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Aayla froze. She’d expected Phaidor’s hands on her body, but not how they would feel. Once in a while, at the Jedi Temple, a girl would grow fond of her and try to express that affection physically. Brushing her lekku, patting her ass, or even kissing her. Aayla always discouraged them. This was different.


Firstly, she had no choice—no more than any Twi’lek slave girl. Second, Phaidor certainly wasn’t some upstart Padawan or newly minted Jedi, still getting a hold of themselves. She knew what she was doing.


Both excited Aayla. She didn’t believe that Twi’leks were naturally submissive; she was, though. The combination of threat and Phaidor’s own deft skill intoxicated her. It thrilled her, the rush of adrenaline as she worried of making the wrong move, saying or doing something that would unthinkingly ruin the mood for her… for Phaidor.


Aayla stood there with her hands at her sides, staring straight ahead. She feared breathing. She couldn’t move or speak. Anything might displease Phaidor and displeasing Phaidor would ruin her own pleasure—strained and odd as it was, it was the only thing that made this violation tolerable.


Phaidor’s hands were on Aayla’s ass, squeezing, fondling, caressing the flimsy nylon panties and what was underneath them. Soon, Phaidor pressed her face up against Aayla’s taut abs. Aayla quivered, anticipation spiraling together with the sparks of delight from Phaidor’s lips. The touch of them and the feel of Phaidor’s hands was so much more erotic than Aayla had counted on. She wondered if Phaidor knew she was becoming aroused, if Komand’r knew.


Komand’r leaned back in her chair. Looking Aayla up and down and finally in the eye. Letting her know that she did know. And that she liked how easily Aayla’s body had turned against her. “Take off the dress. I like looking at Twi’leks when they’re all turned on.”


Her eyes blinking rapidly, Aayla unzipped her dress and shrugged it off. Phaidor traded a look with Komand’r. They seemed to agree. And they must’ve liked what they saw, because they both looked at Aayla again.


Now that she'd bared her flesh, Aayla shot a fierce look at Komand’r as though to make the defiance in her eyes her most striking feature.


“I want it all,” Komand’r said huskily. Her eyes darkened into black holes and her lips gleamed where they'd been repeatedly licked.

Aayla hesitated. Her eyes darted between the two women she'd be giving her nudity to.


“Don't keep me waiting.” Blackfire commanded. “Not everyone you serve will be as patient as me.”


Phaidor’s breathing quickened. She moved to sit near Blackfire on the desk, close enough to be groped.


Driven to an ice cold anger, Aayla vented her rage on what remained of her clothes, literally ripping off her bra and panties. She stood with her hands set proudly on her hips and her shoulders thrown back to display what she knew they wanted shown.


“Well?” she demanded. “Do I merit the price tag?”


Komand’r let out a low whistle; a sigh escaped Phaidor.


Aayla’s breasts were full and firm, ringed with midnight-colored nipples that seemed to crave a loving set of lips. Her waist was tiny and wonderfully formed in its slenderness, while her thighs met in a luscious vee, forming a pussy that was absolutely bare. The Twi’lek’s natural hairlessness. And wetness that was all Aayla’s, in this moment, in these whorish circumstances.


“She sure gets my approval,” Phaidor said.


“It'll be interesting to see if she can net any enthusiasm,” Komand’r replied.


Aayla’s lekku twitched so hard they almost cracked like twin riding crops. “Why, you contemptible pervert! In the Old Republic, there were a million worlds where you'd be whipped for disrespecting a Jedi to this.”


“We're not in the Old Republic,” Blackfire said. “Here, I have a whip.”


Astonishment took over Aayla’s face. “You're not serious.”


“I'm very serious about keeping my properties in line. You seem to have somewhat mistaken my intentions and deeply misunderstood what role you will be playing.”


“Then you don't intend to whore me out?” Aayla asked, not daring to sound hopeful.


