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Hello patrons and welcome to another 'big' combined poll series for September and October 2021!

For this poll series we are deviating away from our monster selection and delving into the topic of our pregnancy and weather systems.

As you may know, these two systems were introduced to keep players on edge, as without them players had gotten quite comfortable once a certain level of stats + wealth was accumulated and they could walk about with a fair degree of impunity.

These two systems were designed to force players to tread lightly regardless of how much they had or how far they'd come, to really simulate the feeling of Claire being a lonely stranger in a foreign land who can be taken advantage of at any time, be it by human elements, or nature itself, or just her biology as a woman.

Both systems now have their groundwork (as can  be seen ingame on how they function) so for this poll series I'd like to know how you'd like to see both of them expanded!

Vote now and be heard! (You can vote multiple times in this poll series!) Remember that the polls, as always, as not a guarantor of content, but a way for us to gauge interest from you guys, the players, on what you wish to see most.


More elaboration on choices below...

At the moment, most monster-based pregnancies are gameovers with Claire caught and her tale over. Vote for this if you'd like to see monstrous pregnancies that do not end in gameovers. This could be monsters like goblins who might have Claire strung up and captured and bred, but she later escapes while carrying a baby monster in her womb, and has to deal with all the consequences of that choice. Could a monster's very nature be changed? Or will Claire abandon it in the wild out of fear? Will that scion, in the wild, grow with hatred towards the abandoning mother it remembers and go after her once it matures into a formidable opponent in a twisted Oedipal tale? ... Or perhaps a beloved pet or steed, combined with the machinations of a mad scientist, leads to hybrid possibilities? What would come of such a pregnancy? Would parental love persist? Or would it lead to sheer unadulterated debauchery? ... Or both? The possibilities are many....

At the moment we have plans mainly for various random encounters with thugs, corrupt plutocrats, etc., to carry random pregnancy chances (1 in 5). Vote for this option, however, if you'd like to see the potential for romantic offspring between Claire and potential significant other partners such as Leon, Gallis, and so on. These pregnancies would have a different style to the existing ingame ones, as the significant other would happily take responsibility and rear the child with Claire rather than her alone in a hospital ward being forced to make hard choices.

Vote for this option if you'd like to see pregnancies that carry inherent danger to Claire. Right now there are gameovers that end with pregnancy, but this differs in the sense that an enemy monster or creature could lay eggs or impregnate Claire in a sinister, long-term incubation that slowly saps at her strength, changes who she is (either personality-wise, physically, or both), resulting in a "poison status"-type pregnancy where carrying the pregnancy too far might lead to untoward consequences. Players could even choose to carry to mid-term before getting rid of it somehow because of benefits that may be conferred during the dangerous pregnancy in a twisted form of min-maxing. (Note: Non-lethal, does not end like Aliens or the Berserk trolls, we're not really interested in that kind of guro portrayal).

Rain falls heavily. Waters break the dam, creating large flooded sinkholes. A misstep into a seemingly small, dark pool, might end with Claire gasping for air, drowning to death if she does not have what it takes to get herself out... Vote for this if you'd like elemental mishaps to increase the sense of danger during inclement weather.

You are soaked, or dying of thirst, or seeking shelter from a vicious tornado. The weather, in general, is horrific, and you need to find sanctuary. You go to a potential shelter. It is not an inn, maybe an abode, or perhaps it is a cave. Perhaps the choice is between a bedraggled stranger in a cave or a well-dressed man in a nice abode welcoming you in. Perhaps the stranger will give you water for free and let you tide out the elements while sharing his fire with no ulterior motives. And perhaps the well-dressed man will drug, rape, and kill you, with none the wiser in the storm. Perhaps it is the inverse. Perhaps it changes by chance every time you get the event so you're kept guessing. Vote for this option if you like the idea of dubious shelter propositions during weather events.

The storm kicks up everything, uproots everything. Things fly. Danger is abound. You will surely be done for if you do not hide. But wait! The storm, despite it's danger, has thrown up something shiny. Something of great worth...! Should you risk it, to get to the treasure? But getting caught would mean certain death, for sure... Vote for this if you like the idea of rare treasure/loot that only appears in dangerous weather conditions, giving you a limited timescope to nab it. 



Interesting indeed 🤫


Damn we got some freaks in here! Just leave Claire in peace.

