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"Humie keep cryin' about her mummy... No need cry, we takes you to see your mummy! After you see how happy mummy is, maybe you stop cry, and be good humie breeding sow!"

Sneak peek of the Swine Bad End, which, since we're back-adding Claire's mum with the Rivermont expansion, will be changed to this scenario... If Claire is captured by the Swine and broken before she can flee, the bad end has her taken to see her mother by her captives... In this scenario, she realizes all it's all for naught, and she's screwed up by being too late and too careless. At this point, nothing will stop Claire from giving up and succumbing to the twisted debauchery of it all... At the very least, she will have her mother by her side.



Đăng Phan

Can anyone tell me what mission this is?


Yasssssssssssssssssssss please !


So can she get away from this end even after being captured before they break her


Oh yes! It's not a straightforward gameover, but rather a survivable traumatic encounter like with the Mercs in the first Shieldmaiden Quest


I would adore a possibility like with the Omega Sandworm where Claire can avoid a game over but still participate.

Lee Thompson

You keep making the bad endings so that we want them to happen ;)


i wish this would be like the worm event if you have high enough stat vs a bad end personally. i know im late to see this but i though i would share my thoughts as claire could become a double agent for them maybe? and for other enemies as well? depending on her stats


It's a very cool idea! Albeit, a whole new game. But perhaps an Occultist double agent enemy with a similar BG could work!