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Koriand’r turned one way and then the other, fully at ease in her Tamaranian wedding dress, enjoying the way the gauzy lengths of fabric teased the voluptuous curves beneath—so flimsy that they only gave her any modesty whatsoever by being held down by the many beaded necklaces which ironically further revealed her, by flattening otherwise obscuring layers to her abundant flesh instead of hiding her in cloudy folds. She petted the long, curly hair that seemed to merge with the dress, all different shades of her honeyed skin and setting-sun red hair.


“Are you ready, my husband?” she asked, smiling beamingly. “I surely am. X’Hal, all the eyes I felt on me while I wore this—but now it’s only for you. And what’s underneath it as well. All yours, my beloved Glur.”


She knew that Glur was not exactly the picture of beauty that she was. He was closer to a cephalopod than he was any humanoid, with a broad trunk of a body featuring little in the way of identifiable characteristics, multiple pseudopods that served as limbs, and then there was the avocado shade of green he was. From some angles, he greatly resembled a blobfish, especially with the slime he secreted, making it easy for him to drag himself along the floor.


But unlike humans, Kory was well aware that beauty standards had little to do with sexual prowess. She had heard a great deal about what skilled lovers Glur’s species was, with their endlessly versatile tentacles, the potent aphrodisiac encoded in their slime, and the subtle telepathy that allowed them to know every desire of their partner’s body.


Kory still felt a little abashed on the circumstances of their mating. That it was to seal a peace treaty between Tamaran and Glur’s people. That Dick, who she had always hoped to cultivate a strong relationship with, would now most likely be snatched up by that awful Batgirl. But, she resolved to make the most of it. She would try her hardest to enjoy this. And, looking at all those gesticulating tentacles, she thought it wouldn’t take much effort at all.


“I hope you don’t find me unattractive,” she cooed to Glur, approaching him as she discarded one of the napkin-like swatches that did so little to conceal her body, then one of the necklaces that did so little to accentuate her beauty. Neither were very necessary. “I realize there’s a surface… incompatibility to our pairing. But it is your armada insisting upon this treaty. If you didn’t want me, you wouldn’t ask for me—isn’t that so? Well, here I am. All I ask is that you please me. Surely, it won’t be a challenge for such a mighty warrior as yourself to conquer one who can be so easily swayed to surrender…”


Glur towered over even her impressive height, the size of an earthly minivan, pooling into a wide base with his tentacles largely retracted, which she knew bloated his own body. It was hard to read body language from a body shaped vaguely like a pyramid, but Kory sensed reluctance in the stout warlord.


It surprised her. Surely, he had not gotten to where he was without being propositioned several times, no doubt enjoying countless species, women of many different varieties.


She hoped he wasn’t gay.


“Do you wish me to make the first move?” Kory asked, running her palms down her body as if in replication of what Glur might do to her, were he to make contact. As anyone would, she enjoyed the touch of her own curvaceous body, even the satiny feel of her dress and the slightly irksome crackle of her beaded necklaces shifting around. “Alright.”


She reached out with one dainty finger and drew it down the length of a random tentacle. The feeler stood up, stiff and long and thick, greatly tensed and engorged from the limp pseudopod it had been.


Kory arched an impressed eyebrow and wrapped her fingers tightly about the base. She moaned at the feel of it throbbing inside her grip. Then she dropped her head down to its mass and began licking and kissing the spongy tip, thrusting her tongue against the little sucking mouth that the tentacle ended in.


Glur rumbled and groaned gutturally, every inch of his great size given over to the pleasure she was giving him. Kory smiled to herself, as best she could with the tentacle flicking around in her mouth and sucking on her tongue. Well, at the very least, she could satisfy him. She hoped he’d be able to return the favor once—


Suddenly, a hot stream of greenish slime arched up and out from the sucker mouth. Kory backed off with her mouth full, only to watch in perverted fascination as more slime shot free from the end of the tentacle she’d pleasured. It curved high into the air and came down on her forehead with a loud splash.


The tentacle twitched from side to side. It spritzed on her face, teasingly keeping the burning stream away from her full mouth. It continued onto her full breasts, dousing what remained of her dress and becoming a river down the middle of her cleavage. More slime piled onto the shuddering flesh of her belly, onto her inner thighs and down her long, lean legs. Kory gaped in awe as it even soaked her bare feet.


