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When they first set eyes on her, few would guess that the ever-bubbly, lissome, and seemingly innocuous girl before them is not only one of the High Sisters of the Temple of Fertility, but also the senior of the trio; while High Sister Lily leads the affairs of the Servants of Phantasm, and High Sister Rose is chief among the Avatars of Phantasm, it is High Sister Peony alone who holds the proverbial and literal keys to Phantasm itself. When Lily and Rose cannot agree on something, Peony is the tiebreaker; her word is law, and her opinion held in foremost regard. 

High Sister Peony alone who communes with the enigmatic deity on a regular basis; her unworldly, fairylike air is oftentimes said to be the direct result of her otherworldly communion, which has taken away any trace of adult cynicism or negativity and left her with the apparent form of a beaming, ebullient maiden... but the brightest smiles often hide the darkest secrets... 

This is the finalized design for High Sister Peony! Currently she uses a quick placeholder we whipped up, but as the Sisters of Fertility questline is progressing rapidly towards its final stages, we are now finalizing all designs of the major characters in the questline!

NSFW alt version available on Discord for patrons!

Concept art by the amazing
vsevlez !



Đăng Phan

wow, with such a cute face, no one would think that she is the eldest sister of the High Sisters trio. Amazing :3

Đăng Phan

Is there a surprise about High Sister Peony, such as she is bisexual (has 2 male and female genitals :3)


I actually thought it was the other sister than was the leader. The less dominant one.


Very pretty. I hope all this extra work into her means she won't just be standing on the sidelines, if you know what I mean. ;)


The High Sister Peony design is very impressive, she really seems fragile and harmless despite all the power she has)


Omg! She is simply irresistible! I love the way you worked on her design, she has a very cute face and a beautiful outfit

Frank Kuschmann

Oh god is she cute! Does she still need a personal servant to serve her needs in the Temple of Fertility? I would voluntarily make myself available to her.


What sort of breedings will be involved? The more exotic the better.


Where do I download it?


wow she's so cute, I almost wish it was her quest instead of Claire's we were playing through


Will these sisters get the Pig monster treatment like Gilly the Herbalist? I'd like to see later scenes where Gilly is show with her babies