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Maria wanted to deny what she’d felt, but she just couldn’t. Seeing her twin sister Frieda naked had aroused her. Just that brief glimpse as Frieda had gotten out of the bath and reached for the towel had made Maria’s sex moisten.


My God, it’s so ridiculous, she thought. Not just lustful, but vain as well! How immodest in so many ways to want a woman who looks just like me?


“Maria!” Frieda shouted to her from the bedroom. “Why don’t you bring me a cup of tea for while I dry my hair?”


Still surprised at her unseemly reaction, Maria played nervously with her fingers. The last thing she wanted was to be in Frieda’s presence now, so soon after being so sinful.


“Did you hear me?” Frieda persisted. “Do you think I wouldn’t bring you tea if you asked me?”


“I’ll bring it right up!” Maria shouted back.


She decided that her response couldn’t have been what she’d thought it was. Frieda’s nudity had just reminded her of something that had caused a flash of impertinent activity within her body. It wasn’t really arousal. After all, even now she was thinking of how disgusting such a thing was. The whole idea could only be described as silly. Having sex with another woman was unthinkable. Why would she do such a thing with a member of her own family as well? It was just something that had gone wrong in her for a moment, like how bread sometimes just failed to rise. It was nobody’s fault. It only happened and that was all.


She went down to the kitchen and poured them each a cup of tea. And as she saw her reflection in the window, she understood. Frieda was her twin, of course. Seeing her was like Maria seeing herself—not only that, but seeing herself as a lover would, from the outside, at an angle Maria herself would never see. So for a moment, she’d been able to emphasize with what her husband would see, on their wedding night, before she knew the true, pure pleasure of being joined. There was nothing shameful there—Maria was only pleased with how much her naked body would satisfy her future husband. What a relief to know it was only that and nothing more.


She walked up to their bedroom. Frieda sat on the stool in front of her vanity. Her towel was around her shoulders, hanging down to cover her breasts, but that was all. Otherwise she was naked—drying her long dark hair with careful little squeeze of the towel.


Maria felt the blood rush in her veins as she set down Frieda’s tea on the vanity. Frieda’s lissome body twitched and quivered with all the little muscles, the feeling of air on her bareness, as Maria’s knew her own would if she weren’t dressed properly. Her creamy breasts swayed, peeking out from under her towel as she worked her hair into glossy fullness that would entice any man.


Maria tried not to look at them. Even when that jolt of sensation before had been so innocent, she didn’t want it to happen again. They were the same as her own, after all. There was no need for curiosity, she told herself. Her own nipples were just as big and soft as Frieda’s were, when they weren’t hiding behind her hair.


“You know Uncle has sent for a mercenary?” Frieda asked. She combed the damp tangles from her hair with her fingers. “A real slayer, they say. Everyone I talk to seems to know a story about him and a werewolf, or a vampire, or even a witch!”


Maria sat on the edge of the bed. “Great. That’s just what we need. More witchhunters.”


Frieda laughed softly. “You know why that is, don’t you? No one will believe Uncle that at least one of us isn’t possessed. We’re too pretty, inspire too much lust, so we must be of the Devil!” She smiled into the mirror at Maria. “Or maybe it’s just that we’re so close. Even sisters aren’t supposed to be as close as we are. Feeling the same things, thinking the same things… we are thinking the same things, aren’t we?”


Maria tried to take her eyes from Frieda’s long smooth back and creamy shoulders. I’m only looking at her because I’ve never seen myself that way and this is what I look like. “It’s you,” she murmured nervously. “You keep going out at all hours… no one knows where you go or how you get out of the house…”


“So what if I go for a walk?” Frieda asked brightly. “Where is it said in your precious Bible that I have to spend every night under this one particular roof? Unless you think I’m doing something bad at night. Is that what you think, sister? That I really am an Undead?”


“No, of course not!” Maria cried, shocked at Frieda’s suggestion and even more at how lightly Frieda said it. “But you should know better than to tempt fate with all the killings in the village… so many bodies drained of blood… what’s to stop you from falling prey to the beast?”


“What’s to stop one of Uncle’s fanatical friends from pitching me into a fire?” Frieda demanded. “I’m as likely to be killed out there as I am in here. At least outside, I can have a little fun. Or should I have it here? Is that why you get so upset about me going out? You want me to stay and have my fun with you?”


“I don’t know what you mean,” Maria gasped.


“I know you think the night air has changed me… that I’m not the same as I was before… but I think it’s how you look at me that’s changed. You see me very differently than the sister I was when we were both innocent girls—”


She stood and shook out her luxurious cloak of hair. Her naked body stretched to its full height as though Frieda were pleased to display its stunning beauty to fresh eyes, innocent eyes that would reflect exactly how delicious it was.


Maria all but gagged on a feeling of sheerest intrigue. Her eyes helped themselves to moment after moment of staring at Frieda’s naked thighs and the flossy hair between them. She even managed to a glimpse of the pink slit within the glossy dark. Maria shut her eyes and turned her head away—divorced from the sight of Frieda, her world became the hot blush that animated her cheeks.


“Ashamed of yourself, aren’t you?” Frieda cooed. “You’re not the only one who suspects me, even though we share a bed. Yet even you think I might be a vampire. And who could fail to accuse me when my own sister has betrayed me to such suspicions?”


“I don’t think you’re the vampire,” Maria murmured. “I could never think that of… my own sister.”


“I think someone needs to do penance for her unsisterly feelings.” Frieda smiled, the expression safely hidden from Maria’s shut eyes.


She went over to the bed and took Maria’s head in her hands, bending to place a warm kiss on her sister’s brow.


“They’ll want to blame me,” Frieda told her. “No doubt they’ll have some test to trap me. They’ll rig it so I can’t possibly succeed. That’s why you must switch places with me. Whatever trial they set for me, you’ll pass it easily. And if you don’t, I’ll reveal that I have your name and you mine. Everyone will see that they were only trying to frame me and they’ll let you go. It will prove the Brotherhood wrong once and for all!”


When Maria breathed, her lungs filled with the fresh, moist scent of her sister’s naked flesh. Frieda’s breasts brushed against her own as Frieda bent to speak to her face to face. Maria gulped and bit her tongue.


“I… I’ll do anything you want,” she whispered. Only please don’t stay so close—don’t tempt me anymore—I can feel your breasts touching mine and I want to suck them, squeeze them—your lips must be right next to mine for me to hear your voice so clearly—don’t make yourself so easy to kiss, sister, please…


Frieda wiggled the tip of her nose against Maria’s playfully. “Good.” She leaned back and Maria sighed in relief. "I think I'll have fun being you, sis. You make it look so fulfilling to be so holy. Perhaps when I try it out, I’ll get a taste for.”


“Let’s hope,” Maria said, a little breathlessly.


“But try not to like being me too much,” Frieda added, petting Maria’s cheek. “I’m already enjoying myself enough for the two of us. If we both have fun, it’ll have to be a sin. So perhaps you should just watch.” She drew close to whisper in Maria’s ear. “That’s how I’ll thank you for being me. After we’ve fooled the slayer, I’ll take you out at night with me. You don’t have to be bad at all. You can just see how wicked I am.”


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