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Sneak peek of an early scene featuring Lawrence and the Claire by Minimimaniac with input from Pigutao! The current CG being used actually used a different outfit and character, and so this new CG will take its place in the Fairfelt questline!

The previous CG is going to be 'recycled' and tweaked then added back into the game as part of a new sidequest instead! So more artwork all around, yay \o/ 




God I love this quest so much it has such a sad ending, but I wish we could come back later on in the story so I can punch that disgusting cunt of a brother in the face and free the sister cause she deserves so much better


I'm not sure how you'll feel about this, but as with many of our quests this one has multiple outcomes, and actually there's another ending path where she's the one in charge!


You can just make the sister confront the brother.


The problem with this is that it makes Lawrence look too nicey-nice. The old CG captured the maniacally evil nature of the man far better, in my opinion.


Does not look good really, preffered the old version


I get some people not liking the style, but I think it turned out very nice for the scene it's replacing.

Jon P

I think this is even better - truly manically evil folks usually don't view themselves as evil, they think what they're doing is fine because they're entitled. And this captures Lawrence's nobility perfectly!

Đăng Phan

I think it's pretty good. Lawrence was originally designed to be a handsome aristocrat but had an extreme sister mania. I wonder if you did redraw the scenes from the Five Families Questline quest series to make it more vivid, or just redraw this scene? Have a good day

Frank Kuschmann

I agree BadPossum. He should have a slightly more contemptuous facial expression. After all, she is his tortured slave and not his lover, even if he imagines her in his imagination as his beloved sister. But Claire's facial expression and her eyes are really great.


Looks good, fits in good with pigutao's existing art. Male face could use some more detail though imo.


This was one of my fav early quests. I would love to be able to come back to them and check in on our favorite noble siblings sometime eventually


Anyway to sneak back in and witness the sister? Perhaps get one of her dresses and make Claire more fabulous?