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Hello everyone and welcome to another set of patron polls!

As you may already know, progress on Claire's main story brings us to the town of Rivermont near Claire's lost home, either as a flashback dream sequence of Claire's mother's traumatic nightmares of when she was a captive, or as part of an upcoming Prologue expansion where Claire has the choice to head into Rivermont Town instead of towards the coast and Hookton Village like her mother requested.

Either way it is revisited, Rivermont is a town under siege by the shadowy Occult and their hordes of Swine. Pigbosses and pigmen roam the blood-soaked streets and shattered walls, presenting an ever-present threat to Claire as she attempts to sneak by them and find some way to rescue her mother.

However, apart from the pigmen and their pigbosses, we are looking to add a third enemy type to up the ante on the challenge and to also introduce a new kind of enemy to the fray unique to the Rivermont environment.

Here are the three options we are considering! You can vote multiple times, for just one or multiple!

Pit Abominations - When a newly-spawned pigboy is considered too malformed, puny, or otherwise too runty to live up to brutish pigman standards, they are summarily discarded into a "runt pit". Oftentimes these double as latrines for the Swine, such is their distaste for their deformed offspring. Given the high rate of reproduction amongst pigmen if they have ample female captives, such runt pits fill up fairly fast. To avoid suffocation and starvation alike, these runts viciously devour one another amidst the filth, festering in hatred and disgust; when a certain unholy union between unstable monstrous biology and critical organic mass is reached,  a vile, bubbling, squirming heap of inchoate flesh crawls out of the hellhole it was born in - a Pit Abomination.

These things disgust their Swine-kin almost as much as they terrify humans - but pigbosses delight whenever one such is born, for these writhing meat-hulks braying out of multiple deformed heads and swiping at everything they can grasp with their multitude of misshapen limbs cause intense horror wherever they go, breaking up even the stoutest of battle-lines amidst screams of fear. Once caught, there is no escape from the fleshy horror that is a Pit Abomination; however, their heaps of flesh have rendered them mostly blind and deaf, and they rely purely on their many groping limbs to seek prey - something that can be used to Claire's advantage to avoid one.

Mancrows - They are the carrion equivalent of monsters and their sexual appetite for human women. Mancrows are twisted harpy-like monsters with a mesh of corvine and vulturelike characteristics. They congregate wherever monsters gather, delighting in the destruction and the chaos, snatching up young men to toss them from high in the air screaming to their deaths, and kidnapping girls as they try to escape the madness. They are cowards at heart, however, and will not attack Claire until she is at low Energy, so will circle and let her wear herself out before swooping in to steal her as their prey.

Swoggs - These half-porcine, half-canine creatures are often tamed and ridden into battle by pigmen as some kind of mad squealing cavalry equivalent. Outside of battle, they are left to roam the battlefield like bloodhounds, sniffing out still-living survivors playing dead or whatever women managed to hide the initial carnage. Unlike their arguable evolutionary superiors, Swoggs do not need a line of sight to sniff out and begin chasing Claire.


Lawrence grigori

Can we have a fast sketch? I think it Will make easier take a choice


Wow that pit abomination was... very colourfully described huh :P No thanks though, a bit too nasty for my personal taste :P


Swogg with a huge biggest Dick please!!


Yeah I like the Mancrow better. New enemy, a more interesting and less gross concept. The piggies are already good as they are.

Antoine Landreth

Pit Abomination sounds like an enemy from Berserk and Bloodborne.


The Pit Abomination sounds a bit out of Claire's league but damn is it 😎. Otherwise the next best choice is the Swogg.


Pit Abominations sound cool as fuck


Very hard choice... I'm a sucker for doglike enemies and abominations of flesh... But the Mancrows are unique both kink wise and gameplay wise so I think I'll have to vote for them.