Đăng Phan

romantic pregnancy option? I don't know if this element can be between Claire and the monster. I like a romantic adventure between humans and monsters.


Min-maxing good or bad sides of pregnancy, count me in


I would also like to vote for making pregnancies optional, if that is allowed.


Don't worry it's optional and disabled by default! You need to enable it manually ingame if you even want to see the content.


I do like the idea of romantic monster pregnancies as well!

Echo CT-1409

The monstrous pregnancy actually sounds really interesting.


These sound all so interesting and I am truly glad, you did not take Berserk as example for monster pregnancies.

Antoine Landreth

The monster one sounds interesting. A party member or assist that can aid claire like Kratos son or Tails or a devastating enemy that may prove to be Soulsborne level of danger. This could help with preventing some grape scenes and gameovers or increase them like a goblin child knocking out a horny thug or a intelligent demon having his mother be ambushed at the pub by a bunch of drunks.


Is this an either Or selection?


Monstrous pregnancies and more dubious weather elements like the paupers are definitely up there on what I'd like to see added to the game. Adds more danger but also depth to normal gameover situations


I like the dubious shelter option, but does it have to end in a game over?

Bobbie Tshwmtxuj Chang

So, when Claire is pregant, would the auto-run be disabled as a penalty? I mean, one doesn't see pregnant women running marathons or mile(s). I think it may be annoying, but I also think it is a good penalty? Maybe it would work better in Overgrowth where you have to either run away or kill monsters?


Not prior to the 2nd trimester event, because even with pregnancy you can function, although after the 2nd trimester is when the changes make the hard. Which is why in-game when you hit the 2nd trimester pregnancy event Claire is confined to bedrest until the pregnancy is over.

william wofford

I'm for options that don't end in a game over .......there are enough ways to die atm .......if you want to add more ways to die ....there is always the thief's,rangers,or merc's quest lines ....all of which could use some love ....not a big fan of pregnancy content ,i know its a kink for some ...but i would prefer the option to disable it

Larry Behrendt

These all seem great! Glad to see the project is continuing on with cool new content.


Don't worry it's optional and disabled by default! You need to enable it manually ingame if you even want to see the content.


Sounds great. How about having Claire cursed or experimented on so she gives birth to hybrids. Like horse girls, mermaids, chimera's etc.


I love the monster pregnancy idea. Opens up so much for the story on the side. Maybe the monster offspring she sires becomes a companion for the rest of the game! Or maybe fucks her senseless in the town square by surprise. The possibilities seem endless and all too amazing to pass up imo! Provided you have the manpower, time and resources to bring this to full fruition 😅


I like the idea, but I would like both a monster and a romantic pregnancy because they are compatible and I don't see why Claire can't get pregnant with a man when she can get pregnant with monsters lol choosing to raise the hybrid child or not would be great but the hybrid would have to grow up in an abnormal way for it to make sense, otherwise we would have to have an event that shows a scene where claire raises the child or not and after several years the child is a teenager or an adult depending on the script, but I wonder how it is possible to educate a child in a game, so why not have the child kidnapped and she is looking for him and he is brainwashed into becoming a bloodthirsty monster who would rape his mother (Claire) again without scruples or regrets... well, I'm exaggerating a bit and what I'm writing is at the limit of the bearable, sorry! But what I want to say is that the possibilities are infinite and that is very interesting!

Jon P

^^ I'm with this guy, the growth rate of her children, monster or not, will have to be greatly accelerated if the kids are supposed to be good for anything & the flow of time in game is supposed to make sense. Unless there end up being plot points which trigger passage of time cutscenes or something similar.


I love creating multiple choice scenarios. With the Claire's Quest scenario, the possibilities are really interesting but I am aware that it can be time consuming and difficult to include in the game. I hope the game will evolve with multiple choices. The creator of the game is a great person and open to discussion. I have a great time talking with him, I hope I can help him in any way I can to make this game an international hit. He made me want to realize my dream of creating my own games.


This might be completely off topic but I’m actually expecting more scenes where Claire can have pregnant sex with either human, monster, or animal; as well as scenes of Claire giving birth. Of course these might not apply to the creators’ taste but it’s just my personal idea XD.

karan bharat

oh i want more romance related!! some wholesome stuff would be cool