“Oh, Glur, what a wonderful appendage that is!” Kory whispered breathlessly, realizing that though the tentacle was no longer quite as big as it had swelled up, it was still—“So incredibly stiff! You want to fuck me with that, don’t you, husband? You want to ram that big thing right up my juicy cunt?”


The tentacle stood up as it had when she’d first touched it. So, too, did a half-dozen more fat, python-like appendages, each already leaking little trails of slimy goodness.


Kory’s heart stood still for a moment. Her clit panged wildly.


“Oh! You want to fuck me with all of those? My! You certainly are a black equine, as they say on Earth! I wish I had holes for all those big, nasty things—X’Hal! Perhaps you could fit more than one into each of the openings I do have? That would certainly be interesting, would it not?”


She wiped her mouth with the back of her fist. Kory couldn’t quite get the taste out of her mouth, but she didn’t mind. It was sour, but certainly not unpleasant, and its pungent taste left no doubt of what she’d accomplished with Glur. Although perhaps he saw it was less her victory than his inadequacy. Kory reached out with a sympathetic smile and patted his trunk.


“And don’t worry about how fast it happened. I have that effect on many males. I used to read stories of just how much your kind finished when you… finished… and how you weren’t finished even then! Well, I intend to drain you dry, my new husband! So you feel free to come whenever you feel like! Don’t hold back, not at all! I want all that I can get!


Glur shuddered and shot a tiny spurt of slime from another tentacle, then lay spasming on the bed, seeming entranced by her.


“But don’t let me have all the fun,” Kory chided him, resisting the urge to get down on her hands and knees and retrieve even that small scrap of her husband’s savory-tasting pleasure. “I’m here for your enjoyment too, you know. You can—”


Glur reached out a tentacle, touching the front of her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra, of course, not having the same issues with sagging that a human female right. Glur’s appendage proved not to be clumsy at all, and he pinched her nipple through the flimsy fabric with a delectable deftness.


“Oohh!” Kory gasped, a spark seeming to fly from her nipple straight down to her sex. “Yes, that’s perfect, Glur! I would like much more of that, please!”


Her cunt burned with hunger as she reached out to rub the tentacle she’d just fellated. There was an interesting texture under the slippery slime—something like denim—Kory couldn’t wait to feel it inside herself.


More tentacles wound around her, understandably fixating on her cleavage, feeling her firm breasts through what remained of their covering. Kory giggled. There seemed to be a little nervy apprehension in how Glur so rampantly pawed at her. She didn’t think he could manage, in his present state, to remove her garments, yet he didn’t want to simply rip them off either. She peeled the soaking fabric away from her proud breasts.


“Here,” Kory grinned. “Have you ever seen such gorgeous tits? I know they’re quite spectacular. I’ve received many compliments on how big they are. And look how stiff you’ve made my nipples, Glur. They only get like that when I’m very excited!” She groaned impatiently: “Well, what are you waiting for? Play with them already! Hurry up and touch them, suck them! Yessss!


Before she was even finished speaking, a coil of tentacle squeezed one of her hot breasts. “X’hal, perfect!” she gasped when another tentacle cupped her aching nipple, expanding its mouth to slip over the tender flesh like a snake unhinging its jaw to swallow an egg. She was delighted to find that Glur could give pressure and suction to her swollen flesh far beyond what a humanoid mouth was capable of. “Eat them, Glur! Devour my tits!”


A sucker clamped over each of her pointed nipples, dragging at them both until she cried out in agonized enjoyment.


“X’Hal! X’Hal! What pleasure!” Kory babbled madly with the fire racing through her flesh. She grabbed the bases of the tentacles servicing her and stroked them copiously, squealing when this managed to increase the suction she felt. “Now take the rest of my clothes off!” she pleaded. “I want you to have all of me!”


Tentacles grabbed at her skirt, suckers pulling at her clothes to get them down her legs. She soon felt cool air touch her naked sex. It quickly felt warm, a bonfire flaring up on the ice that’d been fed to it.


“Now put something in there!” Kory begged. “Give me something to fuck!”


A tentacle was jammed inside her.


“Another!” she cried. “I want all of them sucking on me and playing with me and fucking me!”



This is pretty much exactly what I wanted