoken so cordially to only a few moments ago. This was a wild animal—a man of unbridled sexual urges. She barely recognized him as the face she’d found so comely.


In spite of her anger, Maria found herself growing warm. He was so strong, so domineering… taking all the liberties with her that a man would take with his wife. She felt like a bride on her wedding night, her coquettish reluctance overwhelmed with male forcefulness, and however much Frieda might be used to that, Maria had never known it.


“Girl,” he snarled. “I won’t allow scruples to dissuade me. Your virtue is a small price to pay for locating the vampire that plagues these people.”


Quick loops of the cotton cord around her wrists firmly tied her hands. He tied the rope to one leg of the heavy couch. With two more jerks, he had her ankles tied—each one roped to a different leg of the piano. She was trapped, spread eagle on the floor, totally helpless against this man’s devices.


In spite of his raging assertiveness, hardly romantic, Maria found herself growing more and more interested in him. This was the type of man she should marry—with enough vigor to make up for what a shrinking violet she was. He’d be wasted on Frieda… the two would be hellacious together… but with her, they were perfectly balanced.


Maria might civilize him with quiet conversation and music playing. And when she felt abashed of her beauty, he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Kronos would be sure of what he wanted and how to get it. The thought of being at his mercy was now evident in her soaked underthings.


“Why have you tied me this way?” Maria gasped. “I can’t be the vampire! I swear to you, I’m not!”


“Vampire or no, I feel the touch of darkness upon you, sapping your goodness. I must undo this corruption, whether or not you’re of the undead.” He took a short dagger from his belt. Without further word, he dropped to his knees beside her and ran the blade through her dress.


“No! Not my skirt!” she cried.


Kronos took no heed, keeping the cold metal moving brutally along her thighs. She cringed as the point touched her soft skin, but he was too skilled to allow it to pierce her. She only felt the jagged chill of the blade and it penetrated icily into her overheated sensations.


“You must stop this now!” she cried out. “If anyone’s a vampire, it’s Frieda! You must investigate her! I’m Maria! I’ve done nothing, nothing—only what she’s beguiled me into!”


“She would no doubt say the same of you. And Frieda will get hers, in time. But first I’ll run down every source of blood the vampire can call upon. We’ll see how she likes it when her shadow is replaced with pure blazing light!”


He unbuttoned his fly. His cock snapped out from it. For a long moment, Maria couldn’t take her eyes off of it. It was like no part of a man that she had ever seen before—a mighty pillar of hardened flash. Her eyes widened in fright. She knew that such a thing was meant to go within a woman, but it seemed impossible to fit inside her own tiny chamber.


“No, please, Kronos, I’m a virgin!”


“With those bite marks on your thigh?” was all he said.


His endowment throbbing before him, Kronos continued to cut away her dress. She was soon reduced to only her undergarments. With savage efficiency, Kronos cut open her brassiere and bared her naked breasts. The look in his eyes made Maria feel a keen heat—even his determination wasn’t immune to the loveliness of her bust, the selfsame bosom that Frieda used to draw so many eyes.


Maria groaned. She’d never felt like this before—there was a spark of power in this, in having what a man wanted… she’d never realized…


“We’re nearly there,” Kronos said, pressing the blade down where it could get at her bloomers.


Maria tried to writhe away from the cruel progression of her nudity. She couldn’t, of course. The ropes bound her, split her legs open, left her unable to cover herself with so much as her hands.


Closing her eyes made it even worse. She heard the little exhalation of her waistband as the blade parted it. Maria cried out involuntarily as air suddenly wafted onto her exposed labia. He was showing it first thing, allowing her not even another second to hide herself.


“What is this meant to prove?” she called out. “Please, you’ll ruin me for any marriage!”


“I’ll ruin you for the vampire. True pleasure rebukes the undead. They can only spawn by encouraging perversity. I’ll burn her taint from you with the feelings a woman ought to have.”


She saw his cock buck with new lust. There was no doubt in her mind that Kronos was going to have her. Take her as he would if she were his lawfully wedded wife. Maria would’ve laughed if she weren’t so close to crying. She screamed when he ripped away her bloomers, leaving not one inch of her covered.


“Yes. It’s ready for me. I knew it would be. Your body craves real love, not the love of the parasite. I’ll bring you back to the land of the living. After this, you won’t so much of think of the vampire’s degeneracy again!”


He came down on top of her, his weight pinning her to the carpet. Maria pulled desperately at the ropes on her wrists. She couldn’t move her arms an inch. She could only receive whatever Kronos had planned for her.


Maria gasped at the first feathery touch of his cock upon her gateway. The fiery jolt of being connected to him poured from her ready sex all the way up her spine. Maria hadn’t realized how aroused she was—it seemed so wrong, that this rough treatment could be what her body was craving.


Maria realized that she had never imagined a lover who would be rough and commanding instead of tender. He was in control of her body, not her, and realizing she had no say in what she would feel was an arousing surprise.


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