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It seemed impossible, but Karen looked even better as a businesswoman than she did as Power Girl. At least, Kon was used to seeing her as Power Girl. As Karen Starr, she wore a smart business suit. No jewelry except for a black choker around her neck, contrasting vividly with her fair skin and cream-colored suit.


Her thick thighs folded over each other—unlike when she was in costume, she wore dark hose down to her wedge boots. And her hair was a brunette wig done up in a bun. Her heavy-framed glasses continued the dominatrix edge that was just subtle enough to be deniable.


As Superman’s ally, Power Girl would of course never be up for any kind of kinky sex. Kon didn’t think the same applied to Karen Starr. And that wasn’t even getting to her stupendous breasts, hidden under a buttoned jacket that nonetheless made clear that her blouse was thin and it was skintight. As just about any garment would have to be on those wonderfully oversized hills.


“Can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re in charge of Lexcorp—crazy as that sounds. Starr Industries was on the verge of a takeover when Lex croaked. Now that he’s gone, the shoe’s on the other foot.”


Kon’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean? You want to take us over?”


“’Us’?” Karen asked. Then shook her head. “No, not at all. Think of it as a merger. Better yet, as a partnership. I’ve been active in the business community for many years now. I could mentor you in how best to maintain Lexcorp.”


“By making it a subsidiary of Starr Industries?”


It was Karen’s turn to frown. “What would be so bad about that? You can’t tell me you want to sit in an office all day.”


“Why not? You do.”


“I don’t have to worry about whatever sick games Lex is, was playing. There’s no way you got this company with no strings attached.”


“Hey, I’ve been handling Lex for a while. How many times have you fought him? And were you alone, or did you have Steel and the rest of the funky bunch backing you up?”


“Were you alone or did you have the Young Teen Outsiders backing you up?”


“We’ve never called ourselves the Outsiders!”


Karen leaned forward. He saw even more of her cleavage. Kon could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. Didn’t need one. “Look, Kon, you know you’re not qualified to run this place. There aren’t many people who are that you can also trust. Maybe Bruce Wayne, maybe Ted Kord—probably not Ted Kord. But when you’re in a shareholder meeting all day, do you want to be sitting across from them or sitting across from me?”


“Well, you may have read into this from all the goons I’ve beat up, but I’m not into edging. Maybe I’d rather get nothing from Ted Kord than blue balls from you.”


Karen arched an eyebrow. “Alright, that’s something you wouldn’t want from me. Now what would you like?”


“Like?” Kon asked, frozen with sweat gathering on his brow. He’d expected Karen’s usual ferocious dismissal to his usual come-ons.


“Cmon, Kon… show me you know how to negotiate. It’s an important skill in the business world—especially if you like to be on top.”


Eve came into the room then. Kon grinned at the sight of her. They’d had some great fucking, and even though you’d think her beauty would pale in comparison to Power Girl, she held her on.


Kon had been trying to rope her into a threesome with Mercy, but it was tough going with Mercy being so domineering. Imagining a threesome with her and Peej gave him a jolt of sexuality beyond even what Karen could summon up with her boob window.


Her hips shook as she carried a tray of coffee service over to his desk. Kon couldn’t not think about her ass and how pretty and round it was. It wasn’t fat, but it was big, a juicy little ass that shook and shimmied with every step she took. All muscle, too. When he slapped her on that willing, waiting peach, Eve always cooed and called him a bad boy, in a voice that made it clear she liked bad boys.


Kon felt an erection gathering under his desk. He tried not to react, even as his cock grew uncomfortably cramped in his pants. Karen couldn’t tell it was there with the desk in the way. If he didn’t go all out and adjust himself in front of her, she would never know.


But he couldn’t stop thinking about Eve’s ass. That nice, tight, perfectly ripe ass. Not swollen hugely the way Power Girl’s tits were, but yoga-firm and sweepingly rounded, just the thing to finish off those long, supple legs and make everything below her waist as perfect as she was from her pants up. Her breasts weren’t as big as Karen’s, true, but she was nice and petite and slender, a lovingly wrapped package for a perfect gift of a fuck.


The hole in back would have to fit his cock as wonderfully as the one in front. Of course, she’d probably find the idea disgusting. But Eve would go along with it, if he was insistent enough, if he plied her and seduced her enough. Then, if he enjoyed it, she’d enjoy it. She was just too damn womanly not to enjoy sex. It was just about impossible not to get a good screw out of her.


“Here you are,” Eve said, setting out coffee cups in front of both of them, then pouring from the carafe.


Only the coffee poured out faster than she expected and her aim was still a little off as she tipped the carafe. The coffee landed in the cup too fast, rapidly overflowing and even splattering Karen’s clothes before it spilled out onto the papers Karen had brought for Kon to sign.


“You clumsy little sow!” Karen barked, automatically ripping the carafe from Eve and setting it aside where it couldn’t do any more harm.


“I’m sorry!” Eve cried. She looked forlornly to Kon. “It was an accident.”


“It was an accident,” Kon told Karen. “She would never waste coffee. She has a shirt that says ‘Espresso Yourself.’”


“You really do need to be shown how to run a business,” Karen said, drawing herself up to her full height. “The less you punish her, the more accidents you’ll get. She needs to learn a lesson.”


“What kind of lesson?” Kon asked.


Karen smirked. “How about ‘what happens to a girl’s sweet little ass when she’s careless’?”


Eve froze up. Looking to Kon beseechingly, and then worriedly to Karen. “You wouldn’t let her do that to me, would ya boss?”


“Why wouldn’t I?” Kon asked, thinking Karen might be right—it could be his employees saw him a pushover.


“You just wouldn’t,” Eve said, now unable to take her eyes off Karen’s threatening grin. “You’re not the type of guy that gets off on that.”


“But what if you’re the type of woman?” Kon pressed, and when Karen smiled at him, he was in a mood to share her smile.


Something was happening to Eve. She felt her nipples getting hard, too hard for the filmy blue bra she wore—it was like she could feel every inch of it, the sweet supple material that was always so fun to get caressed with when a man was feeling her through her bra, but now she was caressing it on her own.


It was like she was getting off on the thought of Karen beating her—just like Kon said. Maybe because Eve knew the two of them, Kon and Karen, wouldn’t stop with just smacking her ass.


“Yes,” Kon said, accurately reading the excitement flushing Eve’s face. “I think sitting on that pretty ass needs to be a lot harder for you. Close the door.”


“I don’t want to.”


“But I fucking want you to.”


His voice left no room for disagreement. And she didn’t even really disagree. For the first time since she’d started working for him, Kon was acting like a real boss. Like Lex had acted.


Eve shut the door, then walked back to the desk.


“Pull your skirt up,” Karen said. “Show us that hot ass.”


Eve bit her lip nervously as she slowly raised up her skirt. Kon was staring at her long, stockinged legs like he’d never seen them before. So was Karen. She gave Eve a little gesture and Eve obediently turned around. She shuddered as Karen cupped one of her buttocks. The Kryptonian got a good feel of all her buoyant ass and even ran her finger over Eve’s tiny asshole like a butler inspecting for dust with a white glove. Eve didn’t dare say anything.


“Well, at least you have a nice ass for Kon,” Karen said. “If you can’t pour coffee, you can at least have a nice ass. Now bend over the desk. I’m going to punish you.”


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