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With one end of the dildo in Jade’s mouth, the other was pointed to Yolanda across from her. Yolanda leaned in and wrapped her lips around that end.


“What are you doing?” Jade demanded, so quickly that the dildo fell out of her mouth.


“Open my pussy,” Barbara said.


Jade stopped and looked at her, shocked.


“Like this,” Barbara told her, putting her fingers on the hairy flesh that surrounded her slit and tugging on the lips so they spread open. “Now it’s your turn. My pussy is all yours…”


Stunned at how she, she, was giving into this degeneracy, Jade put her hands on the other woman’s crotch and opened the pale skin to deliciously pink cunt. She couldn’t help herself. She lowered her head and licked along the glossy folds. Barbara gave a low moan of enjoyment.


“Lower,” Barbara said. “Keep being a good girl, Jade… you know how nice it is being a good girl.”


Jade did. She ran her tongue along the throbbing flesh, exploring what was inside the soft opening, how the tightly clenched walls gently opened, but still convulsed and sucked at her intruding tongue. She pulled away from the milking motion of Barbara’s pussy… the sucking that belonged to a man’s cock, not her tongue… but found her lick going to Barbara’s clit instead.


It was so hard and so big; she could do all kinds of things to it with her tongue and she knew how good it had to feel. Her own clit never got nearly so big—or did it? What if that was why it felt so good sometimes when she was doing naughty things? Her clit was too swollen. Giving Jade too much sensation for her to withstand.


“Now take it all into your mouth,” Barbara told her, her lavish voice overpowering Jade’s confused thoughts.


Jade moaned despairingly, knowing she didn’t have it in her to disobey. She opened her lips and moved them to the hot, damp flesh… sucked Barbara’s clit into her mouth and ran her tongue all over it, like she was tasting a lollipop.


“Bite into it,” Barbara said. “Lick it and play with it, but keep it between your teeth. I love feeling a little pressure while I’m being worshipped.”


Jade did as she’d been ordered, pulling the swollen bud between her teeth and closing them on its roundness just enough to keep hold of it. Her tongue waved up and down, sweeping over Barbara’s throbbing button and making it stiffer than ever.


“Bite down harder,” Barbara moaned. “I don’t mind if it hurts a little—no more than you do!”


The mother’s hips started to gyrate, pulsing up and down, making Jade grow dizzy as she went along with the convulsions fluttering through Barbara’s body. She dug her teeth in, then flitted in with her tongue, her mind in turmoil as Barbara’s legs closed around her head.


“Ohh yessss!” Barbara cried. “Eat my pussy, eat it, show me how much you love having your tongue in my cunt! Harder, you bitch! Do it hard!”


Jade sucked and bit and licked as hard as she could, feeling Barbara’s body go into spasms that were absolutely out of control. Barbara’s legs trembled and shot high into the air. She rocked and thrust herself up and down against Jade’s face, finally grabbing her by the hair and shouting so loud it was like her voice was right in Jade’s ear.


“Suck it, suck it you bitch! Oh yeahhh, make me come! Put that tongue in there for me to come on! Keep it in there until I tell you to take it out! Yes, yessss, OHHHH!”


Her body pumped up and down, legs wrapping around Jade’s back as she orgasmed. Her ecstasy subsided only slowly, leaving her body in a series of giant heaves. Barbara gasped, lying back, her hair all over her face.


“That was fine, just fine… you might do great with some more practice.”


Jade moaned and felt lightheaded, seeing the saliva on Barbara’s pubic hair that she knew she had left.


Barbara looked to Yolanda. “Do you want her again? I think she’s really getting the hang of it.”


The Latina stared at the naked Jade. “No,” she said finally. “I shouldn’t wear myself out before seeing Courtney. You know how much attention she needs.” She laughed and ran a hand over Jade’s body. “Let’s give her a bath now. Soaking for half an hour will do her a world of good—she’s not used to bottoming.”


“She’s going to get used to it.”


Still trembling and a little turned on, Jade ended up in the hot, swirling water. She sobbed with the relief it gave her, thinking that at least now she knew—now she knew it wasn’t so bad, what she’d done to Courtney and the others. No, her punishment of them wasn’t at all excessive. It was the only way they’d learn.


Closing her eyes, Jade tried to imagine what Courtney and Yolanda were going to do together. She had a lot of ideas. She knew she would have to punish them a lot, once they were finished being bad.


It might make her dirty too, but she would just have to pay that price to give them the education they needed.




For such a small town, Blue Valley had room for an awful lot of action. As soon as things had settled down with Jade, the Legends crash-landed nearby. They knew all about the JSA—both the originals and the one that Courtney was going to start up—and Pat knew about them, so between the whole weird extended family of Justice, they managed to find places for everyone to stay while the Waverider’s autorepairs were making it toxic.


Dinah ended up living with the Dugans. Courtney was excited by the thought of hanging out with THE Black Canary, but apparently that was someone named Laurel—this ‘Dinah’ was a ‘Black Siren’ from an alternate Earth which was evil, only she wasn’t evil, or not evil anymore, or mostly not evil. Courtney didn’t really understand the specifics… not until someone named Ava came to visit.


She took Sara drinking and they brought Sara’s ‘sister’ Dinah along and Courtney couldn’t sleep. This seemed like exactly the kind of situation where everyone got into a big superhero fight because they stumbled upon a supervillain somewhere doing something, but Barbara was insistent that it was a school night and Courtney had already done four patrols that week.


Courtney lay in bed, expecting at any moment for them to call her and ask for backup, but what ended up happening was them coming home in a drunken tangle. She heard their loud voices bounding up from downstairs, then the heavy footfalls of Dinah clogging her way up the steps. She thought Dinah was going to her own room until she heard the doorknob to her room jiggle.


Quickly, Courtney turned off her light and hid the book she’d been reading. She wasn’t sure why she pretended to be asleep instead of telling Dinah to get out of her room… but at any rate, she held her breath and listened while Dinah staggered through the door, disrobing and cursing under her breath at everything she bumped into.


Finally, Dinah climbed underneath the covers with her and yawned heavily.


“Not one decent lay in this whole lousy town,” Dinah muttered.


Her hands pawed at the headboard, trying to find the one pillow on the bed, but of course it was under Courtney’s head. She ended up grabbing hold of Courtney’s body and pulling it close, shoving her face into Courtney’s chest to pad her forehead while she nodded off.


Gundam lupus

ok, this is a Hot Story, and I am starting to ship Cortney and Yolanda because of it.


Yes I'm very excited to see what happens next! I love the way superheroines (and supervillainess') are built for delightfully long hard fuck sessions! 😁🔥🔥😈😈