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Spooning or whatever idk I'm not much of a hugger🤷




Claire has become quite confident! A far cry from what she was like when she left home.

Frank Kuschmann

God, Claire is soo indecent - lol. I love cheeky girls. Aww, and how red her friend's face is gotten.


That's why high Depravity builds are the best! We need more questlines where Claire isn't the victim but the dommy mommy. Why wouldn't SHE violate the monster if her Deprav is high enough?


If there's any better pair than Claire and Charlotte, I don't know what it is. I don't WANT to know what it is.

Thomas Beckles

I'm loving this but I am curious about the I bought on steam though, there are some mission I can’t finish, and wonder if there will be an update.


Steam and Patreon versions are the same right now save for the exclusion of Urchins content! All questlines are WIP right now but Rangers and SoF are closest to conclusion and thus being pushed the most alongside the new Main Questline!