Blackfire stubbed out her cigarillo and stood to tower over Aayla. “Oh, I do. But not the way it happened on your precious Core Worlds. I know you're not the first Jedi who prostituted herself; a convenient way to happen on sex without attachment. A woman charged highly, if charitably, for her company and was set up in a plush apartment to await her buyer's pleasure. Perhaps you've indulged yourself, perhaps even with another woman. I don't know if you place that high a value on your own uniqueness. But despite how much I'll be paying for you, you are not that precious.”


Aayla lifted her face to the woman looming over her. 


“Wouldn't you agree?” Komand’r trilled, reaching out to grasp the Twi'lek’s arms with steely fingers digging into the blue flesh.


“Of course I wouldn't,” Aayla said.


“You'd better start agreeing,” Komand’r snorted. “If I pay four million credits to keep this lovely body away from the Empire, I expect you to make it worth my while.”


“You… want me to expose myself like I did for you and…” Aayla cast a disgusted look Phaidor’s way. “Her?”


“Do you know what an Imperial prison is like? Do you know the kinds of people who sign up to be guards? How much fun they'd have with you? Not to mention the other prisoners. The Empire doesn't build jails for Jedi only. You'd be imprisoned with the worst of the worst. If you fought them as much as you're fighting me, they'd take as much joy in gutting you as I would in what I want to do.”


Aayla said nothing, but her eyes were wide with fright. She knew that all Komand’r said was true.


“Of course, that's assuming the Empire would bother with imprisoning you. The Jedi have given them a lot of trouble over the years. They may find it simpler to kill you on the spot. Not such a bad fate, in comparison, but far worse than six months of not unpleasant work.” Blackfire put a hand around the Twi'lek’s throat, but did not squeeze. “You should be grateful for that body. It's done far more to save you than anything you've said tonight. I've decided it's worth the effort I'm going to to acquire you. You're not going to be some high priced mistress. I don't waste money on sex. I'm buying you and if I want you, I'll have you, but your precious, perfumed flesh is mine to sell. I'll give it to anyone who meets my price. And you'll give it too, because if you don't, you'll wish the Empire had you.”


“You’ve had your hands on me for long enough!” Aayla declared. 


Komand’r tightened her grip on the girl’s throat. “I’ll choke you for as long as it gives me pleasure!”


“You monster! You inhuman fiend!” Aayla reeled back and would’ve gotten free of her if Phaidor hadn’t stepped in to intercept Aayla from behind, grabbing her arms and holding her in place while Komand’r really squeezed. Enjoying the feel of having Aayla’s interrupted breathing literally in the palm of her hand.


“Are you sure? Think carefully now,” Komand’r purred. “The constabulary is still here. He can deliver you straight to prison and then to the Empire. Wouldn’t you rather stay here and be my property, my toy, for just a little while?” She loosened her grip on Aayla’s throat. “I don’t have to break you, Jedi. I can do things you’ll very much enjoy, if you allow me. If you’re cooperative.”


“I’ll… for six months. That’s all.”


“Very good,” Komand’r said, moving her hand to on top of Aayla’s shoulder and exerting a little pressure downward. Aayla went willingly to her knees. “Remember, if you go back on your word, I go back on mine. The Empire is everywhere; I don’t need the constabulary to deliver you where so many of your brethren have already gone. If you don’t wish that for yourself, you belong to me. Body and soul.”


“You can have my body,” Aayla said, her eyes filled with anger she could only hide by not looking at Komand’r. “And if you think you have my soul, you can keep thinking that.”


Komand’r didn’t bother to riposte the barb. She turned to Phaidor. “Pay the man, Phaidor. Tell him that we’ll see to it Aayla gets her just desserts.”


“Yes, Komand’r,” Phaidor said, eyes still lingering on Aayla’s lovely body—made even more lovely by how it tremored with emotion, not least of which was fury.


Komand’r laughed through wolfish teeth. “Don’t dream about her too hard. It’ll come true soon enough. Once we’re onboard. Until then… well, I suppose I might even let her wear clothes.”


Phaidor nodded, but her eyes didn’t leave Aayla’s sapphire nakedness.


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