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Sometimes, Juno is just too late.

Kerry was the daughter of a well-to-do couple who had a retreat in the woods near the Cold Pine National Park. Upon hearing of the news of the coming chaos, they packed up everything and left to hide out in their cabin. However, this was no short-term disaster, and as the months dragged on, then years, and the news media cut out completely, it became clear the situation was only getting worse, and supplies were dwindling.

Kerry's parents left her in the cabin with their faithful dog, and departed in search of supplies or friendly survivors, promising to return shortly. They didn't. 

Kerry's dog, seeing his master hungry and upset, resolves to venture out to find food. On his return, he finds some supplies, but is scratched by the rabid hounds in the national park, and a scared Kerry refuses to let him out of her sight again... 

... But her faithful, last companion starts to change... And Kerry cannot bring herself to push him away or even put him down... By the time Juno gets to her, it's too late... And if Juno isn't careful, it may be too late for her, too...




When will this be implemented in game?


This is the last of our CG sets for the next and final edition polish of O:G which will bring it's development to a close!


Gotcha also was wondering were I can get the latest version of OG


The latest will always be at the top: https://www.patreon.com/dystopianproject?filters[tag]=og%20download


Any news on when this update will be released

Jayden Warwick

New wolf enemy type? If so neat. But if not that's ok. But I have one question, and that is can you save this girl before or is she doom, no matter what to this fate, also will this truly be the last cgi because if so that's ok but I would love to see more for the drayd/A ending but again it's fine if you don't


Nope! This girl is doomed from the start, by the time you find her she's changed and you find clues as to how and must avoid bumping into her or she will overwhelm you There are no other CGs after this for O:G, this will wrap it all up.


Looking forward to this! Will this be also be added to any of the scientific studies we see later on in the game, even just in text?