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The last of the Rivermont CGs are now done! 

Here is a sneak peek of the dark, dystopic conclusion to the Rivermont prologue if Claire goes there, yet fails to secure her objectives by Day 4; this will effectively doom everybody in Rivermont, Claire included, to debauched, degrading fates at the hands of the Swine.

More sneak peeks available on Discord!



Đăng Phan

So that means within 4 days Claire must rescue her mother and leave, otherwise there will be a bad ending. If I remember correctly, there was an event in Rivermont that if left too long, Marie would be turned into an orc leader's toy. So Marie's event will have to be shortened (about 3 days), or is it because I misunderstood the time and process leading to the bad ending in Rivermont


all the girls 🙌 hell yeah


Love the perspective imagery


Are you sure this is the bad end ? Lol ! But seriously, as hyped as always. Good luck and keep it up ! ^^


Hi, will "rivermond bad end" and "sack of rivermond" be in the next update?


Claire seems to be enjoying herself for a bad end lol. But I can't wait for more


Well the pigs' seed is an aphrodisiac, so there's that.


Not into it myself, but goddamn this artist is talented, A+ on the quality

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-04 14:41:13 I love that the Nun got put in stocks too <3
2022-12-04 12:40:33 I love that the Nun got put in stocks too <3

I love that the Nun got put in stocks too <3