Dialectics of the Gods: Deleuze, Hillman, Jung, Schelling, and Hegel (Patreon)
rant Maxwell is the author of Integration and Difference: Constructing a Mythical Dialectic, A book which confronts the perennial problem of opposition in philosophy with respect to the notions of integration and difference. This is a robust work which covers many figures in Philosophy from Hegel to William James to Isabel Stegners. In this discussion we delve into the sections of the book that specifically concern the relationship between Deleuze and American archetypal psychologist James Hillman and the work of F.W.J. Schelling. Integration and
Difference: Constructing a Mythical Dialectic: https://www.routledge.com/Integration-and-Difference-Constructing-a-Mythical-Dialectic/Maxwell/p/book/9781032049854#:~:text=Resources%20Support%20Material-,Book%20Description,of%20myth%20into%20the%20dialectic.