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It was obvious to Christina Hendricks that something was going on with her neighbor and the pool boy, Kirk. Whereas once it took no longer than twenty minutes to clean Salma’s pool, the same as it took with Christina’s, now Kirk spent better than forty-five minutes there each week.


He’d actually rescheduled Christina’s weekly appointment to 11 AM, the little shit—putting her off so he could spend more time fucking that skank’s brains out. And her better than twice his age.


Christina refused to believe that a woman of Salma’s wealth and beauty couldn’t do better than some cute, barely legal day laborer. Surely, she could manage to land an international man of mystery, a charming jewel thief, a dashing corporate executive. Christina knew she could—that was the caliber of men she herself went out with.


Could the sex really be so good that Salma would prefer some twisted relationship with a boy young enough to be her son over the men Christina dated?


The thought worried at Christina like a dog at a bone. And she’d hired Kirk first! She’d known him for months before Salma knew he existed! If anyone was going to be enjoying whatever thundercock that young man had… not that Christina was the kind of slut who would seduce a boy barely out of high school… but hell, it wasn’t like a teenage boy with those looks and that prick would ever go wanting for female companionship. Why did it have to be Salma?


A horrifying thought struck Christina: what if it wasn’t just Salma? For all she knew, he could have a whole harem. Every gorgeous, A-list actress on the block might be enjoying him. All except for Christina.


She’d never really paid attention to how long it took Kirk to clean the pool after hers, just how long he spent with Salma before he got to her house. The son of a bitch—she could’ve been missing out all year!


Her stomach rumbled and Christina realized she’d been sitting on the couch well past her scheduled lunch, fuming over this little drama. Coloring with embarrassment at getting so worked up, she treated herself to a banana and a carton of coconut water. Her doorbell rang as she thought of fixing herself something more substantial, diet or no.


It was Kirk, there to apologize that he’d been running late. “I’ve just been juggling a lot of things lately. You don’t mind having a dirty pool for a little longer?”


“No, of course not, Kirk.” Seeing Kirk standing there—and imagining how he’d looked to Salma as he rutted her, the filthy bitch—Christina came to a sudden decision. “Why don’t you come in and have a drink?”


She put a hand on his shoulder as she asked, now thinking of what a thrill it would be to enjoy the same hot fuck that Salma Hayek was getting.


“Are you sure you have time for that?” Kirk asked, almost looking at his feet, but unable to keep his eyes off Christina’s long, creamy legs.


“Sure. You’ve been a great pool boy. I’d hate for you to think that a little tardiness now and then is enough to ding my appreciation of all your hard work.”


She ushered Kirk inside, closing the door behind him. Her pussy quivered now that she was alone with him.


“You’ve really grown, Kirk,” she observed, staring openly at how his jeans and T-shirt snugly fit his lean body. She petted the back of his work-wrinkled shirt, feeling the muscles underlying it. “Wow, such muscles. You must work out a lot.”


“It’s just the job,” Kirk told her. “Digging ditches, cutting down trees, all sorts of odd jobs. You do that long enough, you’re going to get an ab or two.”


Christina laughed and took two bottles of beer out of the refrigerator. “Well, I hope your abs can take a few carbs. I know how much women like a six-pack. Some of us girls get one look at a nice big muscle and we just can’t help ourselves. You must have realized that by now.”


Kirk turned red, but his eyes returned again and again to Christina’s wondrous physique. Fucking Salma had definitely given him a taste for older women, but he didn’t need his eyes opened to how awe-inspiringly attractive Christina was. She was as busty and as sensual as Salma was, if not more so.


“Sit in the den with me. Let’s get comfortable,” Christina said, showing him to the masculine room her ex-husband had furnished.


When Kirk sat down next to her on the large sofa, she smiled mischievously. She would fuck this new lover right in the old one’s favorite room. It would serve the cheater right for not properly appreciating her.


“I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten,” Christina said, turning so that her bare knee touched to his as she spoke. “You can’t be the same little boy whose bicycle I had to check for every time I backed out of my driveway.”


Kirk blushed again. “I haven’t left my bicycle in your driveway for a long time.”


Christina moved her knee very slightly against Kirk’s skin, just enough to tease him without seeming to do it on purpose. “I’ve noticed. It’s almost a shame—you were such a cute kid. But you’re looking to make a very handsome man.”


Kirk’s prick twitched slightly inside his jean shorts. Already, it was growing into the kind of fine erection that had given Salma such pleasure. But he couldn’t be sure if Christina would be so happy to see it. He tried to fight down his own rising lust, though the sight of Christina in her corset top and hip-hugging maroon leather skirt.


“Are you looking forward to going away to college next year?” Christina asked, making small talk as she breathed in the young man, relishing his desire for her.


She knew she could get him to fuck her and she savored the feeling of being able to touch him, have him, enjoy him at any time she wished. Christina let her knee rub together with his some more.


It was like he was just waiting for her to make her move and then he’d be all man, all biology, doing what he was meant to do.


Kirk squirmed a little, but didn’t at all try to get away. “No, I’m enjoying myself pretty well at the moment. I almost don’t want to leave.”


He’s thinking of that tramp Salma, Christina thought, her face darkening—not that Kirk noticed, with his eyes going everywhere and nowhere in an attempt to delight in Christina’s appearance without giving away just how much he admired her.


“I’d certainly miss you if you left,” Christina said, extending her arm across the back of the soft so that her fingers lightly touched Kirk’s neck. “I feel like I should’ve gotten to know you much better than I do—we should spend some time together while we still can. You’ve always been such a sweet boy… I’d hate for you to go off to college without learning anything from me.”


“Learning from you?” Kirk asked, feeling like he was trying to carry on a conversation while half-asleep, only he was drifting off into fantasies instead of slumber.


Every touch Christina graced him with seemed to skyrocket off into a full-blown wet dream about her. It was an effort to remind himself that she was just being friendly.


Christina stroked her fingers from one side of Kirk’s neck to the other. There was something wild and forbidden about this that aroused her until her clit burned. Kirk’s father was just about her age, a far more appropriate match for her, but here she was, with the fresh fruit instead.


In addition to that, how satisfying would it be to fuck the boy Salma was fucking? She imagined Kirk admitting that he’d enjoyed her cunt far more than he ever had that Mexican whore…


“You know… how to treat women,” Christina cooed. “You want to treat women right, don’t you? But it’s a lost art. Everything’s so formal now. No woman wants to feel like she’s at a job interview when a guy’s trying to get into her pants.”


“Then what am I supposed to do?” Kirk asked her, hiding a smirk at the corner of his lips.


Christina smiled for both of them. “That’s simple. You just give the girl exactly what she wants.”


Christina leaned over and kissed him soundly, her tongue pushing into his mouth. As she’d expected, Kirk’s only resistance was to the kiss staying as chaste as it had started. He wrapped his arms around Christina’s neck and wrestled her down across the sofa cushions, both of them seeming to try and smother the other with wet lips mashed together.


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